Voting is open for the next 17 hours, 54 minutes
@MMKII I second Sir Stompy's suggestions regarding approaching Cannai.

Last call for edits:

[X] Action Plan: An Attempt to Make Hazou Know Things
Word count: <299
Intended Duration: 12 days subjective, 10 calendar.

  • Leave Aisu Bay when Kei judges it's time. Sanity check, then head for western Gaikotsu Bay.
  • Research: Full-prep everything. Reroll only for safety, never progress.
  • Other tracks on difficulty checks (in order):
  • Read notes instead of FOOMing with extra blocks.
  • Spend time with Snowflake on a Skytower, under nighttime sky. Discuss:
    • The stresses of the mission and looming deadlines. Rusting skills.
    • Missing our family. We're glad she's here, with us.
    • How we're glad to have her in our life. She's important, and deserves to hear that.
      • After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more. We don't want to take anyone for granted.
  • Sanity-check with Kei:
    • Cannai:
      • Discuss the raid. Tentative suggestion (Cannai knows Dog's strengths best, obviously)
        • The Dogs' great strengths are numbers, coordination, stamina, and tracking.
        • Based on the interrogation, Leopards travel in "packs" of ~5+ combatants.
        • Potential favorable strategy: harry their "packs" in groups too large to fight (20 Dogs?), cornering them when they have to defend their cubs or get too tired to run.
      • Are there any Dogs that might help us develop Roki into something that'd be useful against quadrupeds?
        • Would Cannai introduce us?
        • If yes:
          • Meet the Dog on a good day (without Consequences). Aim to make a good impression.
          • Work on this during SSA-rest days.
          • Incorporate Force Blades into the new taijutsu style.
    • Misc:
      • Give Noburi a copy of MS7. Any medical applications?
      • Test whether a HOWR makes a 5SB expire faster.
      • Test whether a campfire will trigger a LR seal set to receive below-red.
Either we do something like that, or we create a better HOWS variant wholecloth. That also sounds like a good idea to me so I'll probably add the suped up HOWS into the prep day pile when I edit the plan. (E: I also keep forgetting that faflec's "cannibal rune" thing is just an explosive rune that activates on sight. That might be worth a shot too if Oro has a seal that does that, but I'm slightly skeptical.)
Out of curosity, would you be interested in a prep day on it? I'm not sure there's much support at this time but @Noumero commented earlier that it might be viable delivery vector, especially against Itachi.
Fair warning, you should fully expect the QMs to ignore hyphens and look without fondness on ways to get around WC.
Unless anything changed, the standard for measuring word count is Google Docs, yes? Which counts hyphenated compound modifiers as single words. Which, in my opinion, makes perfect sense. I've always been writing plans this way (while taking care not to abuse the hyphenation mechanic), and the QMs never mentioned that as a problem.

It's grammatically correct, too.
I think @faflec meant the activates-on-sight rune.

(See that hyphenation? That's grammatically correct.)
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Out of curosity, would you be interested in a prep day on it? I'm not sure there's much support at this time but @Noumero commented earlier that it might be viable delivery vector, especially against Itachi.
Unless anything changed, the standard for measuring word count is Google Docs, yes? Which counts hyphenated compound modifiers as single words. Which, in my opinion, makes perfect sense. I've always been writing plans this way (while taking care not to abuse the hyphenation mechanic), and the QMs never mentioned that as a problem.

It's grammatically correct, too.

I think @faflec meant the activates-on-sight rune.

(See that hyphenation? That's grammatically correct too.)

Ah, I see. I'm not sure actually. Let's see how the current round of explosive rune variants check out difficulty-wise maybe?
Using an observation trigger to initiate a physical effect sounds super hard.

Better route is a rune that is constantly active, and just drives whoever looks at it insane or comatose or whatever.
I'm not going to bother updating my plan to include the Snowflake scene, I think, since it looks very unlikely to win at this point. Anyone yet to vote who would like to vote for my plan, I recommend that you vote for Sir Stompy's plan as well/instead, since the primary competition is now between that and MMKII's and Sir Stompy's is more similar to mine than MMKII's is.
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[X] Training Plan Hazō: Next AB!
[X] Action Plan: An Attempt to Make Hazou Know Things

Looked through the plans line-by-line and found that I am slightly more swayed by the argument that we need actual rune progress to augment our runecrafting in general. I'm not quite going to bet that we'll run out of ideas to prep-day, but I think that our truly promising ideas are not going to find it hard to get prep days whenever we come up with them, no matter how many we still have to churn through overall.
Even a Hyūga would have difficulty detecting a rune 400m away buried 50m underground, and that's assuming they both knew to look and knew to care if they spotted it.
That's mainly due to distance limitations on Byakugan isn't it? If they are in range they would perceive a rune as likely some sort of static chakra blob more substantial than a paper seal but smaller than a person. We have little quantitative data on the more advanced sensory capabilities of Akatsuki, and if our traps are going to deployed in an attractive location like the Rift then I would assume they would be cautious about unknown readings on static ground. Burying runes complicates triggering and for many nukes will dampen their effects unless the research into offset rune effects bears fruit. Granted, chaff ditches all subtlety but what I'm really gunning for here is a foothold in researching completely hiding chakra signatures and/or generating convincing mirages.

[X] Training Plan Hazō: Next AB!
[X] Action Plan: An Attempt to Make Hazou Know Things

I like the overall research lineup for this plan better. In particular, if anti-paper doesn't target infused seals I don't see why it would affect Konan who infuses paper with her chakra for a living.
That's mainly due to distance limitations on Byakugan isn't it?
The key thing to understand is that there are established rules against jutsu across distances that runes operate over. There are zero established reasons that any member of Akatsuki, with their various and overpowered means of survival, would be worried about a stationary underground blob of chakra 400m away fairly deep underground. There just isn't a feasible mechanism for that to harm them, from what they know, and also c'mon, we're talking about Akatsuki here, they waddle into Hazō's house, square up against the Hokage on prepared ground. Avoiding runes wouldn't just be bullshit, it would be uncharacteristic bullshit.
Burying runes complicates triggering and for many nukes will dampen their effects unless the research into offset rune effects bears fruit.
Make remote trigger runes, a basic set of AOE blind&kill effects, and improve restraints eg. with an omnidirectional Force Dome and an anti-space-jutsu rune, in that order of priority. Almost all of the rest is faff. Hazō outguns the Akatsuki by a ridiculous degree, and can maintain such for literally weeks on end. Specific anti-member runes are good defensive setups but do not trade well when Hazō is in a time-constrained world and literally can't survive a second against an Akatsuki in close range. Energy beams are a plausible alternative path to remote triggering, and promise several advantages, at the risk of being too survivable or hard to use.
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[X] Action Plan: An Attempt to Make Hazou Know Things

Sorry @Kyreneryk, the reason I preferred your plan is that it got all the prep days done in just 5 days, then let us vote in actual research with that additional information. If it's going to be 10 days anyway, I'm more interested in researching another rune than doing a few more prep days at the end of the queue. It's not that I think we will immediately get more accurate prep days with a few more completed rune. Rather, there seem to be insights that Hazou only gets when the rune is finished. For example, iirc it's only when Hazou completed TR125 that he realized that it would have been easier without the 1 week duration constraint. That's the kind of information that helps us better predict what might be doable and better formulate specs for all runes, not just the ones in the same family as the researched rune.

Edit: The capacitor rune in particular builds veterancy and might provide new leads for rune chains that explicitly interact with chakra. It might also not give any interesting information (which is information in itself, negative results are useful, but ok in this case it would not be worth the time spent on it). So I think it's lower priority than other things, but since we don't know whether the others things are researchable at the moment, I think it's still worth the opportunity cost of a non-SSA track.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by eaglejarl on Jun 24, 2024 at 12:44 PM, finished with 232 posts and 27 votes.
woah hey I just noticed the winning plan has us alone on a skytower with Snowflake telling her we care about her. That's that good shit right there.
Okay, assuming we make significant progress on Runes, which ones do we want to research next? Of the ...well within... runes we have done prep days on so far I think there are just 2 remaining. The Air Leadening and the Chakra Mapping.

We still have Superchillers and TR130 as well. TR 130 could plausibly be done in a single cycle. So if we're running out of Runes we could work on that. Superchillers - we promised Kei not to research. I'm willing to break that promise, but not before a soft deadline.
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Okay, assuming we make significant progress on Runes, which ones do we want to research next? Of the ...well within... runes we have done prep days on so far I think there are just 2 remaining. The Air Leadening and the Chakra Mapping.

We still have Superchillers and TR130 as well. TR 130 could plausibly be done in a single cycle. So if we're running out of Runes we could work on that. Superchillers - we promised Kei not to research. I'm willing to break that promise, but not before a soft deadline.
I'd like to try and get a check done on Balefire Runes. They were skipped over last time, iirc.
One day. One day I will find out whether PLTRs work. But it is not this day.

More seriously; thank you everyone for running the kind of quest that's friendly enough for a newcomer to post a plan and have it actually be a serious competitor (at least temporarily). I'll admit I found the process of making and advocating for Research, Reassess pretty stressful, but it was a worthwhile experience even if I never end up doing it again, and I felt like people were treating me ~the same as more experienced planmakers instead of just ignoring me as a newcomer. Thanks to @MMKII especially - I opposed your plan fairly vehemently, but I very much appreciate you engaging with me about the reasoning for it.

If anyone has any feedback about how my technique was - on plan structure (what little there was that wasn't copied from Stompy's plan!), tone of discussion, voter interaction conventions, or anything else - I'd very much appreciate it (though of course no obligation to produce any!), either in the thread or by PM.

Though with all of that said ...
Both action plans do >:3
What am I, chopped liver? (/s)
Okay, assuming we make significant progress on Runes, which ones do we want to research next? Of the ...well within... runes we have done prep days on so far I think there are just 2 remaining. The Air Leadening and the Chakra MappiWe still have Superchillers and TR130 as well. TR 130 could be done in a single cycle. So if we're running out of Runes we could work on that. Superchillers - we promised Kei not to research. I'm willing to break that promise, but not before a soft deadline.
Force Dome. Not only is the stagnation removal nice,
but it is one of the few that's pretty much immediately useable. Implementing air domes if this is better would be wasteful. And this is the sort of rune we can bring to Naruto and have him be justified in his time investment on us, even if it isn't offense.
(But I totally trust the thread to find an offensive use for it.)
The increased AB and slight stat increase isn't a lot, but it that plus potential rerolls would likely make it possible. Plus, I think if we want more accurate info on rune possibility, doing one that isn't "well within" gives a reasonable chance a refining our calibration.
Voting is open for the next 17 hours, 54 minutes