Voting is open for the next 17 hours, 55 minutes
Bro's almost at wit's end with some of these creatively speaking. I'm surprised the names are better than "The Runinator v1: This Time For Sure".

3 updates from now Hazo Prime has started researching "Explosive Rune: Final" and "Explosive Rune: New Final". He's also started doing the calculations on "Time Rune 3: Final" and "Time Rune 3: Final version part 4"
Is there any plausible way Hazou calls the rune this in-universe?
The narrative reason behind the name MARS is that it's an abbreviation that sounds like a word, rather than having to type it all out.

Alao, I maintain that Kei should only ever receive her CATEARS via a headband with kitten ears on it. The memes. The kittensphere jokes. They write themselves!

Bro's almost at wit's end with some of these creatively speaking. I'm surprised the names are better than "The Runinator v1: This Time For Sure".

This is how Minato ended up with his naming style, isn't it?
  1. Have Noburi hire out a Chakra Beast Tiger extermination mission --for the pelts, specifically.
  2. Take the tiger ears, taxidermy them onto a headband (enlist Kagome's help)
  3. Slap a CATEARS seal on the headband.
  4. Kei will have her very own Cat Ears CATEARS headband to show off to her kittensphere.
  5. ???
  6. Profit
Right, because you don't currently have big cat-corpses on hand. Makes sense.
Kei has this pesky little thing called "morals" that would prevent her from wearing the skins of our slain sophont enemies --assholes or no. Alas, it seems we must do this the hard way (throw money at the problem so the glorious meme can be achieved).
Would we have to spend an FP to Declare this or do we need to wait for the next mission?

CANNAI: "My sweet cinnamon roll summoner. He's no direct combatant, but that's okay. He's not Kakashi, he's Hazou, and he's just a boy. Besides, he can contribute to the Dog Clan in his own way."

HAZOU: "So yeah, we wasted a bunch of cat people, and now I'm going to skin their corpses to make a people-flesh hair accessory for my little sister."

CANNAI: " fuck?"

HAZOU: "Good point, don't tell her I called her my little sister. I mean, she totally is, but she's also scary as hell."
@Sir Stompy, merged your plan with @RandomOTP's and optimized the wording to be sub-300. Here you go:
Word Count: 297
Intended Duration: 12 days subjective, 10 calendar.
  • Leave Aisu Bay when Kei judges it's time.
  • Research: Full-prep everything. Re-roll only for safety, never for progress.
    • SSA Track 1: Air-Leadening Rune.
    • SSA Track 2: Icarus Rune.
    • Non-SSA Track: Storage Rune (proceed only if "...well within...").
  • Difficulty checks:
  • Read notes instead of FOOMing with extra blocks.
  • Spend time with Snowflake on a Skytower, under nighttime sky. Discuss:
    • The stresses of the mission and looming deadlines. Rusting skills.
    • Missing our family. We're glad she's here, with us.
    • How we're glad to know her and be known by her. She's important, and deserves to hear that.
      • After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more. We don't want to take anyone for granted.
  • Sanity-check with Kei:
    • Cannai:
      • Discuss the raid. Tentative suggestion (Cannai knows Dog's strengths best, obviously)
        • The Dogs' great strengths are numbers, coordination, stamina, and tracking.
        • Based on the interrogation, Leopards travel in "packs" of 5+ combatants.
        • Potential favourable strategy: harry their "packs" in groups too large to fight (20 Dogs?), cornering them when they have to defend their cubs or get too tired to run.
      • Are there any Dogs that'd be inclined to help us develop Roki into something that'd be useful against quadrupeds?
        • Would Cannai introduce us?
        • If yes:
          • Meet the Dog on a good day (without Consequences). Aim to make a good impression.
          • Work on this during SSA-rest days.
          • Incorporate Force Blades into the new taijutsu style.
    • Misc:
      • Give Noburi a copy of MS7. Any medical applications?
      • Test whether a HOWR makes a 5SB expire faster.
      • Test whether a campfire will trigger LR seal set to receive below-red.
      • Compare Hazō's sun measurements with Gaku's.
[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research

@MMKII, I petition for you to include that scene as well. Below is a rewritten version of your plan too. (Note that "Pokéspacer" is just my "the Pocket-Space Rune" which I've renamed to minimize word count.)
Word count: 299
Intended Duration: 12 days subjective, 10 calendar.
  • Leave Aisu Bay when Kei judges it's time.
  • Research: Full-prep everything. Re-roll for safety, never for progress.
  • Other tracks on difficulty checks (in order), then sealing notes:
  • Spend time with Snowflake on a Skytower, under nighttime sky. Discuss:
    • Stresses of the mission and looming deadlines. Rusting skills.
    • Missing our family. We're glad she's here, with us.
    • How we're glad to know her and be known by her. She's important, and deserves to hear that.
      • After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more. We don't want to take anyone for granted.
  • Sanity-check with Kei:
    • Cannai:
      • Respectfully, for the next raid, a larger force seems warranted. We've never had even a 2:1 numbers advantage.
      • Tentative suggestion (Cannai knows Dog's strengths best, obviously):
        • The Dogs' great strengths are numbers, coordination, stamina, and tracking.
        • Based on the interrogation, Leopards travel in "packs" of 5+ combatants.
        • Potential favourable strategy: harry their "packs" in groups too large to fight (20 Dogs?), cornering them when they have to defend their cubs or get too tired to run.
      • Are there any Dogs that'd be inclined to help us develop Roki into something that'd be useful against quadrupeds?
        • Would Cannai introduce us?
        • If yes: Meet the dog. Aim to make a good impression.
          • Work on this during SSA-rest days.
          • Incorporate Force Blades into the new taijutsu style.
    • Misc:
      • Give Noburi a copy of MS7. Any medical applications?
      • Test whether a HOWR makes a 5SB expire faster.
      • Test whether a campfire will trigger LR seal set to receive below-red.

@Noumero, I have implemented this. *sticks hand out for vote*

I have the highest respect for this munchkin cheese and I salute you.

I read this pile of posts while cooking dinner and said aloud in my kitchen "This is the most Marked for Death shit that I have ever seen. They are minmaxing the goddamn acronyms."
CANNAI: "My sweet cinnamon roll summoner. He's no direct combatant, but that's okay. He's not Kakashi, he's Hazou, and he's just a boy. Besides, he can contribute to the Dog Clan in his own way."

HAZOU: "So yeah, we wasted a bunch of cat people, and now I'm going to skin their corpses to make a people-flesh hair accessory for my little sister."

CANNAI: " fuck?"

HAZOU: "Good point, don't tell her I called her my little sister. I mean, she totally is, but she's also scary as hell."
Remember when we boiled that Leopard alive? Like last chapter? Are we the baddies?

JK we always were.
[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research
Word Count: 299
Intended Duration: 12 days subjective, 10 calendar.
  • Leave Aisu Bay when Kei judges it's time. Sanity check then head for western Gaikotsu Bay.
  • Research: Full-prep everything. Re-roll only for safety, never progress.
    • SSA Track 1: Air-Leadening Rune.
    • SSA Track 2: Icarus Rune.
    • Non-SSA Track: Storage Rune (proceed only if "...well within...").
  • Difficulty checks:
  • Read notes instead of FOOMing with extra blocks.
  • Spend time with Snowflake on a Skytower, under nighttime sky. Discuss:
    • The stresses of the mission and looming deadlines. Rusting skills.
    • Missing our family. We're glad she's here, with us.
    • How we're glad to know her and be known by her. She's important, and deserves to hear that.
      • After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more. We don't want to take anyone for granted.
  • Sanity-check with Kei:
    • Cannai:
      • Discuss the raid. Tentative suggestion (Cannai knows Dog's strengths best, obviously)
        • The Dogs' great strengths are numbers, coordination, stamina, and tracking.
        • Based on the interrogation, Leopards travel in "packs" of 5+ combatants.
        • Potential favorable strategy: harry their "packs" in groups too large to fight (20 Dogs?), cornering them when they have to defend their cubs or get too tired to run.
      • Are there any Dogs that'd be inclined to help us develop Roki into something that'd be useful against quadrupeds?
        • Would Cannai introduce us?
        • If yes:
          • Meet the Dog on a good day (without Consequences). Aim to make a good impression.
          • Work on this during SSA-rest days.
          • Incorporate Force Blades into the new taijutsu style.
    • Misc:
      • Give Noburi a copy of MS7. Any medical applications?
      • Test whether a HOWR makes a 5SB expire faster.
      • Test whether a campfire will trigger LR seal set to receive below-red.
      • Compare Hazō's sun measurements with Gaku's.

Please format your votes for additional prep days in the following format.

[x] [prep day] Insert Idea

As an ADDITIONAL NOTE I will be doing the ones already voted last research plan first. Regardless of the vote this cycle. So likely that means three novel prep days this cycle. Please take note.
Alright we're coming in at 299 and I'm gonna softlock this. @MMKII not much has changed from Noumero's edit but the top line about Gaikotsu Bay since that was a little open-ended for my taste. That's relatively close, still off the coast of Iron but w/ Lightning instead of Earth on the other side of the bay.
Fair warning, you should fully expect the QMs to ignore hyphens and look without fondness on ways to get around WC.
Alright we're coming in at 299 and I'm gonna softlock this. @MMKII not much has changed from Noumero's edit but the top line about Gaikotsu Bay since that was a little open-ended for my taste. That's relatively close, still off the coast of Iron but w/ Lightning instead of Earth on the other side of the bay.
@MMKII I second Sir Stompy's suggestions regarding approaching Cannai.
Voting is open for the next 17 hours, 55 minutes