Maaan, the Huntsclan are gonna bug us in Doofania after this aren't they. We're sending Kitsune right? And the Huntsclan are pretty good at bypassing magical defenses which is basically our main line of defense right now.
Magical defenses and an horde of heavily armed robots. And a small clan of ninja. And I think we also have dinosaur cavalry now. There's multiple layers of security, is what I'm getting at.
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"Okay, we hold this perimeter." Janna said, her head whipping back and forth. "Tom, good work on the firewall."

"I'd like to see them get past this!" Tom said with a grin.

Demona's Horde Martial Check: Get Past This...
(They Have Rocket Launchers)
"Uh huh, sure." Lizzy said, clearly unimpressed. "Are they any other unexpected flying allies we should know about?"

There was a noise. Lizzy looked up.

"Oh dear, are we late? I think we're late."

"We're definitely late, Grimmy."
Lizzy Martial Roll: 67+13+12+7+26=125
Demona's Horde contest: 6+33+25-5=59
Critical Success!

With a new front to fight on and destruction in their midst, the gargoyles had almost completely forgotten about the people blocking them from entering the building. This was a grave mistake. With a disturbing chattering noise, Lizzy called a pair of ant droids to her side.

"You brought them with you??" Tom asked, half confused and half concerned.

"They get lonely." Lizzy replied tonelessly, before waving a hand and sending the massive exoskeletons into combat. The remaining mobsters took this as a clear sign to launch an assault of their own, pressing the horde on all sides. Surrounded, inexperienced, and lacking a way out, the gargoyles began to panic.

"...We may actually win this." Lizzy said tonelessly.

Janna paused.

"Does saying it sarcastically mean we're safe?" Janna asked.

"I wasn't being sarcastic."
OK, we have GOT to get Agent Russ to hold some seminar courses on Fate-Tempting 101.

...Actually, can we get that for him as a personal action? I don't know or care if it'd do anything, it'd be hilarious.

In fairness, they could have barely pulled it off without the rocket launchers, which I assume would have involved one of the beefier gargoyles just Kool-Aid Manning it through the wall or something.

I want the glooms sooooo bad.
I think at this point, we'd have to outbid Xanatos. Toughie.

Xanatos presumably already knew about them before October, because he took steps at the auction to get them in his debt, which is probably how he hired them.

One trope I really don't like is the 'oh but why didn't Iron Man show up' that seems to pervade large shared universes due to plot contrivance.

Thankfully, the basis of this story allows for a fair amount of side players.

We thought long and hard about every single character in and around New York, whether we'd introduced them yet or not, and what they'd be doing tonight.

Speaking of, time is running out to guess what Demona is doing. Just a few more interludes and the truth will be revealed.
Well, the gargoyle army (plus assorted Pack mercenary muscle) clearly isn't all of her plan. Assuming her goal is world domination and the extinction of humanity, this isn't nearly enough firepower to accomplish the task, especially since most of her forces will turn to stone at sunrise.

On the other hand, while she's crazy, if she legitimately did have a credible plan for destroying humanity, she might well want to be avenged against (for example) Xanatos (for I dunno exactly what, but something surely), but her existing plan would cover it. She's attacking this specific location for a good reason, I can only infer.

So it's something that involves the artifacts we know she's stolen (I forget which ones) and something in this location, that she knew was here far enough in advance to organize this attack.
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Ugh, it feels dirty to work with the Huntsclan.

Well, it makes sense at least. They have been around NYC for a while now according to David, they are rather capableand they hate Magic in a pretty hypocritical way...

And who knows? Maybe they and Demonas more fanatical goons (I would rather *save* those like Brooklyn) as well as Dracons gangers (especially if they actually DID kill off Goliath & Eliza and that wasn´t just Demona blowing hot air) "just so happen to" end up totalling each other? Could very well happen in a time as chaotic as right now, you know?

Fun fact. Since I wrote the first half of the first draft of this solo, the first few rolls were done using my own dice. As these were not the Jannadice, Janna rolled terribly.

So it´s your fault that at the beginning we were getting shat on by Demonas hordes? I am sorry, my friend, but that means it´s the chopping block for you...

Naaah, just pulling your leg. With a horde bonus of *+40* it was nigh-impossible for us to pull through, methinks.

Hmm, well the Glooms and the Pack. Well, Xanatos managed the pack well enough in series, I just hope his arrangement with the Glooms is tempory. I still want them.

Pretty sure that they are only helping as a carefully-fabricated "favor" they came to owe David.

Think back to the Auction, guys. At this point Demonas attack was already well under way and Xanatos knew that (although us relaying that prophecy to him made him realize in shock just *how little time* he had left). So he spent a lot of time and ressources buffing up his defenses and wasn´t above hiring less reputable kinds of help like "mercenaries" (Dracons gangers) and "foreign auxilliares" (any non-XI factions he could contact, like Horvath and ultimately even an incidentially-appearing strike team on the payroll of fellow and very cooperative/competent King Dr. Doof).

Now at the Auction, he became aware of the Glooms trying to re-aquire their crystal ball they lost somehow but most likely lacked the necessary money to buy it. Since the auction was held smack in the centre of his "turf" and he most likely is a repeat customer of it every year, David probably came to it *absolutely packed* with cash just in case he absolutely needs to purchase something (think 50 income compared to our 30 - although I do admit that such an assumption makes him getting bought out on that last mystery item by Demona at the absolute last moment uncharacteristically sucky for David, so I might be partially wrong here) and after realizing that they surprisingly competent and somewhat knowledgeable of the Metaworld War front witohut being enough of either to justify permanently hiring them, he decided to "be nice" in a calculated manner and spent enough money to clearly win the Crystal Ball only to "be moved by the Glooms plea" and give it to them. Them being very happy about this, he convinced them to have them owe him a favor he fully intended to cash in once Demonas attack would come.

So, for some cash and some carefully-orchestrated niceness, he secured the timely help of some reasonably competent minor players and their general goodwill in times of need - not the worst trade imho(whether David managed to sneak a peek through the Crystal Ball in the short time he owned it on top of it all, I don´t know)

I count 4 horde successes (3 and one of our failures) compared to five of our successes, one of which was a crit, and a dracon gang success and two huntsclan successes. putting the total score at 8-4, not bad.

So yeah, at the moment our/Davids defenses are still holding, it seems.

We still need to discern her ultimate endgame before "the clock strikes midnight", though...I´d rather not get blindsided by a genocidal whackjob on the finishing line, you know?

Okay, seriously. We need to get those mandatory Narrative Timing company seminars uderway ASAP.

In unrelated news, the Grimms continue to be surprisingly hypercompetent (well, at least compared to what we expected of them). Maybe they're under the Team Rocket effect that means they can actually be competent when fighting against a greater Evil?

That means that we NEED to get them (provided they are still aviable), because let´s be honest: Aside from the very few outright Heroes still hanging out, Doof has got to be the "Lesserest Evil" around, meaning that the Glooms hypothetical "Team Rocket-ness" should procc most of the time, giving us a cheap-but-hypercompetent Hero Unit in the process.

OH, YA THINK?!?!?!?!?!?!? (On the bright side, Kitsune's coming! That's a plus!)

Yes, *finally* Kitsune is appearing.

Sry, but I am still a bit bummed that we´ve yet to see either hide or hair of that vixen despite everything.

All in favor of letting the Hunstclan and the Gargoyles do most of the heavy lifting on each other and then mopping up the survivors?

Throw in Dracons goons to be on the safe side and I am in.

Maaan, the Huntsclan are gonna bug us in Doofania after this aren't they. We're sending Kitsune right? And the Huntsclan are pretty good at bypassing magical defenses which is basically our main line of defense right now.

Do remember that Kitsune aced her task to erect Magical Defenses around DEI itself in such a way that *all of Danville* is now protected against all but thestrongest occult attacks. If the Huntsclan manages to break through that one, we got bigger problems anyway.
Turning on the Huntsclan is exactly the kind of reputation we want. Everyone whose opinion we value hates them. We could probably use video of Janna stabbing the Huntsmaster in the back for a bonus to reaching out to magical New York.

I'm going to respectfully disagree with this. Currently, I believe we're mostly in the dark about the Huntsclan's total strength, only that they're growing stronger after Gargolyes were revealed to the world and they began recruiting again. If we backstab them, they may focus their attention on Doofania out of a desire for vengeance, giving us another major thorn in our side ontop of everything we're dealing with right now.

Let's deal with them later.
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And who knows? Maybe they and Demonas more fanatical goons (I would rather *save* those like Brooklyn) as well as Dracons gangers (especially if they actually DID kill off Goliath & Eliza and that wasn´t just Demona blowing hot air) "just so happen to" end up totalling each other? Could very well happen in a time as chaotic as right now, you know?
I think that might be a bit too much to ask.

Pretty sure that they are only helping as a carefully-fabricated "favor" they came to owe David.

Think back to the Auction, guys. At this point Demonas attack was already well under way and Xanatos knew that (although us relaying that prophecy to him made him realize in shock just *how little time* he had left). So he spent a lot of time and ressources buffing up his defenses and wasn´t above hiring less reputable kinds of help like "mercenaries" (Dracons gangers) and "foreign auxilliares" (any non-XI factions he could contact, like Horvath and ultimately even an incidentially-appearing strike team on the payroll of fellow and very cooperative/competent King Dr. Doof).

Now at the Auction, he became aware of the Glooms trying to re-aquire their crystal ball they lost somehow but most likely lacked the necessary money to buy it. Since the auction was held smack in the centre of his "turf" and he most likely is a repeat customer of it every year, David probably came to it *absolutely packed* with cash just in case he absolutely needs to purchase something (think 50 income compared to our 30 - although I do admit that such an assumption makes him getting bought out on that last mystery item by Demona at the absolute last moment uncharacteristically sucky for David, so I might be partially wrong here) and after realizing that they surprisingly competent and somewhat knowledgeable of the Metaworld War front witohut being enough of either to justify permanently hiring them, he decided to "be nice" in a calculated manner and spent enough money to clearly win the Crystal Ball only to "be moved by the Glooms plea" and give it to them. Them being very happy about this, he convinced them to have them owe him a favor he fully intended to cash in once Demonas attack would come.

So, for some cash and some carefully-orchestrated niceness, he secured the timely help of some reasonably competent minor players and their general goodwill in times of need - not the worst trade imho(whether David managed to sneak a peek through the Crystal Ball in the short time he owned it on top of it all, I don´t know)
See, my theory is basically "everything you just said, except I think that Xanatos parlayed that goodwill into a permanent working relationship."

The Glooms have been in town for quite a while. They have no powerbase and no means of support except their magic and selling off one of a handful of magical artifacts. They, while admittedly competent magicians, don't have the kind of "prince-tier" talent that it would take to create their own independently survivable organization.

Xanatos is in a perfect position to make them a lasting offer.

Yes, *finally* Kitsune is appearing.

Sry, but I am still a bit bummed that we´ve yet to see either hide or hair of that vixen despite everything.
Given Kitsune's predilections, she would almost certainly NOT show up in the middle of a fight like this with stray rockets and swarms of mooks all over the place.

Expect her to be acting unobtrusively, but effectively.
Let's make exploding Huntsclan members... ethically.

It's pretty easy to teach an ai to be awful so my idea is to make bigot-bots to ruin the clan's recruitment drives.

I dub this scheme "Robot Rafflesia"

Rough idea of action investment:
  1. AI upgrade
  2. Diecast robots
  3. Let Jumba watch Terminator
  4. Spy on Huntsclan and their sympathizers
  5. Make a glorified chat-not who can mimic the group's rhetoric
  6. Slap ai into bootleg terminator bots and send out
  7. Kaboom
    1. Edit: I'm talking the refreshment table at the recruitment drive.
      1. Or maybe have them bail mid mission
        1. Man I'm tired
  8. Repeat with other groups if proven effective
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See, my theory is basically "everything you just said, except I think that Xanatos parlayed that goodwill into a permanent working relationship."

The Glooms have been in town for quite a while. They have no powerbase and no means of support except their magic and selling off one of a handful of magical artifacts. They, while admittedly competent magicians, don't have the kind of "prince-tier" talent that it would take to create their own independently survivable organization.

Xanatos is in a perfect position to make them a lasting offer.

If he even *wants* them enough to make them a lasting offer.

We don´t know either way until we ask.


"You two?" Janna asked dubiously. "What are you doing here?"

Hildy Gloom waved. "Our dear friend Mr. Xanatos asked us if he could help him out with a teensy pest problem!"

To me, this simply sounds more like "we are doing a favor for him" than "he is our employer and ordered us to come", you know?
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If he even *wants* them enough to make them a lasting offer.

We don´t know either way until we ask.
You're not wrong.

To me, this simply sounds more like "we are doing a favor for him" than "he is our employer and ordered us to come", you know?
To me, it sounds more like "this is just how Hilda Gloom talks."

If you were talking to Janna, it's far from guaranteed that she'd describe Doof in terms that made it clear she, y'know, works for him. As opposed to just hanging out in his headquarters, pranking him, and occasionally doing him a favor.

If you were talking to Jumba, he'd probably talk of Doof as an admired equal "fellow mad scientist" who has generously aided him in his time of need, and for whom he occasionally does a favor in between researching his Experiments.

If you were talking to LOVEMUFFIN you'd probably get fifteen different answers from twelve different people.

And yet they are all on our hero roster and (modulo Janna's flake trait) do what we vote to have them do every round.

So I wouldn't read too much into how Hilda Gloom describes her relationship with Xanatos.
Now that... is an extremely good point.

[observes his argument, torpedoed at the waterline, sinking fast]

Well played.

On the other Hand, Hilda "still" being a street Artist might BE Part of a Cover David asked her to Don in Order to Scout for Demonas vanguard.

So while WE are agreeing on the General Course of actions David undertook regarding the Glooms - Engemeeting a to-him minor ACT of Kindnews that Made Them feel indebted to him -, WE arent so Sure about the exact extent their "helping Out Mr. Xanatos" goes right.

In the end WE can do nothing but wait until the Crisis is over And ASK them whether they d still BE freue for a permanent Arrangement with DEI
On the other Hand, Hilda "still" being a street Artist might BE Part of a Cover David asked her to Don in Order to Scout for Demonas vanguard.
That's a bit too tortured a piece of logic for me. Xanatos might have had her do that, but he might also have had her doing a lot of other things (such as preparing the potions and spells he'd want the Glooms casting later that night). He can hire plenty of other, mundane agents he could hire to do scouting, but he can't have very many wizards on payroll, so Hilda is far more valuable as a wizard than as a scout. Even as a scout familiar with the supernatural.

So while it's possible that Hilda is working as a street artist as a cover for something else Xanatos has her doing, I think @Torgamous is right; the far more likely probability is that she's doing it because she's not working for Xanatos, and he called in a favor.

Though if I had to choose, I'd still hire Juniper over the Glooms.

So while WE are agreeing on the General Course of actions David undertook regarding the Glooms - Engemeeting a to-him minor ACT of Kindnews that Made Them feel indebted to him -, WE arent so Sure about the exact extent their "helping Out Mr. Xanatos" goes right.

I mean, I can tell the German is leaking into your English, in somewhat scrambled ways. And I totally understand. But... what did you intend that verb to mean?
Though if I had to choose, I'd still hire Juniper over the Glooms.


I mean, I can tell the German is leaking into your English, in somewhat scrambled ways. And I totally understand. But... what did you intend that verb to mean?


Honestly, I got Not clue what my phones autocorrupt is doing 80 percent of the time And especially how/why (you wouldnt believe the Kind of "corrections" IT was attempting in this very Message right now.)

AS for the current state of the Glooms, I admit that my Last Point was mostly a crappy attempt at playing Devils advocate in your "favour".

Also, I am Not so Sure If Juniper And the Glooms are really that mutually-exclusive in any Form.
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I am a bit concerned about the Pack being here.

With Demona rolling 33 for Martial (pretty high, falls between Norm and Hego), these guys are going to have a pretty significant bonus, since I am assuming that they are a heroball of a bunch of gargoyle level combatants. I am imagining that their combat bonus is also likely to be in the thirties, possibly even in the forties.

Meanwhile, Demona is presumably sneaking in through the backdoor with Coldstone or something along such lines.

As for my prediction towards her plot? She has MacBeth, she is going to make somebody else (Brooklyn perhaps?) sacrifice him with the Longinus and use the death of an immortal to kickstart some kind of sympathetic murder ritual, ala Familicide from OotS.
Hm. Good hypothesis- if the Lance can override the whole 'destiny-induced immortality' thing, which is of course doubtful, though it'd be well within Demona's envelope of bad plans to consider trying it.
Question now that I've slept.

Has anyone else noticed that Xanatos has had no presence yet? Like he's dropped off the radar completely.

I mean, it's probably because he's staying inside the warehouse and is trying to avoid being seen, but if someone snuck in the back door, everyone else is focused on the horde of gargoyles outside and presumably not a lone one seperated from the group.
Question now that I've slept.

Has anyone else noticed that Xanatos has had no presence yet? Like he's dropped off the radar completely.

I mean, it's probably because he's staying inside the warehouse and is trying to avoid being seen, but if someone snuck in the back door, everyone else is focused on the horde of gargoyles outside and presumably not a lone one seperated from the group.

Pretty sure that Xanatos is keeping himself back for two reasons:

- To not be seen needlessly by civilians and therefore compromise his plausible deniability about "this horrid terrorist attacks being in no way, shape or form connected to dealings done by Xanatos Industries"
- To apprehend Demona herself mano-a-mano (maybe supported by their respective right hands, Brooklyn and Owen/Puck)
The bit of the prophecy about the demon standing where her mate died seems important, since from what I can tell from the discussion here the stronghold we're defending probably isn't where Goliath died.
The bit of the prophecy about the demon standing where her mate died seems important, since from what I can tell from the discussion here the stronghold we're defending probably isn't where Goliath died.

Tbf, that could indicate only NYC *in general*, not any *specific* vista within New York.

But we should definitely keep it in mind, yes.