Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I'd guess they might think he's some kind of inversion of the Butcher, where every cape he beats/kills makes him grow in power?

It's just that with so many of his shown powers being similar, or the flip-side of, other capes powers, once it is pointed out in a way, by someone who is actually there with him, I think a lot of people will jump on it.
It explains his power growth, while being vague enough in how it might work that there isn't any part of it that could be pointed at and said it doesn't work.
There will be a few people who dig in their heels over a different theory, but once comparisons and 'what power would he get from X?' start popping up, some people are going to see him as a faster version of Dauntless (both thrilling and annoying Armsmaster) and wonder how soon until he can handle an Endbringer, and others are going to get worried, and wonder how soon before an Endbringer is needed to handle him.
I think Vicky's position is really the only sane one: "he's super-strong, he seems to have some shaker powers and we should assume that he's getting stronger very fast". Everything else is just pointless (or actively harmful- see Armsmaster and Panacea) speculation or wishful thinking.

I mean: half of this thread is speculating about what powers he'll get next and even the readers don't really know. Little chance that the characters figure it out as things stand now.
I just thought of something. His new samurai power that ensures that he always has a chance to talk before a fight, is that voluntary or required on his part? If it's involuntary, does that mean that any form of sneak attacks or first strike (such as blasting the S9 or Simurgh from orbit) is off the table?
I just thought of something. His new samurai power that ensures that he always has a chance to talk before a fight, is that voluntary or required on his part? If it's involuntary, does that mean that any form of sneak attacks or first strike (such as blasting the S9 or Simurgh from orbit) is off the table?

It's involuntary. There must always be a chance to talk prior to engagement, as far as I know. That being said, he can prepare measures for just after the convo has finished, but it's an uninterruptible conversation in which no side attacks.
I feel that if Chen's comment, comparing Apeiron to Son Wukong, was transmitted, people are going to start thinking he's a power-copying Case 53.
Or just a power-copier.

People should already be thinking "Case 53 (that healed himself)" and "power copier", because they neatly explain some of his actions / powers.

The case 53 theory explain why he have four healing technologies, some strong enough to heal a human spaghetti, and some that work on other case 53. It also explain his life fiber infused werewolf dinausore form : it's obviously his healing that broke down under the damage he took, reversing his body to his case 53 form. After all, he have to keep his healing at full power to use his red nightmare speed without losing his human form, riiiight ?

The power copier theory explain how he got such a diverse set of abilities.

(Of course, those theories are hilariously wrong, but Apeiron is a textbook Outside Context Problem, so the theories are always wrong.)
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I guess one thing that he needs to patch in his toolkit, seeing as he fairly clearly doesn't have it already from e.g. Master Craftsmen is anti-regen - I'm a little suprised in retrospect that his kit doesn't include it - though I suppose that there's probably some Arcane Craft contrivance that he could create that decreases regen on the same principles as the productivity modification, and anti-regen is something eminently possible to do with abstract magical elementalism or sophisticated chi control techniques.
He might want to get a teleporter too - I would expect that the knowledge: Physics power would include the physical principles upon which Star Trek teleportation applies, and there's magical ones as well.
NIce to see this keep on happening!
Power copiers might just 'copy magic'.
He might want to get a teleporter too - I would expect that the knowledge: Physics power would include the physical principles upon which Star Trek teleportation applies, and there's magical ones as well.
IIRC Star Trek teleportation is essentially cloning the person in another location and killing the original, which might cause some philosophical crisis for Joe.
IIRC Star Trek teleportation is essentially cloning the person in another location and killing the original, which might cause some philosophical crisis for Joe.
I feel like I've heard people argue against this. Maybe retcon bullshit? I dunno.

If it is true though, I guess Joe could subvert it by transferring his soul into the clone. That'd be a prime system for back-up bodies as well, though probably too fleshy for his tastes.
He wouldn't need to scan dna, he's already capable of scanning for parahumans. The turret being vision based would entirely defeat the purpose of having an anti-teleportation defence unless Joe was somehow under the impression that no-one would ever think to teleport behind him.
Bakuda was by far the most likely source of whatever device they were relying on to take me out. I was significantly less vulnerable to her exotic offerings than I had been on Saturday, but there were still a few that could slip by my defenses. Time and space were hard to defend against, but fortunately also hard to deploy. Bakuda's time bombs might effectively last forever, but they took a critical moment to set in, and there was more than enough time to escape. Spatial bombs were exceedingly powerful and destructive, but also difficult to make and highly limited in their range and effect. She basically needed me right on top of one for it to affect me, and I didn't intend to give her that chance.

Oni Lee could be a terrifying delivery mechanism for bombs, but every automated system I had was operating on the principle of shooting him on sight. He also had to actually get me in a blast without being dusted himself, and also be using something that I couldn't avoid or tank.
Part of Joe's assumption was that any bomb that Bakuda could deploy would be too tricky to hit him with it in the time Lee had to use it. It is either underpowered, or makes a trade off of that lets him have the time to somehow avoid or disable it. He only got hit because he never believed that March's ability could be used that way and it could be deployed faster then the dangerous Bakuda's bombs with no way to hack it.
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One thought. One bomb [edit: to]make the distance short, maybe some other bombs that break each other limits like they did in the city. And well his machine are precision machines. They defend by laser shots. And by moving away. Which with sense like what they have I can see they going for the minimal possible distance to dodge to not lose the advantage in attacking.

Still there so many ways to explain the scene and to criticize (which we did) that are pretty much endless.

Like the possibility of a ME engineer having stronger shields and with that the possibility that battle doctrine said that they should identify the hostile and gain electronic dominance above all else.

Or some other silly stuff. Including the MC just using HIS lack of experience.

Oh funny enough thinking like a transformer 'these silly humans/alien tech cannot scratch my shiny self :p
I feel like I've heard people argue against this. Maybe retcon bullshit? I dunno.

If it is true though, I guess Joe could subvert it by transferring his soul into the clone. That'd be a prime system for back-up bodies as well, though probably too fleshy for his tastes.

I mean, it definitely happened to Riker.

Although that happened through an accident. However, nothing stops Joe from recreating it eventually. Well, nothing but his ethics.
It does run into the problem of why the laser auto-turret designed specifically to stop that happening didn't stop that happening though.
1. As a general rule, aiming systems do not work by optical image recognition (too expensive and limited, there are better options). Joe's repurposed PD laser likely was meant to work semi-auto through some sensor system. Yet location was jammed by BS level tinkertech. And it is theoretically possible to jam cameras (not the signals, devices) via some forms of interference (radiation does that to digital cameras). And we have some BS jammer here that might have interfered even with optical based aiming to some degree.
This means that instead of relying on precise sensors and automated system Fleet was aiming laser personally using whatever was available. This likely adds a delay to laser-turret reaction at best.

2. Even if it is an Omni-laser that can redirect beam while it passes through lens (controlled/adjustable lens?) without the need to rotate laser/emitter, laser still needs some time to redirect beam from previous target to new one. Laser might even have a cooling cycle, where it needs to power down for a moment. Lee's strike could have taken this into account.

3. Lasers do not destroy targets instantly. Some kind of obstacle (shield) can take the first hit. Laser potentially will take longer to burn through the obstacle than bomb/effect to detonate.

4. A lot of additional means might be present we aren't aware of. Oni Lee might be pumped full of some tinker tech drugs, additional bombs might have been in play to distract or jam drones to prevent them from noticing Lees, a signal jammer bomb might have been used to make sure Apeiron won't receive last moments of his drones.

From my point of view: March stacked the deck. Excessively to compensate for apparent power growth. Made herself ample opportunities to create what normally would be an overkill situation. Once people understand what kind of situation transpired and what an overkill Apeiron survived through... Such measures even with single Oni Lee clone would have been enough to kill any cape sans Contessa, The Butcherer (danger sense plus teleportation) and Eidolon (depends on his power set) , with couple may-bees for some regenerators and precogs.
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IIRC Star Trek teleportation is essentially cloning the person in another location and killing the original, which might cause some philosophical crisis for Joe.
Nah, they're matter to energy converters. Turns you into an energy pattern and transfers it over to another location at lightspeed. Which is why when it goes wrong you sometimes end up with people twisted the way Brian was in this fic, fully alive and concious but warped beyond all recognition, and very very occasionally the energy is duplicated/split and creates clones.
Nah, they're matter to energy converters. Turns you into an energy pattern and transfers it over to another location at lightspeed. Which is why when it goes wrong you sometimes end up with people twisted the way Brian was in this fic, fully alive and concious but warped beyond all recognition, and very very occasionally the energy is duplicated/split and creates clones.

? Hypothetically, if a parahuman was converted in to energy and accidentally cloned ala transporter accident from the Star Trek technology, would they be treated like a cluster trigger or would they be separate but both are connected to the same shard?
There's also getting stuck on the transporter buffer like that guy from the OG series was and the evil clone thing

and There was that Sterfleer engineer that didn't want to get teleported because she felt that it would kill her and clone her