She's dated Doof, and he stated his goal was to take over the world, and she was the one that suggested he do the thing that he's currently doing.
That's close, but not what actually happened. Rather, Doofenshmirtz and Linda were listening to "What do it do," and she expressed a desire to be a pop star. Heinz thought that was way out of her reach, and sarcastically replied, "Yeah, and I'll take over the world." Her suggestion that he could start small with the tri-state area was not meant as a serious suggestion to him, and I honestly doubt she even remembers it.
Wait, why does Doofania's population need Doof to pay for their food?

Is the job situation that bad?
It's a supply issue. The Gridlocked setting apparently is extremely bad for farming, what with a huge dustbowl in the middle of the united states, expanding toxic jungle, evil corn, etc.

Doof providing Green Evil alternatives was a big deal. I'm still kinda shocked that gave us BAD relations with the US government. Then again, our smog is kinda holding the local ability to produce food hostage

We might actually want to consider changing up the 'eternal smog' aesthetic to enable more gardening etc. however now that the Resistance is crushed.
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@Made in Heaven what does Doof know about the food situation in the rest of America? In places like DrakkTech or Xanatos Enterprises? Do the civilians buy Doofenshmirtz food?

Wait, why does Doofania's population need Doof to pay for their food?

Is the job situation that bad?
Notably, Xanatos and Shego both control major port cities. They have undisturbed import/export routes to the rest of the world. Consequently, the gutting of many of America's major farming regions by the combined "wasteland" regions associated with AUTO and the Tempest Domain doesn't affect them as badly. But Doofania is landlocked and its economy is heavily damaged by the cutting of trade links in certain directions. That's not to say we can't import food, but food prices could easily skyrocket under the circumstances.

She's dated Doof, and he stated his goal was to take over the world, and she was the one that suggested he do the thing that he's currently doing.
In that case she might be a bit to embarrassed to talk about it, in an "oh no what have I done" sense.

Is Doof still under the worf effect, because he doesn't seem to have the same insanity of building inators that literally turns things into butterflies...
That one seems to be our fault; the inators we imagine just aren't as wacky as most of the ones from the show.
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Notably, Xanatos and Shego both control major port cities. They have undisturbed import/export routes to the rest of the world. Consequently, the gutting of many of America's major farming regions by the combined "wasteland" regions associated with AUTO and the Tempest Domain doesn't affect them as badly. But Doofania is landlocked and its economy is heavily damaged by the cutting of trade links in certain directions. That's not to say we can't import food, but food prices could easily skyrocket under the circumstances.

In that case she might be a bit to embarrassed to talk about it, in an "oh no what have I done" sense.

That one seems to be our fault; the inators we imagine just aren't as wacky as most of the ones from the show.

it might also be that he's more busy with work now so he can't devote all his day to them

we really need to have Doof relax with some good old fashioned mass inateing
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I'm going to guess that the Kitsune we can recruit is one of the yako type of kitsune. They are the mischievous, chaos causing type. She probably has a trait like Janna or Ludivine that causes her to do something chaos-y.
Also, the liver eating is a kumiho thing, not a kitsune thing. She's probably going to have a loose notion of property rights, and the general trickster aesthetic covers a wide range of amusing to outright harmful behavior depending on her natural disposition and her Loyalty, but I don't think we need to worry about her feasting upon our flesh.

Yeah, kumiho and kitsune are rather different. That said, if Kitsune is actually the former... well, we fucked up.
"It'll take more than that to stop me!" Dennis cheered. "Yes! It works if you don't say the name."

Ahhhhhh. Good times. One of the best scenes in that movie.
Punished Candace, denied justice.

Desolation, devastation, Snow Halation, etc. etc.
She knows. That makes me sad.

Presumably because of her friendship with Perry, right?

Yeah, so it turns out the one bit of villainy that people other than the US Government really hate us for is the one we didn't want to do. Oops.
Jumba Jookiba: Humph, first off I greatly prefer Evil Genius! And am actually considered quite slim for my species; Mother always telling me I should eat more regular meals.

I don't think he's been in contact with his family for a while as I seem to recall him having been exiled.

there you go. reminded me of that.

It's this:

Did we do something to Stacy's family or something?
I don't think Doof did anything to deserve this kind of reaction.

He killed Perry.
I know its already been discussed at length after Toffee's corn deal was turned down, but just to underline the the PR benefits of getting more varied food to the table, and the potential PR problems of Toffee going after us on the corn deal. Not that I think he will be thinking about us as much right now given his recent human diaspora discovery.

More important note - didn't the deal come around over a turn after the tacos got blown up by him?
Notably, Xanatos and Shego both control major port cities. They have undisturbed import/export routes to the rest of the world. Consequently, the gutting of many of America's major farming regions by the combined "wasteland" regions associated with AUTO and the Tempest Domain doesn't affect them as badly. But Doofania is landlocked and its economy is heavily damaged by the cutting of trade links in certain directions. That's not to say we can't import food, but food prices could easily skyrocket under the circumstances.

Though I'd also point out that they are more the 'megacorp but US goverment' types, so it's not sole responsibility. To add to that, Shego... honestly I think it's worth remembering that Shego is a bad person. Like, yes, she's a nicer king, but only because she's neither actively malicious (Doom, Bellweather, Syndrome) or the end of humanity as a free species (Toffee, Bill, Dor). But she still regularly tries to kill teens, showed little remorse over the idea of killing a kid*, and racing over the world dictator style. To add to that, she is noted in her write-up as being lazy and focused on only super/extraordinary individuals. All of which adds up to her domain likely looking like a lib-right hellhole, with ultra mansions if you are useful/powerful, but serious, ongoing food insecurity among the poor and occasionally working class.

*Yes, one who fought her in the future, but still

More important note - didn't the deal come around over a turn after the tacos got blown up by him?
Yup, which means he started paying attention to earth and wanted a pawn to start with, and with us being seen as an idiot who cares about feeding people...

His options now are either worry about us (because we are being suspicious and he needs no-one to know his real goals) or shrug and move on. I hope for the second, as his intrigue is likely to be high enough to do some serious spying. If he shrugs and moves on, Glomgold seems the next obvious target, talking up the corn via the amount he can sell it for.
Yup, which means he started paying attention to earth and wanted a pawn to start with, and with us being seen as an idiot who cares about feeding people...

His options now are either worry about us (because we are being suspicious and he needs no-one to know his real goals) or shrug and move on. I hope for the second, as his intrigue is likely to be high enough to do some serious spying. If he shrugs and moves on, Glomgold seems the next obvious target, talking up the corn via the amount he can sell it for.

You miss my point - Toffee declared war on all humanity, and then one of his next actions was sending someone to us to offer food to people. Which would help keep them alive. Unless there was a problem with the corn, which would make a lot of people dead.

I don't think that corn was safe for continued consumption.
You miss my point - Toffee declared war on all humanity, and then one of his next actions was sending someone to us to offer food to people. Which would help keep them alive. Unless there was a problem with the corn, which would make a lot of people dead.

I don't think that corn was safe for continued consumption.
Possible, but Toffee is patient. If safe corn got him a king to act as a pawn to take out other kings, he'd do it. Toffee isn't the type who needs to "immediately KILL humans NOW" He is more than willing to do a good turn now to allow for more malice later. Plus, we have the food situation under control, people don't exactly like it all, but they arn't starving.
Possible, but Toffee is patient. If safe corn got him a king to act as a pawn to take out other kings, he'd do it. Toffee isn't the type who needs to "immediately KILL humans NOW" He is more than willing to do a good turn now to allow for more malice later. Plus, we have the food situation under control, people don't exactly like it all, but they arn't starving.

Oh, it would be fine at first. Fine enough to hit all manner of markets, to be put fully in our name, to be tied to us intrinsically as a gift.

And then one day there's tens of millions at the absolute least dead and we're holding the buck.
To be fair, it could easily be both.

He did offer to handle literally every aspect of the Corn, this presumably includes safety/health checking.

So, at first, Corn is just to gain influence, then, when he's done with Doof, mess with the next batch so everyone dies a horrible horrible death.
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For those who had trouble reaching 1d4chan over the past few days, its back under a new URL. You can find it under this link below. The DVV article is still on there.


It's a supply issue. The Gridlocked setting apparently is extremely bad for farming, what with a huge dustbowl in the middle of the united states, expanding toxic jungle, evil corn, etc.

Doof providing Green Evil alternatives was a big deal. I'm still kinda shocked that gave us BAD relations with the US government. Then again, our smog is kinda holding the local ability to produce food hostage

We might actually want to consider changing up the 'eternal smog' aesthetic to enable more gardening etc. however now that the Resistance is crushed.

The reason us investing in alternative food sources (shredded algae, pupled crickets, ground rodents and now bonafide cattle dino meat) gave us a PR malus with the government is that they dislike this great source of food being in the sole hands of an unreliable weirdo that technically seceeded from the USA (even though nobody really aknowledges or enforces it).
The reason us investing in alternative food sources (shredded algae, pupled crickets, ground rodents and now bonafide cattle dino meat) gave us a PR malus with the government is that they dislike this great source of food being in the sole hands of an unreliable weirdo that technically seceeded from the USA (even though nobody really aknowledges or enforces it).
So, basically we're in a weird situation where, when in other settings the US Government went after Tony Stark to get his Iron Man suits, and in Atlas Shrugged the US Government tried to get Hank Rearden's metal alloy, here the US Government wants our ground rodents and pulped crickets.

Wow, the US Government has really degraded when you look at it from this perspective.
Notably, Xanatos and Shego both control major port cities. They have undisturbed import/export routes to the rest of the world. Consequently, the gutting of many of America's major farming regions by the combined "wasteland" regions associated with AUTO and the Tempest Domain doesn't affect them as badly. But Doofania is landlocked and its economy is heavily damaged by the cutting of trade links in certain directions. That's not to say we can't import food, but food prices could easily skyrocket under the circumstances.
How much food could they receive? The US is a major food exporter and the rest of the world would probably be reeling trying to deal with the famine. I guess Latin America isn't all that affected, though I am unsure of how effective they could be at recovering the issue.
So, basically we're in a weird situation where, when in other settings the US Government went after Tony Stark to get his Iron Man suits, and in Atlas Shrugged the US Government tried to get Hank Rearden's metal alloy, here the US Government wants our ground rodents and pulped crickets.

Wow, the US Government has really degraded when you look at it from this perspective.

Well, *They* are suffering a bit of a famine right now because the Midwest went Lifeless Wasteland and left them in a tight spot, while *we* managed to develope easy-to-acquire and high-yield food sources that we are now selling nationwide (while they know of our secessionist leanings, they can´t embargo us because that would effectively have them aknowledge us as a foreign power and make them look weak before other interested parties like other nations or other Kings)

Essentially, we have something they need and now they are stuck between *buying it in big amounts and bleeding their coffers dry* or *clamping down on its distribution and face political outrage (inter-)nationally*
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How much food could they receive? The US is a major food exporter and the rest of the world would probably be reeling trying to deal with the famine. I guess Latin America isn't all that affected, though I am unsure of how effective they could be at recovering the issue.
Fairly certain all geopolitical aspects outside the US have been handwaved with a "don't think about it." Otherwise the rest of the world would be tanking famines and economic blows having to redo agriculture deals they've had with the US since WW1 and 2.
Alternatively, the food shortage happened at about the same time we seceded, and everyone in this thread is vastly underestimating how much food exporting we are doing.

How much of the world is currently eating Crickets?
Alternatively, the food shortage happened at about the same time we seceded, and everyone in this thread is vastly underestimating how much food exporting we are doing.

How much of the world is currently eating Crickets?

I mean, we have been making a lot of income apparently since we've spent it on a bunch of shit and it's never been an issue.
I think I may have a way to fix the food shortage worldwide and make out like a bandit at the same time.

Problem: Food is scarce because America's breadbasket has turned into BnL's omni-dump. With AUTO reigning supreme over the garbage and the government quarantining the area, that's unlikely to change if we leave it alone.

1) Recruit Inquinator
2) Send him on the "One Man's Trash" quest with a team of our hero units
3) Kick AUTO's ass into next week and free the humans and robots aboard the Axiom
4) Invent a Compost-inator, a device capable of turning any type of garbage into nutrient-rich compost, and use it on some of the trash mountains
5) Hire the Axiom residents to spread the compost around and create farmland
6) Install some air purifiers like the ones we have in Doofania and some Rain-inators (yes, that's an actual, canon thing) to make sure the crops have enough resources
7) Start growing crops and put Inquinator in charge of our "Filthy Farms" (because we can't turn all of the trash into compost, it'll go bad, so we need lots in storage)
8) Talk with the government about a cover-up plan (they gave us a government contract to solve the food problem, which we succeeded in splendidly)
9) Reap the benefits by going public; the government gets food, one less King, and some much needed PR, while we get control of the Midwest and the food supply. Not to mention all of this will force a lot of the other kings to take us seriously, lowering the DC for diplomatic relations (except for Doom, he'll hate us all the more for this, but it's Judge Doom, who cares?) and getting us in especially good graces with Xanatos since we worked with the government. These combined factors will probably make the idea of an alliance all the more appealing to Shego and Xanatos. Also, we can start our own garbage collection company so we can take in more garbage for compost
The one glaring flaw in the whole thing is that it relies on the Inquinator. Frankly he's likely to see composting as just another form of recycling and go ham on the whole project. Plus the Axiom is producing literal tons of trash on a daily basis. Why would he want to stop that?
[ ]Plan: [PROTOTYPE]
-[M] Dinosaur Calvary
-[D] Reach out to Shego
-[D] Recruit from Rolodex (Wendy)
-[St] Comedize your Supply Chain
--Wile E. Coyote
-[St] Rebrand Insuricare
-[In] Investigate Toffee
-[In] Look for Star Butterfly
-[L] Research AI Doppelgangers
--Von Drake
-[L] Dinosaur Farming
-[O] Research alchemy
-[Q] You made Me Love Xanadu
-[P] Read Spellbook
-[P] Make up with Roger
-[P] Hire Dickens Detective Agency
-[P] Start writing a musical
-[Technor] Psychoanalyze
-[L.OV.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.] Buy out Lee Industries
-[Dickens] Look for Marco
-Don't Overclock Technor
-Activate an Inator

Prototype plan (doesn't even have a name yet). Need further thoughts and suggestions for refinement
I'd recommend editing how it' formatted first and foremost - given the huge vote blocks, readability and being able to comprehend them is a MASSIVE concern and this is starting to push the limits of that for me.

I know this was from a WHILE back, but I thought I'd respond to it now anyways to keep this particular sticking point in people's minds.