EhhhhWe made a puffer seal and it's landing blows at 100m. We made a runic HOWS, a seal that basically serves as candlelight, and it omnidirectionally blinds a full zone.
Puffer seals are equivalent to explosive seals. So not that impressive all things considered. Puffer runes are only modestly better than implosion seals. The rest is cool but not combat applicable in the slightest.
Sure, I have no doubt that given 3 years Hazou could solo Akatsuki with his runes. However it's very likely that we will not have that long.Fundamentally, if we can get kill spells reliably large, and it looks like we should, the Akatsuki have not shown that they would be immune to it.
The question is "can we make effects big enough to kill Akatsuki reliably in the timescale we have?" This is not clear at all. Most of our powerful runes are simply too difficult to research. Many potential avenues of attack are not panning out at all.
Both of these seem sufficiently complex that I would want prep days on them before writing a conditional action plan.I think that we should do work on those both if they are well within our capabilities regardless of if we also do prep days for them during that update cycle. But duly noted.