I'm kinda worried about the update, namely that it's going to be another
Bonfire of Tapirs or
Mistakes. We have no combat plan in place which means there will be no direct player influence on what will happen. Big, exciting fight scenes are nice, but I can't really bring myself to care about them if we didn't make decisions about how they should go down. That's even with
@eaglejarl's excellent writing.
But I guess that's on us, we should've made an actual combat plan when we had the time. (But then again we were struggling with the actual plans, so it's not like we had extra juice to spend on that.)
To be fair, the plan was to observe her from very far away from high platforms made out of 5SB'd ice, using teammates transformed into giant telescopes. It just turned out that we can't actually do any of that stuff.
At that point we probably should've changed gears and voted to do nothing, but that is kind of an anathema to me; I really don't want another VHitM.
Yeah, Akane was slated for Stealth with Keiko originally (I don't really like the idea of solo operatives, teamwork is where it's at), but I feel like we need to swap one them for Nobby.
I don't actually have strong opinions on who should be our Diplomancer, the builds I made are less suggestions more something I did to figure out what we can actually do.
Stealth specced Akane gets something like 2 dice more to Traps from Stealth, which is not really a deal breaker whatever way we go.
A better argument for Stealth and Traps in the same build is that the places we want to sneak in will most likely be trapped. So if Akane is not there to deal with the traps we need another solution, in Keiko's case it would probably be summons.