Wendy is a much safer recruit that Kitsu. We've been repeatedly told that hero cards to not guarantee availability. It's asking for a wasted action. By contrast, we know Wendy is still doing her show. Something that means she's much more likely to be available.
Yes... but all hero units, besides the ones that are specifically stated to be, which Wendy has not been, have a hidden % that they'll already be hired by somebody else. So, while Wendy may or may not have a less % for that than Kitsune. Plus, just because she's doing her show, that doesn't mean that someone else hasn't either already hired her or is now funding her show and has, essentially, gained her as their hero unit.
So, trying to argue that, if we fail to recruit Kitsune it would be a failed action, when, since we would have also failed the roll to recruit Wendy, it's possible she would have already been recruited. We won't really know who on our rolodex has been recruited by someone else unless we actually try to hire them.
1) We need a hero that can replace Goofy as a Diplomacy hero which they both might be able to do but it's easier to justify sparing Wendy than Kitsune
Um... actually, no, it isn't. Kitsune probably has a higher Occult stat than Janna... but, when we get our Occult stat unlocked, we could still use Tobe or Janna as our Occult hero that turn while letting Kitsune do a diplo action. Plus, as we do have a lot of AI related stuff to dox it's probable that Wendy won't be used as a Diplo hero for multiple turns, forcing us to use Goofy. Especially if we want to completely finish doing the base AI research, as that, similar to fusion power, seems to take multiple turns even when we do succeed at it. Plus, the mysterious signal action is probably going to be AI related, so we'll want her to do something about it, and if we end up needing to go do a Quest to meet Drossel, she'll probably need to be sent on it...
... basically, unless we want to do only the high DC Occult stuff, like, really high DC stuff, we can easily just use Janna and have Kitsune do Diplo rolls, freeing up Goofy.
3) From what I've seen what we're researching is still heavily debated and I feel we're not researching AI it's because we're waiting to recruit Wendy first
Yes... but, at the moment, we can sit on researching AIs for another turn... or we could just use one of our current Learning heroes on Doppelganger AIs then, once we recruit Wendy, we can just have her focus on doing AI related actions.
4) We clearly intend to track down Star and/or Marco who
Will probably will unlock a quest that needs to be done before we recruit them... and which will probably require us to unlock dimensional tech and a second Occult hero as I imagine such a quest would have quite a few Occult rolls, most likely high ones. So we'll need to either recruit anyway before going on said quest or recruit another Occult hero... who may not have as high of a Diplo stat as Kitsune seems to have.
Wendy is simply the optimal choice. Kitsune can wait until September/October.
Eh... no, as I just pointed out, and have repeatedly pointed out, Kitsune is the best, immediate, choice for Occult actions, Diplo actions, and, as it will undoubtedly require a Quest just like looking for Donald does, the Quest we'll unlock to find Star and Marco.