We don't need to be a large village. At least not at first.
If the Yakuza have managed to pick up a handful of ninja, I'm sure we can recruit enough to staff a political summit.
The Yakuza are a massive, long-established semi-legal conglomerate with oodles of monies and lots of perks. They're effectively already a shadow-state in and of themselves.
-and tiny villages, especially ones populated entirely by international criminals, may not be the best at employing the intimidatory hedgehog defense in pursuit of international goodwill and fellowship.
Not really sure what the confusion is. We offer them power with our seals. It makes sense that this gives us a bargaining position. It doesn't make sense that this lets them control our actions.
Jiraiya did exactly the same thing with us, long before we gave him squat. If we act in a damaging way, their threat is to disaffiliate with us.
More importantly, we offer them the team's knowledge of the outside world and contacts within it. These villagers didn't even know what medics were beyond legends. If the team can offer some relationships in Leaf, Rice, and Iron, especially the sort of powerful ones which can be bought with a combination of a seal cache and an alliance with a village in control of Tea, that makes them immensely valuable to the villagers. They'd have to take a chance on somebody, and the team have a head start in being the only outsiders that they have already taken a chance on. Everything they learn about the outside world will be filtered through whatever lens we want to give them.
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