That depends on if the federal government has actions. If they do not then it is just a waiting game of when the facade crumbles. But, if the Feds have their own actions and plans then they could make a comeback. As an example depending on how disastrous the gala is for Syndrome I could see the feds biting back a few bits of power in his territory. Like using the failure of the Omnibots to bring back regular police under government control. There are also several bits of territory that the Fed could reclaim if given the opportunity. Hawaii sticks out as one. Depending on how and when the Galactic Federation leaves Hawaii I could see the Fed taking back control over it. Same with the BnL wasteland. They also could act as a relatively neutral power between the Kings, being able to make deals with them all and play them off each other.
It would be hard no doubt but if the Fed are allowed to take actions they have cards to play in this game of kings.
Ehh, there are several problems with that
1) The governments authority is
extremely low right now, as shown by the fact that Doof declared himself the independent ruler of two and a half states and they just let it happen
2) Any authority the government still actually has is seemingly completely invested in maintaining the various Masquerades
3) Basically all the megacorporations will have spies and agents in the government, especially the likes of Xanatos and Syndrome
4) The idea that if anyone was going to nab some of Syndromes land it would be the government as opposed to another King is laughable
5) The government has been telling everyone that Hawaii was destroyed in an enormous explosion, the public finding out that they'd been lied to would cause people to have even less trust in them and the BnL Wasteland is just that, an inhospitable wasteland that I highly doubt that they have the means to fix without the help of a King, in which case that King would basically run it
One way we can help the United States government it's to help them clean up the BNL wasteland. Come to an agreement to split the resources that we gain 50 50, new technology as well.
The US gains power, reclaims the American bread basket, and gains of crap ton of resources, and have access to new technology.
We improve our Grevile image, improve relations with the government and the people, gain a crap ton of resources, and gain access to brand new technology.
It's a win-win. Not to mention he'll make Ross like a lot more.
I don't really see how just giving them the land helps us
It's almost inevitable that another King would swoop on and take it, specifically Xanatos who is for all purposes an upstanding businessman that could easily help set up new communities in the reclaimed land, shares a border with it and undoubtedly has a lot of friends in the government
Can I get a source on us reaching the point where people without an Inator can find it now?
I don't know if we're coming up on that immediately but it's bound to be coming up soon and it's something we're inevitably going to have to do eventually so we might as well do it while we have no immediately pressing Intrigue actions to assign Russ to
Plus arguably the best way we can follow up on messing with Syndrome is by using this time to investigate the cape scene, which is an Intrigue action we can do pretty well on with just Monogram