Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Flechette and Weld don't know how he thinks he can defend against her power, they just know it was difficult.
"It is literally impossible for a power to be any stronger than that without fundamentally altering the mechanisms by which parahuman abilities operate or changing the underlying mechanics of reality."

Lily didn't know what was more frightening, the fact that Apeiron was completely confident about the strength of her power, or that he was talking about alteration of the function of powers and the mechanics of reality as if they were actual options for him.

"My power, it would be strong enough to hurt you?" She asked. It felt intrusive and in bad taste, but that was what he had been implying. She couldn't leave things without confirming that.

Apeiron made a nebulous gesture. "A week ago it would have been." He said casually. She and Weld just looked at him. Weld managed to recover from the impact of the statement first.

"You said it was the strongest power in the universe. The strongest possible power." He said.

"It is." He said with a nod. "You would not believe the bullshit needed to properly defend against something like that."
But a fully functional PtV can still manipulate him into failing the dodge, or dodging into a different annihilator attack, or into self-destructing.

Not really what it sees of Joe is a version of him where he doesn't do anything unless provoked with no way to get the real info on what he'd do. Additionally ocp makes him a 0 sum error to the path so it just doesn't work on him. Furthermore, the shards are lacking data on Joe's physical speed boosts including the reflex boost of being a Servant, possibly the defence of the Lathe metal based on when that was rolled, Armsthrift and of course even if they did somehow get him with one there's his as soon as he takes damage he gets teleported away system he made. However, even if they somehow managed it there's also countercraft and the candle which is why it's been highly doubtful for a while now that even Scion can deal significant damage to Joe.
That's the other thing. How do they not realize that Apeiron's actions are messing with PtV. By now a number of paths should have ended in failure or needing readjustment, they should have realized that there is something fishy going on
That's the other thing. How do they not realize that Apeiron's actions are messing with PtV. By now a number of paths should have ended in failure or needing readjustment, they should have realized that there is something fishy going on

The disruptions due to Joe gaining perks are being written off as being due to March and since Joe made the precog blocker he hasn't done anything major other than go to the rock when asked to so it isn't obvious yet. That's also why he's waiting for the nine to get to the bay's doorstep so that his actions fit their expectations and any path disruptions from it will probably be blamed on Jack once the truth of his power comes out.
24-hour Delay Announcement
I've had a rough couple of weeks without much time to write, but thankfully things have recently calmed down for me. I'm going to be taking an extra day to get the chapter finished and it will be shorter than I would have liked, but I'd prefer that to a longer delay. My apologies for the short notice. I'm hoping that going forward things stay calm enough to avoid these kinds of delays.
I've had a rough couple of weeks without much time to write, but thankfully things have recently calmed down for me. I'm going to be taking an extra day to get the chapter finished and it will be shorter than I would have liked, but I'd prefer that to a longer delay. My apologies for the short notice. I'm hoping that going forward things stay calm enough to avoid these kinds of delays.
S'all good there Lord. We'll be waiting, and I hope the coming weeks are good for you.

Shit, Murphy. Time to slam my face into the conveniently placed 2x4 that I have near my desk for this very reason.
I already thankful that we will get a chapter this week :D. today or tomorrow that will cheer my week :D

and if another week instead, then it will cheer that week^^. So, no worry.
I've had a rough couple of weeks without much time to write, but thankfully things have recently calmed down for me. I'm going to be taking an extra day to get the chapter finished and it will be shorter than I would have liked, but I'd prefer that to a longer delay. My apologies for the short notice. I'm hoping that going forward things stay calm enough to avoid these kinds of delays.

too not get reported for short response. how does everyone think joe would do in 40k of he wasn't instantly corrupted
too not get reported for short response. how does everyone think joe would do in 40k of he wasn't instantly corrupted
First response would probably be an oohhhh as he realizes what's going on with the skull lab.

Second response would be to land on a uninhabited planet and put some cosmic gloves and make sort of magic singularity shaped like a sewing needle to weave the fabric of reality back into shape.

Then make some bug spray and go after the space locusts.

Then… we'll you get the point. It's not like anyone could stop him.
First response would probably be an oohhhh as he realizes what's going on with the skull lab.

Second response would be to land on a uninhabited planet and put some cosmic gloves and make sort of magic singularity shaped like a sewing needle to weave the fabric of reality back into shape.

Then make some bug spray and go after the space locusts.

Then… we'll you get the point. It's not like anyone could stop him.
The Milkyway is humanities home. Super Scientific Solution a home defense system.
I've had a rough couple of weeks without much time to write, but thankfully things have recently calmed down for me.

I know that there will be some that won't like this suggestion but if it might help, you DO know that you can take a break if it helps. Before worrying about your self imposed schedule, please remember to take care of yourself. We can wait.
First response would probably be an oohhhh as he realizes what's going on with the skull lab.

Second response would be to land on a uninhabited planet and put some cosmic gloves and make sort of magic singularity shaped like a sewing needle to weave the fabric of reality back into shape.

Then make some bug spray and go after the space locusts.

Then… we'll you get the point. It's not like anyone could stop him.

I'd imagine it would be as simple as making a "no trespassing" sign using simple scientific and sticking it into the soil of a planet to keep any Warp incursions out. Then go find some blackstone pylons, reverse engineering powers activate, deploy broadly until Warp is closed up nice and tight.

The imperium will hate this, as it means they lose their FTL method, but they were never going to get along anyway. Some Transformers gateways should resolve some of the logistics problems caused by losing FTL trade and coms, while not allowing the further spread of the Imperium until Joe deems them ready to be given back the keys via some other FTL method.

Maybe chat with the Necrons, give them what they want so they'll stop being so angry, I'm sure they'd like flesh bodies back, and Joe's got experience with that, plus being able to help with the whole souls thing.

He could offer the Eldari sanctuary in the workshop/small planet to protect their souls while he deals with the whole warp thing. And if they try anything, they end up in his auto-jail and are Fiat locked up until Joe says otherwise. Plus if they die and are pious enough, their souls will just stay there.

I'm dubious if you can actually stop the buggos by anything other than annihilation. Maybe some kind of galaxy spanning attention diversion charm to get them to just go elsewhere? That or have a little chat with the gestalt mind (if there is such a thing) about maybe settling down in this nice little pocket dimension full of stuff to eat. All that failing, Joe has plenty of ways to deal with them IMO.

The Orks would LOVE to get set up with some kind of Valhalla situation like Joe can provide via his divine domain. They get their own pocket planet/dimension where they can 'ave a proppa foight' every day, die and end up in the workshop, then get in the que for transmigration back into the fighting world. I'm sure Fleet could provide endless enemies 'fer crumpin' and improve his tactics and coordination abilities along the way.

Plenty of room for fun little stories without much chances of Joe not being successful eventually.
Considering how "extra" Joe's powers force him to be — posing, blessing of Aphrodite, etc, etc — I would half-expect Joe's entry into 40k to spontaneously cause Slaanesh to implode and hand over their mantle as Chaos God of Excess. With Tybalt doing the same to Khorne.

The real question then is whether the rest of the Celestial Forge follow, for Survey to replace Tzeentch too…

(Tybalt, of course, is fiat-backed to follow Joe, as a Forge-granted Companion)