Right because institutional racism is never a thing. . .

You can benefit from systems of prejudice set up in the past even if you don't actively take part in them you know.

Perhaps we should tread quietly around issues that could touch on real-world issues, and not attempt to go with a hottake of "yes, because [an individual] benefited from racism and genocide in the past," - committed by their ancestors, not themselves, personally - it is fine for someone to just outright murder them?
We're Doof, hypocrisy is sort of baked into the character. . .

Yes but do you want to lay the blame for all of the dirt that the Mongols caused on his feet simply because he's distantly related?

Should everyone who has a religion that has engaged in a holy war at some point be held responsible for the crimes of their religion?

Should crimes committed Lifetimes ago by people they've never met Be laid at the feet of people whom would be horrified by such crimes?

Getting back on track Star as far as I'm aware never engaged in wanton Genocide and neither did Marco. Hell Stars mom only cut off Toffy's finger as opposed to his HEAD after he killed her mother.
And therefore you deserve to die?! Listen to what you're advocating for.

...as to Bill Cipher, I never got the sense that he was using magic. Bill just sort of ... is, as far as I can tell.

I mean technically Star and Marco are a threat to his reign. . .in the same way that people will rally behind a leader if they can find backers in exile IOTL.

Janna. . .well I'm not entirely sure what her whole deal is beyond she was really scared of Toffee but apparently not scared enough to leave her hometown. . .


Anyone who has this weird notion of Toffee being a righteous fighter in a struggle for the cause of non-human liberation may want to give a look at our one glimpse of Toffee's youth.

He doesn't come across as a particularly nice person, to put it mildly.

That said, yes, Glossaryck is still a huge dick.
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Speaking as someone else who hasn't watched the show, Toffee seems to have already accomplished everything he needed to. Target the people responsible, never those simply associated by existing. Children are a good example. If we could get the guy to cease his little crusade I might be willing to come to the table and hear out whatever he's doing. Assuming that isn't genocide, and falls in the way of more mundane evils, I might even be swayed.

However, for as long as his goals consist of what they appear to, we can justify as many of his actions as we want but at the end of the day those actions are wrong. Can we understand them? Certainly. Is it okay? Hell no.

That's what I've taken away from all of this, as someone unfamiliar with the show.
Didn't you post that already?
@KnightofTempest could you please respond to these comments? It honestly sounds like you are trolling at this point.

It's worth noting that Toffee entered the Mewni political scene by instigating a monster rebellion against overwhelming prejudice and marginalization. Very fair. When the then Queen of Mewni tried to make peace with the monsters, Toffee came to the meeting and stabbed her to death in cold blood, then began a lightning war that took him to the Mewman capital.

Less fair.
However, I don't think Toffee wiping out magic kills Cypher, as he's basically the definition of outside of context problem. Is he even magic? And while inators could kill/banish Triangle, as I understand, that's basically how he was beaten in canon, I don't want to give up anti-cypher weapons if I can help it.
Bill doesn't run off magic. He runs off of dimensional Fuckery.

Magic's the only thing slightly effective against him.
Ignoring humanity sins debates, magic being destroyed would kill a whole lot of sentient magical creatures, so Toffee is hardly the good guy here.
Star vs the Forces of Evil magic is different than Phineas and Ferb Magic, which is different than Gargoyles magic, which is different than Gravity Falls Magic, which is different than Toon Magic, you get my fucking point.

Genocide. Is. Bad.
That's a hell of an assumption to make with no actual backing. Bill is extradimensional. He's not magic.
They're children. Two of them aren't even Mewmans at all.

Toffee has every right to be angry, and every right to to strike back at his oppressors. I've joked in passing with a couple friends that "Doofquest takes place in an alternate universe where all the Disney villains won, except in Star Vs., where Toffee won instead."

But the man is not waging a war against an evil regime, anymore. He's following literal teenagers who had nothing to do with - no knowledge of - his painful past into another dimension entirely. Following after their running away from him. To kill them. To capture them. To conquer them, and their families, and their home. To punish them for the sin of ... existing.

For heavens' sake, the worst thing that Janna has done to Toffee is make friends with someone Toffee didn't like. And yet here she sits, legs hanging over the edge of the roof, barely holding in tears, hysteric, stressed out of her mind. Scared.

It's genuinely cool if you just like Toffee better than Janna. He's a charismatic villain, and people often like villains better than heroes because, hey, they're cool. But he is the bad guy, all joking aside. We have to take that into account when we make our plans.
Oh, being pissed at Mewni for what they did is entirely reasonable. They're hardly uniquely bad as a polity - plenty of europeans countries have done worse, for instance - but I wouldn't begrudge the Irish for a grudge against Britain either, or the Mayans the Spanish. And Toffee is a direct part of the effected demographic. I won't dispute in the slightest that Toffee has reason to act against them, nor can I really even fault him for violent approach to fighting colonialism and oppression.

The problem comes when he doesn't stop there. Regaining the monster's their territory is all well and good, keeping the mewnen from putting things back the way they were prior to Toffee is just good sense, even if you do have to balance the concerns of the people who do live there now if you want to be equitable. But Sins of the Father is a poor way to make moral decisions, and people like Janna and Marco - and the people effected by his expansion into other dimensions - lack even that. At worst, they're guilty of the crime of making friends with someone who he doesn't even really have a good reason to target in the first place, and for that, they deserve to have him go after them with his armies and magic and money, to kill or kidnap or dissapear him? Of all the people who's opposition to Toffee is justified, I think Janna has one of the strongest cases.
I even compiled them so you don't have to go through the effort of searching two pages to respond to the outrage at you, implicitly, supporting genocide and the murder of innocents.
May I suggest a topic change? This is going nowhere good, and fast.

I'll handle those cards you gained from those personal actions when I get back from work. Forgot to post them earlier. Then comes the omake.
Huh. This one of those morally gray situations where of course to us this guy seems like the baddie, but the heroes have got a mile high list of wrongdoings for why the baddie even exists?

To be fair, most of the people actually involved in the wrongdoing's are dead, aren't they?

Like, it's all well and good to say that the Pilgrims and the Unites States were the bad guy's in the whole "everything that ever happened to the Native American's", I'd definitely agree with that, and Native American's are still treated pretty terribly, but if a few years back a group of Native American's murdered Obama and Congress and took over the White House and the United States, started killing non Native American citizens within the border of the US en masse, and started hunting down Obama's surviving children as their on the run ... I'm pretty sure most people would agree that those are the bad guys in that particular situation.

Something needs to be done to start repairing the wounds of the past and fixing the civilization of the Mewni and Mewni/Monster relations, but that doesn't give Toffe a check for unlimited atrocities, and just flipping the power balance isn't going to fix anything, just continue the cycle of sins. Star is young and innocent and capable of seeing the wrongs of her own faction, that's a lot more then Toffe has going for him.

Toffe also isn't all monsters either, he's basically the heir to Seth's political faction, and Seth was notably feared and disliked even by other monsters. Seth is also, you know, arguably one of the primary actors in things being as bad as they are, refusing to participate in peace talks and establishing an organization that only seeks vengeance and violence, tainting Mewni/monster relations and all attempts to make things better to this very day.

There's no clear cut best solution here, and maybe putting Star back on the throne isn't the ideal thing to do, but I'd argue that keeping Toffe in charge is the worst result, and that Star is definitely more likely to at least try to be fair and help both sides and try to repair the rift and establish peaceful discourse then Toffee.

Edit: Star is young and innocent and hasn't actually done much wrong. Toffe's modus operandi is atrocity. I trust one of these two a lot more then the other.
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May I suggest a topic change? This is going nowhere good, and fast.
Agreed. I think that Janna desperately needs a session with Technor next turn. This was just... yeah, she's been coasting on ennui and malaise and she's actually on the verge of a massive breakdown. Seeing if we can find Star next turn would probably do wonders for her mindset as well; and if we find Star we may find Marco too.
I have a lot less sympathy for the Mewmans and Star's group than most people who watched the show probably do. The simple fact is that Mewni was a Kingdom founded on genocide because Glossaryk felt like being a dick.

If I were Toffee, I'd be pissed too.

Literally the only reason I didn't vote to take the deal was because the utility loss from losing our sole occult hero would have been too big. . .
Agreed with you on that one.
Do I think he's in a shit situation? Yeah, but honestly? Toffee is kind of in the right here. . .
I mean, is Mewni founded on oppression and genocide? Yes. Are most modern Mewmans racist assholes? Also yes. Does Toffee have perfectly legitimate grievances? Again yes. Does that mean we should completely dismiss all Mewmans? Not really because at the very least Star realised how unfair their system was and fought against it and there's also the Eclipsa situation
Marco needs to be given a good shake, because someone as young as him should not be crossing dimensional barriers when the situation is as perilous as it is.
Depending on when the timeline diverged I'm pretty sure that Marco is actually in like his 30's
Nah. His immortality is actually pretty new for the monsters. He at most lived through 3-4 genocide since his birth.
Actually Toffee's species of Monster has had regeneration basically since they came into existence and Toffee himself has been around for a very long time, potentially from the early days of the Butterfly family
Also Modern Christians don't have national holidays to celebrate the Crusades, nor are the regimes that benefitted from them still in play except maybe for the Papacy which quite honestly isn't what it used to be and still rightly catches flak for that.
I mean, isn't that kind of the same as modern Americans celebrating Thanksgiving and completely ignoring all the horrible shit their ancestors did to the Natives up to and after it?
Children who are dangerous and who have every reason to try and overthrow him from earth. That's not persecution, that's securing his reign.
There's actually only one child that in any way poses a risk to him and she has Monster sympathies and immediately gave up her claim to the throne when she learned that she wasn't the legitimate heir
@KnightofTempest could you please respond to these comments? It honestly sounds like you are trolling at this point.

I even compiled them so you don't have to go through the effort of searching two pages to respond to the outrage at you, implicitly, supporting genocide and the murder of innocents.

Some of those actually have been replied to. I don't blame you for not trolling through two pages of thread to find my responses

To reiterate, Star and Marco would be a threat to Toffee's reign. After all people will rally around a leader in exile and if they can find backers they can lead a counter-coup.

Janna is stuck in a bad situation for stupid reasons but she was apparently not scared enough to leave her hometown, which tells me a lot of her worries are either overblown or paranoia. If she really were in constant danger, she wouldn't have stayed.

As to the murder all humans thing, again I can only go off the wiki because I didn't watch the show and the Wiki makes it seem like his grudge was specifically against the Mewni Royals
I mean technically Star and Marco are a threat to his reign. . .in the same way that people will rally behind a leader if they can find backers in exile IOTL.

Janna. . .well I'm not entirely sure what her whole deal is beyond she was really scared of Toffee but apparently not scared enough to leave her hometown. . .
Well I don't think Toffee even Knew Her exist. From what she is saying I gather that Toffee is just securing his holding in Arizona and not specifically targeting her at all. Just the those people with influence and had a big hand in business.

Like Janna is Star's best friend on earth next to Marco so if she is in Toffee check list then how can Max just waltz her up to Doofania without a problem? Do not say Toon Force.
Right In an effort to change the topic so we don't have moderators jump in.

Should we give the Ruby wings to Jana or Khan?

Janna found them do she does have dibs rights but she has magic so she can probably fly.

Khan has the benefit of looking metal as hell with them.


Anyone who has this weird notion of Toffee being a righteous fighter in a struggle for the cause of non-human liberation may want to give a look at our one glimpse of Toffee's youth.

He doesn't come across as a particularly nice person, to put it mildly.

That said, yes, Glossaryck is still a huge dick.

I mean, in fairness if I was a freedom fighter and one of the people oppresing my group showed up and acted as smugly as Glossaryck did, I wouldn't react well either.
Well I don't think Toffee even Knew Her exist. From what she is saying I gather that Toffee is just securing his holding in Arizona and not specifically targeting her at all. Just the those people with influence and had a big hand in business.

Like Janna is Star's best friend on earth next to Marco so if she is in Toffee check list then how can Max just waltz her up to Doofania without a problem? Do not say Toon Force.

Toon force and being a known associate of a king and the son of a very famous toon. Attacking him would cause a massive controversy and might invite a army of killer robots.
Right In an effort to change the topic so we don't have moderators jump in.

Should we give the Ruby wings to Jana or Khan?

Janna found them do she does have dibs rights but she has magic so she can probably fly.

Khan has the benefit of looking metal as hell with them.
We got confirmation she can fly, so I say give to Genghis.

Furthermore, I think eventually we should have von Drake tutor Dennis. The next step to his metoric rise to competence will be amazing.
I have a lot less sympathy for the Mewmans and Star's group than most people who watched the show probably do. The simple fact is that Mewni was a Kingdom founded on genocide because Glossaryk felt like being a dick.

If I were Toffee, I'd be pissed too.

Literally the only reason I didn't vote to take the deal was because the utility loss from losing our sole occult hero would have been too big. . .

Bluntly speaking, a lack of sympathy for the Mewman's is not, infact unique to you. Nobody in the thread gives a damn about the Mewmans, or cares at all that Toffee took over*. This is why the thread went to talk to him during the gala. However, and I'm not sure how you missed this, Star isn't, in fact, the person who genocide monsters, and in later seasons even repeatedly went against her own kingdom. If this was Star trying to recruit us to invade Mewni, I'd frankly be telling her to please leave. But it isn't, she's running and Toffee is going after a fourteen-year-old.

But it gets worse. Because he isn't just hurting Star, but actively taking control of the territory on this world. Territory that was never his or monsters to start with. Granted, if you want to giga-brain it, you could say the US was founded on genocide, but somehow I doubt he's restoring First People's rule. The thread grew truly hostile to him when he approached us like he approached Ludo. A fellow monster that he betrayed and screwed over. And we shouldn't let him do the same to us. Our true hostility came because he is trying to take us over, which Janna just laid out. The idea that he's going to 'remove all magic' and just leave all friendly like is not in line with him.

*at least the part about him conquering Mewmans, I kinda care about the degree he showed callous disregard for other monsters repeatedly

Right because institutional racism is never a thing. . .

You can benefit from systems of prejudice set up in the past even if you don't actively take part in them you know.
So she deserves to be hunted across another world after he kingdom fell? The response to institutional prejudice is to remove the advantages, not kill fourteen-year-olds. It's like you are parroting justice terms without understanding them. She's running and Toffee is still hunting her. This is psychotic.

Like simple easy check for 'am I someone we should be siding with? Are you hunting down 14 years olds and conquering other worlds that weren't yours, specifically ours? If yes, then we shouldn't be siding with you."
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