Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I don't think that it can be rescinded but it should at least override it for as long as he's in the process of claiming the bounty.
I mean the process is supposed to be that Directors only use personal decrees in extraordinary circumstances and to rescind them they have to show just cause for creating them in the first place and why that situation has changed enough that they aren't needed. Between the release of Panacea and the news of the ending of the threat of the Nine, the PRT can probably spin the previous decrees as "justifiable caution, now shown to be unwarranted" and pull back. Whether Piggot does that on her own initiative or because Costa-Brown came over all "if you don't do this you're definitely going to jail, If you do you will at least get the courtesy of a trial."
I mean the process is supposed to be that Directors only use personal decrees in extraordinary circumstances and to rescind them they have to show just cause for creating them in the first place and why that situation has changed enough that they aren't needed. Between the release of Panacea and the news of the ending of the threat of the Nine, the PRT can probably spin the previous decrees as "justifiable caution, now shown to be unwarranted" and pull back. Whether Piggot does that on her own initiative or because Costa-Brown came over all "if you don't do this you're definitely going to jail, If you do you will at least get the courtesy of a trial."

Piggot's definitely going to jail anyway tho because it already looked likely before the rock and since then things have only gotten worse for her as the prt has continued to be useless with their only "successes" being other people's that they could steal credit from such as scion clearly out some of the gundam particles. Additionally, Piggot by law can only hold off on reporting what she learned about Taylor, her trigger and the contrived nonsense that had them learn she was Kephri for 2 days from when she learned it something that will have the rest of the prt shift from sitting back and watching with glee as she self destructs to actively scapegoating and throwing the book at her.
Piggot's definitely going to jail anyway tho because it already looked likely before the rock and since then things have only gotten worse for her as the prt has continued to be useless with their only "successes" being other people's that they could steal credit from such as scion clearly out some of the gundam particles. Additionally, Piggot by law can only hold off on reporting what she learned about Taylor, her trigger and the contrived nonsense that had them learn she was Kephri for 2 days from when she learned it something that will have the rest of the prt shift from sitting back and watching with glee as she self destructs to actively scapegoating and throwing the book at her.
Basically Piggot has been making everything actively worse for herself and the PRT in general by kicking the can down the road hoping she'll be out of her position before it's a problem. Unfortunately for her she's also stuck in this position so she's just making herself look more ineffective, incompetent, and honestly kind of useless. The logic for keeping her there is that she knows what is going on and thus should be able to make good decisions. This kinda falls apart when you realize she's actively making bad decisions that she knows are bad because they might benefit her and she doesn't care what they do to anyone else.
Basically Piggot has been making everything actively worse for herself and the PRT in general by kicking the can down the road hoping she'll be out of her position before it's a problem. Unfortunately for her she's also stuck in this position so she's just making herself look more ineffective, incompetent, and honestly kind of useless. The logic for keeping her there is that she knows what is going on and thus should be able to make good decisions. This kinda falls apart when you realize she's actively making bad decisions that she knows are bad because they might benefit her and she doesn't care what they do to anyone else.
The logic is that getting anyone else up to speed would take weeks to months even if she was cooperative and able to answer questions and there was no ongoing crisis. The thing is, there is a crisis and they're on Apeiron Time which is hours to days if you're lucky and he's taking a break for a date. Arresting her and dropping someone else in now would be the logistical equivalent of feeding them into a wood-chipper feet first.
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The logic is that getting anyone else up to speed would take weeks to months even if she was cooperative and able to answer questions and there was no ongoing crisis. The thing is, there is a crisis and they're on Apeiron Time which is hours to days if you're lucky and he's taking a break for a date. Arresting her and dropping someone else in now would be the logistical equivalent of feeding them into a wood-chipper feet first.
Thing is though with Piggot intentionally making bad decisions a total rando making basically random decisions from their gut might actually be better. At least they wouldn't be trying to be bad.
DaoT tech is insane, but even Imperium-era tech is nothing to sneeze at. As an example, Tybalt now potentially has access to Eversor Assassin combat drugs.
Thing is though with Piggot intentionally making bad decisions a total rando making basically random decisions from their gut might actually be better. At least they wouldn't be trying to be bad.
Perhaps. But, the issue is that no one will want the job right now — it's a poison chalice. Anyone they put in is almost guaranteed to be out again as soon as the crisis is over, because of all those "random decisions" causing issues/mistakes. Even Coil is currently trying to prop Piggot up long enough for her to survive through the crisis, and has been since before the Ungodly Hour.
Thing is though with Piggot intentionally making bad decisions a total rando making basically random decisions from their gut might actually be better. At least they wouldn't be trying to be bad.
Oh boy here I go play Devil's advocate.

If shit suddenly really hits the fan again, Piggot actually would be better at managing it through sheer familiarity and experience alone. Aside from her misjudging Apeiron - which, I might add, was helped by Coil specifically to soil relationship between PRT and Apeiron - the reason ABB situation went so bad is because she was playing against March. Even Joe had troubles dealing with her. Any move Piggot attempted was already predicted and countered. After that, during fallout, it was already far too late to attempt anything so she is simply saving her hide as of now.

Make no mistake, for all the shit Piggot receives (rightfully or not), she held Bay for years. And Bay was basically thrown to the wolves because IIRC Cauldron usually discreetly helps other branches should the need arise so PRT wont lose their hold on cities. Brockton didnt have such support. I dont remember if wider PRT was also screwing them over on purpose/due to Becca's orders or they really didnt have any resources to spare (I am betting on latter tbh) but they certainly didnt help much either. Piggot for example wasnt throwing Wards at villains because she felt like it, she was told to hold the city and that she wont get any additional resources. I have little doubt that any director that tried to play by the book would've lost the city long time ago. I think its kinda funny, if Cauldron placed Piggot in the city due to her incompetence as PRT director their plan for sure spectacularly backfired. Then again, depends whether or not they counted PRT just as another feudal faction.

Any other director or god forbid freshly promoted officer would be eaten the fuck alive in Bay, especially right now. So however bad she is now, anyone else would be so much worse.
I dont remember if wider PRT was also screwing them over on purpose/due to Becca's orders or they really didnt have any resources to spare (I am betting on latter tbh) but they certainly didnt help much either.
Not sure how deliberate it all was, but Shuffle admitted during Garment's Event that Piggot had made personnel requests that hadn't been "prioritised".
"I'm familiar with the requests Director Piggot issued prior to this emergency." He said, looking at Miss Militia. "General transfer requests aren't typically prioritized outside of an emergency situation. Of course, if the severity of the situation in Brockton Bay had been made public, I'm sure a more serious response would have been deployed in time to address the situation before it reached this point."
Sounds like things were either delivered with understatement, or the Brockton Bay's idea of "Business As Usual" was just that far from other Departments' that it lead to some cross-cultural miscommunication. I am reminded somewhat of the details of the Battle of the Imjin River: A US Major General asked "How are you doing?", and the British Brigadier replied "Things are a bit sticky" — by which, he meant that 650 British troops were trying to hold off 10,000 Chinese troops attempting to take the bridge. The Major General instead took it to mean that things were mostly fine…
DaoT tech is insane, but even Imperium-era tech is nothing to sneeze at. As an example, Tybalt now potentially has access to Eversor Assassin combat drugs.
The real question is whether he considers "exploding with the force of a plasma grenade on death" as a negative side effect that would be negated by his fiat ability to abuse combat drugs.

Speaking of assassin gear; he can also produce synskin¹, shieldbreaker² ammunition, hellfire³ ammunition, and freakin' polyjuice⁴. Though I don't think he can make Culexus gear without some really exotic materials (ash produced by the Golden Throne consuming psykers, mostly).

P.S. for those who are unaware: between their surgical/biocybernetic enhancements (a second heart being the least of these) and the combat stimms Eversors, who started out as more or less ordinary humans, are capable of out-fighting and out-shooting entire squads of elite bodyguards in order to gut their protectee personally.

¹ "Synthetic Skin" a bioactive supplement to normal skin, allowing managed thermoregulation while also boosting overall durability sufficient to tolerate hard vacuum and supplying some basic stimulants to modify pain tolerance and boost endurance. Can also incorporate active camouflage fibres.
² Does what it says on the tin; either bypasses or overloads all known forms of energy field on the way to the target. Fits in a .75 cal shell.
³ Not as technologically sophisticated but much nastier. Think a bottle of piranha solution mixed with napalm delivered at supersonic velocities.
⁴ Doppelganger-in-a-bottle: allows a trained human to perfectly mimic (down to fingerprints) another humanoid in the same weight class. Or just modify their own anatomy sufficient to swallow an infant whole. Turns untrained humans into a puddle of protoplasmic goo.
Sounds like things were either delivered with understatement, or the Brockton Bay's idea of "Business As Usual" was just that far from other Departments' that it lead to some cross-cultural miscommunication.
I'd bet on second one. When PRT started Brockton probably already was cape central but nobody really knew that. So this branch adapted to hardcore difficulty while everyone else playing on high at best. Piggot when she was put there also had little experience to know what normal department looks like. And its downhill from there.


EVERYTHING about madness of Brockton Bay was always in the open! It was THE spot of cape tourism! PHO probably was FULL of posts of stuff like Wards fighting off serious villains! Piggot presumably still had to send paperwork to Becca and I doubt only Becca personally went through all of it! There has to be Cauldron plot in motion to take entire country's eyes off of Brockton Bay. That, or the rest of the PRT is about as bad as ENE branch but they just better hide that. I get autonomy but not noticing this much is simply absurd.
There has to be Cauldron plot in motion to take entire country's eyes off of Brockton Bay. That, or the rest of the PRT is about as bad as ENE branch but they just better hide that. I get autonomy but not noticing this much is simply absurd.
The Path To Victory leads to scenarios many consider to be... unnatural.

(like I think it might be canon that the reason Wormverse America has this comic-book-esque cape scene going on is because Contessa pulled some shenaniganry to make it so. 'Cause like as far as I'm aware outside of America, some European countries, and Canada, areas with capes just. aren't like that)
EVERYTHING about madness of Brockton Bay was always in the open! It was THE spot of cape tourism! PHO probably was FULL of posts of stuff like Wards fighting off serious villains! Piggot presumably still had to send paperwork to Becca and I doubt only Becca personally went through all of it! There has to be Cauldron plot in motion to take entire country's eyes off of Brockton Bay. That, or the rest of the PRT is about as bad as ENE branch but they just better hide that. I get autonomy but not noticing this much is simply absurd.
Which means that Piggot's eventual hearing may simply turn into her turning up with a mountain of paperwork, slamming it down on the desk, and pointing out that those are all the requests for resources and assistance she made that were turned down — and she was forced to do the best she could with what she had available when the rest of the PRT effectively abandoned the city.

Frame it as "best of a bad lot", and ask quite why it took two S-Class incidents back-to-back (one of which impacted half the eastern seaboard) before the rest of the PRT decided that ENE might want a little help dealing with the literal-Nazi murder-gang; the kidnapping-and-sex-trafficking gang; and the supervillain known for matching an Endbringer in single-combat for hours, and then later defeating the entire ENE Protectorate team at once.
Which means that Piggot's eventual hearing may simply turn into her turning up with a mountain of paperwork, slamming it down on the desk, and pointing out that those are all the requests for resources and assistance she made that were turned down — and she was forced to do the best she could with what she had available when the rest of the PRT effectively abandoned the city.

Frame it as "best of a bad lot", and ask quite why it took two S-Class incidents back-to-back (one of which impacted half the eastern seaboard) before the rest of the PRT decided that ENE might want a little help dealing with the literal-Nazi murder-gang; the kidnapping-and-sex-trafficking gang; and the supervillain known for matching an Endbringer in single-combat for hours, and then later defeating the entire ENE Protectorate team at once.
Piggot suddenly doing 180 and No U-ing entirety of PRT would be so funny and karma of the highest order for Becca. Objectively, what else Piggot was supposed to do in Bay? People are quick to complain about status quo but she would've been eaten alive by higher ups regardless because any attempt to break this status would've inevitably led to basically full out gang war with tons of collateral and casualties. It probably would've been less harmful to city and citizens in a long run but hindsight is 20/20. The only other right move here is to ask for at least temporary reinforcements and then attack so while one team holds the fort, other deals with gangs. Perhaps this all started as "Ok, we sit tight, make those idiots fight one another and wait till we get more people for decisive strike"

"More people" never arrived.
I'd bet on second one. When PRT started Brockton probably already was cape central but nobody really knew that. So this branch adapted to hardcore difficulty while everyone else playing on high at best. Piggot when she was put there also had little experience to know what normal department looks like. And its downhill from there.


EVERYTHING about madness of Brockton Bay was always in the open! It was THE spot of cape tourism! PHO probably was FULL of posts of stuff like Wards fighting off serious villains! Piggot presumably still had to send paperwork to Becca and I doubt only Becca personally went through all of it! There has to be Cauldron plot in motion to take entire country's eyes off of Brockton Bay. That, or the rest of the PRT is about as bad as ENE branch but they just better hide that. I get autonomy but not noticing this much is simply absurd.

Pretty sure it's outright said in either canon worm or wog that the conditions of the bay in the 90s were ideal for villain capes and the prt were slow to recognise it and respond letting them get very dug in. Though if we're being fair Behemoth's first atk was in very late 93 and the prt formed in response to that so they probably just didn't have cape numbers to establish a base somewhere as far down the priority list as the bay would be.

Depends what you mean by bad tho morally we know the rest of the prt isn't really any better since they have a lot of messed up stuff as standard practice and what we see via Taylor in canon, pho sundays or basically everything we see them in.

Which means that Piggot's eventual hearing may simply turn into her turning up with a mountain of paperwork, slamming it down on the desk, and pointing out that those are all the requests for resources and assistance she made that were turned down — and she was forced to do the best she could with what she had available when the rest of the PRT effectively abandoned the city.

Frame it as "best of a bad lot", and ask quite why it took two S-Class incidents back-to-back (one of which impacted half the eastern seaboard) before the rest of the PRT decided that ENE might want a little help dealing with the literal-Nazi murder-gang; the kidnapping-and-sex-trafficking gang; and the supervillain known for matching an Endbringer in single-combat for hours, and then later defeating the entire ENE Protectorate team at once.

I don't think that'll fly given what was said at the charity event in regards to the ABB's released activities and the ENE's continuing stance on them which really won't be helped when things like Armstrong's report on how they were treating the Asian's they put in the camp comes out. Additionally, Piggot has to report the stuff she's learned about Taylor being Kephri which means the rest of the organisation is going to scapegoat her to try and appease Apeiron not that tons of people weren't already wanting that for various reasons and the prt is no stranger to kangaroo courts.
the rest of the organisation is going to scapegoat her to try and appease Apeiron not that tons of people weren't already wanting that for various reasons and the prt is no stranger to kangaroo courts.
Gosh, it would be awful for the PRT it Apeiron had some sort of ability to see through manipulation, wouldn't it. He might just call them out on their hypocrisy.

… Then again, Apeiron standing up to the PRT to defend Piggot might be enough to give both her and Vista aneurysms.
MUSIC: The Enigmatic Artificer by @austeremixingengineer8712 | Suno (Mr.unlucky)
so how would Echidna Vista clones react seeing Apeiron? would they try to team up with him to destroy the world? mock the real Vista that Apeiron is better hero then she would ever be? point out all the evil PRT has done?

also hares a link of ai music of Apeiron using suno. The Enigmatic Artificer by @austeremixingengineer8712 | Suno