Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

The imperium will hate this, as it means they lose their FTL method, but they were never going to get along anyway. Some Transformers gateways should resolve some of the logistics problems caused by losing FTL trade and coms, while not allowing the further spread of the Imperium until Joe deems them ready to be given back the keys via some other FTL method.
The Imperium, especially after Gorilla Man's return, would be absolutely ecstatic over FTL that doesn't involve going through hell.

The Navigator houses on the other hand, would be considerably less pleased with the arrangement. They get all their power and importance from being the people that can guide Imperium ships through the Warp. Not having to use the Warp for FTL would strip them of all their power.
I've had a rough couple of weeks without much time to write, but thankfully things have recently calmed down for me. I'm going to be taking an extra day to get the chapter finished and it will be shorter than I would have liked, but I'd prefer that to a longer delay. My apologies for the short notice. I'm hoping that going forward things stay calm enough to avoid these kinds of delays.
Honestly, by this point rather than calling it a delay, call it a planned release.

Same thing, except it sounds more positive. Plus, you don't have to apologize.