Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I mean, he could walk around with a collapsible sliding door in his pocket as long as the thing automatically anchored itself onto whatever surface it was deployed onto as part of its deployment, too. The actual midsized car is overkill comparatively speaking; you could fit something like that in a coat pocket as long as you didn't care how flimsy the door itself was. Just two telescoping rods with a plastic sheet of a doorway and self-screwing bolts would do the job by that description.
And the frame would be fiat backed to stay up right?
Bakuda's the one with the gas mask.
Thank you, corrected.
Nice lil' interlude. I admire the way you weaved in the last chapters events without just repeating them. Lotta authors can't seem to manage it this well.
Thank you, corrected.
Thank you, corrected.
in his tone?

than she previously had?

of her technology?

throw away?


extra quote mark?

stay off the streets
Thank you, corrected.
his tone
Thank you, corrected.
Shorter than usual which is a shame, but RL gets everyone. I felt this was a welcome break from the constant fight, even if it was just reaction. I look forward to seeing the rest next week.

edit things, but like 5 hours late cause I got distracted.

lowercase 'there'

to maintain consistency with the previous two quotes in this line, I'd make it a lowercase 'a' in apparently. Also, I think it's fine to end this sentence with the period inside the quote.


I'd throw an Oxford Comma in here.

remove the quote after 'threatening.' as it is not actually dialogue.
Thank you, corrected.
It will be 10k words he said. It will be a short update, he said.
*14K word update*
Holy shit, @LordRoustabout you work fast! Even though this Interlude is "incomplete", its still more than most fanfic authors pump out. Hell, even if you only write 15K words a week, you will still be doing better than most fanfic authors. Good job.

Corrections underlined.
Thank you, corrected.
Thank you, corrected.
So! Aperion can make 'Anything' better?

Could he work on Musical Instruments?

I saw 'somewhere' he has Woodworking, would that include a wooden flute, guitar or a violin?

I just imagined him finding & rebuilding a Stradivarius or other instrument.

Can he make Tattoos?

Can he Tattoo Runes on a body? They last a long time, as in can he Enchant it to make a body heal and be youthful?

I mean, can he also do Dragon Pulse Feng Shui?

"The vibe of this area is all wrong! You need a flower pot jussst here!" *Bloop!*
Anything Joe makes is automatically masterwork quality. He actually can't turn off the Forgotten Realms perk that makes it like that, so he could outdo Stradivarius from that alone. If he works by hand the item is taken beyond the level of anything a human could create, meaning every aspect of it is enhanced beyond what should be physically possible. Eleven Enchantment stacks with and is enhanced by that as well.

The Woodworking was a wood shop, meaning Joe got a workshop addition with restocking materials and provided tools, the wood version of his metal shop. I am running a compounding effect with that perk, so each time it's rolled the size, equipment, and materials provided by all workshops increase. Not really something Joe needs right now, but it's still a bonus.

Joe can make tattoos, and the benefit from the global bonuses listed above as well as all his style and design perks, meaning they'll look extrememly good.

Runes have to be placed on weapons. Natural weapons work, so he could tattoo someone's fist, knuckles, or other striking surfaces to give them magical properties (mostly limited to elemental effects at the moment). Like with everything, the work would be subject to his enhancement perks, which would boost the strength of the enchantment. I swear I've already done a post on the magic tattoos Joe can make.

Dragon Pulse Feng Shui would be a bit specialized, meaning he'd need to use Arcane Craft to make the environment more conductive to chi. He could also use mantic circuits for largely the same effect, or just his interior design abilities form Decadence, which could also be boosted by perks like Master Craftsman, Elven Enchantment, and the other Master Craftsman.
On the tattoos WoG post:
Joe doesn't have robust enough magical abilities to manage most of those effects. Some things he can handle are:
FMA alchemical tattoos are completely possible with Joe's knowledge, including Scar's arm (will require practice and research)
Tattooed elemental runes to grant magical effects abilities to unarmed attacks
Arcane Craft to allow warding or direct amplification of supernatural abilities (will require practice and research)
Castlevania Alchemy for inscribed charms and wards (will require practice and research)
Elven Enchantment, base level to enhance the effect of any other tattoo
Elven Enchantment, Naming or Singing to the Unseen to create specific effects
Master Craftsman improving everything to divine levels as long as Joe inscribes it by hand
Dragon Pulse Feng Shui would be a bit specialized, meaning he'd need to use Arcane Craft to make the environment more conductive to chi. He could also use mantic circuits for largely the same effect, or just his interior design abilities form Decadence, which could also be boosted by perks like Master Craftsman, Elven Enchantment, and the other Master Craftsman.
Well now I'm just curious to see what a room employing all these techniques at once would be like.

Probably the sort of thing Accord would commission...
I think the best way for Joe to do shoddy work is to build a robot to do it for him. Bonus points if it looks like pre-Forge Joe and can take his place for social events. Let him control it with his implants but give it a mediocrity filter.
Apparently the first time Apeiron had gone into battle he had broken Oni Lee's arm.
Where did she hear this from anyway?

Whelp, that didn't happen. :facepalm:
I mean they can help with clean up and rounding up all the Mooks Joe knocked out plus the ones that are still loose, they just won't be able to help with the boss battle.
I mean Joe did leave the area with most of the ABB capes intact and in a bad spot either maimed, dying, or without a lab. They have had a busy day.

The law dealing the final blow to the villains after the protagonists did most of the work has a proud tradition.

Personally, I like the idea of Triumph just crawling over and just laying on top of March.

"You might be bleeding out and unconscious, or dead, but I am not taking chances."

"If I had two hands, I would push you off."

"Ok, so not dead."

At this point Joe only really using his apartment's closest because he doesn't want to abandon his civilian identity completely. Had Dragon found him, he likely would be doing just that. Have Fleet drive around a car constantly so the entrance is never in one place and just hide in the Workshop until he needed somewhere.
"We have your Lab surrounded. Come out with your hands up or we will have to go in after you." The PRT Officer announces from outside.
"Alright, move!" The PRT Officer says

A PRT agent charges the door *Boink* He bounces off it.

"There seems to be a force field. Dragon!"

The Dragon mech charges shattering through the force field. Halbeard and Velocity follow into the breach.

With a flash of light all them vanish.

"Where did they go?"

"Dragon here."

"Come in."

"We got teleported into the bay, Diagnostics can't pinpoint the cause. Doubtful we will be able to before he improves it."


A PRT agent plays cards on Joe's kitchen table in the new DMZ zone.

"You ever wonder why we are here?" he says pointing to Joe's closet. "No, I mean we are guarding the front door to a Tinker base that we can't enter while he uses a personal teleporter to get around us. Seems like a waste to me."

"Who knows? Maybe he will forget we are here one day." He draws a card and places it down on the table "Your turn."
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Where did she hear this from anyway?
My guess would be a Coil leak. He likes to give out information that he gets from Tattletale to make himself seem more competent. This also plays into her statement of the PRT leaking confidential information like a sieve.

Thomas Calvert: So Piggot spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of man hours searching for any piece of data on Apeiron? Did she find out that Apeiron fought Oni Lee and broke his arm a week prior to selling the Undersiders weapons. No? What is she wasting the PRT's time and money on if she can't find out something so basic. I am not even a part of the investigation and even I know this.
My guess would be a Coil leak. He likes to give out information that he gets from Tattletale to make himself seem more competent. This also plays into her statement of the PRT leaking confidential information like a sieve.
This was revealed during the broadcast from the first Bakuda fight and also earlier, when talking to Amy.
"Well, that..." Dennis dropped off mid-sentence.

"...explains how the Undersiders were able to afford their gear?" Vista offered. Her reaction to the revelation was complicated, sort of a mix of frustration and vindication. Dennis just shrugged and watched Apeiron, weird name that, banter further with Bakuda, even precisely identifying the effect of one of her bombs.

They looked to Chris for confirmation, but he just shrugged. "Sounds right? And based on her reaction..."

Based on her reaction he was right and rubbing it in her face. He then transitioned to threats, then bragging.

"He broke Oni-Lee's arm?"

"That's what he told Amy. Didn't you read the transcript?"

Chris just shook his head. "Haven't had a chance. Who do you think she's talking about?"

Dennis shook his head. "No idea. Wait, is he giving up?"
But the concept in general seems pretty plausible; Coil gonna Coil.
Joe, what are you working on? (SkrmnMrgsm)
I think the best way for Joe to do shoddy work is to build a robot to do it for him. Bonus points if it looks like pre-Forge Joe and can take his place for social events. Let him control it with his implants but give it a mediocrity filter.
"Hey Joe, what are you working on?"

"Oh, Hi Aisha. I figured I'd make a couple of little decoy bombs and grenades in Bakuda's style with little trackers or cameras inside, so I could sneak them onto her troops and get better info for the legal processing of the ABB's upper echelons, but I just can't replicate the rustic look she uses, and my perks keep making my welding too smooth to blend in with her line styles. I'm trying to emulate a copy of her power onto a little droid I've built, but it keeps indirectly borrowing my crafting powers and making things too miniaturised or modular. I figure I'll just start stripping back the limbs or sensors until it doesn't count as an extension of my crafting ability anymore, and hopefully I'll hit the sweet spot before it can't operate."

"Joe. Let me get this straight. You are trying to make spy devices that look like the city's most imposing villainous tinker's work, but you're so good you can't even fool people into thinking you're as bad at tinkering as she is."

"Well, not exactly, it's more-"

"And because you can't do such a terrible job even under duress, you decided to emulate her entire brain and personality in a robot body, as a side project, and even that was such a good job that it can't pretend to be as bad at tinkering as she is?"

"I mean, technically it's not a real personality emulation because it doesn't have personhood, it's more like a hammer with autocomplete-"

"And now your only hope of disguising your tech as hers is to remove its eyes and limbs until it is left with just enough to mimic the most cutting edge technology that what is currently the top sixth highest-ranked threat on the Eastern seaboard can make with the funding of an entire gang, and yet still cram inside what are likely to be cameras and recording devices far beyond what she could dream of creating?"

"Well, I thought removing the multitools would be enough, but Bakubot just clanged its shoulder joints against the scrap metal sections until it had a proper thermobaric cluster grenade, and it was too small to be an original piece. I think maybe it's still getting some sort of heat data from the friction in its little treads? Hey, do you think it could still compensate for force feedback if i set up some kind of randomised mass field in the building area, I could probably whip up some-"

"For God's sake Joe, stop trying to find new ways to bring the poor robot down to her level and just build some kind of hologram that makes the grenades look terrible even when they're actually good."

"I- huh, actually that's pretty smart. Let me drop Bakubot off in the Laboratorium real fast so she can join the research team, and then I'll be right out with your new particle cannon attachment for your wristwatch."

"A particle what?!"

"Well, the nanoforge was idling and I had to design something whilst you were so busy interrupting me."
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Anything Joe makes is automatically masterwork quality. He actually can't turn off the Forgotten Realms perk that makes it like that, so he could outdo Stradivarius from that alone. If he works by hand the item is taken beyond the level of anything a human could create, meaning every aspect of it is enhanced beyond what should be physically possible. Eleven Enchantment stacks with and is enhanced by that as well.
Speaking of, I was wondering if Joe will ever get the ability to toggle any of his powers off. I mean it's a bit hilarious right now that there are powers he CAN'T disable and must work around or just suffer thru. At some point though it will just painful though for all. I know there are a few toggle perks somewhere, just don't know if it is on the Celestial Forge. I didn't see any on the front page pastebin but I think I've heard there have been changes/updates to it since the start of the fiction.

Like the one from Young Justice, Toggle (100CP), it's a pretty standard one.
Toggle: Toggle allows it's user to forgo learning to control their powers by simply allowing them to turn their powers off when they aren't needed. This can be done per power, so there isn't a need to go without the ability to teleport because you don't want to use your super strength.

Also works on out of Jump powers, magic, and perks. You can think of this like a "dial". It can be on, or full power, as well as off, or no power, and anywhere in between those two states.

Toggle can't be used against your will to depower you or prevent you from using your abilities; toggling a power on or off is a decision that you make, not whoever is controlling you.

(100 CP)

There are others besides this one, like the one from John Wick (400 CP Fuckin' Nobody). Not very buildy/forgey though.
Always going full-blast murder-beast can be troublesome, let's just say. Good thing you can turn it off. This perk provides you complete control over any and all powers you have, so you can reduce their effects or just switch them off, partially or completely, just by willing it so.

The Incredibles has one as well (400CP Jumper doesn't have any powers).
Jumper doesn't have any powers: Or at least none that they know of. You've gained the ability to look like a perfectly normal person to any senses or investigations, and can now hide or toggle your powers and perks on and off at-will if you couldn't before. Even better, your enemies will now be surprised any time you suddenly manifest a new and strange ability, never expecting your bag of tricks to contain even more.

There are others but I don't have an encyclopedia knowledge of em hah, just Reddit access. Checking the first post Celesital Forge pastebin, I didn't see any of these in it :(
I liked that interlude - and while the outside perspective on Apeiron is a nice switch up, I actually think I fastened more on Victoria's introspection and growth here. There's the dwelling on New Wave, of course, but she also goes through a fairly nice (to my view) sequence of wondering if it's really all her fault, with her uncle then setting her straight.
Speaking of, I was wondering if Joe will ever get the ability to toggle any of his powers off. I mean it's a bit hilarious right now that there are powers he CAN'T disable and must work around or just suffer thru. At some point though it will just painful though for all. I know there are a few toggle perks somewhere, just don't know if it is on the Celestial Forge. I didn't see any on the front page pastebin but I think I've heard there have been changes/updates to it since the start of the fiction.

I believe Lord stated that he would get the Balance Bangle from Monster Hunter if he rolls the Elemental Mastery Perk from said Jump.

Any elemental properties your weapon carries are significantly amplified by up to 50% depending on the quality of the weapon.

A simple leather wristband depicting a Rathalos and Rathian chasing each other's tails, vaguely reminiscent of a yin-yang. Comfortable, unobtrusive, easy to remove, and can't be lost or stolen. While it is worn, all offensive and defensive supernatural skills and abilities you have acquired throughout your journey that have not been from your current adventure are sealed. This does not affect passive or intrinsic skills, such as eidetic memory, intelligence, or willpower boosts. Meanwhile, your physical attributes will be reduced and/or equalized to a point at the apex of your chosen species. While it is on, you may speak a programmable code word or phrase to temporarily disable the sealing effect (default phrase is 'OH SHIT!'), and re-apply it at will afterwards. If you seek challenge or simply wish to live the true Monster Hunter experience, look no further.

Sadly, it won't be enough to cover up everything. He still has his skills after all.
I could see Joe doing just that and not even noticing the PRT's attempts to stop him.

I wonder if all Joe's creations would get mistaken as other parahumans and people thinking Apeiron is part of a Case 53 cluster trigger.
There is already the Garment/Aperion/Survey/Lethe cluster theory, where Garment is the primary Shaker, Lethe is the primary Stranger, Aperion is the primary Tinker, and Survey's lawyer persona (the one used to get Garment's store) is the primary Thinker. It has shown up in a few omakes.
Speaking of, I was wondering if Joe will ever get the ability to toggle any of his powers off. I mean it's a bit hilarious right now that there are powers he CAN'T disable and must work around or just suffer thru. At some point though it will just painful though for all.
Can't agree tbh. Well, I agree it will be painful for Joe and Co., but I'm in favor of that. Joe's lack of choice or consent in regard to the powers he gains, as well as the issues caused by the unrestrained nature of those powers, has pretty much become the defining drawback of the celestial forge power set. It's the compelling sort of "power at a price," at least in my opinion, because the price isn't tacked on after the power just to rain on Joe's parade. The price and the power are pretty much one in the same.
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The thread moves so incredibly fast that this is kinda irrelevant now, but I thought I should address it anyway because it's a pet peeve of mine and it's a misconception that keeps coming up.

It's illegal to directly profit off of fanfic, though authors can get around this by simply not offering any fanfic-related tier rewards (i.e. advance chapters). If that would still cause Lord to feel pressured to "write for payment," then I'll echo the sentiment that Lord's decision is Lord's decision.
I have seen so many authors offering advance chapters via Patreon. If it's actually illegal I'm very confused as to why not one of those people has been, if not brought to court, sent at least a warning letter by now.

Edit: though I think a lot of people reading would be happy to donate even without any reward.

This is not true.

Fanfiction is not 'illegal if you profit off it it'. That's not how it works.

All the classic disclaimers, that spread from the earliest wave of McCaffrey/Rice/Bradley controversies back in the 80s and 90s? All the 'I make no money off this, I don't own this, please don't sue me', the stuff people keep copying decades later? They don't have any legal force. They don't immunise you. Fanfiction is copyright infringement. It may well be 'fair use', and something being non-commercial is a factor that a court is legally required to consider when weighing up whether or not something is fair use, but 'fair use' is explicitly a case-by-case determination. There is no grand, overarching ruling that 'anything that is non-profit, is automatically fair use, and you cannot be sued'. You can be sued. You just might have a defence, which you would have to make and argue before a court. No-one has actually done that for a fanfic. It's un-trodden legal ground.

Those disclaimers, the original ones, they weren't defenses, they were... pleas. They were 'hey, if you're reading this, and you're the author... don't sue me, please. You totally can, we all know you can, but I'm poor and it wouldn't be worth it for you, but you'd still bankrupt me. I like you. I like your world. Please don't.'
Doesn't he have to actively suppress it?
It doesn't seem like he needs to suppress it. He has to allow it to activate.

38 Build Up:
Energy pulsed through the walls, floor and equipment of my workshop. This was pure mantic energy, grounded by conductors and given directed purpose. Each room, each piece of machinery, each tool in this tiny pocket of reality was built for a reason, and the conductors drew on that intention and amplified it. There was also the echoing cry of a rather awesome guitar riff, because this far from observation I was willing to indulge myself and let Rockin' Music activate.
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If they're losing their minds already, I can't wait to see their reactions to the next video. Apeiron might get separated from his tech, but that just means he gets even more dangerous.

I just seriously hope that this mess with the ABB is over soon, I want to see Joe fight someone else for a change.

of first hand - of firsthand
Wards second - Wards' second
half fat - half-fat
upside down - upside-down
one sided - one-sided
The her uncle - Her uncle
moustache twirling - moustache-twirling
generous.'. - generous'.
laughing stock - laughingstock
God knows what - God-knows-what
frustration She - frustration. She
a question look - a questioning look
run down - rundown
PRT though him - PRT thought him
Oh yeah, the Vortex Grenades won't kill the Warrior, I agree, but the Projection is connected to the main body's dimension (or at least they managed to fire through the hole it made upon it's destruction). You'd still have to destroy that, absolutely, but that doesn't appear to be that big a step up is all. I seem to recall from WoG (though I might be wrong on this) that blasting continent-sized chunks out of the Warrior's actual body would debilitate it enough to effectively kill it.
That's just to render the warrior "unconscious" you have to still destroy most of the bodie as you never know how it's "brain cells" might adapt or heal.
You guys are overthinking it.. It's a dirty sponge spread over a bundled pack of worlds. Using trillions of micro dim holes to "Think" and for everything. Just snap those closed even for a second and it turns into s dirty smear spread around various spots. Could be done with high school StarTrek powers. Let alone the crazy shit he got by now. Of course, couldn't even kill some squishy thinker for 400 pages.. So I'm not expecting much.
Just snap those closed even for a second and it turns into s dirty smear spread around various spots. Could be done with high school StarTrek powers.

Can you give an example of how? It wouldn't surprise me if its possible to do it that easily given the sheer number of powers he has available, but the way you put it looks like a handwavey justification.