[ ] Purchase a popular franchise
DC varies depending on the franchise
All of the really great dictators had their own personality cults, and what better way to cultivate yours than by appealing to the fanboys? Quite a few very popular franchises have made some exceptionally poor decisions lately because their out-of-touch owners and executives didn't seem to know what the fans really wanted. Take matters into your own hands and gain a legion of fans!

(Reward: Gain control of the specified franchise, new questline available)

... funnily enough, while we no longer have access to this action, from the looks of it, if we did, we could have done something quite... funny.

Hey, @Made in Heaven, if this action ever reappears... would Ducky Momo be an acceptable choice? While the DC for it would be ridiculously high, not only would it make Vanessa happy, if memory serves, as she sid, thanks to an accidental teleportation, end up watching, and liking, a Ducky Momo movie... with Cadence. While I doubt we'll ever get the boys to be hero units, if we buy the Ducky Momo franchise, we might end up having Cadence apply for an internship for DEI. Sure, it's a long shot... but, hey, if we can buy franchises again later on, it may just prove useful.
... funnily enough, while we no longer have access to this action, from the looks of it, if we did, we could have done something quite... funny.

Hey, @Made in Heaven, if this action ever reappears... would Ducky Momo be an acceptable choice? While the DC for it would be ridiculously high, not only would it make Vanessa happy, if memory serves, as she sid, thanks to an accidental teleportation, end up watching, and liking, a Ducky Momo movie... with Cadence. While I doubt we'll ever get the boys to be hero units, if we buy the Ducky Momo franchise, we might end up having Cadence apply for an internship for DEI. Sure, it's a long shot... but, hey, if we can buy franchises again later on, it may just prove useful.
I'd question why you'd want to spend an action on that when there are multiple other, more useful things... but if it gets enough support, sure.
I'd question why you'd want to spend an action on that when there are multiple other, more useful things... but if it gets enough support, sure.

Because, even if it, for a super crit, it just gives us Cadence, not even as a hero... I'd just find that funny and do it anyway. Plus, it would probably increase Doof's popularity somewhat.

... yeah, it probably isn't the best action to take, but I really wanna see what happens if we do take it.
@Made in Heaven to be fair, duckymomo seemed to be a very large children's toy/show In canon, in this story it probably wouldn't be beyond belief of there being a Ducky momo toon either, but even without that our daughter would like it, our toons would probs be happy with it, and after the initial buying it would probs make up the money fairly easy
So, having looked into our northern neighbours a bit more I have to say I'm not entirely sure what to do with them but we should definitely improve Norm as much as we can and accept him as our son by the time we meet them
Given that the Doombots (Cogs) are roughly equal in spec to the norm-bot patrols, is there an option to upgrade them, so we could have better robots?
@Made in Heaven to be fair, duckymomo seemed to be a very large children's toy/show In canon, in this story it probably wouldn't be beyond belief of there being a Ducky momo toon either, but even without that our daughter would like it, our toons would probs be happy with it, and after the initial buying it would probs make up the money fairly easy
It's a action we could devote to anything else.
be fair, duckymomo seemed to be a very large children's toy/show In canon, in this story it probably wouldn't be beyond belief of there being a Ducky momo toon either, but even without that our daughter would like it, our toons would probs be happy with it, and after the initial buying it would probs make up the money fairly easy
Does it even exist? It may have died off-screen or never reached it's full possible popularity.
If the movie is correct than Flubber could if made into armor and weapons give us a HUGE martial boost. Since guns and projectiles would no longer effect our heros and imaging Khan with a Flubber warhammer makes me smile.After all in the movie it allowed an inexperienced basketball team to play like pros.
I'm not sure the hot sauce would enhance the plasma weapon. It's hot, but probably not that hot. I think it's more of a chemical warfare agent.
I know we want to reach out to the Red Car next turn but the action to double the amount of actions for diplomacy was AI based. If it is counted as being lowered the next turn then we may want to pursue it. This would give us the chance to use Agent Russ and Goofy both on diplo actions in the future if the situation calls for it.Plus our highest diplo hero is Goofy and I am wary of sending him anywhere near Doomtown.
Aurorainator: puts a Aurora in the sky to let the people know it's our territory. Keeps people awake. -5 to rolls in territory.

Sleepinator: Doof has had trouble sleeping so he made inator to put him to sleep. +5 to all Doof rolls due to a good night sleep.
Small-Project-Inator: Rolls 5 inators, each having 1/5th of their effect on the same turn

Pie-In-The-Sky-Inator: Nearby clouds start raining down pies. +3 stewardship to Doofania and 2 random neighbors

These good as 'neutral' inators?
Good: The Self Help-inator.
Hm - there was a random button you'd forgotten about on Norm's backside. A few seconds after hitting it and you remember why you didn't activate it. It gets him all jazzed about 'self-help', 'self-growth', and 'jazzercise'. This turn, you can take the 'Upgrade Norm' action for free.

Bad: The Inqu-inator
A brilliant invention named after our most fearsome dangerous foe, the Inquinator. This inator is perfect for finding a worthy adversary, something you've sorely been lacking. Immediately summon a nemesis, ripping them away from whatever they were doing to serve as an enemy to oppose.

Neutral: The Rotaninator
Why go through the effort of creating a brand new inator when you could just have fun with palindromes at the flip of a switch. Generate the opposite effect of the last inator that triggered.
Interlude: The Interviews of DOOOOOM! (Part I)
You're rather excited to begin today's set of interviews. At the advice of your HR department, you've disabled most of the traps leading to your office. You can always turn them back on during the way out.

First on the docket is a woman named Momakase, apparently a combat and infiltration specialist from 'Sokyo who doubles as an excellent sushi chef. The woman sitting in front of you has a slender frame and dark hair, streaked through with blue highlights. She looks to be in her early thirties. She is dressed in black and dark blue, possibly as a promise for anyone who gets in her way.

What is slightly concerning is that you don't quite remember seeing her enter the room.


"So, Miss Kase. Can you tell me a little more about your skills?"

"I specialize in covert operations. You need something stolen? I can steal it. Need someone taken down?" She continues, pulling out what looks to be a wickedly sharp chef's knife. "They'll feel it."

"Oooh, that looks neat."

"Monomolecular. You'd be hard pressed to find a material this can't cut."

"And I see you know how to use it."

She chuckles. "Yes. Whether you need me to sashimi a fish or a troublesome target, I think you'll find me fully qualified. If you can afford my fee."

"Well you certainly have an impressive resume. Working for multiple Zaibatsu, a stint in the San Fransokyo underground. Quite the contribution to Evil. What made you decide to head east?"

"St. Canard." She replied easily. "There was only so much looting they could do before they got tired of Calistota. We're already getting quacks, and they're drawing heat. So I decided to move somewhere the competition was a little less public."

"Gotcha. Well I'm impressed Momo, but you're our first respondent of the day, so I can't quite make a decision just yet. We'll contact you within the next few days if we decide to bring you in on retainer."

Momakase's eyebrow twitched, but she managed to maintain a level voice in response. "I look forward to it. Though I do hope you treat your employees well. I am the reigning champion of Food Wars and I do not intend to give up the title because of a missed match."

"Well, you won't have to worry about that! We have three weeks' vacation standard package, as well as holidays, sick pay, maternity leave, and religious observances."


Momakase: High intrigue, decent martial villain, world class sushi chef.

Pragmatism: High
Quirkiness: Low
Instability: Medium
Tolerance for Nonsense: Low
Sushi Quality: Exceptional


Next on the docket is a Mr. Francis Lurman, apparently from Colorado, alias 'Frugal Lucre'. Lucre is a brown-haired man in a tan polo and khakis, a little underdressed if you're being honest. He enters the room with an air of self-assurance.

"Well, I'm impressed to see the bossman himself is managing interviews. Nice traps by the way."

"Well, this position is important. And oh, thank you, you noticed!"

"Yes I did! I also noticed a few uncut corners."

"Huh? What did you mean?"

"Take the gravity springboard, for example. Now, it has panache, that I will grant you, but how much is that thing costing you to power? Replace it with some extra strong rubber bands- I know this great supplier in Sikkim- and you've just saved yourself 90% of the down payment. And the Inators- good, solid bespoke work, but how on earth are you gonna scale that?"

"Well, I like to preserve the artistry."

"Sir, please. You're running a business here. Why spring for the slowly approaching death laser when a blowtorch, a rope and a blunt object can do just as well? You have to think about economies of scale in today's villainy if you want to get ahead. Oh, but where are my manners? You can call me Frugal Lucre, I specialize in discount villainy. If you want your next caper done on time and under budget, I'm your man. I've committed numerous low-cost felonies across the Midwest. I don't need henchmen, a lair, or any of those other extravagances. I also have considerable hacking skills. I once broke into every credit union in the world you know? They say they'll ask for your security code but they never actually do."


"You know that reminds me of my first real caper. Oh you're going to enjoy this. I very nearly stole six billion dollars with nothing but a water gun, some beef bouillon, four snapping turtles, and an expired can of Vienna sausages…"

You shift in your chair uncomfortably. This seems like it's going to be a long story.


Frugal Lucre: Stewardship villain obsessed with the bottom line. Has hacking skills and will increase income.

Pragmatism: Medium
Quirkiness: Medium
Instability: Low
Tolerance for Nonsense: High
Cheapskatery: High
Chattiness: Extremely High


Your next applicant is… a video communicator? That's weird.

The tablet on your desk flickers to life, speaking in a smooth feminine voice. "Dr. Heinz, I presume."

"Yes, speaking. Who is this?"

"I have contacts in the underworld who informed me that you were looking for someone with experience. I believe I fit the bill."

"Uhh, ok. What… do you do?"

"I've run large-scale corporate strategy for multiple years, leading to substantial year-over-year gross profit increases. I've acted as a personal liaison for VIPs, as well as conducted covert operations across the country. I've even overseen advanced weapons testing, though I will readily admit that isn't my forte."

"And why are you looking for a position with Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated?"

"My previous employer and I had a… disagreement, about policy. I'm hoping to find somewhere I can make a fresh start, without having to… worry about the past."

"Ooh, mysterious."

The voice on the other end of the device chuckles. "I've sent more detailed information to this communicator, Dr. Heinz. I do hope you will give my application your consideration. I'll speak to you soon."

"See you later!" You reply. "Oh wait, I didn't get your-"

The device blinks off a moment later.


???- Diplomacy, Stewardship and Intrigue independent; ???

Pragmatism: Low
Quirkiness: Low
Instability: Low
Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium
Air of Mystery: High


Between your scheduled interviews, there is a loud explosion down the hall! It sounds like someone stepped into a set of traps you forgot to disable, but you sent some Normbots that way as a precaution. You weren't expecting to be attacked on the day you planned to interview a bunch of supervillains!

"Your enforcers are no match for my incredible power!" a heavily synthesized voice shouts out.

Though in hindsight, you probably should have. Flashes of green light flicker from under the door.

"Who is that?" you ask at the door as more bangs and booms ring out. The traps and Normbots are doing their work at delaying whoever this newcomer is. You don't remember having any robots or heroes in powered suits as nemeses, but with interviews you're supposed to keep an open mind. They might be here to apply for either position, so you weren't in a rush to throw everything at them yet.

A large, orange flatscreen television with little arms and legs dangling from a purple hover couch bursts into your office! His screen displays an irate red face with big yellow eyes and black pupils. Somebody welded a big metal 'T' on his head, from which the crackles of green energy manifest.

The robot head makes a big entrance by knocking the doors off their hinges and making them float around him with a glow. "We meet at last, Doctor Doofenshmirtz!"

"Do I know you?" you ask, one finger reaching for the button that will drop an electrified net on his head. It was either that or electrified anvil, you aren't sure.

Descending to level with your desk, the robot introduces himself. "I am TECHNOR, THE MECHANICAL MAN!" You both stare at each other, until he narrows his eyes and elaborates further. "Your feeble security forces failed to capture my Techno-Creeps during my latest bid for world conquest?"

You stop to think. "Oh yeah! You were building that power siphon with the dancing girl!"

Technor seems mollified because you remembered. "Indeed, I was! High Voltage would have been most useful in the process of gathering the necessary energy and distracting the populace. In exchange for her cooperation, I was to have completed the second half of her electrical orb. Our efforts were curtailed, but you managed to impress me with your swift and decisive -- if ultimately futile -- response."

"Impress you? I'm trying to conduct supervillain interviews and I didn't even ask any questions!"

"What questions need you ask, Doctor? We're both capable supervillains. Experts in our fields." He hands you his resume on neat, printed paper via a green tractor beam.

"You're a therapist?" you ask, looking over the highlights of his work history that aren't ransacking power plants and constructing giant robots his couch attaches to. If you ignore the fact he's been defeated by children at least three times, it isn't half bad.

"Not just any therapist! TECHNOR, THE MECHANICAL MAN would have been accepted by most health insurance providers! Were it not for the government taking my funding, I would have been glorious!"

"Oh yeah? Try me."

Technor lets out an electronic sigh. "Very well. I do not suppose you have any family issues you need working through? Or perhaps any deep-seated manias, neuroticism, or irrational fears?"

"Wow, you are good. But what's that have to do with the whole 'take all of the power' thing?"

Technor crosses his small arms together. You didn't think he could reach that far until you saw him manage it. "Power is necessary to enforce my will on the human race. By joining forces with you, I expect to magnify our total power output immensely!"

"I see. Well Technor, I'll be sure to let you know if you got the job."

"Not if!" declares the robot as he raises a hand at the glass window. "But WHEN!"

The power-mad robot blasts the window open and hovers out through it, leaving you with no choice but to press the button that makes a new glass window appear to replace the old one.


TECHNOR, THE MECHANICAL MAN: Intellectual robot villain, good all-around stats impacted by high energy demands and massive ego.

Technor has joined your team for free! No really, he isn't taking no for an answer! You do not need to choose him, you got him for free!

Pragmatism: Medium
Quirkiness: Yes
Delusions of Grandeur: High
Instability: Medium
Battery Life: Performance Mode

You will get to pick one hero unit out of six! The other three will be posted tomorrow and the vote will open shortly afterwards. Technor has joined your team as well!
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