
Well, plus side of the magic masquerade busting open: we could make a killing off of selling ninja transformation as a form of hormone therapy.

god i wish that were me
Honestly it would do a great job if it were possible, the hormone treatments are hell on my cousin. I imagine we would even get some great PR for it, perhaps with the genetics research.
You know, I was thinking, should we have Tobe go and track down some pirates to fight? I mean, that's a guaranteed nemesis right there. I thought I read something in past updates about Don Karnage and the Air Pirates being around, and they sound like a nice counterpart for our ninja boy?

Because a crew of bumblers with a halfway competent leader and a secret base inside a volcano located on literal Pirate Island sounds exactly like the sort of almost-innefectual, comedic, too on the nose enemy that would be a perfect Nemesis for Tobe.

Edit: Then again, I suppose ninja boy is climbing up the ranks into the realms of actually-a-decent-Hero. Still, this is a guy who lives for Nemeses, and having one will only aid his growth into passable competence. Who should we pair him with?
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You know, I was thinking, should we have Tobe go and track down some pirates to fight? I mean, that's a guaranteed nemesis right there. I thought I read something in past updates about Don Karnage and the Air Pirates being around, and they sound like a nice counterpart for our ninja boy?

Because a crew of bumblers with a halfway competent leader and a secret base inside a volcano located on literal Pirate Island sounds exactly like the sort of almost-innefectual, comedic, too on the nose enemy that would be a perfect Nemesis for Tobe.

Then again, I suppose ninja boy is climbing up the ranks into the realms of actually-a-decent-Hero. Still, this is a guy who lives for Nemeses, and having one will only aid his growth into passable competence. Who should we pair him with?
Plus Don Karnage is amazing and we simply must find a way to meet him, he and Doof would get along so well.
Maybe it'd be a good idea to have Tobe do this next turn:

[ ] Look for a ninja master

Your last master was a fraud, and while Dr. Doofenshmirtz seems to be wise, he may not have quite as much knowledge in the field of magical ninja arts as you were hoping for. You should go out and seek a skilled master to study under!

Since it mentions searching a Master for Ninja Magical Arts and Tobe's Occult stat has become extremely valuable right now.
Okay, I don't know about the Talespin version of Don Karnage, but the one from Ducktales is delightfully hammy, and after watching this video:

My new goal in life is to arrange a Sky Pirate VS Magic Ninja Dance-Fight.

Edit: Oops, wrong video. Fixed now.
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Okay, I don't know about the Talespin version of Don Karnage, but the one from Ducktales is delightfully hammy, and after watching this video:

My new goal in life is to arrange a Sky Pirate VS Magic Ninja Dance-Fight.

Imagine basically the same thing, but with a more incomprehensible accent. I highly recommend Tailspin just for him.
Toffee, slowly collapsing, shook. "No... you don't get to make the plans... I do..." He reached out with his hand. "Only I know how this turns out!"

"Have a sandwich!"

DENNIS MARTIAL CHECK: 30+20+17+7+5+3 = 82
TOFFEE MARTIAL CHECK: 35+5-14-5-10 (Recent crit fail)-10 (Surprise Attack!) = 1

A massive flying sandwich tore through the air, smashing directly into Toffee. Toffee, who was clearly not bready, was smashed into paste.

Dennis looked at him. "Turns out you're dead!"
911, there's been a murder. Mattman324 fucking killed me with this last bit.
that sounds like something somebody who doesn't think we can train the entire populace of Doofania in ninjutsu magic would say
Don't get so caught up in whether or not we can to think about whether or not we should.

One ninja unit (consisting of some screwballs) is excellent. Many ninjas, however, will fall prey to the Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu and be easily demolished.
Soooo I have a small concern

@Made in Heaven

has Doof secured the Deed to the Tristate area? Whomever holds it is master of the area legally speaking and if not a concern it's a technicality that Doof would probably take seriously IC
Soooo I have a small concern

@Made in Heaven

has Doof secured the Deed to the Tristate area? Whomever holds it is master of the area legally speaking and if not a concern it's a technicality that Doof would probably take seriously IC
There's no such thing as a deed to multiple states. It's been stated many, many times that Doof's delusions are the only thing that declare him to be "in charge" of the tri-state area. Absolutely nobody else believes his claims aside from Norm, who doesn't count because he'd believe anything.

That's also not how deeds work outside of Gravity Falls.
There's no such thing as a deed to multiple states. It's been stated many, many times that Doof's delusions are the only thing that declare him to be "in charge" of the tri-state area. Absolutely nobody else believes his claims aside from Norm, who doesn't count because he'd believe anything.

That's also not how deeds work outside of Gravity Falls.
Quentin Trembly may have been president for a short time, but not every hair brained law he established made it past the next president.
Thinking about it, did he make it out of gravity falls soon enough to escape the weirdness triangle? Imagine us just stumbling on him and getting made a congressman of doofania.
...Actually, if he showed up could he actually do that
Imagine russ' reaction to us being a member of congress
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There's no such thing as a deed to multiple states. It's been stated many, many times that Doof's delusions are the only thing that declare him to be "in charge" of the tri-state area. Absolutely nobody else believes his claims aside from Norm, who doesn't count because he'd believe anything.

That's also not how deeds work outside of Gravity Falls.

there was that episode and Monogram was concerned about him getting it. Because that law was technically still on the books
There's no such thing as a deed to multiple states. It's been stated many, many times that Doof's delusions are the only thing that declare him to be "in charge" of the tri-state area. Absolutely nobody else believes his claims aside from Norm, who doesn't count because he'd believe anything.

That's also not how deeds work outside of Gravity Falls.
Probably a reference to the fact that one of Doof's canon schemes is to steal such a Gravity-Falls styled deed to the Tri-State Area. Personally, I blame Quentin Trembley. Unless you've decanonized it for the quest, of course, which is fine.

Edit: Episode is named Where's Pinky?
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