Omake: Marked for Death: Voyage
Once, a long time ago, a mother once told a boy that she found her heart by being a ninja.

"Console, ANGEL S7 Engines readings are green,"
After the boy's perception of reality advanced along the temporal axis, he found that he had lost a part of his heart.

"Squad Leader, we confirm green readings for the ANGEL S7 Engines,"
The mother exercised her limited ability in the three dimensional universe to provide for the two, as she was unknowingly constrained by the fifth.

"Voyager Squad, confirm ANGEL S7 Engine readings,"
The boy did what he could to assist the pair, but a bend in the fifth dimension resulted in no possibility except separation in the three dimensional universe.

"All green/Good to go/Affirmative/Yes, L-Squadr/All clear,"
So the pair split. Much as the warp in the higher dimensions of probability resulted in the termination of joint experience for many others, so too did it happen to this boy and his mother.

"Voyager Squad, conduct final checks on your GUTS suits,"
But the topography of a higher dimensional reality is not an absolute.

"This is Voyager Leader Goketsu Hazou. All systems are ready for the Universal Travel,"
Even if the journey is long.

"Any last words, Hazou?"
Do not cast away your sentiments in the face of reality.

"We'll succeed. No matter what."
Do not give up the childish voice that insists in the face of all contrary evidence that yes, the impossible is possible.

"Then you better bring 'em all back."
Everything must be defined in relation to the goal one sets for themselves.

"I will. Console, begin countdown to the Universal Travel,"
So when a man decides that he will end death, that he will not only bring back everyone he's ever loved, but bring back everyone that has ever died, must be the kind of man who would not flinch in the face of an impossibility.

"Brace for chakra drain. Five."
That is what that man decided all those years ago.

So as the arrays on Nagi Island crackle in anticipation, the technicians and guests gathered around the Grand Universal Traveller snap to attention, fist over chest in a perfect salute.

Everyone saluted their pride and joy, for the last interminable eternity.

Supposedly, chakra was a means for everyone's wishes to be heard. A means for everyone's wishes to be granted.

Thus, Hazou sought to use one miracle to accomplish another.

"Voyager Squad, launch!"
Space rippled and shattered. Time stretched and snapped. Reality contorted and collapsed. Linear dimensions bent and folded in on themselves. None in the present audience had lived to see the end of Whirlpool, but some surmised that this incomprehensibility must be what that event was like.

And then the moment passed, and the Voyager Squad was gone without a trace.


To bring someone back from the dead was not quite so simple a task as merely reconstructing their attendant biology, as Orochimaru had discovered all those years ago; no, the process was much more involved. To achieve even a limited immortality on the normal plane, Orochimaru had to seal his very soul to an anchor. Orochimaru, being a cunning and old ninja by that point, made several anchors just in case.

For Hazou, that solution was not good enough. Hazou wanted to achieve the miracle that the Pein had achieved on Nagi Island - six true resurrections from the Naraka Path, at the cost of the most powerful bloodline limit and an unfathomable amount of chakra. Hazou and his research collective did not have the world's most powerful bloodline limit, nor did they have an unfathomable amount of chakra - in fact, Hazou knew to the decimal point how many chakra units the group had access to at any given point in their project.

So his group needed to get creative. Their research collective would have to achieve several holy grails of sealing in order to begin to approach the results that prior efforts by Tobirama and Pein had supposedly so easily bypassed. What Hazou's research collective possessed, however, was a truly organized and rigorous team, generous external support, and Hazou's uncanny knack for finding a way to use lesser seals to achieve a greater effect.

Many years passed, as the research collective diverged into individual projects. A portion was dedicated to the biological aspect of resurrection - what use was dragging a soul back, if there was nothing to receive them in? Another portion was dedicated to improvements to a combat suit, one that could withstand the harshness of any environment, and defeat any ninja, beast, or demon the researchers might encounter. The last and final team was simultaneously the most important and riskiest group: their mission was to find a way to navigate between dimensional planes - the final goal would be to reach the Naraka Path, and create a two-way bridge between the worlds.

The biological body team succeeded first. Using their ability to construct artificial muscle, they transferred over to the combat suit team, and helped create an amalgam between chakra beast flesh, biological innovations, and sealtech to create a suit capable of fighting in any environment. One heart of a magma dragon provided the fire and earth chakra, while also providing heating; six fangs of the gargantuan ice yeti provided water and ice nature chakras, while also cooling the heart of the magma dragon. Three counterrevolving strips of sky squid sparked and spurred themselves on, generating a cyclone of wind and lightning chakra. Layered megalodon carapaces covered green veins from the millenial pine, which channeled chakra to the various weapon systems littered all over the suit. Space-warping seals expanded the internal and external space within the suit, enabling the deployment and storage of thousands seals. The finishing touch was the jutsu-boosting seals, twined all across the surface of the forearms and gloves. Any jonin wearing one would be qualified to defeat five S-Rankers, so the suit-makers boasted.

However, the dimensional plane navigators ran into an issue: prototypes of the dimensional seal system indicated that the cost of travel increased exponentially for every single extra unit of chakra. The Universal Traveller, as the team had begun to call the system, could launch a baby to the Naraka Path and back forty times, but would fail to even meet the activation cost to launch a single S-Ranker. That being said, the dimensional plane navigators said that their prototype seemed like it was going to be the only one that would work - the collective would either have to work around the limitation, or abandon the project entirely.

From Hazou's perspective, there was no decision.

The Grand Universal Traveller Sealtech Suit would be designed to reach a state of near total chakra exhaustion in both the user and suit in the instants before Universal Travel would initiate. Much to the grumbling of Naruto and Killer B, this excluded the jinchuriki from being part of the expedition almost instantly - no amount of chakra drain available to the project could hope to drain even a fraction of their staggering reserves.

The planners also agreed that many things were most likely going to go wrong - just in case, the final team would bring along supplies for one year, enough expendables to take out an entire Hidden Village, and one set of Grand Universal Travellers for each person. Hazou, as a sealmaster, taijutsu monster, and project leader, was a shoo-in for expedition leader. However, disagreement intensified about what criterion the other five members of the Voyager Squad would be selected on; eventually, the group decided on selecting the team members based on...

() Raw combat ability. With Hazou as the sealmaster on team, the council eventually decided that the most critical role was to make sure that Hazou survived all the way to the end - so long as he made it, everyone else could be brought back eventually. Thus, the team would be selected based on their ability to keep him alive. Team members: Akane, Lee, Tenten, Neji, and Kurotsuchi.

() Sealing ability. With so few copies of the Grand Universal Travellers, the council decided that the team needed to be able to repair and improve the travel method. Thus, the team was selected to conduct field improvements to the system. Team members: Kagome, Fuyuki, Makoto, Mika, and Hachiro.

() Team Uplift. The six of them have a diverse toolset and a preexisting deep cooperation in the group. Sending them on the journey (and away from the Elemental Nations) seemed like a no-brainer. Team members: Mari, Kagome, Noburi, Keiko, Akane.

() GIS. The substitution of Ino and Shikamaru for Mari and Kagome traded in a sealmaster and a social powerhouse for a social powerhouse and an analyst without peer, a valuable thing to take on such a journey. Team members: Noburi, Keiko, Akane, Ino, Shikamaru.

() Analytical ability. In the transit to other dimensional spaces, the ability to analyze the local environment could be the difference between life and death. In such a situation, it only makes sense to bring all the heaviest intellectual hitters. Team members: Keiko, Shikamaru, Ami, Ruri, and Yuzuki.

() International Compromise. It seems strange, but the final barrier to the other dimensions has always been the constraints in the Elemental Nations. Thus, the team was chosen to create a minimum of team friction between the members of rival villages, as they traveled to the Naraka Path and beyond. Team members: Kurotsuchi, Yuzuki, Ikeda, Ami, and Shiina.

() Some other combination?

So we haven't had omake in a while. I've also been watching someone else play through Super Robot Wars V and listening to "The EXCEEDER" and " 不退の覚悟 " on repeat for the past few weeks. This seemed like an excellent place to crossover.

i should be studying for finals lol
Omake: Marked the Death Voyage: Even if the Way is Far
(X) Firebird Five: Kagome, Mari, Lee, Honoka, Neji


"Gai-sensei! Today is a most youthful day!" Lee exclaimed, beginning his most youthful warm-up for the day: ten thousand one-finger pushups, one thousand per finger.

"Do you know why, sensei?" he asked Gai. "It is because one week from today, we will begin a most youthful expedition with Hazou and Neji!"

To prepare for the next stage of the warmup, Lee increased the strength of his resistance seals under his youthsuit. One thousand star jumps with a resistance of two thousand, without cracking the ground.

"We'll bring the spirit of Youth to new places and times, to hear Hazou describe it! In fact," Lee said, breathing just a hair too heavy for this stage in the workout, "we will even be able to bring the spirit of Youth to people we once knew!" His resistance settings weren't high enough. He needed to be more youthful - everyone was counting on him to be as youthful as possible.

When the resistance hit ten thousand, Lee nodded, and began his set of one hundred perfect straight punches.

"That's right, Gai-sensei. Hazou said that the journey was to bring back the dead, and if there is anybody youthful enough to do it, it's Hazou," Lee said, struggling to hold form.

A hot wetness rolled down his cheek, and Lee knew why his form was off.

"Gai-sensei, I'm coming for you," he said, raising his arm to catch his tears.

The granite inscription of Maito Gai's name did not respond.

It had become an old habit, Neji reflected, to come back to the dusty chambers of the Hyuuga libraries, diminished as they were from their peak. Here, he was unlikely to be disturbed, and here he had acquired a staggering breadth of knowledge - knowledge he had once been unappreciative of. Like the mold that Neji occasionally had to purge, however, the place had grown on him. Here was calm, and here was understandable, after ten long years of his assignment here. He could tell the position of every scroll on the wall, and condense the knowledge contained within any one scroll down to one sentence or expand it out to an entire day. Neji even grew to appreciate the musty smell of the air as he meditated on his past, on the great hatred that had collected at his center, and the task ahead.

When he activated his Byakugan to complete the meditation, he blinked in shock.

"Lady Hanabi, Lady Hinata, I apologize," Neji quickly said, rising to bow at a right angle. "I should have prepared refresh - "

"Cousin Neji, there is no need for that," Hinata said, matching his bow. "You do not need to be so formal around your cousins."

"Like she said," Hanabi said, pouting slightly.

"A-ah. I apologize," Neji said, bowing again.

"What did we just say, Neji?" Hinata asked bemusedly, eyes twinkling. Hanabi, behind her, continued to pout and fidget, averting her gaze.

"I understand, Hinata," Neji sighed. "Well, then - "

Hanabi suddenly leapt out and hugged Neji.

"Gah?" Neji sputtered.

"Don't die, Neji. I won't forgive you if you do," Hanabi glared, holding onto Neji tightly. Neji awkwardly patted back, alternating between glancing at Hanabi's menacing glare and Hinata's beatific smile.

"Make us proud, Neji," Hinata nodded. "I know you can."

For the first time in years, the great ball of hatred loosened.

"Aww, Honoka, why'd you have to go?" Sayaka complained. "If you're not around, Ino-sensei is going to be extra hard on us, you know?"

Honoka held up one finger as she continued to devour Yua's patented meat stew. At the rate she was going, she'd be able to leave Chikako's three bowls in the dust - not that it would deter Chikako from trying to keep up anyway. Also, Yua made delicious meat stew, and Honoka wasn't going to waste any by letting it grow cold.

Finally, she gulped. "'Cause I'm so cool Hazou-sensei and Kagome-sensei asked me to go with them and blow up a bunch of stinkers," Honoka casually shrugged. "Also, just between us, Kagome's real worried about the whole thing, and wants someone else to help," she conspirationally whispered.

"'S not fair," Chikako said between gulps. "You get to go with Hazou-sensei and Mari-sensei, and meanwhile we're stuck with Ino-sensei."

"Who's stuck with who?" Ino asked, sidling up the side of the counter.

Sayaka and Chikako instantly turned their best innocent smile at Ino. Ino scoffed, and flicked her ponytail to the side. "Girls, I perfected that technique. Did you really think I was going to fall for it?"

Sayaka nudged Honoka, who also turned an innocent smile at Ino - albeit with her soup spoon still in her mouth.

Ino sighed, smiling. "You little hellions, it absolutely does. C'mere," she said, threateningly extending her hands towards her genin's hair.

The three of them ducked their heads and covered their hair - leaving Sayaka and Chikako wide open for Ino's headlock, which both girls protested loudly.

Honoka braced herself. If she was excluded, then -

Ino winked at her.

"Go get 'em, tiger. You have my blessing," Ino said.

Honoka gaped for a second, before nodding.

"I won't let you down, sensei!"

Hazou pulled his facial muscles into a smile, and adjusted his internal ocular muscles. A departure celebration was certainly within expectations, but a gathering of hundreds of people within the Goketsu Main Hall was on the higher end of said projections. Hazou would be surprised, if he wasn't certain that this was Yuina's way of making a point. The speech had been a close thing, but ultimately not a problem - not nearly so much a problem as what came after.

What came after, of course, was nearly everybody with a stake in the project coming to tell him off, in their best formal clothes.

"Really, Hazou? Taking Mari, Kagome, and Honoka, and leaving me all your hard work as head?" Noburi said. "That was just downright cruel, bro," he said, shaking his head as he planted his hands on his dress uniform. His smile and slight laugh told Hazou a different story, as did Yuno's eye roll and light cuff to the shoulder. "You'll do great, Enno," Yuno said, in her disturbing smile. "Won't he?"

"You'll do great, Noburi," Hazou said, nodding his head. Noburi would, he was sure.

"Yeah, count on it, bro," Noburi smiled, offering his fist. Hazou bumped back.

"Regardless of his delusions of grandeur, Noburi is correct," Keiko said, rolling her eyes. You are leaving us with the operations of your many projects, without your assistance. While I do not want to gainsay Yuina's abilities, the teams, Village, and...clan will be less for your passing, Hazou," Keiko nodded. Shikamaru, standing next to Keiko, took his hands out of his pockets to sign my compatriot has said the necessary words and I signal my agreement.

As Hazou turned his head and braced his footing, Akane was already in motion. Even knowing it was coming, Hazou was still rocked back by the strength of her bonecrushing hug. The sensation of a dozen different feelings passed through his body, as he accepted the hug from someone whose trust he had knowingly discarded all those years ago. His own perfect muscle memory made for long recollections of poor justifications for hurting someone who he had - and still did, to some small extent - feelings for.

"Don't die, Hazou," Akane said heavily, sniffling slightly.

"I won't," Hazou said, patting Akane's back.

As expected, Yuina was next, so he turned to preempt her.

"Yuina, I'll be counting on you," Hazou said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Yuina grinned a sharp grin and nodded. "I will, Hazou. You don't need to worry about that," she said, eyes misting over just slightly. "That said," she hesitated, glancing over at Akane.

Akane nodded, eyes already closing from happy tears.

Yuina hugged Hazou. "Come back, Hazou. We need you."

"Come now," Hazou replied, smiling, as his gut roiled in a way that reminded him uncomfortably of Akane, "don't sell yourself short. You helped prepare for my retirement, right?"

"It's not the same," Yuina insisted, hugging Hazou as tightly as a civilian could. "I need you."

The shock knocked Hazou into autopilot - he suspected that Yuina also cared for him, but he wasn't expecting Yuina to say that at this point. He almost didn't register Yuina pulling back, and out of the way of the second woman to wrap him in a bonecrushing hug that night: Hana, hugging Hazou tight with all the strength of a kenjutsu-spec jonin.

"I'm so proud of you, son," she whispered, crying into his shoulder. Hazou instinctively hugged back, before very carefully cracking open his eyes in panic - Mari and Hana, to his knowledge, still hadn't resolved their issues, and one reintroduction could end in just as great a disaster as the last time they met. Keiko and Yuina quietly signaled that the issue was dealt with, as Hana tapped deeper into her sense of self and hugged Hazou even tighter.

"I'll come back, momma," Hazou said. "We'll bake cookies again, with Papa," he quietly promised.

"Promise, cricket?" Hana said, in between soft sobs.

"Promise, momma."

Marked For Death Voyage: Even if the Way is Far

The sensation of Universal Travel was impossible to describe, even for Hazou - all his metaphors seemed to fail to encompass the entirety and enormity of what had just occured. It was the sense of an infinite series collapsing to zero, the emotion of instant becoming eternity and vice versa, the taste of transcendental color and sound. It was an infinity, and it was nothing. It was nauseatingly debiliating, and it was the calmest Hazou had ever felt.

Kagome, Honoka and Neji's retching noises indicated otherwise.

Still holding his breath, Hazou opened his eyes.

An alien vista presented itself before him. Where Nagi Island was surrounded by ocean on all sides, a great expanse of glowing green hills extended in one direction as far as the eye could see. Not only that, the sky was colored wrongly - instead of a blue sky, the sky was colored in the permanent light of the aurora, with slight shimmers rolled throughout the sky. Out of curiousity, Hazou lifted his arm, and waved it in front of his face, and then brought his fingers to reflexively cast Dispel. A reminder about his drained reserves warned him off from that measure, but Kagome's muttered "stupid world travelling, don't know why I agreed to this stinking thing" convinced Hazou that he probably wasn't in a genjutsu.

The alternate world was real.

They had punched through to another world.

The Universal Travel had succeeded.

Hazou then noticed three things very quickly: The hills were rolling towards them at a visible rate, the ocean was draining alarmingly fast, and the aurora was plunging downward at a shockingly fast rate.

"Everyone, activate your GUTS suits! Neji, tell us about the incoming!" Hazou barked out, digging into his emptied chakra reserves for the smallest spark. His vision grew faint, and the feeling of everything but the drain from the suit faded into the distance. At the edge of passing out, Hazou heard the characteristic whine of the ANGEL S7 Engine spin up, and suddenly chakra began pouring back into his body.

As fast as he could, chakra tendrils shot out to kickstart his team's engines. With every second, Hazou cast out his GUTS suit's sensors to the limit, as he pumped everything else into the tendrils. Not that the sensors felt necessary - half a mile away towards the plains, a mole the size of the former Hokage Tower burst out of the ground and bared its fangs, while the orange shell of a crab the size of a clan compound emerged out onto the drained ocean bay and clicked its claws together. The aurora did not do anything quite so obvious, but Hazou was certain that the shimmers in the air was the precursor to a massive lightning-wind jutsu, because of course they would be.

Hazou cursed. Only Neji and Lee's engines had restarted. He only had enough time and chakra to do one thing.

() Use defensive expendables.
() Focus on starting everyone's GUTS suit.
() Kill the threats with Neji and Lee.
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Omake: Marked for Death Voyage: I'm Not Going to Lose
(X) Focus on restarting everyone's GUTS suit


Several years ago...

Atop a high snow-covered mountain, a man walked upon a path under steely-gray skies. Flanked by an old-growth forests, biting winds blew snow through the traveler and his canine guide, as they trudged along an unpaved path in near zero visibility. The two hadn't spoken since the man made his request at the base of the mountain; words were unnecessary and thus unspoken. There were no more waypoint markers along this path - there hadn't been for the last two thousand three hundred and sixty seven steps, Hazou noted.

Thirty three steps later, the wind dropped off. The two had arrived at a clearing ringed by pines, and dominated by a lake. Grass and flowers grew on the outer shores of the lake, while an island emerged from the center. The lake water itself was a crystal-clear ultramarine, so clear that Hazou could nearly see individual rocks at the bottom of the deep lake.

But those details were irrelevant, compared to the giant wolf lounging on the island in the middle of the lake. The wolf's eyes were shut, but the silver coat of fur rippled as the wolf breathed in and out. Streaks of orange ran across the wolf's body, but the most distinctive features were the orange rings around the wolf's eyes.

Hazou very nearly shouted for the boss, before his guide gave him a cross look. Wordlessly, Hazou nodded, and kept walking.

When they reached the lakefront, the wolf cracked open a lazy eye, and looked at Hazou. The great beast exhaled, and stood up, shaking rapidly. Both eyes turned to regard Hazou, before the wolf chuffed, and expectantly settled back on its haunches.

Hazou bowed. The moment he could not see the island, gravel clattered. As Hazou rose from his bow, he instantly saw that the wolf had gone missing from the gravel-covered island. in the next instant, hot air that smelled of dog blew on Hazou.

The Dog Boss had jumped clear across the lake.

The sudden reversal of the moving air nearly dragged Hazou off his feet, but he held his center better than that, as he turned to face the boss summon. Making eye contact apparently was a mistake, because the boss' jaw opened to reveal a jet of blue flame that suddenly encompassed the whole of Hazou's being.

The fire did not feel warm, and yet Hazou began to singe in places. His clothes were not touched, and yet he could feel the burns increase and travel across his body. Unrelenting pain spread as the burns began to abrade against his field uniform, but Hazou was not going to bend. He needed the Dog Summons to answer his call, and he would be willing to withstand this small amount of pain to accomplish that goal.

Finally, the flames ended, and the boss rocked back on its haunches in quiet contemplation.

"How curious," the great beast rumbled. "A high-ranking ninja that does not burn in my judgement. On some level, then, I must judge a mass murderer and thrice-turned traitor like you a fundamentally good person. My name is Enrou, journeyman. I am the protector and judge of travelers. I lend my aid to the just and the virtuous, and reduce the unforgivable to ashes. As you are not dead, you are not unforgivable, but as you are burned, you are not without sin.

"Tell me your story and the reason you sought me, and I will make my judgement on whether to lend you my aid."

Marked For Death Voyage: I'm Not Going to Lose

Not for the first time, Neji cursed the planners behind the operation, as he used his Byakugan to read the raw sensory data his suit produced. While he was sure that at some point the idea of using wide angle telescopes to compare the new skyfield with the known starfield was important at some point, he would have really liked to be carrying a few more bunker-buster darts right about this second, or the theoretical environmental chakra drain seal that he read the notes on, after Sugimura accidentally carried them out of the second-most secure section of the Goketsu Internal Research Division once.

He'd have to content himself with watching the sheer quantity of substitution targets that Kagome and Honoka were throwing out from their inactive suits, as Mari also sat uselessly. At least by restarting his engine first, he could do something of value - that being, accepting the sickeningly foreign chakra from the sealcrafted biological horror strapped to the back of his suit and shunt it through his empty coils to the slimy chakra drainer that he still had to concentrate on not instinctively rejecting. Also not the first time he regretted taking on this assignment, but categorizing all the myriad times and ways he regretted signing up for the impertinent boy's schemes would take him ten days, seventeen hours, eight minutes, and thirty-two seconds, last he checked.

(He made a habit of doing so annually. It kept him from falling for the Goketsu's crass but effective appeals.)

But that was not all his Byakugan saw. His Byakugan had developed a surprising eye for detail, within a much more limited range, due to an event that he could thank the Goketsu for. One kilometer away towards the land, a giant worm was rearing its head, and one kilometer towards the former waterline a similarly giant crustacean was clicking its claws.

"Both the giant crustacean and worm are preparing to cast jutsu," he reported. "Both attacks are in the hundred - no, make that thousands range. Above us, a plump of invisible geese are diving to cast a large formation jutsu, shaped to be multi-attack. Worm will cast Earth jutsu as soon as it confirms our location - which it just did. Crustacean will cast wide-area Water jutsu...followed by Lightning jutsu. Geese attack will be Wind nature."

"Plump?" Honoka questioned. Neji would roll his eyes if his Byakugan wasn't active, and did his best to convey that emotion regardless; so many people would disbelieve him on all the little factoids that were seared into his brain, thanks to his exposure to library materials, and so many of them were flatly wrong.

However... beyond just the local threats he noticed a problem. The local chakra beasts had approached the dimensional travel site for currently unexpected reasons, but his Byakugan and distant range-finders were telling him there was movement on the horizon towards them. If the Voyager crew was lucky, this was because the chakra beasts were indulging their natural curiosity.

Neji assumed this was so unlikely that he immediately dug up his worst-case scenario: the giant chakra beasts were tracking them through high-chakra concentrations, and would continue to do so until either the chakra beasts consumed or destroyed all the suits, with his squadmates still in them, or until the entire planet was dead.

"Squad, it also appears as though the beasts are tracking us through chakra," Neji reported, as Honoka began to sway and stagger a little bit. Come to think of it, Neji was feeling a tiredness that was probably just the chakra exhaustion - oh. The grass was chakra-enhanced, and casting multiple, layered genjutsu to make animals feel sleepy. Of course there was no limit to how much things could suck.

"Dispel!" Neji cried, and the rest of the team tried to follow along.

Neji's head suddenly cleared up, enough for him to restore chakra outflows to his team. In a moment of horror, though, Neji realized it wasn't going to be fast enough - the two huge chakra beasts had just about finished casting their jutsu, and the whir of Inoue's engine signaled she was ready to go, and as the giant wave rushed out from the crustacean the geese began raining "Sharp air current attacks!" and Kagome's engine activated and there was no more time.

Neji disconnected his chakra tentacles and was almost immediately sucked off of his feet by a huge onrushing of air, shortly followed by a loud booom from the direction Lee used to be in. The sky above him immediately filled with dozens of explosions - "die, stinkers!" he heard Kagome shout - as he rapidly ascended directly upwards and threw the handseals for the Summoning Technique. Unfortunately, he lacked fine control over the chakra tentacles, which were rapidly sliced to ribbons; in his vision he saw that the rest of the squad's chakra transfer systems had followed the same fate, except for Honoka. That crazy girl was using the chakra tentacles as impromptu flame whips which actually caught a surprisingly large amount of the invisible wind attacks.

The rain of boulders from the earthworm and the giant tsunami from the crab had finally arrived where the squad had stood a second ago. However, that was a second ago, and now the squad was fifty meters in the air and ascending rapidly. Mari continued casting a complicated jutsu that was probably responsible for the earthworm's second wave of attacks going high...and directly into the plump of invisible geese. Clever. What was taking his Turtles so long, though?

Whatever difficulty Neji's Turtle Summons had, Hazou's Dog Summons were likely undergoing similar issues as he threw out a long set of handseals that caused giant pillars of earth to skyrocket out of the land the tsunami was washing over...directly under the substitution targets, which caused the substitution targets to skyrocket into the air, at which point Hazou substituted with one.

Neji blinked. How had Hazou done a mid-air substitution?

Question for later. For now, Neji flicked out his needle throwers, and began the Long Range Sixty Four Palms. Needles unerringly flew out in all directions to strike the invisible chakra geese, as Lee returned with an echoing boom. Neji checked on the earthworm: its torso had completely vanished, probably blown off by Lee's sheer...strength. Honoka was still spraying fire everywhere, as Mari cast Wind jutsu to literally fan the flames. Hazou provided support from below, throwing up substitution targets that Honoka and Kagome somehow managed to make use of. Then the crab finished the Lightning follow-up attack, and the pillars disintegrated into so much fine dust.

Somehow, the crustacean knew it hadn't hit anything, and began heading towards the surface.

"Hazou," Neji said into his earpiece seals. "Crab coming from below," as he snapped another goose's neck with his free hand.

"Understood," Hazou said back, and sent up another set of explosive disks before catching a storage seal with his foot and activating his thrusters. His whole body spun around and around and around at increasingly higher speeds, as the crab rose up from the water. The moment the crab poked its eyestalks out of the water, a spike shot out from the blur that was Hazou and pierced through the eye, the shell, and what passed for a brain. Neji noted the exact second it died, and confirmed it into his headpiece.

Almost as an afterthought, the team swatted the last of the geese out of the air.

"Stupid stinkers and their cheating invisibility," Kagome muttered. Honoka fervently nodded.

"Good work, team," Hazou told the group.

"We lost the chakra transfer system on half of our suits, though," Neji pointed out.

Hazou shrugged.

"We brought them to use them, and didn't lose anybody or anything despite fighting chakra beasts the size of buildings. That's a win worth celebrating," he said.

"That is most youthful!" Lee said, giving his trademark grin and smile. The rest of the team gave off a weak smile which probably hid their cringe; as a noble scion of the Hyuuga, Neji showed no reaction.

"You said there was more, Neji," Hazou half asked.

"Yes. They'll come within a kilometer range in about twenty - no, ten minutes," Neji replied.

"That - " Hazou began, only to be cut off by the signature pop of a successful Summoning jutsu.

The good news was, it was a Turtle that got there.

The bad news was that the turtle immediately threw up, muttering about never making journeys to other paths ever again. Was it too much to ask for the Turtles to act with the reputation of the Hyuuga in mind?

Twelve hours later

"This," Neji said, swatting another dozen chakra wasps out of the sky, "isn't working!"

"Gee, go figure!" Mari grunted.

"You have a suggestion?" Hazou asked, as he tore apart the wasps with his bare hands. Toxic acidic venom sprayed all over other wasps, but it didn't stop them, merely hampered them.

"Yes," Neji shot back. "We need to find a less chakra-dense place and turn off our engines!"

"Are you insane?!" Kagome screeched. "They're the only things keeping us alive!"

"And if things keep going this way, we're going to drop dead of exhaustion!" Mari shouted back. "Besides, don't we need to keep making universal hops?"

"Actually, why don't you just do that?" Neji snapped. "We have the equipment with us!"


Thirty-six hours later

The base had taken longer to set up, and sacrificed more resources than they were hoping. Among the other threats they had to kill before the attacks finally slowed down: twenty-four odd flocks of birds, three ultra-long-range needle-firing porcupines, seven or eight gigantic birds, including one that was constantly on fire, one whale from the upper atmosphere, and a flock of monarch butterflies. Embarrasingly, the monarch butterflies were the closest to causing a disaster; they hit Honoka with an extremely nasty genjutsu before preparing a wide-area Lightning attack, and it was only Kagome's quick application of staggeringly large explosives that managed to halt the combined Lightning jutsu.

Both Hazou and Neji's summons grumbled when it came time to unsummon them, but they acquiesced in the end. Hazou didn't mind the price, though; there was something soothing about petting a bunch of dogs, and everyone except for Neji didn't seem to mind petting them either. In fact, each team member started preferring their own dogs; the large pug Bull and Mari had hit it off, while Kagome and Honoka seemed to really like the red dog Clifford. Lee had, somewhat unsurprisingly, bonded with Hazou's labrador Hatsu over physical exercise.

Hazou, though, turned to his wolf. The two of them had only spoken in orders and warnings since that day on the mountain, but Hazou had grown to understand the steely-gray guide. His guide turned and nodded at him, and quirked the corners of his mouth up, panting and wagging his tail slightly as Hazou continued brushing his summon's hair.

All good things had to come to an end, though, so Hazou dispelled them one by one. Neji did the same.

"Neji," Hazou said.

"Universal Travel chakra stores sufficient," Neji reported.

"Voyager Squad, disengage ANGEL S7 Engines," Hazou ordered.

Six engines, brought online for only a few minutes, dropped down to nothing.

"Neji, begin final countdown," Hazou said.

"Five. Begin final chakra burn," and six ninja poured all of their chakra into boosting themselves.


"Three." The godlike high of such an incredible chakra boost faded away.



"Voyager Squad, launch!"

Somehow, Kagome thought, he had gotten used to the stupid Universal Traveller. Stupid, because it was going to fail and devour everyone's soul or call up something which could not be named - but it was working, for now, so Kagome would have to make sure his student and family didn't get hurt by extradimenionsal stinkers. It was just common sense.

Especially since his student suggested that they were going to fight gaki, damnbeasts, or something that even the damnbeasts were afraid of. Kagome had his suspicions about why, but he had to protect Mari and Honoka since Hazou had convinced them to join this insanely stupid thing. Stupid Hazou and his stupid good ability to get people in over their heads.

Finally, the six of them occupied a space in another world.

It was a barren, cracked land. Smoke filled the air, as missiles soared through the air. Screams and shouting in unknown languages filled the air, as six-armed and three-faced giants threw themselves headlong gates...and died by the droves. As he took in the scene, dozens more of the stinkers were killed by projectiles that caused fire, wind, water, and all other kinds of effects, and something on the other end was hit by those attacks. More world portals blinked in and out of existence, sending an instinctive shudder of horror up Kagome's spine.

All they could do was wait.

What's the gameplan?
() Stealth is the name of the game. The other forces don't know the Voyager Squad is here, and it's best that the team keeps it that way. Do not activate S7 Engine, do not actively scan using chakra techniques, do low-tech reconnassaince.
() Information gathering. Knowledge is a life-or-death affair, so activate the ANGEL S7 Engines, and commence high-band scanning. Getting attacked a few times by a distracted force is an acceptable cost.
() Seize the initiative. Neither force knows the team is there. Reacting inevitably puts the defender on the back foot. Therefore, attack early, and don't leave anybody standing long enough to object.

"Who are you, and why are you in my laboratory?" Orochimaru asked, without moving his hands from his delicate surgery. The scalpel would serve as an adequate weapon, and the observations of another central nervous system was well worth the small extra risk.

"We are the Watchers, and we have a...situation that we believe that you can help us with."

"Oh?" Orochimaru asked. "My time is quite valuable. What are you offering in return?"

"Seals from Whirlpool," the voice offered.

"You have my attention," Orochimaru said, finishing up the last sutures along the specimen's spine.
Last edited:
Omake: Marked For Death Voyage: The World Has Already Started To Move

"Did you - "

A golden portal appeared and spat a spear through the questioner, three marble walls, fourteen houses, three treasure vaults, and one hundred meters of earth.

With a snap of his fingers, the golden figure restored the walls of his throne room, and nothing else.

The man lazily standing on the steps of the throne, draped in a distinctive red haori, considered asking the figure about the tears running down his face. Seeing the fate of the other one, he decided to say nothing, but nod solemnly.

"I do not require your misplaced pity," the king spat.

The white-haired man dressed in red and green said nothing.

The king climbed the steps to the throne, golden armor clinking with every step. He turned, tears still flowing freely down his face. Heavily, he sat on his throne, and rested his face on his golden fist, weeping all the way.

"I...I couldn't bring him back..."

Marked For Death Voyage: The World Has Already Started To Move

The six of them quickly snapped into a huddle, as the smoke from the battlefield began to swirl in the passage of a screamingly loud projectile.

"Voyagers, here's the plan," Hazou said, as a bright pink flash shined over everything, "The other forces here don't know we're here. Let's keep it that way for now, at least until we recover our chakra. Star G3, on that hilltop, clear?"

The roar of an explosion drowned out the affirmatives, but the rest of the team nodded their assent. With the next crack of blue lightning, the group dispersed into the mud and dust of the battlefield.

Not a second too soon, too; the moment the group split, a jet of water sliced through the circle where the six Voyagers were talking. Lightning crackled through in the aftermath, and the earth turned just a little bit more.

The six of them laid face-down at top of the lightly-trapped (by Kagome and Honoka's standards) hill. The custom rings of telescopes whirled around Neji's head as his Byakugan showed him everything in every direction. The active dampening of the Silence Mines V4 would have made communication impossible, if not for the point-to-point communication the suits came equipped with.

"Neji, how does it look?" Honoka asked, fiddling with her deactivated beam sabers (Hazou had tried to call them lightsabers, but Honoka had quite eloquently insisted that since they made beams into sabers it should be beam sabers), trying to keep herself from breaking cover to improve the trap array.

"It looks...insane," Neji said. "There is no end to this battle. The battlefront is bigger than I can see; it's bigger than Leaf, and maybe even all of Fire. The portals extend further than that because the entire battlefront is defined by the portals, which keep appearing and disappearing along the whole front. The worst part is that they're constantly throwing out A and S-Rank jutsu. It looks like that 'friendly spar' between B and Naruto, except everywhere, and they're not showing any signs of stopping."

Silence reigned in the group for a few seconds, as the earth quaked under the weight of ten thousand missiles.

"...let's set up a few more defenses," the group collectively agreed. Honoka, Kagome, and Hazou were already pulling out the seals and cutting the seals.
Defensive expendables used!
"Even if we do, what's the plan?" Mari-sensei asked. "What are we waiting for?"

"Neji, do you think we can go through - " Hazou asked.

"YOU WANT TO GO THROUGH AN UNKNOWN - " Kagome screeched.

"Calm," Mari said, patting Kagome. "Calm," Kagome repeated, much less agitated.

"...Leaving that aside, I think we could go through," Neji said. "It looks like - what?!" Neji screeched, color draining out of his face.

Lee clapped a hand on Neji's shoulder.

"Temper yourself, Neji! I know it is quite difficult to resist being youthful, but - " Lee somehow whisper-shouted.

"It's Orochimaru!" Neji hissed.

The other five members quickly matched Neji's eye color.

"Has he noticed us?" Mari urgently hissed.

"Not yet," Neji emphasized.

"Turn off your Byakugan," Hazou ordered. "I don't even want to take the risk that he can somehow detect us through the Byakugan."

"R-roger," Neji shakily said, flipping his telescope up. "It looks like he's just looking - oh, never mind, he's casting the Summoning Jutsu, we have some - "

His communication was interrupted by the presence of Manda appearing, and laying waste to the battlefield. A thousand streams sought the old and wizened giant, and the serpent contemptously batted them all away, as a sword swept through the sky and returned the favor.
A portal opened up, and so did Orochimaru's jaw; a flaming fist that burned as bright as the sun was swallowed by the endless darkness of Orochimaru's gullet.

Something glinted in the smoky skies above, something that made Mari look up first. Honoka noticed when she raised her hand to look up, but couldn't ignore the whispered voice in the communication channel.


In the next instant, a red comet descended to earth, revealing a man with a silver mane, billowing out his red haori for everyone on the battlefield to see. No words were said between the two before they began fighting in earnest; the red man fought with blue spheres and white hair against Orochimaru's silver blade and fang. A straight fist was met with a high counter which was met with a low sweep before Manda shattered the ground underneath his tail.

Purple lightning flashed into the two fighters as the wider battlefield made itself known; endless streams of attacks flowed in to the chaotic eye of the storm, destroying, meeting, and redirecting attacks in every direction. In the next instant, the eye of the storm collapsed as the two holding up the storm appeared elsewhere, replaced by other expendable items. The two flickered into quick clashes around the battleline, before the man dressed in red and green suddenly leapt straight into the sky and called down an endless storm of meteors.

"Duck!" Neji cried out, just before a stray attack sheared through their defensive perimeter.

"We need to go!" Hazou shouted to his team.

"That's a little rude, don't you think?" a ninja said, right next to their group. "I mean, I'd peep on me too, but to not even introduce yourself when I come over and say hello?"

Silver hair. Red haori over a faded green combat uniform. Red highlights under his eyes.

"Jiraiya?" Kagome asked out loud.

"You got it," the man said, smiling as he opened his arms. "I'm impressed you got this far."

"Yeah, stinker? How's Naruto doing, huh?!" Kagome cried, bringing his hands up.

"He's doin' great as always," the man said.

Kagome's fingers moved.


@eaglejarl, happy belated birthday!
Omake: Marked For Death Voyage: If You Call It A Miracle

Present day, Elemental Nations

"Ami, what happened to our Hot Springs network?" Ren growled, Iron Nerve barely concealing her intense frustration and exhaustion from a seemingly endless parade of bad news. The Kurosawa were keeping quiet about it, but Ami was fairly certain that Kurosawa Niichi had been either severely wounded or killed in a sealing failure; it'd explain why Mori Biwako had suddenly requested her second cousin in the middle of a teatime that Biwako had strugged to get Ami to attend.

Ami smiled, bouncing up despite the glares of Mist's senior command, Ren, and Gramps sitting in the corner. In that order of importance, of course. "Well, if I wasn't so fantastic, I'd say we're encountering the worst news possible, but since I am, I'm just going to report merely good news," she deflected.

Internally she cursed. If Hazou wasn't just about the only person in the Elemental Nations crazy enough to do what he did, she'd be able to make him regret fucking tearing open Reality without even making sure that Keiko would be safe from the aftershocks.

"Well, it turns out that in that area there used to be a civilization on the edge of extinction, but now there's just a horde of horrifically strong, ludicrously durable, and constantly evolving metallic humanoids made up completely of blades that also happens to learn jutsu that we used on it. When I met up with the tatters of our network, I found out that the survivors of the Battle for Hot Springs were headed to the border to meet up with the ragged forces of Rice for one last desperate struggle atop Junko's Hill."

"And you dealt with the problem?" Ryugamine asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, the actual problem is that something is tearing apart the foundations of our reality, and the effects are that sealing failures once thought adequately contained might not actually be contained enough, but yes, I did temporarily contain the horde of metallic blademonsters for about two or three months, and I got Fire to launch suppression missions in the area. In other mildly unrelated news, these monsters are now confirmed to be completely immune to drowning and electrical damage, resistant to fire and ice, and can only be destroyed by ridiculously overwhelming force or by thermal shock. I also now owe Uzumaki Naruto one hell of a favor," Ami reported with a catlike grin.

The rest of the room shivered, and looked at each other.

"Ami," Ryugamine carefully said. "Is there anything we can do about reality falling apart?"

"Depends," Ami truthfully answered. "Do we have any enterprising sealmasters or technique hackers stupid enough to stare directly into the truth of reality, stubborn enough to survive, and crazy enough to try to use that knowledge to make changes to the foundations of reality, knowing that the slightest misstep could doom us all?"

Dead silence.

Two years ago

"Neji-sensei, I can't do iiiitt," Honoka petulantly whined. "How am I supposed to dodge those grapes with these blindfolds on?"

Chakra burning through his hands, Neji flicked another grape at her.

"Sense my hand motions," Neji blithely said.

"But howwwww? I can't see with these blindfolds on!" Honoka said, hit by another grape.

"Ask Lord Goketsu; the CASE system was his idea in the first place," Neji responded, flicking another grape high into the air. If he had guessed which direction Honoka was going to dodge next...

"Neji-sensei, he told me - ow!" Neji guessed right, and his day was improved by about negative one micro-Goketsus. Of course, his day had started with about three Goketsus in the negatives because Hazou had somehow convinced Hinata that this banality was a good use of his time, but Neji tried to look at the big picture nowadays.

Ugh. Listening to Honoka complain was seriously grating on his nerves. It might be worth helping Honoka out just to not have to hear it anymore.

"Supposedly, Honoka," Neji began, flicking another grape into the air, "the monks of Himetsu Castle in Lightning once had a certain monk Naomichi who was a prolific writer and happened to lose the use of his eyes in middle age due to completely natural chakra-liger related reasons. This is notable because Himetsu Castle was nowhere near chakra-liger hunting grounds, and Himetsu Castle was also training far more woodcutters than the local area could support."

Honoka stopped, confused. "What - no, wait, I can figure this out," Honoka said, and Neji could see through the blindfold how she was scrunching her face up in concentration. "Himetsu Castle wasn't training woodcutters, they were training warriors, and because of that Naomichi was blinded as a warning by..."

"By?" Neji smugly asked, tracking the downwards trajectory of the grape.

"By Cloud ninjas, who called it a chakra-liger accident?" Honoka said, relaxing as she found confidence in her answer.

"Correct," Neji declared, counting down to the grape's impact.

"Ya - ow! What the heck was that for, Neji-sensei?" Honoka complained, pouting.

"For paying attention to the word problem and not the point of the exercise," Neji said, smirking.

"Then, Neji-sensei, what is the point?" Honoka asked.

"The monk Naomichi's writings become understandably less legible and a different handwriting style after he got blinded; however, he noted that about a year after his blinding, his sense of hearing, smell, touch, and direction had improved significantly," Neji lectured.

"Ohhhh," Honoka said, before scrunching her eyes shut and clapping her hands over her ears.

Smirking, Neji picked up two grapes, and flicked his hand in just the right way to send one directly at her and the other high into the air.

Just as he expected, Honoka dodged the first one, swaying wildly to avoid the shot. Neji could tell that Honoka knew she dodged it by her confident smile, and although he wouldn't admit it, that smile improved his day by one negative Goketsu.

"Neji-sensei, I did it!" Honoka crowed - and then was hit by the second grape Neji threw into the air.

Honoka's annoyed face improved Neji's day by another negative micro-Goketsu.

Marked For Death Voyage: If You Call It A Miracle

Smoke popped in front of Kagome's fingers, where the silver-haired man once stood.

For an instant eternity, time froze - stuttered - restarted at a snail's - paused - decelerated - jerked laterally - space broke - reformed - rotated inwards - expressed imagination - clicked between states -

Honoka remembered seeing all five of her teammate's eyes. The light in Kagome's teary eyes hardening. Neji's wide-eyed expression of confounded terror. Lee's overacted shock and wide eyes telegraphing the hope he dared not express. Hazou's eyes unfocusing towards the middle distance, releasing his hope and humanity for a path to victory. Mari-sensei's green eyes blazing into a fury that Honoka had never even suspected Mari of being capable of, as her face curled into a rictus of terrified hatred.

The killing intent crashed into her next. The promise of a terror inflicted by a cackling demon swept through her and through her surroundings. Visions of nightmares beyond Honoka's imagining - within the Lady of Red's, her mind whispered - flickered around her and the recesses of her mind, and her innermost self knew that the only reason she lived was that the killing intent was not meant to be pointed anywhere close to her.

Distantly, she recognized that the Voyager team had moved into a battle formation on reflex. Mari-sensei had left the formation, coalescing such a powerful Wind jutsu around her form that Honoka could feel the biting lash of the wind dozens of meters away. The light of a glowing arrow pierced through the sphere, but it had only touched the afterimage of red. Water flowed around the sphere as Honoka blinked away the aftershocks of the glowing spear, spinning in a reverse direction to the air. Both revolved and lashed out indiscriminately. In one instant, an earthen dragon descended from the sky; in the next, a heaven-splitting peal of thunder shot from one of the tendrils and reduced the dragon to so much ash.

"Stand," a chorus of eldritch whispers affirmed. "Deliverance is within grasp," they echoed. "Seize it," they stated, and Honoka felt her spine stiffen with hands unclenched.

"Plan Faultline Black," Hazou icily called out, and Honoka slotted into the back right position, around Hazou and Neji casting the Summoning jutsu. "Neji, all-out. Bring your strongest."

Honoka tightened her lips. Faultline Black was the prelude to an Earthquake Black, summoning dozens of Summons and elemental clones to boost damage. Hazou had just ordered them to go silent; why would he order them to immediately go all-out, and attract everyone's attention? Worse, Honoka knew better than anyone just how strong her suits were; an all-out attack would hit her too. So why...?

Calm, Honoka inisted. Ino-sensei, as part of her "cruel training", had her prepare to "walk in other people's minds, even though you're not a Yamanaka." Honoka knew Hazou-sensei usually made good decisions, if often also at complete right angles to common sense, so there was some logic to it.

Honoka jus/


Luckily/ fbmdl

Her twin beam sabers were already in her hands, ready to block, and even still Orochimaru's descending Kusanagi nearly bisected her. Her arms crumpled under the weight of resisting Orochimaru's attack, as the edge of the blade took on a sinister green sheen which punched through her invisible sabers as if they didn't exist.

Automatic defense seals immediately layered barriers and spat out a faceplate to tank the attack, but the green edge punched through three barriers and cracked the faceplate, exposing her one eye. Just as immediately, the pressure vanished and she staggered forward, boosting leftwards on pure reflex as the sword speared through the space she had just been in. The knowledge that she was nothing aside from a pile of meat whose every connecting tissue had already ceased to hold itself together spread through her disjointed body and consciousness, as a countervailing chorus proclaimed that she was still alive, and that since she was alive she could pursue her dream.

Dream, huh? What even was her dream, she hysterically wondered.

Then the blade whipped back and she had no more time for those kind of thoughts; on instinct one hand dropped to her endless pouch of traps and the rest of her body tossed herself to the ground as she dropped one of her disks. The blade came through, tongue trailing behind on the handle; the trap activated, and a directional explosive severed - the tongue dodged, but not the second beam saber - the tongue suddenly grasped her wrist and snapped -

Everything went dark, and then sounded cracks, and then became pain. The ground became the sky and became the sky as she soared through the sky, one arm screaming in pain as she idly looked over at her arm flopping in the wind. Muscles screamed in the pain of dislocation; she tasted blood in her mouth, and bit downwards as she popped her arm back in. In the distance, a flood of Dogs and Turtles popped into existence, two great beasts towering over the rest just as Orochimaru had begun to summon his endless array of snakes. Colossal beings clashed on the earth as an endless storm of attacks descended from the heavens, and a limitless number of retorts from the earth rebuked heaven. Blue fire burned as yellow lightning met green venom, punctuated by the unceasing retort of another batch of explosives.

Wearily, Honoka stood up on the cracked earth and steadied her ragged breathing. Inhale. The power circuits on her right arm were badly damaged, not to mention how much even breathing hurt her right arm. Exhale. Her double-sided traps were still good. Inhale. She still had one beam saber. Exhale. CASE system: still effective. Inhale. She was ready to fight.

With her exhale, she bounded back towards the fight.

In the distance, Honoka saw her team fighting against the endless hordes of snakes and attacks. Thundering sounds echoed in her skull, as she tasted the tang of ozone. Sheets of fire met torrents of air and lit the sky afire as the earth trembled and fissured beneath the fury of a thousand Raiton jutsu. Beams of light bent in midair and translucent shimmers shot out of the smoke clouds kicked up by hundreds of explosives. Serpents of water met serpents of flesh and were found wanting; a fiery eagle found a river of dragons and was quenched immediately.

Portals shimmered into existence to disgorge their payloads; spears of icicles found abundant water and began spreading ice throughout, as the temperature dropped and formed a mighty blizzard. The light of Mari-sensei's fury, the Dog Boss's blue fire, and light from uncountable jutsu pierced through the sheet of driving white snow. Shaking her nearly uncontrollable right arm out, Honoka continued boosting back to her team.

"Honoka's - HONOKA!" Kagome-sensei screamed into the communicator, over Neji's quietly relieved callout. "I'm okay, sensei!" Honoka called out, to a conspicuous silence. Kagome was probably crying on the other end.

"Honoka, we need your CASE system up," Hazou urgently told Honoka. "We can't see anything in this blizzard, and Neji's fingers can't keep up with Orochimaru and the red guy's movements, got it?"

"Yes, sir," Honoka said, closing her eyes and feeling what the vibrating seals were telling her: four signatures loosely scattered near them, one blurry figure in the sky that was probably Mari, dozens of small signals which were probably summons, three that were so big they had to be the Boss Summon, and two pretty big signatures. One of them was heading out of the blizzard; the other one was -

She ducked on instinct, and lost a few strands of hair to Orochimaru's blade. How the heck that stupid Orochimaru-stinker's tongue could stand the cold, Honoka didn't know, but that was what she was dealing with. Cursing, she dropped another one of her disks and rolled forward. She could feel Orochimaru approaching her, lazily running in her general direction with his sword held lightly in one hand. It didn't seem like Orochimaru knew where Honoka was; he was running towards the place she had just been, not where she was rolling to.

"Orochimaru's on me," Honoka huffed out, just before she sensed Orochimaru making another slash. With the resistance of the snow, Honoka couldn't jump up fast enough, but the boosters - no time to think about that, just enough time to boost jump above the blade aaand Orochimaru was now turning to match her new heading at a really fast pace through the snow somehow.

Distantly, she could feel her limbs begin to fall to pieces; it was the second time that she felt Orochimaru's Killing Intent in as many minutes, she noted. No eldritch symphony of voices would give her affirmation this time, though - she would have to fight this on her own.

Fine, Honoka huffed, turning to face Orochimaru. He wanted to face a security specialist who had learned from Kagome and Hazou-sensei? She'd show him just how bad an idea it was to face a sealmaster on prepared ground, no matter how recent the ground was prepared.

Her hands flicked to her trapped disks. Charging forward with boosters in full burn, she threw out her disks with all her strength - dropping several behind her as she flew as the real trap. In the blindingly bright snow blasting in their faces, the disks should've been nearly invisible, but Orochimaru wriggled and slipped through holes in the net that Honoka hadn't even known existed. His sword flashed out any time a particularly dangerous combination approached: watching three of her ZorpBombs getting cut down was frustrating, dammit!

Suddenly, the sword whipped back out, and Honoka raised her own deactivated beam saber up. To make sure she got the timing right, she burned up her own chakra, and watched the world pass by in slow motion. Orochimaru's sword looked almost like normal speed as it came right for her midsection, but Honoka was a ninja, and vaulted right - fast!

The blade hit her beam saber and threw her back for the second time. Her fingers were numb, but she forced them to keep scattering the disks, as Orochimaru whipped his sword back and himself forward at a ludicrously high speed. Slithering and weaving, Orochimaru managed to dodge out of the way of every trap that Honoka had set. Explosion seals couldn't touch him, implosion seals were too slow, something was wrong with the Dust Bombs, and the Banshees didn't even slow him down. Someone was saying something into her earpiece, but -

Orochimaru was at her throat again. She desperately backpedaled in a circle. Blade met invisible edge over and over again, as Honoka used up all the chakra the S7 Engine could feed her. A thrust was deflected, a rising slash took off her right forearm's armor, a reverse cut left a deep gash in the shin plating, and a spinning slash smashing through her flimsy hold to leave a deep gash on her torso armor.

With each superficial wound, however, Honoka was dropping her own set of disks with her right arm, and leading Orochimaru further into her own trap array, spiralling outside.

Cut. Thrust. Smash. Punch. Half-sworded thrust.

Disk. Disk. Disk. Disk. Disk.

Her faceplate was destroyed. Her other shin armor gave way. Her torso armor cracked. Her shoulder pauldron was cut off and removed. Her skin was one massive bruise, through all the armor. Her consciousness was flayed just as certainly as her GUTS suit was falling to pieces around her.


Dragging her exhausted body into one more block, a fierce smile broke out.

Because her trap disks were two-sided.

Boosting backwards at full speed, Honoka lept clear of the array she had spent the last minute getting beat up to build up. Orochimaru's tongue shot out to intercept her, and then the world became a maelstrom of sound and a rainbow of colors as the reverse side of her trapped disks activated. Implosion bombs sucked in the goo sprayed by the outer array, lightning surged outwards, a multilayered dome contained all the rest of the traps and the target - just as an earthshattering amount of explosives and Dust Bombs reduced everything inside to ash. Just to make sure of it, a set of Banshees stuck to the floor vibrated the churned mud floor until the survivor drowned in liquified mud.

Panting, Honoka touched down. The series of traps had pushed away the blizzard, apparently, and she could see the Dome clearly. The inside of the Domes was a blackened gooey ash - not even Orochimaru could've survived that, Honoka thought. Her everything hurt, and she could barely move her right hand, but the widest smile was pulled across her face. She survived Orochimaru, and even got the better of him, dammit! Exhausted, her laughter dribbled out of her, thrilled to be hurting, but alive. Babble from the communicator washed over her, as she concentrated on drawing in the sharp and cold air in deep, ragged breaths.

The Dome cracked. Honoka's knees gave out on her. The gooey walls divided, and Orochimaru stood tall, smirking in the ashes. Casually, he raised two fingers up to his hem, and brushed.

"Mistake," Neji proclaimed. "For you are within range of my divination! Eight Trigrams, Four Thousand Ninety Six Palms!"

Booms echoed throughout the battlefield, as Neji's palms left shockwaves in their wake. The tinkling of a shattered metal rang out, and Orochimaru launched himself backwards at the highest speed he could. Neji hands caught his ankle, which instantly peeled off, leaving Neji holding Orochimaru's dead skin; in the next instant, Neji leapt after him, but a curtain of fire blocked his path.

Honoka blinked. Where had that fire come from? She blinked again. The air wasn't as cold, the clouds had dispersed, and a golden ray was slowly descending. Most of all, the silence seemed to echo loudly in her head, the lack of explosions, of crackling lighting and rushing water making its absence felt.

"Impressive, new arrivals! Truly, amazing!" a voice boomed out. "Consider me enterained, incarnated Asuras! That was truly a splendid performance!" the golden figure said, loudly clapping one pair of his hands together. "You have made it worth sending Jirou to this front of the battlefield, and you have made it worth my time to come here in person," he declared, descending on a golden platform.

He was dressed from head to toe with golden armor, interspersed with glowing blood red highlights. Even from a distance, Honoka could feel the incredible degree of power that the man - no, Asura - was emanating casually. The very air seemed to cling onto his every word, awaiting the order to either relax or perish on the Asura's whim. Two arms remained folded together, as the top two contemptously clapped at their life-and-death battle.

"Tell me, then, Asuras, what prize do you seek more than life itself? A king must know what his subjects desire, in order to satisfy them, of course," the golden Asura smugly said.

Honoka grit her teeth and pushed herself up, shaking off the lingering feeling that her flesh would slough off at any moment. She looked over at Neji, on his last legs. Kagome, shaking from exhaustion and trying to comfort Mari, kneeling on the ground sobbing. Lee, covered from head to toe in corrosive venom, smiling his normal smile.

Hazou, radiating his own aura and purpose.

"Everyone we've ever lost," he said back.

The golden figure's face immediately curled up into a disgusted sneer. "Resurrection? Revival? You presume much, fools," he spat. "You believe that you can do what I cannot? How arrogant you must be."

The pressure doubled, and then redoubled upon the six of them.

"And?" Hazou asked, refusing to give even an inch.

"Tch," the Asura said, finally descending to the ground. "If you believe that you truly are stronger than me in all respects, and seek to achieve the unattainable miracle of resurrection, you will need to accomplish three things: Force the Judge of the Naraka Path to submit to your will, create an opening in the boundary of enlightenment dividing the Pure Land from reality, and then rebind the entirety of Reality together. The first task alone will break you; you will need to personally learn the lesson of each of the Six Paths before you can call youself qualified to challenge the King of Hell," the king-like figure derisively snorted.

"However," he cruely smiled, "because I believe in promoting ambition, allow me to help you on your journey - to the path of endless hunger, the Preta Path!"

The Asura waved all six of his hands in a complicated jutsu. Arrays of machinery emerged from golden portals around him at high speed, multicolored glyphs burning themselves into the air as he rose back into the sky - just out of the way of the yawning chasm opening beneath Honoka's feet, and dragging her downwards.

She looked up. All six of them were falling, falling, and falling, until the sky of the battlestrewn Asura Path winked away.

[X] Let @eaglejarl write what he wants. I trust him.
Omake: Marked For Death Voyage: Let's Meet Again

Marked For Death Voyage: Let's Meet Again

The black fury inside Neji raged. His every nerve ending was on fire, both pushed to act and being repressed by his will alone.

Neji breathed in deeply, and unclenched his bleeding fists.

Shit, his nails weren't trimmed enough, if they could bleed.

By long practice, he stoked that anger into a cold fire, and let it suffuse the entirety of his being as they fell through the entire world.

When his eyes fully bulged with the strength of his new perception, he let it simply wait for the next opportunity, when the Summoning began far above his head. A veritable swarm of Dog clan ninken suddenly appeared, along with the great form of his most trusted Turtle.

His lips curdled in idle amusement. He would at least not lose out in quality.

The great form of the Dog Boss raced alongside the passage to the underworld, racing on nothing more than thin air. So they had learned that trick as well, Neji amusedly thought.

"We won't have much time before we reach the Preta Path, so listen carefully. You will enter a plane of Hunger - your desires will be amplified by the very environment you seek, and gaki will consume your soul should you fail to keep control over your desire. We are reaching the point of no return everywhere, so the conditions for progressing to the Deva Path is simple: abandon desire and allow yourself to fall through. You will understand what I mean when you arrive - "

Inky blackness swallowed his whole world, and when he opened his eyes, he saw only saw Honoka behind him, terrified and looking up to him with the respect he deserved.

Good, he smiled. Now he was finally receiving the respect he was due.

"Hazou, go. I will take as many of them over as I can, but you and Honoka have the best chance of simply passing this on your own," Enrou said.

Hazou nodded, and plunged into the inky blackness.

He emerged into an idyllic village, filled with happy, playing villagers. The children running through the village had round cheeks and happy smiles, unaware of his presence - or rather, he realized, unafraid.

"Are you happy, Hazou?" Akane's voice echoed behind him.

A grey-haired woman, bearing the features that Akane aged seventy years might look like, stood behind him as Hazou whirled around with all the trained reflexes of ten years ceaselessly honing himself into the greatest warrior he could be.

"Akane," Hazou said, stuttering to a halt. "What are you..."

"You did it, Hazou. You succeeded. You've ended death and brought prosperity to the land. The children grow up without fear of famine or disease, living with their grandparents and great grandparents and their whole extended families. The nations have come together in peace, and war is a distant memory," she said, a smile gracing her wrinkled face.

Instinctively Hazou dispelled, and the rest of the world - he knew that this was supposed to be the Preta Path, but - failed to disappear.

The wizened Akane simply shook her head and reached out her hand to Hazou. Awkwardly, he held her hand in the gloved grasp of the GUTS suit, feeling incredibly silly while he did so - wasn't this the goal, to reach a point where the kunai could be put back to use as a farming implement, and seals put to use growing food in the fields and making the children happy?

"You've come all this way, hero from a distant past, which means the time you've been awaiting is finally here," the voice that sounded like Akane said, and a primal fear and resignation struck Hazou all at once. Somehow, he knew that the Akane standing before him was merely a coat of paint over something horrible, something he failed to grasp what it was but suspected was the gaki, no, the Preta Path itself, stalking its prey - and worse, that force of mortal arms would do nothing to stop it.

"What are you waiting for, Hazou?" the voice said, and Hazou realized that he had come to a stop, his whole body tense. "Haven't you been seeking this the whole time?"

Hazou could not bring himself to look at Akane's face, even as he took another step forward, forcibly advancing the point where he must confront whatever challenge laid in store.

"Well, no need for that," the voice said. "He's already here."

Before him, a man appeared, wearing one sword on his belt. He looked all the world like one of the traveling samurai that Hazou had once heard about, draped in simple robes and a wide-brimmed hat. Suddenly, Hazou realized something with horrifying finality:

He recognized that sword. It was Joutarou's, the one jonin that he had killed all the way back in the Hot Springs Incident. Perhaps one of the first people he killed that he regretted killing.

"I've been expecting you," he said, lifting his hat. The image that struck Hazou was the same cold fury he had seen across many other faces, the face of someone who knew that you could not be killed but were weighing the cost of simply doing so regardless. "You took my uncle from me. In the meanwhile, I grew up, my mother passed, I got my own farm, and my Uncle wasn't there to see any of it. Do you know how much you have taken from me?"

"But - "

"But nothing, murderer of my uncle," the man said, walking past him. "My forgiveness is not so easily bought, Hazou."

Hazou looked back at his fleeting back, desperate to say anything in rebuttal, but the words choked themselves in his throat.

Especially when he saw another woman close by, holding her child and leading him away from Hazou.

Another image superimposed itself over his eyes, and suddenly he realized that he had known that woman - Honami, the proprietor of that inn in the Hot Springs.

"Honami, I -" Hazou called out.

"Don't," she cried out. "Don't come any closer, ninja," she begged.

The dagger drove itself deeper into Hazou's heart.

Suddenly, he looked around him - a crowd had gathered.

He looked, and everywhere he looked, the faces of the dead stared back at him. The faces of those he had killed personally or by order.

He looked back at the thing wearing Akane's skin.

"What's going on?" Hazou begged, desperately seeking answers he realized he could not trust this thing to give.

"Exactly what you wanted," the thing cruelly said, smiling. "Deep in your heart, you want to be judged, and you want to make amends," the voice said, bringing the flesh of Akane's elderly form forward, shedding years with every step. The cold gleam in the eyes of Akane's body frightened him to the core, and he scrambled - ah.

That was what this was, wasn't it?

"There's a quick way to make those amends," the thing sing-songed. "Don't resist," it said, cocking a fist back.

Hazou instinctively realized that that would be the strike that would end his life, no matter how much armor or abilities he utilized to block it.

But...with the threat of death looming overhead, Hazou realized that this is what the old dog had meant.

To escape the trap, he needed to merely let himself go.

Let go of his anger.

Let go of his will to survive.

Let go of his purpose.

Let go of his need to stand up.

Let go of - everything.

The strike came, and never arrived.

Hazou had fell through the membrane and into the Deva path.

It was an interminable eternity that Hazou came to, drifting at the bottom of an endless ocean. Far above him, the inky black sky was cracked and letting in some of the incomprehensible light from Outside in - but at the bottom of this endless ocean, that was nothing more than a trivial factoid.

A dog nudged him - and Hazou realized suddenly that he was the size of a house, and the Dog Boss besides.

"A-ah. Enrou," Hazou said, without a further thought for how he was speaking underwater.

"Yes," the Dog Boss responded. "This is the Deva Path. I've found and ferried over Lee, Mari, and Kagome - Honoka got here before you," he said.

"Ah," Hazou responded, other words unneeded. "Then - "

"Neji still has not arrived here, and I fear that if we don't act quickly, he may be lost for this journey."

"Then - " Hazou replied.

"On the other hand, should you succeed, it will be nothing more than a temporary inconvenience - and you are running out of time to complete this journey," Enrou said, meaningfully casting his eyes at the cracked boundary to the Outside. "The worlds have sped up the process of collision, as your punctures in the fabric of reality have begun tearing new holes in the bubbles protecting these paths. You must hurry, or all will be lost soon," Enrou said. "If you let me, I can speed you and your group through the Naraka Path, but Neji will have to fend for himself. Understand?"

"A-ah," Hazou said.

() Fetch Neji, we will forge on ahead.
() Neji will fend for himself, we have no time to lose.
Side Quest: The Creatures of Linnsmouth Bay: Waking Up.
The Creatures of Linnsmouth Bay: Waking Up.​

Hazou woke to a too perfect stillness. Under the covers he laced his fingers together and whispered "Kai".

Still finding himself in the darkness of his room, Hazou opened his eyes and carefully did not flinch at the sight of a minimalist interpretation of the third face of a chakra bear.

The ANBU signed, "ORDERS. DIRECT, HOKAGE. NO-DANGER IMMEDIATE, URGENT." the agent paused, then somehow exuded an amused air despite not moving whatsoever before continuing.

"NO-TAKE-ACTION" The agent switched to fingerspelling, "H A Z O U".

Before Hazou could react to an ANBU agent telling him to not commit treason using his name as a verb, they disappeared.

The scroll reads as follows:

Mist is under attack by an out of context problem. The Gouketsu are best equipped to aid our ally, and so they will. Choose a member to stay behind, or inform the tower of a civilian regent before you leave. Skywalker and skytower use is necessary over any body of water on the way.

You will be hosted in the Wakahisa district. Get there ASAP without harming combat effectiveness.​

Sarutobi Asuma

Your Hokage.​


Who do you leave behind, if anyone? If you don't, who do you appoint as regent?

Ignoring the summons is not an option, nor is Hazou staying. Asuma wants specifically Gouketsu brand craziness to solve the problem. You may also send a note to the tower <200 words with requests before you leave. More reasonable requests are more likely to be granted.​

I watch the thread, but please ping me in your votes if you want to make sure they get counted.
Omake: Marked for Death Voyage: The Dream I Saw
MfD Voyage: The Dream I Saw

fifteen thousand seven hundred thirty five

The shattered pieces of Hazou's mind sparked. Thoughts collided against thoughts, and his inner world began to move again. The things he had left behind flooded back in through the hole in his own mentality.

The first, and the absolute principle that Hazou could never give up – his own will.

From his heart, he felt the first flutters of chakra begin to fire. Begin to answer his own will.

His fingers curled into a fist. Even tired and exhausted, his body would never disobey him, so long as he drew breath.

"We," he panted, "will get Neji."

From the haze of exhaustion, Hazou began flexing the first pieces into the ANGEL engine on his back. He fed his energy into a loop, felt it roil and fed the multiplied energy back into himself.

The pain reminded him he was alive, and the subjugation and sublimation of the chakra took only an exertion of will.

As his limbs began to function again under the crushing sea, Hazou looked back at one of his greatest allies.


That wolf boss, burning a ghostly blue.

Time slowed for Hazou. His mind sunk into his signature.

The Seven Paths that he knew of were the Human, Deva, Asura, Preta, Animal, Devil, and Seventh. Everyone began on the Human, for they had surpassed the temptations and the base instincts of the Animal Path. To advance from the Animal Path, it was not solely a matter of the Universal Transport, but also to transcend your own base instincts and join hands in a civilization.

But once you transcended the Animal and Human paths, the next step was to challenge the Asura path. Only those who had reached the Asura paths had even the qualifications to progress down the road. In the Asura path, eternal battlefields and glory awaited. It was not merely the animal joy of battles, nor the human joy of connections, but the test of whether the eternal glories that awaited on a ceaseless battlefield would hold you.

Only those who had a reason to fight as the last person in the Elemental Nations – as the last person in all of existence – would have the right to advance from the Asura path. If you could stride forward on your own two feet.

But when you proved your worth there, you would find yourself confronted with the Preta Path. The path that would test your ability to focus on the things that were important. It would give you everything you wanted and punish you for your excess. The only desire that could survive its passage would be desirelessness, and having refined a soul through the four paths, they would be ready for the refinement into the Deva Path.

The Summons were an exception to the rule. The one the Sage of Six Paths had introduced. They stood apart from the Paths. So it made sense that the Summons could help a few other souls break the rules, so long as they had their own way to reduce their metaphysical weight.

But of his own volition, there was one more exception to the rule.

Hazou Goketsu.

And he stared at Enrou's offered back, and he realized something.

"You're correct, but I can't accept your help."

The easiest way to traverse paths was to die and let your soul move on. The second easiest way to traverse paths was to rely on the aid of the Summons.

But those who tread along the path would only head along the intended destination of the creator. Those who achieved enlightenment the conventional method would only achieve the conventional enlightenment.

Hazou began circling chakra between himself and his GUTS suit. From his heart to another, and from another heart to his own.

"You go on ahead, Enrou. I'll handle this."

One and one became two, two and two became four, and four and four became infinity.

"Besides, this is still the Preta Path. Trusting someone else to carry on your responsibilities because you lack the strength is no way to ascend into divinity," Hazou laughed, draining out his chakra.

The ghost barked out its assent.

"Well said," the ghost said. "I'm sure Enrou would happy to hear that."

Hazou nodded, and shattered existence.

He was only traveling in the same Path, not different paths, so the strain would be less difficult, and he was still shooting in the dark based only on his own guess of where Neji would be.

Through the instant of time and point of space, Hazou found himself in the middle of an empty field. Dust swirled in a field lit only by a bright sky, lit by no suns.

At the center of the field stood Neji, armored in his GUTS suit. He looked down at a headband held in his hand, and an emblem on the ground. The Hyuga emblem.

"I'm surprised," Neji said. "I thought I would be consumed by my anger, but here I am."

His back was still turned to Hazou, as Hazou strode forward.

"Is this the place you want to remain?" Hazou asked, stepping inside the third ring from Neji. From here, if Neji chose to attack, the attack would certainly hit. "This barren land?"

"It's not the place," Neji said. "It's the time."

"Oh? What is it about the time?"

"Behold the end of the world," Neji said. "It's endless motes of dust, lit by no stars. Behold how even now, I still discharge my duty."

"Your duty to what?" Hazou said, stepping inside the second defensive line. Now only bare body lengths apart, they entered the area where neither could escape. Hazou should know. He helped design it this way.

"My destiny as a member of the Hyuga," Neji said, turning. He wore a contented smile. "Everything I have done has had a purpose, and it leads to this point in time."

Hazou stepped inside the third defensive line – the point when they were face to face. He looked around that barren land. None of his family were in the picture. None of his children, none of his parents. None of his friends, none of his enemies.

Only him, and his dead white eyes.

"Well, with one exception," Neji said, self-satisfied smile dropping into a scowl. "You."

"Me," Hazou agreed, spreading his arms wide. "Even at the end of the world, I'll never be just a memory."

"A memory of what?" Neji spat.

"That's a better look, Neji," Hazou said. "Are you starting to remember? The reason we asked you to come with us?"

"Because it is my destiny to serve the Hyuga, and if that means joining the madman, then I join the madman," Neji said, facial muscles trying to resume his serenity.

"How self-centered," Hazou shot back. "I didn't ask you why you joined. Shino was certainly quick enough to decline."

"Who can guess how a madman thinks?" Neji said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I think I can," Hazou said. "And I can tell you why."

"No need. You chose me for my ability to work with the others. I have done just that." Neji said, resuming his serenity.

"No, you fool. I chose you because I have your measure," Hazou said. "Your body may have submitted, and your mind succumbs – but I can still see that your heart has not yet failed you yet."

Neji's eyes sparked, and the absent light returned for only a brief instant. Then it was washed away.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Neji said.

"I hate liars," Hazou baldly said. Then he snapped a kick into Neji's open jaw.

Neji's head ducked, and his hands picked up Hazou's leg. From his anchored feet came the rotation, and Hazou was bodily thrown a dozen meters behind Neji. Disengaging the chakra adhesion midair, Hazou got rid of the stone attached to his feet and engaged his third generation flight seals.

Neji looked up at Hazou, and the lights holding him in the air.

"Try as you might, you will not dislodge me from my destiny," he confidently said.

"True enough," Hazou said, shrugging. "I won't."

Then the light converged into a roaring inferno behind Hazou, and he launched into a lunge. In his wake, a boom sounded, and in front of him was his fist.

The thrown fist was caught and sent on its way by Neji with only a slight rotation of his feet. The impact shattered the earth and sent Hazou on a rolling tumble over hundreds of meters.

"But still, I have to try," Hazou said, kipping up to his feet unphased.

"You will try fruitlessly," Neji said, artificial muscles of the GUTS suit glowing from exertion. "But I will be here to reject your advance."

His hands flashed in a string of handsigns. That old friend of Hazou's, the firefly jutsu, wielded in Neji's hands. Before Hazou was a constellation of fireballs, each exploding into a thousand thousand blue lights.

In Neji's hands, any one of those uncountable lights could kill.

"That's more like it," Hazou laughed happily. "Show me more that burning spirit within you!"

In his hands, he flickered through his own sequence of seals. Into the effect slot, he slammed in the Blizzard clip.

At once, the heavens of light descended on Hazou's course, as a brilliant jet of fire erupted behind him. Brilliant blue streaks whipped at him as Hazou's own ice blue icicles met the dancing lights with a tidal wave of cold. If Hazou couldn't match the sheer perfection of Neji's net, he would overcome it with a difference in number – or a difference in kind!

The icicles evaporated into a thick scalding steam, and for the first time Hazou realized he may have made a mistake. After all, Neji could see perfectly fine through the steam, but Hazou couldn't. Reversing his thrust and planting his feet into the ground, his hands flashed through the sequence for the Multiple Earth Wall.

Out from the earth came a tower of granite – or a cannon, if you were so inclined.

Hazou was so inclined.

The roaring of his flight seals turned his infinite chakra into boundless speed.

If Neji's control was unparalleled, Hazou simply had to start from high enough that his control didn't matter.

Hazou ascended as a plume of white.

Behind him, the trails of blue seemed to light his way, as even Neji couldn't keep up with Hazou's ascent, now kilometers into the sky.

"So? What will you do now?" Neji asked, over the GUTS comm channel.

Hazou took out an ordinary storage seal.

Out came a hunk of rock, light enough to hold in one hand with chakra boost, let alone the enhancements of the GUTS suit.

"If you won't be moved from your destiny, I'll simply destroy your destiny," Hazou replied, reshaping the stone to his will. The channels of chakra erupted all over the stone, hewed away the excess, and carved into it a seal.

"Hazou's Minute Meteor," Hazou said, and let go.

The stone erupted downwards at an impossible acceleration, shattering the sound barrier three times and more. In its wake, the atmosphere itself glowed a cherry red, and Hazou followed it in.

Neji looked up at the meteor and blanched. Out came his mightiest fire dragon, and the impact shattered the sky and the dragon. Falling flames lit the sunless sky like a meteor shower, and yet the stone kept descending.

Next came lightning, ascending from the earth to divide the stone meteor. Yet a tiny flicker of wind broke out in front of the meteor and drew the meteor in faster. The meteor once again shattered the sound barrier.

Out of other options, Neji reached out his hand, and slapped the meteor aside.

The meteor, shockingly enough, gave way.

Neji had only a moment to recognize that it had been designed to give way before the meteor plunged deep into the empty field – and Hazou's palm met Neji's face.

The field cracked and shattered into oblivion, flaking away into nothingness as the illusion of the Preta Path collapsed before them. Neji was drawn along with Hazou's line of motion, falling into an endless space.

"Neji, destiny isn't a fixed thing! A destiny is a dream, and we have dreams so that we can achieve it! To surpass this Preta Path, take your dream, and use it as fuel!"

Behind Hazou, the flames of his chakra, even filtered through another source, brought a kaleidoscope of visions behind him. Jiraiya and Mari's wedding. A happy family dinner. Hazou and Akane's wedding. Akane and Ino's wedding. Shinji returning to the family. His own son, beating him at rock-paper-scissors.

"Now, Neji!" Hazou said, voice cracking in an exulted emotional high. "Burn your own dream!"

Neji's slackened face seemed to fall away behind him, tumbling in the buffeting winds of the Preta Path's dreamscape. Hazou reached out his hand, but they were too far apart to reach. He watched as Neji tumbled further and further, until he was nothing but a speck.

Then Neji ignited into a white flame. Even if the flame was a colorless white, in its wake came the dreams Neji told himself he'd never get to see. Even if they were indistinct, and Hazou couldn't pick out the events in his eye, they were there.

And in front of him, Neji's hand reached out and grabbed onto Hazou's.

"Universal Transport!" the two shouted in unison. "Destination: Deva's Path, the Voyager team!"

with love and affection for @eaglejarl i beat the update and am now out to get a victory lunch
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Omake: Hazō Meets His Match
Here, have something to tide you over until the real chapter drops.

Hazou had made sure to leave the apartment more than an hour before he was supposed to meet Ami. A serious case of nervous energy and a stronger than usual feeling that he'd die by Keiko's hand long before any external threat could get to him demanded nothing less.

On the upside, this meant he could take his time and take in the sights of his former Village as he walked at a leisurely pace to his destination.

On the downside, try as he might, he could not fully relax because there was always a chance of triggering a Surprise Keiko Event:

While it had felt like a good idea at the time to let Noburi in on this secret meeting in case he needed someone to corroborate his precommitment to not talk about Keiko, he had come to regret that decision; as much as he loved his brother, Noburi was definitely the type to break immediately under torture.

Getting beat up once in public was more than enough. He really did not want a repeat of that, thank you very much.

With these happy thoughts swirling in his head, he eventually arrived at a park he used to visit as a kid and sat down on an unoccupied bench.

Closing his eyes, he didn't realize how much he had missed just coming here and letting go of his worries. The breeze on his face and even the random chatter of the passersby felt like a balm on his raw soul.

Had he been homesick without even realizing?

"Saya, hold up please. This telescope is really heavy, you know!"

"Stop complaining, Aya. This is exactly why you will never catch up to my physical exams' score in the academy. Now hurry, if we finish our chores Dad might finally let us visit big bro."

"Do you really think so? But what if he doesn't want to see us? He would have tried to make contact otherwise, right? I really miss him."

A strange jolt of recognition passed through Hazou's body but when he opened his eyes he couldn't spot anyone carrying a telescope in the passing crowd. Weird.

Ah well, it was probably nothing important. He was about to close his eyes again when he noticed a small and fuzzy black shape to his right. A shape that he was absolutely sure had not been there just a minute ago.

Oh no.

No, no, no!

He was Goketsu Hazou, inventor of the Skywalkers, student of the Heartbreaker and adopted son of the Hokage. He refused to go down without a flight!

So forget about taking his time, he was heading to Yukizome's Experimental Cuisine this instance and he'd wait out the remaining time there.

He apologized to the civilian child and mother that he had nearly run over in his mad dash, but in the end he managed to escape alive and unhurt.

The child for her part walked up to the bench Hazou had bolted from, picked up the black kitten plushie and ran back to her mother with a huge smile on her face.

Mewnori would live to meow another day. And this time she would make sure not to carelessly forget her on a bench again.


While he initially had planned to enter the restaurant the moment he had arrived, he stopped short at the door because he realized his plan to meet Ami had one significant flaw: he didn't actually know what she looked like.

This could turn out to be problem.

But this was Keiko's big sister and he at least knew how Keiko looked like from spending time with each other as teammates. In addition, yesterday's match had given him extra insight. For example how she looked from below when was laying down on the hard arena floor and even from a bird's eye perspective from when Pangaya and Pandamonium threw him around like a toy to amuse their summoner.

Given said information he should be able to extrapolate Ami's looks: very similar to Keiko but taller and with longer hair because that's how aging worked, right?


And now that he had a rough idea what to look for, was he just to enter and hope there would be no other girls matching this description of her in the establishment - and then what?

Was he just supposed to sit down on the same table as her (assuming she had arrived as early as he had) and pretend to know what he was doing when he clearly did not?

Or worse: what if there were multiple girls matching the description? How would he even know who'd be the correct one? Knowing his luck, he'd sit at the wrong table with the wrong "Ami" talking about the wrong things at the wrong time and then her actual date would show up and he would have to explain how this was all a misunderstanding and really, wasn't Uplift great?

And now that he thought about that, was this a date? Should he have brought flowers?

This clearly was a well thought out plan. He sighed and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket to review it:

Secret Embarrassing Diplomatic Undertaking to Collect Intelligence About Mori's Intentions

Under it were loads of tiny scribbles to help him guide the discussion with Ami but it was painfully clear that his plan lacked sufficient contingencies about a situation like this one.

He put the paper back into his pocket, making a mental note to burn it before he went home and considered his options:

He still had time so he could go buy some flowers and return home to further optimize his approach with someone smarter than him. Like Ke--

A cold shiver ran down his spine.

Or maybe he'd not do any of those things and just head inside right now.

Yes, that definitely sounded like the smart thing to do.


To Hazou's delight, he could not spot any female patrons whatsoever inside Yukizome's Experimental Cuisine so his worries about chatting up the wrong person turned out to be groundless at least.

In fact, there only seemed to be two male patrons in here: the first one was sitting on a bar stool, eating… something. His pained grunts whenever he took a bite of whatever-that-was did not inspire confidence in Ami's choice of location.

The second one was seated at a corner table with a half eaten dish in front of him and was quietly sleeping with his face on the table. At least Hazou hoped that this was what he was doing because he couldn't actually see his chest move from his current viewing angle. Still, none of the staff seemed to be concerned about this and it'd be unlikely that Mist had started executing people via restaurant in a bid to be more humane under Aunt Ren's leadership, right?

He turned his gaze away; having established the restaurant as an Ami-Free-Zone for the moment being, Hazou had no idea what to do. Arranging for seating would be the usual step but he didn't know whether Ami had a place reserved for them or not.

Smelling his fear and indecisiveness as service people won't do, a waiter (?) pounced.

"Good day, young man. I am Minoru Minori and I will be your waiter today. Do you happen to have a reservation or were you struck by the desire to do some science with your taste buds spontaneously?"

Spoiler Alert: This is clearly Ami wearing an incredibly shoddy disguise to try and mess with Hazou.
She isn't trying very hard however (her clothes are much too big for her frame and she is using her normal voice for starters). She is mostly interested in seeing how Hazou would react to him catching her.

Ami, Deceit: ?? - ?? (Dice) - 90 (A disguise not even a child would fall for) = 16
Hazou, Deceit: 24 - 2 (Dice) - 6 (Severe Consequences) = 16

Tie goes to the attacker and Ami wins.

And props to Keiko, only she could mess things up for Hazou without being physically present - as far as you know, anyway.

A/N: Oh, good. It's going to be one of those updates.

Wait a minute, wasn't Minori a woman's name? And this guy in front of him was clearly male: he could tell by the moustache which seemed to be attached to his nose via his glasses.

Something was off.

Then again, who was he to judge when he was living with Kagome-sensei who was clearly a man using a name traditionally reserved for women? Disappointed at himself for jumping to conclusions he missed the waiter raising his very, very bushy brows in disbelief.

"Sir, are you alright?"

"Ah, yes, sorry", Hazou replied. "I am meeting someone here and she has probably already made a reservation for us."

"Very good, sir. Who would this lovely, gorgeous and - presumably incredibly intelligent - lady happen to be? So I can look up under which name the reservation was made, you understand "

Ah, crap. Did Ami put it under her real name or a fake one? Well, nothing to be done about it. Time for some patented Hazou Charm to deflect and defuse the situation.

"Yes. A local girl. From Mist, very loyal and very legal. No need to look further into it."



"Well, will you look at this. I do have a reservation for 'Girl from Mist' here. Please follow me, sir."

The waiter led Hazou into a seperate room. One which only contained a single large table and two chairs.

Yes! He did it and all without arousing suspicion!

Score: Hazou one, waiter zero.

Hazou took one of the chairs and gingerly sat down. To his surprise, the waiter did the same on the chair opposite to him.

"What are you doing?" Hazou demanded.

Instead of replying immediately, the waiter twirled his thick moustache like those villains Hazou thought up for their game nights, then pulled on it, removing the disguise completely. "It's a-me, Ami!"

"Oh", Hazou said dumbly. "Well, this is awkward."

Ami only flashed him a bright smile.

Score: Hazou one, "waiter" two.


"Noburi, have you seen Hazou? I wanted to review our match with him some more", Keiko said in between bites of the most delicious honey covered waffle ever. The honey was even from Bear. Bear!

"Uh, no, I haven't. Why?" Noburi replied.

"I literally just told you", she looked at him in concern. "Are you alright? You seem to be sweating heavily."

"Ah, yeah, I think I might be getting sick. I'll go lie down for a bit upstairs just to be safe. Please make sure I am not disturbed. By anyone", Noburi turned on the stairs hesitantly, then looked Keiko in the eyes in a burst of courage. "Especially close family."

How odd.

"I will do my best to serve you, Noburi-sama", she gave him a mock bow. "Anything for the glory of the Goketsu."

Keiko had just finished her meal and had started to walk upstairs to read a book when the doorbell rang.

Sighing at having her potential reading time cut short, she jumped down the stairs and slammed the door open.


Two girls, roughly three or four years younger than her, stood in front of her. One of them at least had the decency to look her in the face while the other hid behind her oversized telescope, shuffling on the spot like the book hating coward she probably was.

Then again, it hardly mattered which one of them did what since they both looked the same to Keiko.

"Hi! We were just wondering if Noburi is here? We wanted to visit him if that's alright", one of them said. "Please?"

"I'm afraid Noburi is currently not receiving any visitors. Now shoo!" Keiko decreed, then slammed the door shut.

It was reading time after all and that time was sacred.

"Saya, I don't think big bro wants to see us. Do you think we did something wrong?" Aya started to sniffle.

Saya went to hug her. "It's alright, I am sure this was all a misunderstanding. Let's go home for now, OK?"



Hazou and Ami sat in silence until after the real (and moustache-less!) waiter had brought in the food and refreshments.

Hazou was still too embarrassed to talk, so he distracted himself by looking at the things the waiter had brought in; he couldn't help but notice that - even though the food looked pretty disgusting - it also looked very familiar.

So familiar in fact that he had nearly blurted out the question about whether Yukizome's Experimental Cuisine was a front for Mist's Seal Research Department because he recognized the stuff on his plate as the product of failed sealing research (though a lot more intact than Kagome-sensei and he would have left them).

Oh dear. Ami had taken him to a restaurant that served beings from the IN with beings from the OUT. Beings that appeared to be still alive enough that they had started eating each other.

What was she playing at? Was she signalling that she knew about Hazou doing dangerous research? Research which ultimately led to the development of Skywalkers and his adoption into Leaf?

The other thing that caught his attention was a big ornate bowl of water close to Ami's side of the table. A bowl that was big enough to submerge a human sized head in it.

Was she taunting him?

Did she know that Hazou could use Mist's Ultimate Secret Forbidden Technique which could incapacitate any Mist jounin regardless of their conventional power level by pulling their hair and pushing their face into the water? He had seen the devastating effects of it once in person and been told about the other known occurrence by Jiraiya himself (Hazou disliked remembering that one even more than the previous one).

This was clearly no coincidence and he was acutely aware that he was in possession of a technique so powerful that it could topple Mist singlehandedly if it spread - at least assuming they didn't counter it by issuing razors to their senior staff. He briefly wondered whether the long hair all of the sannin cultivated was more than a fashion statement.

He thought he was pretty subtle in checking out the bowl, yet Ami seemed to pick up on his musings because the moment she caught his eye she winked at him and started twirling her hair provocatively.

Was this a test, then? Was she trying to figure out whether he would try to attack her if given the perfect opportunity?

No, wait. Think about this rationally. Maybe it wasn't a test but her way of conveying that she was no threat to him right now and that she had deliberately given him a way to compensate for the inherent power difference between them?

Well, whatever it was, Ami seemed to have grown bored of waiting for Hazou to make the first move.

"So, do you want to take it from the top? As you already know, I am the amazing Mori Ami - but you can just call me Amizing if you want. And you must be Goketsu Hazou, right?" she asked.

Hazou internally cursed himself for precommitting to refuse to answer a few questions every now and then so he could establish a pattern of plausible deniability for questions he genuinely did not want to answer.

But he cursed Noburi even more for letting him talk him into not answering the very first question she would ask. 'It will establish dominance', he had said, and idiot that he was, Hazou had believed him.

"Umm", Hazou replied, establishing his dominance in all things stupid.

"Your name is Goketsu Hazou, is it not?" Ami tried again.


"Your name is Goketsu Hazou, son of Kurosawa Hana, formerly of Mist, is it not?"


"Are you alright? It sounded like you were choking."

"Oh, I wasn't. I said 'hdk'. It means 'Hazou doesn't know', it's a clan mandate thing. For some reason only I have to follow it though."

Ami blinked and Hazou could swear her smile grew even bigger. Was she half cat or something?

"So Hazou doesn't know whether Hazou's name is Hazou? Nevermind that then. Was there anything in particular you wanted to ask me? Nice suit, by the way."

"Thanks, you too." Argh! Stupid reflex. He had just complimented her on her ill-fitting waiter's uniform. Smooth, Hazou. Very smooth. "Uh, I mean you are very pretty and you are clearly very smart."

There, that should make up for the faux pas.

Why was she leaning closer now? Was she blushing? Oh crap.

Hazou was acutely aware of how similar Ami was to Keiko right now. Not by their mannerisms, naturally, because these couldn't have been more different if they tried - apparent tendencies that they enjoyed messing with him aside - but by their appearance.

And this realization made him deeply uncomfortable.

Not because he couldn't imagine himself dating someone like Ami at some point in the future but because he was reminded that Keiko didn't even know he was here. And the only way to tempt fate more than by meeting Ami without Keiko's knowledge would be if he'd fall in love with her and they'd start dating behind her back. Or her front. Or even had the audacity to do so on the same continent as her.

His knowledge of Mist clan history was spotty at best but even he remembered reading about that Yuki clan that nearly destroyed itself from within due to an affair gone wrong.

Said story was particularly memorable for him because some of the people he had talked to in Leaf actually thought Yagura had had them killed for having a bloodline - which was beyond stupid.

Either way, he could and would not let his clan get destroyed if he could help it so it was time to course correct.

Which should be easy since all he'd have to do is be himself and say something stupid.

"So breeding programs, huh?" That should do it. Now to grab that glass of water and drink from it to buy some more time.

"What about them?" Ami replied. Then her eyes widened. "Oh, is that why you mentioned them in your speech? 'You don't need breeding programs, you just need population and time'? It all makes sense now."

It did? Hazou had a bad feeling about this. At least he had the presence of mind to lower his glass and swallow. It wouldn't do to accidentally get Ami wet.

"When you said this you were directly addressing the Mizukage and Hokage, your aunt and your adoptive father, respectively.

"You were asking them for permission, weren't you? For you to marry whoever you wanted to because political marriages to strengthen a bloodline are not that far off from a breeding program, if you think about it. And you made sure I would be there to hear you say it with the message you had sent me two days earlier. You agreeing to meet the day after the match settles it.

"Oh my, this is such a nice romantic gesture! I'd be delighted to accept your proposal! ❤"

That was that, then; he was a dead man walking. If the embarrassment wouldn't get him, having to explain to Jiraiya and Keiko why he was now engaged (?) to Mori Ami would.

And this was seriously unfair. He said stupid things all the time and this wasn't usually what happened!

Of course, he could always try to say no but given his experience with Mori women in general Hazou knew that they cared little about his desires if they went contrary to theirs, so that'd be a lost cause.

Best to just get it over with and give in.

"That, uh. Huh. Yes." Hazou replied, showcasing his mastery of language.

"But enough about that, you probably want to address the elephant in the room first, don't you, my dear Hazou?"

Oh good. He did precommit not to mention Keiko at all but once Ami did she would be fair game. So at least something good would come out of this.

"Oh, Kei--" / "Summoning Technique butnotreally: Come forth, Mr. Twinkles!"

Ami slammed her hand on the table and after the cloud cleared all Hazou could see was a huge pink stuffed elephant that was successfully hiding Ami behind its bulk.

Until she jumped on the table to hug it from behind anyway.

"Ta-da!" she grinned at him.


No really, what. Who would do such a thing?

Jiraiya had tried to warn him. Repeatedly. But he didn't listen. He just had to press on and now he had met his match - in more than one meaning of the word.

And she was looking at him expectantly like this was something to be praised for. He suppressed a sigh.

"That's a really big elephant. Well done...?"


"By the way, it sounded like you wanted to say something? It sounded suspiciously like 'Oh, Kei' but I'm afraid I cut you off in my excitement."

"Uh, nah, you must have misheard. All I said was 'Okay.' But enough about that. I am sure you have questions for me as well?"

Ami nodded, picked up her elephant and put it back into her storage seal. The food that had splashed around when she had unsealed it was already eating through part of it's adorable fur but death-by-storage-scroll would take care of the residue and some sewing later would take care of the fur.

"So, how was life as a missing-nin? Did you visit any cool locations? I am thinking about writing a cooking manga set in Bear featuring a missing-nin protagonist who is searching for the ultimate ingredient to make the ultimate dish.

I even thought of a great name for it: 'The Missing-Ningredient'! What do you think?"

He could do this.

Just relax and remember OPSEC. Hazou wasn't under any illusions he could lie to Ami without getting caught so he would have to be deliberately vague. Hopefully without her catching on.

"Great title. And our life as temporarily-displaced-ninjas-serving-their-Village-through-other-means was alright. It was rough at first and living in constant fear of Captain Zabuza was nerve-wracking but on the other hand having the opportunity to do good without all the red tape was refreshing.

As to where we went? Lots of places, really."

Nailed it.

"That's so cool! I also went to Lots of Places, it's a miracle we haven't met earlier!"

Or not. She was clearly mocking him.


It really was hard to tell considering she had yet to drop her smile from the moment he met her until now (all she had done was vary the intensity of it), which made reading her really hard.

He actually wondered if she might be part Kurosawa with the way she could keep it up but even he had enough tact to know that questioning her parentage to her face would have been a faux pas.

That particular question could wait until the second date.


All in all, that went better than expected. Ami had even given him a hug before they parted ways, and he was now engaged (?) to a very powerful and influential kunoichi.

'Operation: SEDUCING AMI' was tentative success then. In fact, it may have been too successful even. Either way, it looked like Jiraiya had worried for nothing. Or too little - the jury was still out on that one.

Before he had left, Hazou had even handed her a post-interaction survey which she had happily accepted and promised to turn in the next time they'd meet.

Though he really did not like the way she winked at him before asking whether he would keep handing them out once they were actually married.

He thought he was all done getting red in the face but apparently not.

Now all that was left to do was to burn the note in his pocket to destroy all evidence of said meeting and he could head home to figure out a way to tell Keiko about what had conspired without getting accidented in his sleep.

He pulled out the piece of paper but instead of finding the note he had written, he found a different one entirely:

This was really fun! ^_^
I am looking forward to meeting you again. (✿◠‿◠)

PS: I know what you did last summer. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

She knew what he had done last summer? But he didn't even remember what he had done himself.

Which could only be a good thing, right? If it had been something bad he would definitely remember.

But no, focus and try to remember just in case this turned out to be important.

So what had he done last summer?

Lets see: Murdered some chakra beasts, went to Snow, unsuccessfully tried to find chakra beasts to annihilate there, left Snow, exterminated more chakra beasts, revolutionized ninja warfare via Skywalkers, killed some more chakra beasts, got adopted by Jiraiya and became Leaf royalty, reduced chakra beast populations, nearly got Minami killed, reduced civilian ship populations, actually got Minami killed, introduced some chakra beasts to explosives, and talked to Keiko.

Nope, looks like he had worried for nothing. That had been a pretty normal summer as far as his team was concerned.

Well then, time to head home and figure out how to break it to Keiko. The problem with ranged weapon specced ninja was that they could still hit you even if you made sure to be very far away before breaking the news.

But as long as she let him speak and as long as he came up with a great plan to explain why him getting married to the sister she idolizes would be a boon to the clan, it should be fine.

Which it will be. Definitely. Since they were all mature and well adjusted murder children.

He would take the long route home, enjoy the scenery one last time.

Just in case.


"So, how did it go?" Noburi inquired from the couch he was currently lounging in like an oversized cat.

"Pretty well, actually. She seemed to be onboard with Uplift and she had a… peculiar sense of humor. Also, I am pretty sure Keiko isn't going to be the last formerly-Mori to join our clan."

"Duuuude! Does that mean what I think it does?"

"Yeah, I think we are engaged now. Probably, I am not too clear on the specifics."

"Engaged to whom?" Keiko said while walking into the room.

Oh shit. When had she even snuck in? He hadn't finished planning yet but he at least had a tried and tested reply from before to fall back on.

"Yes. A local girl. From Mist, very loyal and very legal. No need to look further into it, you wouldn't know her."

"I see. By the way, what is that sweet smell coming from your direction? I think I recognize that from somewhere."

"Oh, that? Perfume. I, uh, use women's perfume now. Because really, who are we to tell people what they should or should not use? Down with the establishment, I say", he turned to Noburi for support but none was forthcoming. "Sage damn it."

Keiko casually glanced down at where her weapons pouch was usually located, but then she remembered that she'd left it in her room since she hadn't planned on committing fratricide today.


"I couldn't agree more. Please stand by, I will be right back."

Once Keiko had left, Hazou exchanged a nervous glance with Noburi and then both of them rushed out of the house as if Jashin himself was on their tail.

They refused to come back until Jiraiya had assured them that at least one full squad of his best and most trustworthy ANBU would be guarding them at all times.

Keiko for her part remained uncharacteristically happy for unknown reasons which only worked to unnerve them even more.


"Well, this was fun", Ami said to herself while she put her disguise back on. Just in time, too, it seemed because a new customer had just approached her. "Welcome to Yukizome's Experimental Cuisine, I am Minoru Minori, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I am Kurosawa Shin and I have a reservation?"

"Very good, sir. If you could follow me into our private room?"

Oh right.

Her ✰Hazou-chan✰'s self-proclaimed rival had somehow learned about their meeting and decided he could not afford to be left behind. And Ami was more than happy to oblige. And then she'd poke him to figure out where the leak had come from.

Frankly, she quite enjoyed messing with Kurosawa in particular because of all the adorable faces they'd involuntarily make when she managed to rattle them.

And after today, she'd have one that belonged just to herself. ^_^

A/N: I think this is the longest chapter I have written in, well, ever.

I don't even know what I was trying to do (and still don't) but I just had this itch that had to be scratched apparently.

My initial idea didn't even have them getting engaged but it somehow ran away from me. :V
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Omake: The Parable of a Leaf Upon a Lake
The Parable of a Leaf Upon a Lake

In his many travels, the Sage of Six Paths met all kinds of people. Once in his travels, he met an old man sitting under a peach tree by a lake, contemplating something to great depths. Curious as to what the old man was pondering, the Sage of Six Paths sat next to the man and asked.

The old man replied that he was contemplating the nature of free will. He was contemplating whether free will could exist at all, due to the gap between the mental faculties of children and adults, he said.

Confused, the Sage of Six Paths asked the old man to elaborate.

The old man sighed, and began. First, the old man reasoned, if one person reasoned another into making a decision, it seems fair to credit the result to the reasoner, and not the reasoned. Secondly, the mental faculties of adults were far more developed than the faculties of children, the old man said. It would seem fair, the old man posited, that adults would be able to reason children into making whatever decision the adults wished the children to make. Given these three factors, the old man concluded, it follows that because adults possess superior mental faculties and experience with children, that adults could reason children into making whatever decision the adults wished, resulting in children having no free will of their own. Logically, the old man said, this seemed to apply until the adults in a child's life died; otherwise, the child would continue to lack free will because an adult could always reason the child into their preferred decision.

The Sage of Six Paths heard this and gently laughed. The Sage first lightly rebuked him for assuming children were so easy to reason and control - perhaps he had been blessed with such easy children, but this was by no means universal! - and then offered to demonstrate why the Sage disagreed.

Curious, the old man agreed to participate in the demonstration.

The Sage of Six Paths reached up to the peach tree and plucked a single leaf from the tree. Gently, he stood up and released the leaf out onto the lake. The Sage then told the old man to make the leaf go the direction he wanted it to go, without directly touching the leaf.

The old man laughed, and said that this was a trivial exercise for anyone with hands to do; the Sage merely smiled enigmatically, and gestured towards the leaf.

At first, the old man controlled the direction of the leaf easily; small little juts pushed along the leaf to his content. Soon, however, the old man discovered that the task was becoming steadily more difficult. Every little movement he made, after all, rippled and spread out, bouncing off the lake shore and causing the leaf to move in a fashion difficult to track by his eye. The old man soon found himself making larger and larger motions to try and control the leaf. Try as he might, he found himself losing control of the leaf. The bigger the wave he made to control the leaf, the more unpredictable and choppy the lake became.

Finally, the old man decided to be clever. Cupping his hands around the leaf, careful not to touch the leaf, he let the water smooth itself out. When the water finally stilled, the leaf did as well - inside the palm of his hands.

Triumphantly, the old man turned to the Sage of Six Paths. What was the Sage's answer, knowing that the adult's ability to reason a child was similar to man's ability to cup a leaf in his hands, he wondered?

The Sage simply smiled, and let a peach fall into the lake.

The peach hit the water with a mighty splash. Waves rippled out, quickly finding the old man and his cupped hands. Water crested the top of the man's hands, and washed the leaf out of his hands and onto the lake as a whole, where it swirled and swayed according to no discernible pattern.

The Sage then serenely told him that a person's life was infinitely harder to control than the movements of a mere leaf on a lake.

Humbled, the old man thanked the Sage for his wisdom. The Sage of Six Paths acknowledged his thanks, and continued wandering.