Alright, so we've agreed for Diplomacy actions next turn to do a Reach Out with the other party involved tbd, and if the DC isn't too high a collaboration with Shego on dealing with the drug ring.
Personally, I don't agree. The Reaching out actions have a low enough DC that we can crit normally with an average roll. This turn with Mirage we triple critted the reach out option, we can do the same with Goofy for reaching out Khan (around 70% chances of critsucceding with XP in a normal turn). I'd like it if instead, we tried to crit on actions normally impossible (or at least harder) for us like any of the recruiting actions or Open diplomatic channels with the US Government (this can succeed with PA quite easily).
As for reaching out Shego, I'm not really sure she'd want to collaborate, moreover we don't really know where the Cartel is located, and searching out the Wastelands for them seems like an extremely high Intrigue DC.