We could do this mission within an hour's time tbh (and should).
Scout around his warehouse. If it looks easy. Then do it?
Though, her prism can only extend 120 meters.
We could do this mission within an hour's time tbh (and should).
Why? For the poison (why do we need the poison)? For the team bonding (why does murdering a civilian help that)?We could do this mission within an hour's time tbh (and should).
Not a lot, since Jiraiya argues that getting the messages to his contacts is more important than keeping the contacts' cover. Which means this guy getting robbed, and his value as a contact diminished, is less important than getting messages to Jiraiya's contacts.
I'm voting NO for doing the assassination mission, mainly since our actual mission is more important than this side-quest.
'm voting NO for doing the assassination mission, mainly since our actual mission is more important than this side-quest.
To be honest, I am not sure of the value of the alleged chakra snake venom. We already have paralytic poison.
To be honest, I am not sure of the value of the alleged chakra snake venom. We already have paralytic poison.
I'd like to point out that our contact may have been compromised (like Hashimoto) and this Shirakawa guy is secretly a -insert enemy village nin here- trying to kill off more of Jiraiya's allies by pretending to be a civilian criminal. Or he's been turned, either/or.
To be honest, I am not sure of the value of the alleged chakra snake venom. We already have paralytic poison.
I'd like to point out that our contact may have been compromised (like Hashimoto) and this Shirakawa guy is secretly a -insert enemy village nin here- trying to kill off more of Jiraiya's allies by pretending to be a civilian criminal. Or he's been turned, either/or.
You bring up a good point.If he's secretly anti-Leaf, we already messed up big time by giving him that message from the Hokage. Beating up an outlaw for him doesn't really make that any worse, and if we think we should assume he's an enemy regardless, we should just kill him now and hope it doesn't end up as Kabuto 2.0
We don't have any reason to suspect him aside from general all-encompasing suspicions, and unless we find more of a reason then we should assume he's as friendly as our Spymaster Hokage told us he is.
Why has Wakihasa suddenly become a biologist? This doesn't really jive with his personality at all and doesn't make much sense either. I get that he's training to become a medic nin but that doesn't mean he's all of a sudden also super interested in biology. The progression just doesn't make sense. He's constantly bragging about becoming a premier ninjutsu master; why would he suddenly decide to completely shift gears and focus on medical jutsu?
Sealing seems like it's done very little for us compared to what other people are getting out of their skill sets. All of our inventions were actually just ideas that Kagome developed. I understand that sealing is supposed to be very difficult but there hasn't really been a pay off (for our investment) yet. Everything we've done could've been done instead by just giving our ideas to Kagome.
We told Jiraiya how we invented the skywalkers. This means he can (along with all the other seal masters in Leaf) trivially reinvent the seal. Why on earth would he be so interested in getting us to stay in Leaf? We are people who have betrayed a village before. We've declared that we have loyalties to members of Mist. We've proven time and again that we have almost no ability to keep our mouths shut and are extremely impulsive. At best, we're a liability. At worst, we're a threat to Leaf.
What was the purpose of the three crazy Kagome chapters? Is that going to be the actual back story for this or are you just fucking with us? If I'm becoming completely honest, I sincerely hope it's the latter. Adding that plotline doesn't add anything to the story and, if anything, just makes me less interested. It reads, at least for that section, like you were very liberally using story elements from Ra. I'm just not crazy interested and would prefer if the story stuck to a rational take on the Naruto universe; the back story doesn't do much outside of making it seem much less rational.
That brings me to something bizarre that I've noticed. How have Jiraiya and Mari (as far as I can tell) not picked up on Kagome's sealing genius? He has to be one of the better seal masters in the world; either that, or all of the research he's been doing is actually fairly trivial. I suppose the second is certainly possible but it really doesn't seem that way.
I don't understand Jiraiya's purpose when he's sending us off on this courier mission. He separated us from our greatest combat asset, attached a random inexperienced Chunin as our leader, and then told us to essentially visit every country on the planet in order to deliver messages. This seems both extremely inefficient and also very dangerous. Without any strong combat assets, we're really just a large group of genin and a fortifications expert. It would be very easy for us to get in a fight with somebody stronger than us and get curbstomped. Why would Jiraiya send out his newest agents and members of his clan when there's a decently high chance that one of them dies? It seems odd to me.
Explosives are more important
[amends NPC character sheets accordingly]
If that happens, you have to at least pretend to drop your guard, otherwise they'll realise you saw through the genjutsu and try something even worse next time.But @faflec, have you considered that even if you -think- you killed someone, turned the body to pulp, turned the pulp into ashes, and spread the ashes to a strong east wind, that the whole thing could have just been Genjutsu and they're waiting for you to drop your guard so they can strike?
What kind of person can survive explosions but not poisons?Yes, but if you can work in poisons with your explosions, they'll be extra deadly.