You know, I just realized we literally have invented a system to make diplo rolls better for us: CCnJ.
Skill: Clear Communication No Jutsu
1*Int, 1*Manipulation
Requires both parties to have skill.
Learning skill requires someone to have previously introduced them to the idea and willingness to learn.
No prerequisites required aside from being alive and able to reason.
Bonding over frustration about inefficient ways to communicate, Hazou and Keiko created a new conversational method in a burst of analytical creativity. When introduced, CCnJ was met with indifference to eager adoption, but Mari sensei has warned that some may not understand and there are definitely situations where it is not okay.
- Initial Deception roll.
- Starting level removes best half of deception rolls for the interaction
- Higher levels of CCnJ remove the highest remaining deception die from both parties, with the party with the least CCnJ being the one to determine how many die are lost.
- Success will add +3 dice to social interaction(needs to be refined)
- Actual social interaction will add two thirds of the difference between the lower diplomacy stat and higher diplomacy stat to the lower diplomacy stat rounded down, along with any die gained during Deception roll
- e.g Hazo CCnJing with Keiko will give Hazo 16 dice and Keiko 21, assuming Hazou doesn't win the deception roll, in which case he gains +3 (arbitrary right now) to make the interaction 19 die vs 21.
- Using CCnJ on target has a chance to remove two diplomacy die from all interactions within the conversation if the target does not have CCnJ or does not approve of CCnJ in context (read: marriage proposals, etc.
Seems mechanically complicated and thematically wrong to involve deception, but it is a great idea to turn CCnJ into a skill. I think we could simplify it like this...
Composure*1, Intelligence*3, Resolve*3
If both parties have CCnJ and using it is appropriate for the situation, add CCnJ level to diplomacy roll.