We also have dampeners which are handy for surgery. I don't recall if we shared those or not, I think we left it up to Noburi if he wanted to
You did, back in chapter 626.

"Before I start, these are for you." He lay a packet of seals on her desk. "Dampener seals. They offer a slight resistance to motion, which helps to smooth out normal muscle jitter. Makes your hands steadier, which helps with calligraphy for sealing and should also help for surgery. Let me know if they do." [...]

One fine-lined blonde eyebrow rose. "Interesting bribe."

"Oh, this isn't the bribe. This is stuff I've been meaning to drop off, and it's unconditional. The bribe comes after I make my pitch."
As Oro described it, he just starts walking in a "random" direction and happens to be correct. He may be able to discern we're over the ocean but not know more specifics than that. It would be harder for us to hide a research facility in the middle of the ocean compared to a forest (we would likely stick out more) but OTOH it would be harder to sneak up on us via skywalkers/flying, you'd have to sneak up by swimming. Probably they would need to send Kisame or Deidara after us if we went this route, the others aren't as equipped for ocean voyage
There's also the point that if we go far enough out, it would require a truly monumental quantity of skywalkers for the journey. We can have an army of shadow clones manufacture them for ours, and it should be a decent deterrent towards random walking from Hidan after a certain point.

The problem is that Konan might be able to duplicate them to provide for Hidan. Similarly, Itachi's summons might be able to carry Hidan and Itachi. It's a deterrent, but not impossible to overcome, just really fucking tedious.
There's also the point that if we go far enough out, it would require a truly monumental quantity of skywalkers for the journey. We can have an army of shadow clones manufacture them for ours, and it should be a decent deterrent towards random walking from Hidan after a certain point.

The problem is that Konan might be able to duplicate them to provide for Hidan. Similarly, Itachi's summons might be able to carry Hidan and Itachi. It's a deterrent, but not impossible to overcome, just really fucking tedious.
Plus Deidara's clay creations/flight ninjutsu, Konan shunting skywalkers to the scouting party via Seventh Path.
We're not going to be able to defend Leaf without making some very public runes....

They don't have to be ultra public. A few runes in a big stone box (open top maybe) with ANBU sitting around to ensure people don't go near works fine.

We don't have to explain shit to anybody so long as Naruto knows it needs to be kept under wraps and makes it a priority.
They don't have to be ultra public. A few runes in a big stone box (open top maybe) with ANBU sitting around to ensure people don't go near works fine.

We don't have to explain shit to anybody so long as Naruto knows it needs to be kept under wraps and makes it a priority.
"We've determined that, for arcane reasons that we couldn't possibly explain to anyone who isn't an expert lithosealer, that the runes need to be placed at centre of the Goketsu Estate. Unfortunately, to preserve their top-secret status, they'll need to be covered by anti-byakugaan runes 24/7. So sad, can't be helped, we're sure you'll be able to explain it to the Hyuuga. We assume the Tower will provide those seals, as this is a matter of national security? We'd love to, but we don't have the capacity to maintain the runes and the seals. Unless there's a part of the village you don't want protected? Would you miss the south quarter if it was obliterated?"