Okay let's drop Real life stuff and go back to fiction stuff please.

I think researching fusion is actually counterproductive at this point. Khan's gonna get there first unless something helpful happens (e.g. GalFed tech helping) or unless we make a very concerted beeline towards the tech. The prestige isn't the point, success is the point. But in that case we're better off cutting a deal with Khan so that we can co-develop the tech (more easily).

I mean.

He's allowed to have other mounts.

He's not just not allowed to NOT have this mount.
I agree unfortunately. Fusion just isn't a priority when we have Flubber generators at some point in our future.

sure but his first mount needs to be a custom designed killing machine designed by the galaxy's formost evil biologist.

I mean it's too metal not to have it done.

Actually if we give Khan the wings... could he strap them onto his Dino mount?

oh god this is getting even more metal! I feel like most people when they see a super Mongle riding a flying Trex Will just give up because how do you top that?
So, uh, do we talk to Xanatos about this?

And how much did Janna tell Doof anyway about Toffee and Star besides what was in the interlude?
I think we need to do an Intrigue action on Toffee next turn to gather some evidence beyond a single traumatized teen; and speak with David during the Auction. In the privacy of his home and ostensibly behind some hefty magical wards. I think that Xanatos would be very much in agreement that Toffee is a major threat; and he'd be open to an alliance against him.

*looks meaningfully at the Dickinsons*

We also need to get Janna therapy next turn. Badly. Any way you slice it, Janna just triggered all of Heinz's "papa wolf" instincts. Toffee is gunna have a Bad Time.
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Actually if we give Khan the wings... could he strap them onto his Dino mount?

oh god this is getting even more metal! I feel like most people when they see a super Mongle riding a flying Trex Will just give up because how do you top that?

I assume you are talking about slavs?

Fun factoid, the word in English for a sapient being that is the property of another, comes from word for Slavs, precisely because of how often slavs were enslaved.
not just the Slavs but the Irish to my first"white" ancestors who brought to America in Chains and stayed in Chains till the Civil War so yeah I have plenty of justification to be pissed at people who make the claim that I "benefit" from institutional racism
Right In an effort to change the topic so we don't have moderators jump in.

Should we give the Ruby wings to Jana or Khan?

Janna found them do she does have dibs rights but she has magic so she can probably fly.

Khan has the benefit of looking metal as hell with them.

I liked the idea of giving them to Vanessa. It'll make her safer, potentially make her a Princess (so bonding with CJ) and if she has it as protection we might be able to send her into more dubious situations.
Read this and the themesong instantly started blaring in my head

I liked the idea of giving them to Vanessa. It'll make her safer, potentially make her a Princess (so bonding with CJ) and if she has it as protection we might be able to send her into more dubious situations.

eeeeh she's already got a lot of ways to bail from a fight. It should go to someone who will use it in fights
I'm really hoping Janna knows about how important Corn is to Toffe, cause I really wanna unleash an anti-Corn virus on the dude.

It just seems fun, some classic super villainy.
The only reason I don't think we should is that it's going to look really suspect to Toffee, especially after we turned down his "really good deal" . No need to push that any farther than it already is.
Honestly, Vanessa has been kinda disappointing. Besides the flying car lobbying has she succeeded at anything?

I know it's just based off dice rolls but she's coming off as a spoiled kid that doesn't put effort into anything.
Well, we could always give the wings to Shego, as part of something to cement an alliance, and see how she reacts to being given "jewelry" by Doof.

It's pretty and practical! (and will of course make tabloids across the nation foam at the mouth)
Dropping this here so that people can get Some sort of context about Toffee without bias.

What do you all think about him now?
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So... I just had the funniest idea. Doof gets mad enough over this whole situation that he decides he needs to get some weapons training on top of the workout Temujin gave him.

His weapon of choice?

A pair of revolvers with specialty "bullet-inators" built into their cylinders, giving him multiple types of bullets.

He has become...

Revolver Ocelot.
I think we need to do an Intrigue action on Toffee next turn to gather some evidence beyond a single traumatized teen; and speak with David during the Auction. In the privacy of his home and ostensibly behind some hefty magical wards. I think that Xanatos would be very much in agreement that Toffee is a major threat; and he'd be open to an alliance against him.

*looks meaningfully at the Dickinsons*

We also need to get Janna therapy next turn. Badly. Any way you slice it, Janna just triggered all of Heinz's "papa wolf" instincts. Toffee is gunna have a Bad Time.

Yeah, Xanatos will want evidence of Toffees nastiness before he even entertains the idea of moving against another King.

That being said, Toffee and Xanatos coming to blow might have been a Foregone Conclusion, because Toffee wants to destroy/taint all magic and since Magic is Davids best shot at obtaining immortality, he wouldn´t take kindly to some extraplanetar lizard raining on his parade. Revenge might be a sucker´s gamefor David, but he still prefers to get what he wants.
I think we need to do an Intrigue action on Toffee next turn to gather some evidence beyond a single traumatized teen; and speak with David during the Auction. In the privacy of his home and ostensibly behind some hefty magical wards. I think that Xanatos would be very much in agreement that Toffee is a major threat; and he'd be open to an alliance against him.

*looks meaningfully at the Dickinsons*

We also need to get Janna therapy next turn. Badly. Any way you slice it, Janna just triggered all of Heinz's "papa wolf" instincts. Toffee is gunna have a Bad Time.

I kinda wanted to finish the villain duo cause like, leaving things half done is annoyed. Also, Max, because I have a therapy Omake for him that is demanding to be let out. But yeah, Janna just moved up to therapy spot #1. (We should get another therapist on staff, or organized a bunch of them into a food-name-themed group to get us two therapy actions a turn).

Also, we should have whoever investigates grap some of Toffee's stuff while they are doing so, because having some to place around in pre-emptied Red Car safehouse which we finder with Robo-Hawk would just be perfect. Wonder if we ever got a picture of Kalabar giving us his business card?
Honestly, Vanessa has been kinda disappointing. Besides the flying car lobbying has she succeeded at anything?

I know it's just based off dice rolls but she's coming off as a spoiled kid that doesn't put effort into anything.

To be fair, and I know Janna gives us unreasonable expectations of teenage girls, Vanessa is literally an above average teenager with little practical experience in anything, who hasn't even started college.

The only reason I don't think we should is that it's going to look really suspect to Toffee, especially after we turned down his "really good deal" . No need to push that any farther than it already is.

Depends on what kind of action it is.

If it's learning and we have to develop it first, well, we've got such a back log there we might not touch it for like 8 turns, so unless something else happens to drag his attention our way we are unlikely to be his first suspect.

On the other hand, when we recruit Star, if Toffee knows about it, who cares if he knows we did the Corn thing, he's coming after us anyway.

Alternatively, the King of Metaworld's territory in the US is in Xanatos's territory, in Connecticut which is real close to New York, and him and Toffee are listed as enemies, and, notably, there's no mention of him and Xanatos feuding.

Long term, their enemies if both succeed enough, but both have enough on their plates that I could see them working out a temporary agreement, he might even be at the auction. If we make contact with him and figure out he's warring with Toffee, we could always pass the virus to him as long as he publically takes credit for it so Toffee blames him.
Also, we should have whoever investigates grap some of Toffee's stuff while they are doing so, because having some to place around in pre-emptied Red Car safehouse which we finder with Robo-Hawk would just be perfect. Wonder if we ever got a picture of Kalabar giving us his business card?
I think it may be a good idea to have the Dickens investigate Arizona. They are deniable assets (hopefully it won't come to that) and less likely to not report breaches on the Masquerade.
I kinda wanted to finish the villain duo cause like, leaving things half done is annoyed. Also, Max, because I have a therapy Omake for him that is demanding to be let out. But yeah, Janna just moved up to therapy spot #1. (We should get another therapist on staff, or organized a bunch of them into a food-name-themed group to get us two therapy actions a turn).

Also, we should have whoever investigates grap some of Toffee's stuff while they are doing so, because having some to place around in pre-emptied Red Car safehouse which we finder with Robo-Hawk would just be perfect. Wonder if we ever got a picture of Kalabar giving us his business card?
We do have Von Drake on staff, she just doesn't seem to have a personal action for therapy; we might need to get some other actions out of the way first.
not just the Slavs but the Irish to my first"white" ancestors who brought to America in Chains and stayed in Chains till the Civil War so yeah I have plenty of justification to be pissed at people who make the claim that I "benefit" from institutional racism

What many people forget is the fact that racism (or heck, discrimination as a whole) is a two-way street. Discrimination is about shunning "the others" and it´s ultimately immaterial if "the other" is another race, religion, sex/gender, nation or whatnot - as long as you aren´t "us", you are the enemy. Whites opressing non-whites is the most obvious, but since the start different "black" people have killed each other for being the "wrong" tribe, different Asain nations waged war against each other (Chinese-Korean-Japanese triangle, with a light side dish of Russia and India)...the list is endless.

So yeah, some people accusing others of "benefiting" from institutional racism (real as it may be) are essentially little better in the end.
I have a lot less sympathy for the Mewmans and Star's group than most people who watched the show probably do. The simple fact is that Mewni was a Kingdom founded on genocide because Glossaryk felt like being a dick.

If I were Toffee, I'd be pissed too.

Literally the only reason I didn't vote to take the deal was because the utility loss from losing our sole occult hero would have been too big. . .
The problem is, Toffee being legitimately pissed off (and he is, indisputably) doesn't make him more trustworthy or safer to deal with. He's still working with people from other settings (such as the envoy who visited us) whose goal is 'terrorize and kill all humans.' And we can be pretty sure that the card he gave us was some kind of tracking/teleport beacon given that his man was able to come to us without any of the normal activities that would be required to schedule a meeting with us. And he has a history of betraying and killing his associates, even associates who are of the same oppressed race(s) as himself.

Marco is a kid whose in way over his head because like most teenagers he fell hard for a girl with baggage.

Do I think he's in a shit situation? Yeah, but honestly? Toffee is kind of in the right here. . .
In the right about what?

Presumably conquering Mewni? Yeah, sure, he can make a good case of "screw you, it's our dimension anyway."

Seeking Star to kill her? Not so much- Star personally has no real interest in perpetrating genocides. Toffee may desire to kill her to wrap up a loose end, but that's not nearly as good a reason to kill someone as "in order to liberate my people."

Killing Star's friends? Not justified- they're not even Mewmans.

And we don't know what other goals Toffee may have. He may be planning to blow up the Earth as a whole, just to make sure no magic-wielding humans ever come back to his home dimension. I don't think he's justified in doing that, and even if we were, we'd have a right to defend ourselves. Or Toffee may just want to settle for destroying magic to deprive humans of a tool that could be used against his people, which is more sympathetic... but still something we have a right to defend ourselves against.

If Toffee wipes out magic, I'd just like to point out that it puts us in a much better position than like half of the other kings. Remember, we will always be better at super science than at magic because we don't have a predisposition for it like we do Super Science.

As to Humanity, I'm not sure if that was actually confirmed or not, from what I've seen his grudge is mostly with the Mewni Royal Family
There's a lot of intel we still don't have, but OOC we know he uses as an envoy a very anti-human supernatural creature. I don't blame him for being anti-human; the human offshoot group that went to Mewni did his people a lot of harm. But as I said, we have a right to defend ourselves if he's trying to attack us.

Your point being? She still benefits massively from it just by being a Royal Princess of Mewni

At this point its institutional
Toffee's armies have presumably already reconquered Mewni by this point. Star can't derive benefits from being part of a monarchy that's been toppled, mostly killed off, and whose surviving scion(s) ire in hiding.

While we don't strictly know that Toffee's won his campaign in Mewni, it seems likely. And correspondingly it seems unlikely that killing Star is actually a necessity for "monster-"peopled and dominated Mewni to be secure from the Mewman royal family.

Aaaaaaand opinion permanently disregarded because you believe in sins of the father

If Mewni were still a powerful kingdom ruled by the Mewmans and the royal family (of which Star is a part), it would be TRUE that Star enjoys great benefits from being a princess of the royal family. Toffee, who has a valid reason to seek the destruction of the royal family, would have an understandable reason to want Star dead. Granted, Star's young, but she still has more than enough magical power and willingness to fight; she's a very real threat to his plans and to any attempt by the "monster" natives of Mewni to reclaim their dimension in that situation.


That's not what's going on here.

What's going on here is that Toffee's forces have presumably reconquered Mewni. they own the place, or they wouldn't have all this free corn to throw around. As such, Star, even if she is free and outside Toffee's control, instantly becomes FAR less of a threat. Her friends, still less so. And random miscellaneous people on Earth, still less so.

Toffee would have reason to attack Star because of her family affiliation, given that she IS willing to fight for that family... but he would have this reason because that family was still a threat to him and his cause. That is no longer true.