Having been missing-nin for 600k words already, I for one welcome the change of pace. In-character, Hazou would certainly never choose to go back to being a missing-nin, especially given how advantageous the cirumstances of his Leaf recruitment are. Now that Hazou is no longer as concerned about the ever-present threat of imminent death, the players' ambitions from thousands of pages ago w/r/t the world can finally start to be realized.
First draft of an Iron Nerve social booster:
Steely Presence
Int*2, Composure*4, Dex*4
To an ordinary ninja, the body is a temple inhabited by one's spirit, intimate to and inextricable from one's self. To a Kurosawa, however, the body is merely the corporeal extension of one's mind, a fleshly puppet of blood and ligament subordinate to the programming of the will. This is the power that allows Kurosawa to stand unflinchingly in the line of fire, to execute flawlessly and without hesitation despite injury, privation, terror or agony. The power that mastered these vicissitudes of battle can bring order also to the chaos of social interaction. The body is nothing less than the vessel through which a mind interacts with the world; a mind that can program its body to triumph in war can succeed equally in peace simply by changing the program.
This is Hazou's personally developed "Iron Nerve socialization" skill, so its stat requirements and specifics may differ from orthodox Kurosawa methods. It is designed to leverage his strengths as much as possible.
1) First, an extensive library of well-executed bodily configurations (as curated by Mari) is created. The most generally useful and versatile configurations are accumulated first.
2) Generalized templates for social interaction are the first priority; these templates emphasize steadiness and poise along with confident but un-threatening vocal tonality. Eliminating all unnecessary fidgets, twitches, and bodily tells down to the micro-expression level is not only an excellent tool for deception, it also projects a firm but non-hostile confidence in ordinary interactions. Relatively relaxed musculature and vocal cues will ensure that stillness is not conflated for nervous fear or anhedonia.
3) The challenge lies in keeping track of all configurations in the library and fluidly recalling them for use in the appropriate situations, a task that requires high raw INT. The quality of the poses themselves is dependent on bodily precision (DEX) and steadiness (COMP), though only the best pose out of thousands of tries needs to be memorized, thus the requirements are not as steep.
*Whether or not the target knows you are using Iron Nerve, your nonverbal communication is anatomically perfect, so no opposed check is required to activate Steely Presence. Nonverbal cues constitute 80% of communication. They are arguably far more important than the specific words said. We always know that advertising is trying to sell us something, but a well-made ad still gets more attention and appreciation than a poorly-made one - and especially well-made ads may be more entertaining than the show itself.
*Nothing ever 'gets' to the Kurosawa who employs Steely Presence; the micro-flinches and minute tells that even an experienced ninja may exhibit are simply absent in him.
*The goal is not to manipulate anyone, but rather to present one's own dialogue in an exceptionally competent manner. The stupidest jokes can be hilarious with proper delivery, and genuinely funny jokes can fall flat if delivered poorly. Additionally, both parties benefit from an interaction free of awkwardness or instability.
*However, Steely Presence requires one to override natural social instincts in favor of programmed templates. To simulate higher levels of social ability, a broader library is required.
*This requires Iron Nerve to learn, and the Iron Nerve +3 bonus applies to this Skill.
*Add half the level of Steely Presence to any in-person Diplomacy or Deception check.
*Steely Presence can only be activated if your Steely Presence rank matches or exceeds your rank in the pertinent social Skill.
Mechanically speaking, it's above-average in power level for a Skill, mediated by the Bloodline requirement and intensive Attribute requirements. That the Skill must be leveled higher than one's baseline social skills emphasizes the transhuman (some might say inhuman) nature of Bloodline Limits.
Of course, for Hazou these specific Attribute requirements are not a problem, but Hazou is also the character with by far the most XP tied into Attributes. Attributes do nothing on their own, so to reach mechanical parity with his teammates (or even other genin of similar XP totals), he badly needs Skills that key off his massive INT. Jiraiya himself primarily uses two Skills that key off INT (Summoning and Sealing, both at Int*1), and Hazou should follow his example of efficiency. Hopefully the presence of a relatively efficient social Skill will encourage the players not to fear socializing as badly, which would be more fun for all parties. If Hazou is able to actually talk to strangers without running to Inoue or dropping his spaghetti, the plot will advance much more quickly by sheer virtue of not having to write an "Inoue-checking scene" between every dialogue scene.
@OliWhail ,
@eaglejarl ,
@Velorien , is this Skill acceptable?