Janna is not Doof's daughter in any way. Janna is a fully grown adult and actually doesn't have a bad relationship with her parents. The QM has also stated that it is wildly out of character for Janna.

Also, Janna would hate running the company. She does not really have the skillset or personality required to do it. She probably would just let the position go within a month-tops.
Goofy, Wile E. Coyote, and Genghis Khan all have higher loyalty than Vanessa, and Russ is equal. Norm's loyalty is 25.
To be fair, we've done a LOT more of note to help Goofy, Wile E., Temujin, and Russ have happy, fulfilling lives than we've done specifically for Vanessa. Part of the problem is that Vanessa's wants seem a bit unclear- though "chat with the bossman" may help clear things up if we're lucky.
Goofy, Wile E. Coyote, and Genghis Khan all have higher loyalty than Vanessa, and Russ is equal. Norm's loyalty is 25.
Janna is not Doof's daughter in any way. Janna is a fully grown adult and actually doesn't have a bad relationship with her parents. The QM has also stated that it is wildly out of character for Janna.

Also, Janna would hate running the company. She does not really have the skillset or personality required to do it. She probably would just let the position go within a month-tops.
Shhhhhhh Let me have my headcanon guys and I will let you have yours...

Also, how old is Janna here?
Personal attention is also comparatively better on higher DC actions this turn. For instance, it would give us a 71->92% chance to pass sublight drives with Jumba and a 71->92% chance to pass summoning Demons with Janna, but even with personal attention we only have a .08% chance to crit sublight drives compared to 38% to crit summoning demons on a normal turn.
About Personal Attention, something I think it's important to take into account is that there are some heroes where using it may just not be worth it.

For example, Jumba in this turn can already crit in Environmental Adaptations (Dinosaurs) (DC 130) with 93% chances, so using PA on him will only improve the DC of the critted action by 10.
We have, just like with Janna. That doesn't make anyone on that list Doof's kid.
My point was that Janna was 1) A impressionable teenager (19 is not in any way a mature adult in most cases) 2) A person with huge trust issues that's trusting Doof 3) With a higher Loyalty Doof daughter.

Also, I'm a fan of the found family tropes and Janna are parents, kind of...stepford like, it doesn't help that the specific scene where they show up is just awful.
I mean, there is a difference between headcanon and completely reading a character's relationship in the opposite way of how they should be read,
So, headcanon?
A Welcoming Hand (Part 2)
A Welcoming Hand (Part 2)

You were sitting in the Loungeinator the next night when you saw him again, as you looked over the city. It was a beautiful night, it had just begun to rain and the light from various Evil signs reflected off of the architecture of the land which was yours.

He didn't even bother opening the door this time, merely appearing in the room, he didn't say anything, but you knew he was there.

"You're early, it's not midnight yet." You tell the man. "Or was there a change in plans?"

"No Doctor, no change." The voice is oddly normal considering what he is. "Simply here to see if you're ready."

"No, I'm ready. It is a beautiful night." You look out over the expanse once more before turning to him and speaking. "Perfect for this, don't you agree, Mr. Death?"

Nobody could see him in the security footage, even what you pointed him out. Soon after that you began some research using what magical resources you could…

It didn't take long to find some accounts that matched up with yours, a woman who claimed to have seen him hundreds of times before dying minutes before her flat was demolished. A young girl who claimed a pitchman who lived in the same building as her saving her from Mr. Death when she was hit by a car. The accounts went on, but all of them led to the same conclusion.

You are about to die.

You tried to come up with a plan, some kind of deal or inator that could help until you realized something...

You've accomplished everything you've set out to do, you rule the Tri-State area, you defeated Toffee and Doom, you've defeated everyone who stood in your way. DEI is one of the greatest companies in human history! You beat back Bill, you DEFEATED PERRY THE PLATYP-

You think... You think you're ready to die.

You spent the rest of the time getting your affairs in order, making recordings and messages to the people you've come to know as family. Better than your so called parents at least! Now you're here, with the man himself, awaiting the end.

"It is a nice night Doctor," Mr. Death agrees before walking up to you. "I do apologise for being so curt with you yesterday, these last decades have left me with far more work than intended. Iowa alone took two decades to deal with, without factoring in the other paradoxes. For the first time my entire timetable needed to be rewritten."

"I know what that feels like, made my planinator just to deal with it." You had a bit of a chuckle before turning to the cityscape again. "Will- will it hurt?"

"Not at all," He assured you as he looks over the city with you. "In truth, it's why I'm here, to be a calming voice, and a welcoming hand so you need not fear."

He turns and holds out his hand for you.

"It's time to rest Doctor, your work is done."

You look at it a moment, take one last look at the city, take a deep breath…

And take the man's hand as the clock strikes midnight.

He pulls you up out of the Loungeinator and pats your shoulder, as if to comfort you.

"So," You ask, not sure what to do. "When does it happen, when do I die?"

Mr. Death smiles and motions to turn around, you look to find your body sitting in the Loungeinator with a content smile on its face.

"We should be off Doctor."

"Yes," You smile, the weight of your years seeming to melt away. "I suppose they're waiting for me down there, best not to keep them waiting."

"Somebody is waiting, yes," He returns the smile before pointing upwards. "But no, not down there."

"You.." You almost choke on your words. "You mean?"

"That's right Doctor," He says as he leads you to the door. "You made it."

You walk through the door with a spring in your step…

You've got an old nemesis to see.
Janna is not Doof's daughter in any way. Janna is a fully grown adult and actually doesn't have a bad relationship with her parents. The QM has also stated that it is wildly out of character for Janna.

Also, Janna would hate running the company. She does not really have the skillset or personality required to do it. She probably would just let the position go within a month-tops.
Janna was a high school senior in November-December 2015, one year ago exactly placing her around 17-18 a year ago and 18-19 today. And while the US classifies 18 as a legal adult, 18-19 year olds are NOT functional adults yet. Heck 21 year olds arent functional adults yet and I should know cuz I am one.
"Eh, I'm in senior year. I already play hookie more than I show up, and it's not like there's any interesting classes left to take anyway."
In my experience, headcanon is more filling in the gaps in material explored by the author, or finding a way to reconcile contradictions. Regardless, the whole adoption thing is honestly getting, hmm. I suppose creepy would be an accurate word. Janna is quite capable of living on her own and has her own parents. It sounds to paternalistic for my tastes, especially because Janna is most certainly not incapable of taking care of herself and is quite competent.

Janna was a high school senior in November-December 2015, one year ago exactly placing her around 17-18 a year ago and 18-19 today. And while the US classifies 18 as a legal adult, 18-19 year olds are NOT functional adults yet. Heck 21 year olds arent functional adults yet and I should know cuz I am one.
This is not relevant to the discussion in any way, shape, or form. Janna has shown a capability to act as a mostly functional adult. I doubt that she lives with her parents anymore and she is a fairly high placed employee in a nationally dominant megacorporation. In the alternate timeline she showed a capability to reach out to Xanatos.

Also, there is the tiny issue that I had not even mentioned functional adult in what you are replying to. Disregarding the fact that I believe she is capable of thriving without parental supervision, you read that wrong.
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Don't want to pull a Doof's parents and ignore our daughter just because she's been a bit of a disappointment.
Oh, God, no! Doof love Vanessa a lot to do something like that, again, Im this:

Heck 21 year olds arent functional adults yet and I should know cuz I am one.
That hit too close to home for me, you know?
*grabs pitchfork*
How bad we talking?
About the family trope? A lot.

About Janna's parents? Here, I think this is the right clip.
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About Janna's parents? Here, I think this is the right clip.
There's a bit of extra weirdness there since Janna's mom dropped her and Star off at a graveyard for the dead clown seance and had a magic spellbook fly through the roof of her car, so the Canada lie seems a bit like closing the stable door a year after the horses left.
He's Death, pretty sure his stats can be summarized as Yes.
I don't think Death even has stats. It's the one fight you can't win, but you only encounter him when it's your time to go.

Don´t forget the SPLIT/SECOND sponsorship we could make and which he most likely will be interested in having *some* part in, thanks to being a car enthusiast.
At the very least, the Duke could help us by telling us where not to look in the Wastelands. Also, who exactly will be trying to murder us while we look around.

Goofy, Wile E. Coyote, and Genghis Khan all have higher loyalty than Vanessa, and Russ is equal. Norm's loyalty is 25.
Adopt them all!
At the very least, the Duke could help us by telling us where not to look in the Wastelands. Also, who exactly will be trying to murder us while we look around.

So yeah, I think we can - with just a little care - hash out a mutually-beneficially agreement with the Duke, since he isn´t a *complete* douchebag and you "only" need to get past his near-boundless narcissism and showmanship to get to the guy that actually can respect and can be nice to other people.
I don't think Death even has stats. It's the one fight you can't win, but you only encounter him when it's your time to go.
It depends on the metaphysics of this setting. What is death, exactly?

For an illustrating example, let's use Bill Cypher as an example of an alien that might not "die" in the same way as us mortals. He was burned out of Stan's memories, but I can't exactly say that he died, exactly. Was destroyed? Sure. Soul moved on to heaven/hell? Nah. Can he die? Maybe in specific circumstances, but something would need to make him able to die, for him to die.

So I think we can assume that anything that, for lack of a better phrase, "lacks a concept of death", might do decently against Death, depending on their abilities.
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I bet you no matter what he does or what plans he makes, his time is still set in stone in Mr. Death's schedule.
He can delay it. I'm sure he could live yet for another millenia or two, with the right means. There are some very old people around in DVV, after all. But that's okay, Death can wait, it has all the time in the world.

It depends on the metaphysics of this setting. What is death, exactly?

For an illustrating example, let's use Bill Cypher as an example of an alien that might not "die" in the same way as us mortals. He was burned out of Stan's memories, but I can't exactly say that he died, exactly. Was destroyed? Sure. Soul moved on to heaven/hell? Nah. Can he die? Maybe in specific circumstances, but something would need to make him able to die, for him to die.

So I think we can assume that anything that, for lack of a better phrase, "lacks a concept of death", might do decently against Death, depending on their abilities.
Yeah, but there's not a scenario where Death would willingly fight someone who doesn't naturally die, and keeping Death from leaving if it doesn't want to stay should be basically impossible.