Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

For The Want Of A Techbase: Attack On Titan (The Shallow)
For The Want Of A Techbase: Attack On Titan
Sadly, none of these perks are available to Joe, but I was inspired by the AOT soundtrack of the last chapter.
Also wasn't entirely satisfied with this, but it's back.
Will be doing a short series of omakes in this vein.
Veteran (Attack On Titan) (200CP)
Capstone booster for the Soldier and Warrior backgrounds. Add 1d8+15 years to your age. Choose two of your skills to upgrade as the focus of your career. You have years of experience working, fighting, and honing your skills. You've climbed the ranks of your organization, and while you're not the one calling the shots you have a significant amount of experience and influence among your colleagues.

Engineer (Attack On Titan) (300CP)
Even if you keep humanity trapped behind walls, you can't snuff out the drive for innovation. You can take an intricate machine like vertical maneuvering equipment and play around with it, modifying and upgrading its mechanisms like the blades, gas propellant, and grappling cords.
Veteran experience: You don't need a base machine to work with anymore, you have enough experience to design your own inventions from the ground up. You can pull fields like weaponry and travel technology ahead by leaps and bounds just by tinkering away in your workshop. However, you should know the interior MPs keep a close eye on any new technologies, and will hear about an invention that breaks the mold even as far out as Shiganshina District. You'd better keep a tight lid on any groundbreaking work you do within the Walls if you don't want to disappear one night.

Titan Researcher (Attack On Titan) (300CP)
Perhaps you're a student of Hange Zoë, or an aspiring member of Marley's Titan Society? Either way you know much more about Titan science than the average person. This has given you insights into their behavior, both avoiding and manipulating their movements as well as staying just out of reach, as well as the ability to modify weapons to be more effective against them.
Veteran experience: You're one of the leading experts in Titan science. You have in-depth knowledge of Titan biology, Eldian genetics, and the mechanics of paths. You could tell someone was of Eldian descent through a blood test, replicate Titan spinal fluid with mundane materials, and even conduct experiments similar to those that created the Ackerman clan.

Subject of Ymir (Attack On Titan) (0CP)
Commonly known as Eldians after the empire they ruled over in the past, Subjects of Ymir are the descendants of the original Titan Ymir Fritz. As a Subject of Ymir, you'll be transformed into a Pure Titan if you're injected with Titan spinal fluid. You're also able to inherit one of the Nine Titan powers by consuming the spinal fluid of a deceased former wielder, most often done as a Pure Titan. The population of Paradis is almost entirely Eldians, but outside the island they're hated and discriminated against.

Paths (Attack On Titan) (0CP)
All Subjects of Ymir are connected by paths, regardless of the distance between them. Paths are used to create and repair Titan bodies when a transformation is triggered, to pass down the power of the Nine Titans and the memories of former inheritors, to pass down skills and instincts among the Ackerman family, and to control all Titans and Subjects of Ymir with the power of the Founding Titan. All paths cross at one coordinate, the Founding Titan, in the dimension where Ymir Fritz endlessly toils away to build the bodies of the Titans.


It had all started with a small mote from the capstone domain. It had been named Veteran, and had come with victorian-ish military memories. I had suddenly grown older by 16 years, but with all my healing tech and potions knowledge, it wasn't really an issue.

Then I got a decent mote from the crafting skills constellation, Engineer. Veteran, like the other capstones, pushed Engineer further, and gave me a useful fiat effect. As long as I invested time into experimenting with something, I could find ways to upgrade it. This was most useful with SSS. In fact, my duplicates and I had been blitzing through upgrades to the base, me having just when I connected to a perk with resonance with Veteran and Engineer.

Titan Researcher.

This was something on the scale of my Chimera knowledge. I understood so much. Titans, their properties, how to make them, how to make the ingredients to make them, so so much…

It also came with two other tiny motes, all of which the first explained perfectly. First, I was suddenly an Eldian, meaning I also had access to Paths, which I understood the mechanics of.

"Uh… So…"

I let out a shaky breath and looked to the duplicates. "So same protocols as Chimera, this has its uses…"

"This is literally just making titans."

"No, we have paths. They run between all Eldian Souls. Right now we're the only Eldian, so we're the only co-ordinate, but theoretically with That Undefinable Thing…"

I nodded, a slight smile on my lips at the thought "Omniversal Transportation."

The first nodded "Paths defy time and space, they're seriously useful. But yeah… the rest of this knowledge can… lets just not touch it."

The second piped up "I mean the super-soldier shit is impressive, like total control of your entire body."

I shook my head, flicking the elegant red hair framing my face. Finding out Workaholic could trigger and triple my hair length in certain situations was not a fun discovery, it had allowed the duplicates to push their barber skills to the edge, and with all my longjevity and style perks, the hair remained looking good as if fixed by hairspray, and until it was modified again, it would stay that way. So the hair I flicked away fell right back into place. "The last upgrades were enough. Let's just finish the baseupgrades, then experiment with Paths."

I loved Engineer's fiat-upgrade ability. I just had to play a bit with the oven and boom! Of course, it used all my knowledge, no matter how ethical or feasable, so I had to remind myself that certain things were off the table. Of course, the idea of incorporating That Undefinable Thing to suck spiritual energy from me via paths, to enhance the food cooked as if by Elven Enchantment was interesting but absolutely ridiculous. Finding ways to remotely pour spiritual energy into things however, not a bad idea.

Engineer also had an interesting synnergy with The Arcane Craft, allowing me to find insights into the art as I experimented with it, which was the most useful element of it. It had slight reverse-engineering capabilities, to a degree I had to know what I was upgrading, and it was honestly among my greatest perks.


I glanced at the biological vault and sighed. It had to be biological, so it could contain an Eldian soul, which wasn't too hard to build. I looked at the health-potion in the vault, and sighed. One of the duplicates activated the mechanism and the health potion disintagrated into golden lighrning, sucked into the paths. A second later it appeared randomly midair, in the middle of the room and fell the to the ground. The only thing that saved it was the fact that I had created that glass.

I frowned "The hell?"

The other duplicates smiled, their mentality allowing them to put things together quickly "No, no! This makes sense… Where is our soul located?"


The first smiled wider "Where is our soul located? We share the same soul, and it's not in super-position or anything."

"…Oh. Yeah it would be between all of us… It's a little off-center though..?"

"We programmed it to go to our hand, where would it be if we were standing there?"

"In my hand. How the fuck do we do this then?"

"Well you know with Transmutation we know there is Soul, Spirit, and body. The duplication potion seems to make extra spirits and bodies, so we're going to need to get the matter to pass through the spirit to the desired body."

"That's gonna be an amalgam of transmutation, paths, and cybertronian subdimensional physics, am I missing anything?"

"No. I think that's it. But since we need to connect to the spirit…"

"Implants or Tattoos, yeah, I know. Tattoo will be the best option."

"I get that you don't wanna fuck up your body, but if we do tattoos you ping and clap, or we can just have you ping. Just let us extend the implant a bit, much easier."

"We could incorporate electronics into the tattoo, to make it cycle automaticly."

"Then it's an implant."

I shuddered "…FINE."

"We'll be gentle, it's uncomfortable but we need to be smart about this."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Let's get this over with."

I layed down onto the divine surgery bed in the medical bay. For implants to connect to the spirit, they needed to connect to nerves, and that meant my existing implant was perfect. It was basically a transmutation cricle made from crystals that would reflect and refract in just the right way when light shone in. It wasn't actually that complicated. I then felt the first cut along my scalp.


I landed before Kaiser. "So, how does it feel to be the Gesellschaft's little bitch-boy?"

Kaiser would've spat any drink he was drinking, but he had none so he just froze, and I laughed. With a ping from my implant, golden lightning crashed down onto me, and flowed around my whole body, following my nerveous system. Large plates of metal and thick cords of wiring grew around me, and suddenly I was in my Nazi-Buster.

It was a special mode of my Motoroid made for heavy hitters, which the empire had in spades. The sheilds were omnidimensional mass effects that would stop all projectiles dead. I had a bunch of nonlethal and Celestial Bronze armaments, but I had a surprise for capes. A surgical laser that would relfect off their eyes and cut off the parts of their brain that connected to their passenger.

Kaiser was still frozen, but his lips managed to utter a single word. "Shit."
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the shards respond by taking off the limiters and allowing their hosts to push their powers to new heights. While it's obviously not identical to Worm canon, it does still follow the general idea of the world that Wildbow created, in my opinion.
Hasn't Lord gone over how none of the Sechen range boosts he's written in have actually increased the bounds of parahuman power so much as the efficiency? Oni Lee got faster and gained better control, Bakuda built faster with better control of her options, Lung just ramped up faster cause his power is simple like that. Point being, they weren't given more potent and/or different versions of their current abilities; their abilities were just made more efficient and in-tune with themselves.

Random antagonistic capes aren't just going to be suddenly elevated from the D-list to the A-list, or the A-List to the Run-Away-List, just because Joe is around. I'm fairly sure that was exactly the worry Lord was addressing when he clarified the above in an AO3 comment. The reason the ABB have been hitting it out of the park this arc is mainly because their powers work so well together.
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Then I lost telemetry. More than that, I lost all my aerial observations. It happened in a fraction of a second, and suddenly all five drones were gone and my motoroid was a stream of warnings and error messages as it plummeted towards the ground. Fleet's onboard program was crippled and didn't know what was happening. Survey was trying to pull together a response. I felt the tension from both programs and the concern from my remaining duplicate as he prepared to rush to my side.

I didn't wait for an answer. It didn't matter what that attack was. All that mattered was it had penetrated my defenses. My motoroid was constructed of materials so durable there was hardly a force on the planet that could scratch them, now it was careening towards the ground in a sparking wreck. My new drones were shielded with kinetic barriers that were durable to such an extent that Purity would need to work to bring them down. They had shattered in less than a second with barely time to recognize the arrival of the attack that brought them down.
I didnt read all discussion that happened after that chapter but did Lord explain WTF was that? Like from where did ABB/March/Bakuda pulled out an attack that Joe/AI's couldnt detect source of or even attact itself while it was capable of shreeding his tech that works by 1/4 Jump Fiat, 1/4 Materials and 1/4 MAGIC? And if they had such thing why didnt they use more of it?

Or was that Countessa plot to knock Joe out and set up Lung for capture after FTL ramming that Lord alluded 'could' have happend and why he cant confirm Lungs death? Because Joe still can be Pathed outside of his lab?
space whales explicitly cut off entry into their dimension

That's handwavey. How? Why? Caus space magic. But really the only thing you've done is use far too many words for "I disagree." You wasted your time, and my time with those posts. Only wanting something to put down and look witty.
I didnt read all discussion that happened after that chapter but did Lord explain WTF was that? Like from where did ABB/March/Bakuda pulled out an attack that Joe/AI's couldnt detect source of or even attact itself while it was capable of shreeding his tech that works by 1/4 Jump Fiat, 1/4 Materials and 1/4 MAGIC? And if they had such thing why didnt they use more of it?

Or was that Countessa plot to knock Joe out and set up Lung for capture after FTL ramming that Lord alluded 'could' have happend and why he cant confirm Lungs death? Because Joe still can be Pathed outside of his lab?
Nope, this was never explained. Which is bizarre really, a couple dozen chapters have been spent hyping up how great Joe's tech is so something that can instantly no-sell it all should merit the bare minimum of an explanation at least. Apparently not though.
Or was that Countessa plot to knock Joe out and set up Lung for capture after FTL ramming that Lord alluded 'could' have happend and why he cant confirm Lungs death? Because Joe still can be Pathed outside of his lab?
Lung is dead, Lord did a second WOG, clarifying that the statement about Lung wasn't being cheeky, just saying he could've only survived with Cauldron Interference which did not occur.
I didnt read all discussion that happened after that chapter but did Lord explain WTF was that? Like from where did ABB/March/Bakuda pulled out an attack that Joe/AI's couldnt detect source of or even attact itself while it was capable of shreeding his tech that works by 1/4 Jump Fiat, 1/4 Materials and 1/4 MAGIC? And if they had such thing why didnt they use more of it?
Nope, this was never explained. Which is bizarre really, a couple dozen chapters have been spent hyping up how great Joe's tech is so something that can instantly no-sell it all should merit the bare minimum of an explanation at least. Apparently not though.
That wasn't clarified, but it was heavily implied that was the same attack used against Joe later, a bunch of Stacked Stings, just against his overwatch.
That wasn't clarified, but it was heavily implied that was the same attack used against Joe later, a bunch of Stacked Stings, just against his overwatch.
Except that explanation doesn't make sense either, since it would mean that Oni Lee teleported in and out with such speed, that itwas faster than the computation speed of an AI. Overwatch still had enough range that it should've detected either Oni Lee or whatever other delivery method was used, even if it was too late to dodge.
Except that explanation doesn't make sense either, since it would mean that Oni Lee teleported in and out with such speed, that itwas faster than the computation speed of an AI. Overwatch still had enough range that it should've detected either Oni Lee or whatever other delivery method was used, even if it was too late to dodge.
Yeah, I'll agree. I think the Super-Sechen Feild explanation is a little stretched, but that is the only logical option, ignoring rapid exotic missiles which Bakuda has not displayed, but that idea is jumping the shark a bit.
Except that explanation doesn't make sense either, since it would mean that Oni Lee teleported in and out with such speed, that itwas faster than the computation speed of an AI. Overwatch still had enough range that it should've detected either Oni Lee or whatever other delivery method was used, even if it was too late to dodge.

Let me preface this with, the photo Apeiron posted on PHO was from his omni-tool, not his Guardian.

This is important because there is no evidence that his Guardian has Omni-Directional visual input feeds. And that is important because Lord clearly showed in the story that the Guardians Hardpoint system was only capable of tracking Oni via visual feeds.

That means he could not be tracked via other sensor tech. Meaning unless there is an omni-directional visual input feed that is active at all times, of which there is no evidence for but plenty of precedent in fiction and sci-fi against, his Overwatch has blank spots. A big glaring blankspot. Death From Above. The Overwatchs attention is on the ground and Apeiron, who is the assumed target, as such they would not be trying to watch their own six. Combine that with the Senchen boost and it makes far more sense. And let's not forget Fleet is a pilot AI not a military one, and Joe has the experience of mostly ground troop engineer plugged into his head. All of which would not provide the needed foresight that 'oh, maybe they might target my overwatch instead of me' which would be needed.
Yeah, I'll agree. I think the Super-Sechen Feild explanation is a little stretched, but that is the only logical option, ignoring rapid exotic missiles which Bakuda has not displayed, but that idea is jumping the shark a bit.
The problem here is that in that case, Oni Lee didn't just get a boost, he went Super Saiyan. Let's go through the process:

a) Oni Lee teleports in and out faster than a hyper-advanced AI can comprehend.
b) His Sting-shield detonates fater than that same AI can comprehend, meaning he jumped in with only an infinitesimal amount of time remaining until detonation.
c) He then somehow manages to detatch his shield and get out of range before the original shield tied to him explodes.

All of that requires a level of speed that would make Oni Lee the most powerful being ont he planet, which would be inconsistent with how he's been portrayed in the rest of the chapter, where Joe eventually nails him
Let me preface this with, the photo Apeiron posted on PHO was from his omni-tool, not his Guardian.

This is important because there is no evidence that his Guardian has Omni-Directional visual input feeds. And that is important because Lord clearly showed in the story that the Guardians Hardpoint system was only capable of tracking Oni via visual feeds.

That means he could not be tracked via other sensor tech. Meaning unless there is an omni-directional visual input feed that is active at all times, of which there is no evidence for but plenty of precedent in fiction and sci-fi against, his Overwatch has blank spots. A big glaring blankspot. Death From Above. The Overwatchs attention is on the ground and Apeiron, who is the assumed target, as such they would not be trying to watch their own six. Combine that with the Senchen boost and it makes far more sense. And let's not forget Fleet is a pilot AI not a military one, and Joe has the experience of mostly ground troop engineer plugged into his head. All of which would not provide the needed foresight that 'oh, maybe they might target my overwatch instead of me' which would be needed.
Yeah, Survey only has so much computational power, Joe has artificial constraints in the core to stop them from becoming too inefficient iirc.
She would be looking out for Joe's safety, so even assuming she saw Oni Lee approach, which she wouldn't seeing as he has a massive range and she only has visual, she would've just given Joe his position. She had no real reason to expect Sting from anyone other than March.
That wasn't clarified, but it was heavily implied that was the same attack used against Joe later, a bunch of Stacked Stings, just against his overwatch.
Except destroying his overwatch wouldn't have taken out all the tech on his motoroid as described. We also saw what using sting on the motoroid itself did later, so it wasn't that either. It was an unknown effect that was never explained.
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Except destroying his overwatch wouldn't have taken out all the tech on his motoroid as described. We also saw what using sting on the motoroid itself did later, so it wasn't that either. It was an unknown effect that was never explained.
Don't forget to spoiler. As far as I understand it, there is a difference between using Sting directly on something and using it on something that is then put in proximity to the target. Despite being surrounded by Sting, Tetra wasn't obliterated, but was instead pushed into Joe's body, so it seems that the explosion caused by Sting actually behaves as a normal explosion while still being able to pierce defenses to an extent. Direct attacks annihilate, while indirect attacks "only" cause massive damage. Not sure if I explained it well, but that's my understanding of it.
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Don't forget to spoiler. As far as I understand it, there is a difference between using Sting directly on something and using it on something that is then put in proximity to the target. Despite being surrounded by Sting, Tetra wasn't obliterated, but was instead pushed into Joe's body, so it seems that the explosion caused by Sting actually behaves as a normal explosion while still being able to pierce defenses to an extent. Direct attacks annihilate, while indirect attacks "only" cause massive damage. Not sure if I explained it well, but that's my understanding of it.
MASSIVE fucking difference between Stinging the power source and blowing up the turbines and cameras, and then letting the motoroid crash. This was actually less damaging than what happened in the storage locker fight, seeing as that explosion also blew up the call bead, something which March had to actively do post Lung-fight.
That's handwavey. How? Why? Caus space magic. But really the only thing you've done is use far too many words for "I disagree." You wasted your time, and my time with those posts. Only wanting something to put down and look witty.
I'm coming in seperate to this, but look. You're the one making the claim (that is, that it would be relatively easy to kill an Entity with Star-Trek or equivalent technology), therefore the burden of proof is on you. That's just how claims and arguments work. The other defenses (that being the hand-wavy nature of an Entities dimensional control) are at least founded in their own canon, even if the details are unclear (and ultimately up to Lord as the author to precisely define).

There are some things in Star-Trek that could conceivably swat an Entity (looking at you Q), but from my own limited knowledge, the various mortals (the Federation, their peers, even potentially the Borg) are NOT up to intercepting much less flat out stopping an Entities inter-dimensional communications network (that being spread out across billions of Shards over even more planets, all of which are hidden in the stupidly larger total possible number of alternate universes the Entities can access (finite, but something like 10^62 or so?)

If you think otherwise, you're going to have to provide evidence before your argument can go anywhere, much less try to engage the opposition on how strong or not their own arguments are.
I'm coming in seperate to this, but look. You're the one making the claim (that is, that it would be relatively easy to kill an Entity with Star-Trek or equivalent technology), therefore the burden of proof is on you. That's just how claims and arguments work. The other defenses (that being the hand-wavy nature of an Entities dimensional control) are at least founded in their own canon, even if the details are unclear (and ultimately up to Lord as the author to precisely define).

There are some things in Star-Trek that could conceivably swat an Entity (looking at you Q), but from my own limited knowledge, the various mortals (the Federation, their peers, even potentially the Borg) are NOT up to intercepting much less flat out stopping an Entities inter-dimensional communications network (that being spread out across billions of Shards over even more planets, all of which are hidden in the stupidly larger total possible number of alternate universes the Entities can access (finite, but something like 10^62 or so?)

If you think otherwise, you're going to have to provide evidence before your argument can go anywhere, much less try to engage the opposition on how strong or not their own arguments are.
The universe is predicted to be 10^82 at its highest, everyone has thier own opinion on how to kill a entity, but unless you go the cannon route or subvert him, straight on killing a entity is near impossible, this is why you get Cyoa s that have inspired investor or power manipulation, the power needed is tremendous.

Scion is not some thing that can just be stopped, you first need to get open to his dimension and then hit him with a Doomsday device that can destroy a plant, and no one knows that, Taylor found out by trail and error, and scion is not going to just stand still.

Still if the series can get to his world and blow it up then you can kill him.

Except that explanation doesn't make sense either, since it would mean that Oni Lee teleported in and out with such speed, that itwas faster than the computation speed of an AI. Overwatch still had enough range that it should've detected either Oni Lee or whatever other delivery method was used, even if it was too late to dodge.
What coverage? The Motoroid was wrecked by the time of the ambush. Even then, just because something is an AI doesn't mean it's reaction speeds are instant. It'd still needs to identify the threat, and bring the weapons to bare. Something notably difficult since Joe noted the motoroid couldn't actually keep up with his pseudo-teleportation Life fiber induced breaker speed effect.

Seriously, so many people seem to just be not actually reading the chapter proper. At this point it's not even missing details but not getting the full sequence of events down.

I mean I do get how the chapter was very fast paced for it's size, and all but encouraged you to rush to see what happened next. I certainly missed a whole lot of critical details on my first read through, but if your having issues understanding what happened, why not just review the material again.

Edit: Oh the irony... You were replying to a suggestion that the motoroid was downed by a Sting based effect weren't you? Well now I feel foolish. I don't think this was that though. Just something nasty that Bakuda cookied up. She has Leet's tech to draw on after all, and they've seen spatial warping work on him in the past so... (shrugs) probably just something like that?
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Edit: Oh the irony... You were replying to a suggestion that the motoroid was downed by a Sting based effect weren't you? Well now I feel foolish. I don't think this was that though. Just something nasty that Bakuda cookied up. She has Leet's tech to draw on after all, and they've seen spatial warping work on him in the past so... (shrugs) probably just something like that?
Eh, its fine, really. And to be entirely honest, at this point only a WOG from Lord could resolve the situation. We only need to know if the motoroid was using omni-directional sensors or not, because if the latter was the case, I could easily accept it.
I don't think that that tech is mobile, but yeah there were many blindspots where Oni Lee could've hid and gotten into position.
The anti-sensor tech was router sized or as large as a medium sized dictionary. While there is no confirmation that the average one is mobile, there could be specialized mobile ones for the main player of the ABB. There is even confirmation that Lung was using stealth tech in the fight against Triumph giving further credence to the theory. The first time I read it I was under the impression all capes he was fighting had some version of it justifying his need for line of sight. The fact Lord went out of his way to mention the techs small size really plays into that assumption.
The candle was one of the rewards for finishing the Fallen London. As far as I recall, and from my searches, it doesn't actually show up in Fallen London.

That candle you had so long ago. It feels heavier now, perhaps it has fed upon your sins, perhaps it too has changed as you have. St Andrew's Candle no longer burns low, for indeed it resists all attempts to extinguish it. But in the case of your sudden and fatal injury, it flares in brilliant ignition, granting you ten more minutes of life and action as it burns itself down from wick to stub. It will not heal your injuries, but it will prevent new ones from forming. Should you survive and reverse your fatality, the candle will not and will only renew itself at the beginning of a new jump or after ten years post-spark. The light it gives is a true Neathy light, a reminder of your time in the Fifth City.

I assumed this was the candle on the side of the screen used to determine how many actions you have.