So, what you're saying, is that you think we're going to keep working on improving Hazou's personal power, and never actually get to implementing any of our uplift ideas? It's possible. I, for one, think that our position is good enough, and am planning to actually start getting things done once we're back in Leaf (assuming things don't completely blow up and we're stuck fighting fires again). I suppose we'll have to see.
Side note: I'd like to take the term "uplift" out back and have it shot. Even using it imposes an illusionary bi-directionality to societal structure as if there were scale with "higher" at one end and "lower" at the other. If you want to alter the trade-offs and beneficiaries of society that's fine, but there is no "up" to be "lifted" to, only change.
That said, it's more that balancing Hazou's efforts to increase his personal power with efforts to actual make changes he wants to see in the world is a real dilemma. If Hazou never does anything, then obviously nothing will get done. On the other hand, the less personal power he has the more difficult any given change will be to make. Just as a for-example, a non-chakra-using civilian might seek to influence some area of village policy and succeed in doing so after a dedicated campaign of persuasion, social pressure, and influence that is literally the project of years of work. An S-ranker with deep social ties to the rulers of the village might be able to accomplish the same thing with a week of argument and words in the right ears.
The more Hazou works to increase his personal power, the faster he can pass through changes he wants to see. If he does nothing but increase his personal power, then he's not actually changing anything at all. On the other hand, the more time he devotes to projects of social change, the less speed with which personal power accumulates and not much happens either because he lacked the power to push through any changes. How much time do you spend training your army before embarking on a campaign? It's a classic optimization problem and so fuzzy that there's no mathematical answer.
The clan thing is a bit different, though. Let's say we want to make use of the industrial applications of force walls as developed by
@Winged_One. Do we do this in such a way that all the profits remain in Goketsu coffers, or so the whole economy can benefit? I genuinely expect most of us would pick the latter, and that consequently Hazou would as well.
Seems to me that's a false dilemma. The fastest way to introduce an industrial innovation isn't to go around talking about how great it is. It's to use it to successfully make a lot of profits, whereupon imitators will appear so that they can get in on the profits as well. That's literally the foundation of and moral justification for capitalism. I assure you, there's probably dozens of people working on creating their own version of the printing press 'right now' in the Elemental Nations (if they haven't built them already), because they see the utility of printed books. Nara Shikaku didn't need to give it away to make that happen, and in fact attempting to give it away might have been a failure because he didn't demonstrate the actual utility of the thing.