So, how good is our economy doing? Apparently, I have nothing better to do, so...

Slight increase from acquiring ACME (Canis Fed-Upwithis)
DoofOS: A large amount plus slightly more (May/June 2015)
Slight increase from Doofhawk Castle (Castle Doofhawk, Part VI)
Slight increase from Disney (Cut the Muster)
Moderate income loss from Evil Job Benefits (July/August 2015)
Slight income from Greevil Power (November/December 2015)
Small Income from Chicken Itza (Birds of a Feather-Birds Unfettered)
Moderate income increase from Chicken Itza excavation (May/June 2016)
Moderate decrease from Income from setting money aside (May/June 2016)
(If I've missed anything, let me know)

So that's two moderate decreases, five slight increases, one moderate increase, and one large increase. I'm kind of surprised we're actually (probably) money positive, I assumed we weren't.
MIH said they were writing that up when I asked on Discord.
We have a few people who might support us if we ask them to sponsor the ride along and beat down Doom. Shego for one and Xanatos for another as he has invited us to the magic auction.

We would not even have to hijack it to much either, just point out that Toons can be Heroes too. Small steps towards a larger goal.
We have a few people who might support us if we ask them to sponsor the ride along and beat down Doom. Shego for one and Xanatos for another as he has invited us to the magic auction.

We would not even have to hijack it to much either, just point out that Toons can be Heroes too. Small steps towards a larger goal.
I thought that there already were Toon heroes, they would just generally be "indisposed" due to Doom and this setting's condition. Besides that, Toons are irrelevant to the act, as only Supers are affected by it.
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I am not terribly up to date on the state of the world within the setting, so someone with better knowledge than I would have to speak on the topic of Heroic and Villainous Toons. Surely not every Toon got the dip.

Edit: If we get a Toons provision added to the repeal of the SRA we would be able to hit Doom's reputation every time he tries to dip a Toon.
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Everyone who has certain priorities for next turn: *Making arguments and continuing them*

Me, an intellectual who already knows what I want Doof to do for next turn: CURSE YOU ACTION PRIORITIES!!!!
I am not terribly up to date on the state of the world within the setting, so someone with better knowledge than I would have to speak on the topic of Heroic and Villainous Toons. Surely not every Toon got the dip.
Quite simply, actual heroes are rare.

This is a setting where the bad guys won against their heroes, and while that can happen in a way that the heroes survive... the heroes necessarily have to have survived in a way where they are unable to beat the villain.

Toon Heroes are going to be rarer because,
1. Toon Heroes are simply rare. I haven't actually heard of more than one inside this thread, and a lot of them are likely to be excluded from this setting. This is Doylist reasoning.
2. Doom should be targetting Toon Heroes, simply because that is in line with how he does things. This is Watsonian reasoning.
Quite simply, actual heroes are rare.

This is a setting where the bad guys won against their heroes, and while that can happen in a way that the heroes survive... the heroes necessarily have to have survived in a way where they are unable to beat the villain.

Toon Heroes are going to be rarer because,
1. Toon Heroes are simply rare. I haven't actually heard of more than one inside this thread, and a lot of them are likely to be excluded from this setting. This is Doylist reasoning.
2. Doom should be targetting Toon Heroes, simply because that is in line with how he does things. This is Watsonian reasoning.
Also, Negaduck.

Also, is there ANY downsides to buying the lasers? Even if we sit on it for a while so we can buff up our OS/Cyber Security/AI/what have you, getting the lasers for basically chump change (maybe we'd need to raise funds for the magic bazaar again?) is clear win with little to no drawbacks.
Buying the digitizing laser is not a bad idea at all.

the digitizing laser on an experimental basis is not a bad idea.

Actively pursuing a campaign in cyberspace that requires us to spend resources and National Actions on conflicts with powerful cyberspace factions is very much a bad idea. I don't want to end up fighting a five-front war, y'know? And we're trending that way.

The thread has kinda been obsessed with SRA. I think if asked we can just point towards how we employ Hego and other supers like Lizzie should suffice.

We have to think bigger than what's the national issue of the week. People can be neutral about things. Unless they are politicians.

And Doof is not one of those.

Leave SRA to fend for itself. We have better sinks for diplomacy actions. Insuricare, maybe, but anything else is a waste of time.
I refuse. I think this is too big for us to just duck our head under espessially when two of our biggest would be allies are arguing to repeal it.
Yeah. Especially since we want to be on functional terms with Shego and the SRA is part of her depressing backstory even if she doesn't really think of it that way.

Doof may not be a politician, but he's not going to disrespect someone's backstory like that.

Why do we even need to smooth things over with Shere Khan? Not like we interact with him much.
1) He's a relatively sane and influential King, and we need all of those we can get.
2) He's making significant progress on fusion research, and I'd like to share/collaborate with him on that if possible.

Up to and including November/December 2015 ENCOM received ZERO bonuses to their rolls. Not even from stats, they had only the raw unmodified dice roll every turn. Then in January/February 2016 they did nothing at all. Or at least, nothing publicly. Then next turn (March/April 2016) and every turn onwards they have that same massive ( 58+34+8 for a total of PLUS 100, which unless they roll a nat one basically makes them immune to failure) bonus that leads them to triumph after triumph.

Something MAJOR must have happened in ENCOM in Jan/Feb 2016. A company does not acquire such a massive increase in competence simply, I suspect an outside force was involved.

I think we need to start looking more into ENCOM, something sinister is afoot.

Good point. I don't think we can afford to fight them, but we should at least know what they're doing so we can protect ourselves.

Picking 2) actively commits us to open war on another front, which isn't great, but 1) comes with a variety of useful secondary benefits, so I'd like to keep up with that. Especially since we can stick Phineas and Ferb in charge of social media this turn to critically succeed and create a product the MCP will find confounding and irreproducible.
Now that you mention it, if you want to achieve something that no logical process could analyze or understand, and that cannot be reproduced by any means, but that you only need ONE OF, like a social media platform... Phineas and Ferb might be your boys?

@Made in Heaven , would "Big Ideas" fire for the social media action? I'm honestly tempted.
Also, Negaduck.

Buying the digitizing laser is not a bad idea at all.

the digitizing laser on an experimental basis is not a bad idea.

Actively pursuing a campaign in cyberspace that requires us to spend resources and National Actions on conflicts with powerful cyberspace factions is very much a bad idea. I don't want to end up fighting a five-front war, y'know? And we're trending that way.

Yeah. Especially since we want to be on functional terms with Shego and the SRA is part of her depressing backstory even if she doesn't really think of it that way.

Doof may not be a politician, but he's not going to disrespect someone's backstory like that.

1) He's a relatively sane and influential King, and we need all of those we can get.
2) He's making significant progress on fusion research, and I'd like to share/collaborate with him on that if possible.


Good point. I don't think we can afford to fight them, but we should at least know what they're doing so we can protect ourselves.

Now that you mention it, if you want to achieve something that no logical process could analyze or understand, and that cannot be reproduced by any means, but that you only need ONE OF, like a social media platform... Phineas and Ferb might be your boys?

@Made in Heaven , would "Big Ideas" fire for the social media action? I'm honestly tempted.
Two fronts at most and only one of them is predominantly martial.

the cyberwar can be fought with learning/stewardship

the Doom war can be fought via intriuge and Fiplomacy

the Toffy war can be fought martial and Occult.

that's if they all go hot at once.

the cyber factions are busy fighting one another trying to go after Doof leaves the other open to fuck their shit up.

Doom we're leading his spy network around by the nose and if we continue having Russ over there to cause mayhem and the local resistance that was already fighting him and a competitor? He's not in a position to fight us.

our main theart is I will agree we should focus on him for now
During the last week of this current update period:
Doof's first mistake was choosing to be a drinker of that filthy mudwater called "Coffee" :V
Another thing: the SRA is very much our problem. As I've said before, we've only said we seceded from the US. It's a statement absolutely no one takes seriously, not even us since we still pay our taxes! Thus, if we ever want people to take us seriously, we need to start playing on the bigger stage. Not to mention that since we're still technically part of the US, those laws apply to us to. If we don't like 'em, we should do something about it.
I'm not arguing against your greater idea. I just want to point out, since I've seen this singular point thrown around before, that it is objectively false. Doof does take secession seriously. That is explicitly the reason why the "rejoin the US" option has such a high DC. He still pays taxes because "take over the Tri-State Area" was just a vaguely defined step 1 of a world domination goal that he didn't really think through.

In summary, Doof is taking it seriously but in the sense that he really wants it, not in the way that he did his best to plan ahead what accomplishing his goals would look like.
Good point. I don't think we can afford to fight them, but we should at least know what they're doing so we can protect ourselves.

Now that you mention it, if you want to achieve something that no logical process could analyze or understand, and that cannot be reproduced by any means, but that you only need ONE OF, like a social media platform... Phineas and Ferb might be your boys?

@Made in Heaven , would "Big Ideas" fire for the social media action? I'm honestly tempted.

"Mom, Phineas and Ferb are building a social media platform!*"

"Yes, dear it's part of their internship with Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Look, they even got an award."


*Ironically one of the projects she can find out about while grounded to the house.

Note: Edited for clarity.
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Two fronts at most and only one of them is predominantly martial.

the cyberwar can be fought with learning/stewardship

the Doom war can be fought via intriuge and Fiplomacy

the Toffy war can be fought martial and Occult.

that's if they all go hot at once.

the cyber factions are busy fighting one another trying to go after Doof leaves the other open to fuck their shit up.

Doom we're leading his spy network around by the nose and if we continue having Russ over there to cause mayhem and the local resistance that was already fighting him and a competitor? He's not in a position to fight us.

our main theart is I will agree we should focus on him for now
Well, yes, but that means we're spending all of our actions on fighting kings rather than self-improvement.
also keep in mind the Physical locations of Emcom servers are comparatively weak. We can probably kick their ass in meat space if they push us too hard.
I'm gonna need a source for the physical servers being unsecure. In any case though, a meatspace operation sounds like a good idea. Only question is if we can do it without looking like we're going secesh.

Hmm, on the topic of cyberspace, I wonder if we might pop down to Litwak's Arcade at some point, in meatspace or cyberspace. It's on Route 83 which runs north-south from Texas to North Dakota, and the northern part of that area was replaced by the Tempest Domain, so it's probably in Sheego's domain. Given our rivalry she probably won't just let us buy out the arcade (which would be risky otherwise, according to DVV canon it's fallen on hard times), so some diplomacy may be needed to interact there.

Actually, what IS up with the Tempest Domain and their long-named robot ruler? They have a long border with us but I don't think we've ever interacted with them.
I'm all for dropping any focus on Toffee for the moment. Until such point that we actively recruit - or make public connections with - Star and maybe Marco, we won't really have his specific attention. That said, we really should dedicate an action to looking for them in the coming turn. We specifically (and I believe unanimously) voted the option for promising that we would to Janna, which has in turn set expectations that we need to fulfill.
Could the digitizer be a viable way to take Bill Cipher? Shove him into cyberspace, reduce the amount of bullshit he can pull, delete him, destroy the hardware?

in theory it could hypothetically be used the same way the memory eraser gun could be used against him AEE he goes into the cyber space we delete the cyber space and he goes with it.

That's it Siri sure but in practice it's going to be very difficult to prove and it would be an all or nothing gambit because it would only hypothetically work once and require him to willingly sit there and take the beam.
Actually, what IS up with the Tempest Domain and their long-named robot ruler? They have a long border with us but I don't think we've ever interacted with them.

They are probably the friendliest king in existence* but are from the future and can't communicate. The DC 200 transmission is them. Currently, I'm thinking AI research might lower than, otherwise, we should start looking for a linguist.

*By virtue of being a teenage spoiled airhead**
**Secondhand info, if anyone wants to correct having watched the show directly, be my guest.
Actually, what IS up with the Tempest Domain and their long-named robot ruler? They have a long border with us but I don't think we've ever interacted with them.
Can't, they don't speak our language. A pity, because they're actually quite friendly if we managed to make contact.

Assuming it reduces the amount of bullshit he can pull and doesn't amplify it a thousandfold.
He's already pretty much omnipotent in realspace, amplifying it a thousandfold is meaningless. Also, Bill seems to be vulnerable to tech, such as memory erasing devices while he's on mindspace. I was thinking cyberspace would work under similar principles, because Bill isn't really technologically inclined.
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I'm all for dropping any focus on Toffee for the moment. Until such point that we actively recruit - or make public connections with - Star and maybe Marco, we won't really have his specific attention. That said, we really should dedicate an action to looking for them in the coming turn. We specifically (and I believe unanimously) voted the option for promising that we would to Janna, which has in turn set expectations that we need to fulfill.
It had been discussed that we are going to spend the Dickens to look for them. They had the highest intrigue on our payroll and was not a part of our organization, but our personal action so anyone spying on us shouldn't be able to see us searching for Star/Marco.
Given that Xanatos has come out in favor of the repeal, what disadvantages are there to using the Collaborate with Xanatos [SRA repeal] over doing it ourselves? I feel like if anyone could put the spin on the idea that our delay was a calculated response to important stimuli or suchforth, it would be Mr. Just As Planned, and it's unlikely to cost us anything we particularly care about.

Definitely something we could think about doing, yes.

I keep hearing arguments against lobbying against the SRA. "It's not our problem." "It's too risky." "It's not a big deal." "It'll just hurt us in the long run."



You're being hypocrites. If our power didn't hinge on the people, we wouldn't have used all those actions on improving our PR. We would have said, "Suck it up" and just let them deal with their problems. In fact, the entire new social media platform program is a PR stunt. We need the people of Doofania on our side. If we make too many unpopular decisions, they'll start rioting.

Another thing: the SRA is very much our problem. As I've said before, we've only said we seceded from the US. It's a statement absolutely no one takes seriously, not even us since we still pay our taxes! Thus, if we ever want people to take us seriously, we need to start playing on the bigger stage. Not to mention that since we're still technically part of the US, those laws apply to us to. If we don't like 'em, we should do something about it.

Also, counterpoint to people worried about supers taking on our "Evil" organization. That's unlikely to happen, since they can't prove we're actually evil and not eccentric. Taking aggressive action against us without that sort of evidence will just bring the SRA back and cause public unrest, which is the last thing any super wants. Besides, which is a super more likely to attack? On one hand, we have an eccentric pharmacist who helped lobby against the SRA and gives out jobs to supers who come to work for him. On the other, we have an "evil" pharmacist who did nothing to help supers and has no clear beliefs or policies.

If we don't take a stance on this, it will be like the Election of 1800. People didn't vote for Burr because they didn't know what he believed or what his policies were. If we follow a similar line of behavior, no one's going to trust us.

Plus, if we don't take a stance, Xanatos and Shego are going to see us as indecisive and someone who can't come through to help others with their goals, traits we need them to think we have if we want any sort of alliance with them.


Plus, one thing those either against lobbying against the SRA or rallying for neutrality seem to be forgetting:

We are surrounded by Kronos(pro-SRA)/Olympia(anti-SRA), DrakkTech(anti-SRA), Cloverleaf(anti-SRA, if only most likely to virtue-signal against us) and Zaibatsu(still neutral, but a large percentage of active Capes around), with Calisota (pro-SRA, but botched his lobbying badly) not too far away - meaning that we are *smack* in the middle of an area where Capes are a concrete and present issue.

We *can´t* sit this one out without getting ground to dust between the fronts and *most* of our prospective allies are anti-SRA (or at least decided to throw their influence that way), meaning that in order found common ground for future dealings we need to do some lobbying of our own - of course in a way that doesn´t look too duplicitous in the process.

Aside for that, i been thinking that we should take Judge Doom down, before toffe, bill, or anyone else. Mostly because he looks to be an easy king to defeat. I mean we have plot knowledge of the dorito and Toffe. But they are treats NOW, and they could be bigger treats in the future, compared to the Lunatic Toon, that is Doom, i prefered that we take that guy Now and not later when we could have our hands fulls With the real treats of the board.

Do I really have to repeat myself about how plans that have "topple King X" as a minor step are doomed to fail?

There are no "easy" Kings - even Doom with his rather monomaniacal fixation on Toons can, will and does give us a lot of trouble whenever we give him an opening.

What if we asked for increased rights to Toons along with the SRA repeal. It would fit our stated goals to the public to give better rights to Toons and also give a plausible out for why we didn't initially lobby against the SRA in the first place.

Sorry if this is so late the thread just moves so fast and I do not have an appropriate schedule to keep up with it too well.

Difference that the discrimination against Supers is governmentally *legalised and even mandated* via the SRA, while discrimination against Toons *officially* is not endorsed legally at all (even though assholes like Doom shit on the supposed equality of Humans and Toons) - it doesn´t have the same social weight behind it, you know? Those pro-SRA will technically correctly say, that "discrimination against Toons is unlawful and therefore not subject of this debate, so stop obsessing about it, you deseased lunatic"

That being said, I wouldn´t mind formalizing better national protection for Toons at a later date.


Xanatos deciding to get into the SRA debate somewhat surprised me, since his holdings are far away from any serious cape presence, as I stated earlier - I expected him to simply sit out things and just watch. That being said, since he chose the anti-side we can cozy up to him without pissing off Shego in the process (Shere Khan going against the grain among the prospective members of our aspired-for *Council of the Semi-Sane* sucks, but we can still mend things with him since he is relatively detached from the issue)
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It had been discussed that we are going to spend the Dickens to look for them. They had the highest intrigue on our payroll and was not a part of our organization, but our personal action so anyone spying on us shouldn't be able to see us searching for Star/Marco.
Makes sense. That's the course of action I supported anyhow.
that's if they all go hot. The only one that's likely to go hot is the Toffy one.
Given that the laser we are probably going to buy is apparently the one that lets people go into digital realms, the ENCOM confrontation seems more like the one most likely to go hot in the short-term. Toffee is most likely to go hot in the long-term given his genocidal ambitions, but he is still establishing a power base and scoping things out right now. He isn't going to declare war on the world yet.

I'd like to note I have no experience with either version of Tron, beyond its appearance in Kingdom Hearts.
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I'm all for dropping any focus on Toffee for the moment. Until such point that we actively recruit - or make public connections with - Star and maybe Marco, we won't really have his specific attention. That said, we really should dedicate an action to looking for them in the coming turn. We specifically (and I believe unanimously) voted the option for promising that we would to Janna, which has in turn set expectations that we need to fulfill.

Meeting Xanatos in person is coming up in two turns. I would really like to have completed Toffee investigation before them, so we can show evidence for our claim of "he's a alien magic-space lizardman, not a normal lizardman". Because Xanators is likely to listen to that and would care significantly about a magical threat out to wipeout/enslave forever humanity. We have a golden opportunity to create a stitch in time, get help from Xanatos (one of the few people capable of beating Toffee's intrigue) and it is only possible if we do it right now.

Any other actions, sure, ignore. But getting one of the most powerful kings, and one who is strong in the areas Toffee is and where we are weak, is a godsend.
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