unfortunately the images don't work for me xD but ill give it an funny reaction anyways

Well, shoot. Here's a description, since I don't know how to make the pictures more visible.

First one is the "Tom getting hit with a pie" meme, but I pasted Syndrome's face on Tom and wrote "Syndrome's Upgrade Chip (Absolutely, 100%, Not A Fake)" on the paper. The pie is labeled "ENCOM Centennial Edition"

Second one is the Family Guy "You guys always act like you're better than me" meme, with Syndrome's face pasted on Meg. The rest of the family has been replaced with the smug faces of Xanatos, Toffee, and Shere Khan.
Inator Submissions for @Made in Heaven :

Good: The Non-Stop-Inator: This Inator is basically a perpetual motion device that generates extractable energy. This effectively solves any energy related problems in Doofania such as Technor's power hungry trait.

Bad: The Nemesis Attract-Inator: This will pull in any potential independent nemesis from their original place and wreak havoc in Doofania.
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Inator Submissions for @Made in Heaven :

Good: The Non-Stop-Inator: This Inator is basically a perpetual motion device that generates extractable energy. This effectively solves any energy related problems in Doofania such as Technor's power hungry trait.

Bad: The Nemesis Attract-Inator: This will pull in any potential independent nemesis from their original place and wreak havoc in Doofania.
I already made the second one under the name "The Inqu-inator"
Inator Submissions for @Made in Heaven :

Good: The Non-Stop-Inator: This Inator is basically a perpetual motion device that generates extractable energy. This effectively solves any energy related problems in Doofania such as Technor's power hungry trait.
That's way too powerful for a good inator, it would effectively bypass lots of tech development. I could use that to solve the Power Hungry malus for one turn, but someone already suggested an inator like that.
That's going to be a problem later on. Without any list of submitted inators, it's going to be hard to come up with effects that may have already been posted before.
The Optimization-inator! It optimizes your paper work for you! +10 to stewardship rolls for one turn!

The Weak Arms-Inator it temporarily weakens all arms in its radius, which happenes to be all of doofaina -12 to martial rolls in our territory
Gonna try to aggregate all the potential Inator suggestions. I tried to grab only the valid / accepted Inators, but I probably missed a few

Ok, been thinking about it for a bit and I have two Inator proposals

The good one: The Rube Goldberg-Inator! This Inator is the largest Inator ever built, spreading over the entirety of Doofania and incorporates everything from rolling bowling balls, time displaced carrier pigeons, to common circuitry. When activated by the press of a button this dastardly machine begins its evil work, and over the course of a month slowly activates until its final purpous, playing a reminder for Dr. Doofenshmirtz to call in for a new transistor for his car, the current one is not working properly. Oh it also seems to distract a lot of enemy agents,spies,and saboteurs who do not know its true purpose. (add a DC penalty to enemy actions in Dofania as they are distracted)

The bad one: The Everyone Think Like Me-Inator! Have you ever explained something to someone and have them wildly misunderstand because they don't get what you are going for? Annoying right? Well no longer! The Everyone Think Like Me-Inator will broadcast Dr. Doofenshmirtz's genius thought process to the entire Two and a Half State Area so when he asks for coffee they will know he wants almond milk! Oh, it may also be a security nightmare by just giving any foes nearby his thought process but that is a minor issue. (Lowers DC to enemy actions in Dofania)

@Made in Heaven do these work for Inators?

Hey @Made in Heaven, can you add the Sudden Deathinator we made a while back to the Inator list? I think the players would love it!

The Anti-Shaveinator: A handheld raygun that stimulates hair growth on any living thing. Surely, this inator is of untold power from curing male pattern baldness to growing facial hair without those gross neckbeards or ugly Michael Cera upper lip fuzz. Instead, simply adjust the dial to achieve the perfect rugged look. Product not recommended for use in women or small children.

The Teleport-inator: A four-ton platform that utilizes three massive pylons to accumulate quantum particles. Merely use the device's supercomputer to punch in a destination and the quantum particles will teleport you from the platform faster than the speed of light! There are, unfortunately two drawbacks. Firstly, the device has an effective range of only three feet. Secondly, you wind up smelling like quantum particles all day and it takes a trip to the dry cleaner to get the scent out of your lab coat.

If we are suggesting -Inators, might I suggest:

This neat Inator splits anything placed in side it into two separate parts, with a single opposing trait. Placing a chocolate swirl ice-cream cone inside will give you a chocolate cone as well as a vanilla cone. Placing a blue raspberry sports drink will give you a blue sports drink and a raspberry sports drink.

Bikes are certainly better for the environment then cars, so why not make more places have bike only paths. This beam makes any area struck repel anything that is not a bike. Unfortunately, that includes the riders, but you are working to fix that bug.

A pair of inators:

An inator created when Doof learned about how building treehouses is an excellent father-child bonding activity. Unfortunately, he didn't really understand the concept of building a treehouse. Instead of him and Vanessa doing all the construction work together, Doof build an inator that grows trees into whatever shape he desires, which he promptly used to grow a tree into the shape of a house.

Doof used to have a problem with insomnia. So, he made a portable inator that would cocoon him in a blanket to help him fall asleep when the inator 'thought' he needed it. Unfortunately, the inator thinks he needs to sleep quite a lot, and it has a habit of going off at the most inopportune times, like, say, live combat.

I learned recently that submitted inators should have mechanical effects attached to them by us, so here's an update.

The Anti-Shaveinator: As long as Doof doesn't shave the beard, +5 Loyalty from any characters with facial hair thanks to that sacred bond. +5 to Diplomacy in actions involving characters who have, or desire facial hair.

The Teleport-inator: -10 to any Diplomacy actions taken this turn involving characters with a sense of smell. This can be mitigated by assigning a personal action to doing laundry to get that godawful quantum particle smell out of your lab coat.

The Flash Trainer-inator: With these four training bands turn any workout into a five minute power hour! Once per turn roll a 1d100, at 95 and above gain +1 martial. Every 5 turns gain an additional +1 martial. (Breaks after 3 gains to Martial.)

The Theme Songinator: Anyone shot with this raygun gains an appropriate theme song that plays without stop throughout the next three days. Anyone affected by the Theme Songinator takes a -10 to all diplomacy rolls with new people for three turns.

I like these a lot. I think that inators only 'function' for one turn however, so I would suggest the Flash-Trainer Inator just giving 1 free martial to doof, whereas the theme songinator just gives DEI as a whole -10 diplomacy that lasts 3 turns. That seems like a fair trade.

Bad inator: The Advertise-Inator! This Inator will make advertisements of you all the time, giving a diplomacy malus.

Good Inator: The Bright Side-Inator (name pending due to a previously better name being forgotten): All your actions (unless it's completely and obviously evil) will be seen as a good thing to everyone, making a malus for enemies trying to frame, deprecate, etc. you.


Pause-Butt-Inator, Subtype Good:
Inator stops time for everyone but Dr. Doofenshmirtz and perhaps a select few henchmen. This enables them to easily complete a task free of distractions or interference. Major bonus to one randomly selected action this turn.

Pause-Butt-Inator, Subtype Bad:
Inator stops time for only Dr. Doofenshmirtz and perhaps a select few henchmen. By the time they emerge from the pause effect, whatever task they were trying to accomplish is now considerably more difficult due to deadline pressure or enemies taking advantage of their inaction. Major penalty to one randomly selected action this turn.

Gravitat-Inator, Subtype Good:
A massive distant object is caught in a tractor beam and drawn forcefully towards Dr. Doofenshmirtz's firmly braced headquarters. Enables special Stewardship action to steal something large that could not normally be stolen without Carmen Sandiego powers.

Gravitat-Inator, Subtype Bad:
A massive distant object is caught in a tractor beam and drawn forcefully towards Dr. Doofenshmirtz's poorly braced headquarters. Newton's Third Law ensues. Enables special Stewardship action to repair large chunk torn out of headquarters building and flung towards distant object.

Term-Inator, Subtype Good:
Inator forces all residents of Doofania to use scientifically correct vocabulary as defined by Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Bonuses to either Stewardship or Learning actions as all but the greatest geniuses in Doofania become more technically literate!

Term-Inator, Subtype Bad:
Inator forces all residents of Doofania to use scientifically correct vocabulary as defined by Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Penalties to either Diplomacy or Intrigue actions as everyone in Doofania finds themselves circumlocuting around and about the shrub-like plant, using sesquipedalian verbiage where more conventionally simplistic utterances would suffice, and otherwise suffering an abrupt resurgence of the curse of Babel.

Ice-Cream-Inator, Subtype Good:
Dr. Doofenshmirtz builds a device that transmogrifies certain loose objects of little value into ice cream throughout Doofanian territory. The people, alerted to this in advance by the mandatory following of their leader's social media account, take due advantage of this. With freezers throughout the Two-and-a-Half-State Area stuffed full of free ice cream, the people rejoice. Public morale rises!

Ice-Cream-Inator, Subtype Bad:
Dr. Doofenshmirtz builds a device that transmogrifies certain loose objects of little value into ice cream throughout Doofanian territory. He forgets to mention this on his social media account until approximately thirty seconds before activating the device. Having various random objects unexpectedly turn into ice cream throughout Doofanian territory causes millions of sticky, bug-attracting melted messes, along with a variety of minor property damage. The people grumble. Public morale falls!

I haven't seen P&F so I don't know if these are on theme but...

Fall-Up-Inator: For years, humanity has been subjected to the tyrany of gravity, always moving towards the ground. No more! The Fall-Up-Inator engulfs the target in a month-long skin-tight space-warping effect that makes gravity apply to them so that they move up instead of down (as defined by a vector that goes from their navel to their head)! Yes, it does mean that you must do a handstand to remain at ground level and rapidly do cartwheels to hover in place but it is a small price to pay for unpowered flight! +5 to intrigue actions because nobody ever looks up.

Naughty-or-Nice-Exam-Inator: A device that can measure the nebulous concept of Karma in order to determine if if the examinee will get a gift from Santa. Due to a bug, no matter what Doof does he ends on the naughty list. -5 to Doof's personal actions due to depression.

Well, Mushroom-Love-Inator. Also known as Blorg-Inator. Mushtooms love you.
Positive: Random mushroom growth in most convenient places. Tasty mushroom for breakfast! Coffee mushroom when you are down! Bonus to Stewardship.
Negative: Random mushroom growth in most inconvenient places. Everyone smells moldy and miserable. Malus to happines and diplomacy.

Also to join the band wagon: Pet-Talk-Inator
Pro: Doof announces he has made a way for pet owners to be able to truly understand their pets thoughts and communicate with them leading to closer bonds between pets and their owners across Doofania.
Con: Doof neglects to inform about his invention and upon it's activation leads to widespread panic and confusion that leads to rioting among the populace.

The Probabilinator-For the next turn lower the crit threshold and raise the crit failure threshold of EVERYONE'S National Actions by 20

Also FYI @Made in Heaven approved the inator idea on the discord. People were scared. This was my reaction.

Good inator: The Caricature-inator!
Do you ever find people difficult to understand? Do you wish you they were simplified to their most broad features? This machine fixes that! All numbers in hero traits are doubled for this turn as people act as exaggerated versions of themselves.

Bad inator: The Nerve-Inator!
No more will we be plagued by an irrational fear of bats and completely rational fear of vending machines! This machine permanently makes the people of Doofania stand a little straighter. In the short term, that unfortunately means our employees will demand vacation time. They are only able to take personal actions this turn. In the long term, whichever action currently has the highest DC has its DC reduced by 5% as the threat of such an insurmountable challenge becomes COMPLETELY SURMOUNTABLE.

Neutral inator: Stimulant-inator!
In an effort to increase workplace productivity, the breakroom coffee-inator has been swapped out with this NEARLY IDENTICAL COPY. The first hero to drink from it is instantly filled with energy and zeal that must be put to use immediately. Instantly undertake a random action with a random hero unit, adding all relevant bonuses.

Aurorainator: puts a Aurora in the sky to let the people know it's our territory. Keeps people awake. -5 to rolls in territory.

Sleepinator: Doof has had trouble sleeping so he made inator to put him to sleep. +5 to all Doof rolls due to a good night sleep.

Small-Project-Inator: Rolls 5 inators, each having 1/5th of their effect on the same turn

Pie-In-The-Sky-Inator: Nearby clouds start raining down pies. +3 stewardship to Doofania and 2 random neighbors

Good: The Self Help-inator.
Hm - there was a random button you'd forgotten about on Norm's backside. A few seconds after hitting it and you remember why you didn't activate it. It gets him all jazzed about 'self-help', 'self-growth', and 'jazzercise'. This turn, you can take the 'Upgrade Norm' action for free.

Bad: The Inqu-inator
A brilliant invention named after our most fearsome dangerous foe, the Inquinator. This inator is perfect for finding a worthy adversary, something you've sorely been lacking. Immediately summon a nemesis, ripping them away from whatever they were doing to serve as an enemy to oppose.

Neutral: The Rotaninator
Why go through the effort of creating a brand new inator when you could just have fun with palindromes at the flip of a switch. Generate the opposite effect of the last inator that triggered.

some inator ideas

Good- Cable-Inator- Doof built it to steal cable TV, but for some reason it creates high speed fiber optic cables, +5 to learning from improved connection speeds
Bad- CableTV-Inator- Doof built this to steal Cable TV, -5 to learning everyone is busy pirating TV
Neutral- Inator-inator- Randomly creates other inators, there is a kind of paradox, space-time warping thing going one here, roll 2 more inators this turn

Least likely-inator: the plan to be used on the next turn will be the one that was voted the least.

Doopinator: thought up to get doof out of jury duty by having a temporary copy deal with it instead. fortunately, they didn't need him. (Add a temporary copy of Doof for one turn. Give a project "doof's" 'personal attention' on a national action without giving up his personal actions.)

Gabinator: People don't talk as much as they use to. In the old days you had a conversation with you enemies as they hung over a death trap. Now it's just rushing to get to the point. With this gabinator people will be forced to talk to each others in detail and for a lot period of time preferably about a evil plan. (+10 Dc to all rolls as no one can shut up and get to work. -10DC for anyone trying infiltrate Doofania as loss lips sink ships. Potentially reveal employee or Doof's own secrets.)

The Absolute Rule-inator: Through this machine of pure mad science you can force the universe to always adhere to a single rule. And while you didn't intend it, that rule is that Perry the Platapus always has a hat. Increase Bill Cyphers highest DC by half.

The Just Like Me-inator: This inator creates a duplicate of the user, however for some reason they both cant stand each other. Doof loses a personal action trying to get rid of his copy

Super-charge-inator- It unleashes a huge amount of power. Fully charges Technor this turn
Super-generator-inator- A super powerful generator, it's too powerful and blows out the power grid. -5 to all Technor stats this turn from lack of power

Speaking the magic realm's effects, inator idea!

Forget-about-it-inator (microwave setting): a random hero unit loses a personal action.

Time Window Inator – allow you one unobscured look into the past. Choose among Kings known to you, and learn about one of his previous turn actions. For example you can vote to learn about Xanatos intrigue action, or Shego martial e.t.c.

Global News Forecast Inator - was constructed with goal to learn about major events before they can happen. For some reason always mistaken. Roll dice at the Next World Event roll, write what is supposed to happen, subtract 5 from result, implement new result. If initial roll less than 6 go to the top.


The Untechnopathyinator: After reading about an evil lady who could control machines with her mind, you were terrified she might make your phone bill skyrocket with prank calls! No one person should have the power to make phonecalls with other people's property!
Effect: Manipulates a technological object's personal timeline to revert supernatural changes to it.

The Gweninator: Trying to figure out what that lady Shego brought did, you decided the best way to do so would be to see it for yourself!
Effect: Gwen's Technopathy power treats this Inator as an extension of herself for all purposes, and broadcasts the ability for an extra ten meters around it besides. She becomes aware of its effects upon activation.

Inator Submissions for @Made in Heaven :

Good: The Non-Stop-Inator: This Inator is basically a perpetual motion device that generates extractable energy. This effectively solves any energy related problems in Doofania such as Technor's power hungry trait.

Bad: The Nemesis Attract-Inator: This will pull in any potential independent nemesis from their original place and wreak havoc in Doofania.

The Optimization-inator! It optimizes your paper work for you! +10 to stewardship rolls for one turn!

The Weak Arms-Inator it temporarily weakens all arms in its radius, which happenes to be all of doofaina -12 to martial rolls in our territory

Wow, that's a lot.