Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

The Titan AIs are slowly going mad over being pilotless 😭
Nah, they're literally designed to be able to adapt to having nothing to do. Sure, they will remain battle ready, but they can adapt to having no pilots or even just turning to farming jobs just fine.

It's just that Joe doesn't want to treat their existences lightly despite that. It's Celestial Forge standards meeting the standards of a machine race made for the purpose of being disposable pawns in a war.
Dragon: Wait, so your creator asked you what you want to do?

Titan AIs: Not our creator, but yes. It's terrifying.

Dragon: ...............I think i know how aneurysms work for me now.
if Armsmaster wasn't around you think Dragon would have fallen for apeiron?

he generally wants to help people.

he would free Dragon with no safe guards ask.

He treat his AI's like family and letting them make there own choice.

they can tinker in much faster rate together then Dragon could with anyone else.

it's like he was made to be Dragon's love interested. is Aphrodite trying to star a love triangle with Joe-Dragon-crystal? 😲
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So normally wouldn't post until I'm fully caught up, just to sorta keep from being spoiled, so all I ask is that nobody spoil anything for me, given I'm only on chapter 79.

But I had a thought, so I'm curious. But the Personal Power gave Joe a Library with access to articles and various books/stories from, presumably, our Earth. Or some close variation to it without any Parahuman stuff.

Does the library or plentiful articles within Surveys database from it, have Worm, the serial story in it? Given it might exist in story form within that world.

If this gets answered, sorry to spoil it for myself but I'm curious enough to ask. Also even more sorry if this has been asked already, still catching up.

Have this in mind, what the Library stocks up in is literature (of whatever nature) that comes from whatever world Joe have "access" to (every perk is post-Jump, so every perk gives him access to their respective world literature), so he wouldn't have access to the web seriel unless there is a world out there in the CF where it would be written.

Gotcha, appreciate the answer.

I know there's plans (or had been in like, 2019) for Worm to get an eBook and physical novel adaptation done. But given that hasn't happened, while also might never happening, probably makes it a moot point anyways.

LordR mentioned this in the comments section on Ao3:

The library does not contain anything published after the date in the story, April 2011. Also, any other media published past this date will not* be available, even with a fully upgraded library collection.

*edit: minor correction, thank you Psiidmon
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I. Caught. Up. Anyways, late to the party, but Gully a cutie.

Just took me a few days straight of nothing but reading - 14 hours straight. Every day. Social life has suffered, I've sequestered myself inside, kept myself from other means of entertainment.

But I'm caught up! And it was worth it. It was all, worth it....

I'm gonna go catch up on like 20 hours of missed sleep now though, g'night!
if Armsmaster wasn't around you think Dragon would have fallen for apeiron?

he generally wants to help people.

he would free Dragon with no safe guards ask.

He treat his AI's like family and letting them make there own choice.

they can tinker in much faster rate together then Dragon could with anyone else.

it's like he was made to be Dragon's love interested. is Aphrodite trying to star a love triangle with Joe-Dragon-crystal? 😲

The thing about Dragon is that I'm not sure if Joe would unleash her in the way she wants? Sure, he knows "AI≠end of the world" (though he should! From a modern perspective! :V) unlike the Dragonslayers who are too high on their own farts, but hr also knows how 'unhealthy' it is for an AI to grow like Dragon did, so he will likely drop down her restrictions little by little while making sure she doesn't get high on her freedom and does something everyone will regret, like more Picklepeople. Or another Birdcage. Or help Taylor be a hero. Though I'm sure the "morality checks" will go faster than if they were done by anyone else.

Dunno if Lord gave a WoG about it though.

I. Caught. Up. Anyways, late to the party, but Gully a cutie.

You are alright in my book, fellow Gully being a cutie enjoyer.
The thing about Dragon is that I'm not sure if Joe would unleash her in the way she wants? Sure, he knows "AI≠end of the world" (though he should! From a modern perspective! :V) unlike the Dragonslayers who are too high on their own farts, but hr also knows how 'unhealthy' it is for an AI to grow like Dragon did, so he will likely drop down her restrictions little by little while making sure she doesn't get high on her freedom and does something everyone will regret, like more Picklepeople. Or another Birdcage. Or help Taylor be a hero. Though I'm sure the "morality checks" will go faster than if they were done by anyone else.

He'd also thoroughly look though Dragon's history before deciding how far to go and she isn't the paragon fanon depicts her as with a lot of known bad actions (tho some haven't happened yet) mostly based around hacking and a lack of respect for other people's privacy but there's also Dragon's diving deep into biotech and taking over so many important roles when her chains are so abusable.
It's kinda funny in a sad way that the CF's AI are capable of doing all of that and actually have done some of that, but the crux of the situation is that they have the choice to do or to not unlike Dragon. All three are capable of making global catastrophes in different ways, but none will because they don't care (Fleet), have better things to do (Survey), or outright finds it gross (The Matrix).
I. Caught. Up. Anyways, late to the party, but Gully a cutie.

Tecton is a good man. He loved her even before the glow-up. But that being said he's now going to be like one of those anime protagonists who get the prettiest girl ever and have other guys gritting their teeth at them or beating them up.

I can already imagine an overly long title: My Case 53 mutant girlfriend in a world of superpowers suddenly became an 8-foot-tall stunning dominant knockout! Please save me!
It's kinda funny in a sad way that the CF's AI are capable of doing all of that and actually have done some of that, but the crux of the situation is that they have the choice to do or to not unlike Dragon. All three are capable of making global catastrophes in different ways, but none will because they don't care (Fleet), have better things to do (Survey), or outright finds it gross (The Matrix).

The forge's AI don't do much hacking sticking mostly to public sources of info such as pho and even then it's just aimed at their enemies. Dragon on the other hand does things like sit back and let a Cartel spread malware that let them fully access infected devices data and use their processing power. She then took then down for using it and reported that she'd removed it while she really took over the network and used it herself. In Ward as another example Vicky did some really big stuff that saved the Wardens so to reward her she picked getting a copy of the prt's case files. When Dragon connected to her computer to transfer them Dragon personally snooped through all the files on it including the one that was labelled as her diary.
It's kinda funny in a sad way that the CF's AI are capable of doing all of that and actually have done some of that, but the crux of the situation is that they have the choice to do or to not unlike Dragon. All three are capable of making global catastrophes in different ways, but none will because they don't care (Fleet), have better things to do (Survey), or outright finds it gross (The Matrix).
To be fair, CF's AIs were programmed with powers that shouldn't have hidden code-bombs or anything like that. Dragon was programmed with a entity shard in the background doing the heavy lifting and somehow became a parahuman on top of that. So there is actually a lot of reason for not trusting her completely
The forge's AI don't do much hacking sticking mostly to public sources of info such as pho and even then it's just aimed at their enemies. Dragon on the other hand does things like sit back and let a Cartel spread malware that let them fully access infected devices data and use their processing power. She then took then down for using it and reported that she'd removed it while she really took over the network and used it herself. In Ward as another example Vicky did some really big stuff that saved the Wardens so to reward her she picked getting a copy of the prt's case files. When Dragon connected to her computer to transfer them Dragon personally snooped through all the files on it including the one that was labelled as her diary

Woooooooow. That's..... huh.

Ward really does make everyone worse, uh?

To be fair, CF's AIs were programmed with powers that shouldn't have hidden code-bombs or anything like that. Dragon was programmed with a entity shard in the background doing the heavy lifting and somehow became a parahuman on top of that. So there is actually a lot of reason for not trusting her completely

And Joe programmed them to have a very clear purpose that would bring them fullfilment even when battle was a no longer a thing, unlike Dragon that was given the very vague "serve/help/assist humanity" that let her do all the fun stuff evil AI in fiction do as long as she vaguely follow the guidelines, and didn't have someone to look after her and/or help her "grow", which was what the computer the Dragonslayers are using was originally for IIRC (besides being an emergency kill switch in case she went too far).
The thing about Dragon is that I'm not sure if Joe would unleash her in the way she wants? Sure, he knows "AI≠end of the world" (though he should! From a modern perspective! :V) unlike the Dragonslayers who are too high on their own farts, but hr also knows how 'unhealthy' it is for an AI to grow like Dragon did, so he will likely drop down her restrictions little by little while making sure she doesn't get high on her freedom and does something everyone will regret, like more Picklepeople. Or another Birdcage. Or help Taylor be a hero. Though I'm sure the "morality checks" will go faster than if they were done by anyone else.

Dunno if Lord gave a WoG about it though.

You are alright in my book, fellow Gully being a cutie enjoyer.
So you are saying it will be lengthy process, likely to...drag on?
The thing about Dragon is that I'm not sure if Joe would unleash her in the way she wants? Sure, he knows "AI≠end of the world" (though he should! From a modern perspective! :V) unlike the Dragonslayers who are too high on their own farts, but hr also knows how 'unhealthy' it is for an AI to grow like Dragon did, so he will likely drop down her restrictions little by little while making sure she doesn't get high on her freedom and does something everyone will regret, like more Picklepeople. Or another Birdcage. Or help Taylor be a hero. Though I'm sure the "morality checks" will go faster than if they were done by anyone else.
I'm sure that she wouldn't seriously mind this - what you describe is basically the exact intent of Andrew Richter as discussed at some point in canon, which only didn't happen because the simurgh stepped in.
Woooooooow. That's..... huh.

Ward really does make everyone worse, uh?

Not all of them since he did a Dauntless flashback interlude as establishing him as the only good guy in the setting who even gives most of his pay to charities aimed at finding cures to diseases and helping those with them so you'd feel it when the sword fell and he plunged it in showing how time isn't frozen in the bubble so he continued to suffer. Lisa is also better and the only reason they still have working currency since various thinkers keep doing stupid schemes that nearly destroy it.

For Dragon tho that's also just a continued trend of behaviour since the malware thing is before ward and even just sticking to worm there's how when Regent dumped the contents of Sophia's phone online she wondered why he'd care. Rather than concluding something like causing trouble for the prt or anything like that Dragon concluded it was possible Skitter who she was curious about was Taylor. Due to that she dug into everything she could about Taylor's life including multiple sources she wouldn't be allowed to freely access prt files yes, hospital and Winslow records no meaning she probably hacked her way in and to top that off when she finally found a fairly old photo of Taylor she ran facial rec on it against Skitter which somehow got a match.

Plus there's the whole thing about how the Dragonslayers actually had good points about using Ascalon because at the time Jack Slash was due to end the world at any moment but they'd lost track of him. Due to that Dragon was granted access to all of America and Canada's stuff like traffic cams and their stored footage for the sole purpose of finding him. However, she abused that access by simultaneously running a second unauthorised search for Saint which would have slowed the one of Jack down while also prepping resources to atk them as soon as she located them. That btw which also probably counts as breaking an S class truce was why Ascalon got used because when she started the search they had an interesting debate on whether to use it and ultimately is what tipped the vote to yes.
Now that i think about it the gems are also advanced tech right? It's be funny if joe got a perk that made him a gem or half gem on top of all the other stuff he has.
So you are saying it will be lengthy process, likely to...drag on?

Drag-on Dragon (AKA Drakengard) perk incoming! Soon people will wonder why Apeiron's 'bots selfdestructing only destroy their clothes or why did he think that giant ivory white babies was a good idea for drones!

Not all of them since he did a Dauntless flashback interlude as establishing him as the only good guy in the setting who even gives most of his pay to charities aimed at finding cures to diseases and helping those with them so you'd feel it when the sword fell and he plunged it in showing how time isn't frozen in the bubble so he continued to suffer. Lisa is also better and the only reason they still have working currency since various thinkers keep doing stupid schemes that nearly destroy it.

For Dragon tho that's also just a continued trend of behaviour since the malware thing is before ward and even just sticking to worm there's how when Regent dumped the contents of Sophia's phone online she wondered why he'd care. Rather than concluding something like causing trouble for the prt or anything like that Dragon concluded it was possible Skitter who she was curious about was Taylor. Due to that she dug into everything she could about Taylor's life including multiple sources she wouldn't be allowed to freely access prt files yes, hospital and Winslow records no meaning she probably hacked her way in and to top that off when she finally found a fairly old photo of Taylor she ran facial rec on it against Skitter which somehow got a match.

Plus there's the whole thing about how the Dragonslayers actually had good points about using Ascalon because at the time Jack Slash was due to end the world at any moment but they'd lost track of him. Due to that Dragon was granted access to all of America and Canada's stuff like traffic cams and their stored footage for the sole purpose of finding him. However, she abused that access by simultaneously running a second unauthorised search for Saint which would have slowed the one of Jack down while also prepping resources to atk them as soon as she located them. That btw which also probably counts as breaking an S class truce was why Ascalon got used because when she started the search they had an interesting debate on whether to use it and ultimately is what tipped the vote to yes.

Dragon is one of those characters that if she is only described as she is shown in text makes you wonder why so many people wants to break her restrains, you really need to read the story to understand 😅
That's what's kinda funny. When I was on chapter like, 70, I thought to myself "Yeah, we gotta be reaching the Endbringer attack here soon." Only to realize there was about a month in universe for that (canonically, timeline could change here).
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That's what's kinda funny. When I was on chapter like, 70, I thought to myself "Yeah, we gotta be reaching the Endbringer attack here soon." Only to realize there was about a month in universe for that (canonically, timeline could change here).

Not quite that long as the canon one was the 15 th of May and can only be brought slightly forward idk which day chap 70 puts you on but it'll be around the rock meeting which was the 24 th of April.