Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

3 robots actually, he took a cloning potion.

Yes, there are 3 robots active.

But only 1 was fighting the ABB offensive in the city. The other 2 were going after ABB hardpoints. Joe was just moving around so fast from group to group that people think there are 5-6 times more of him than there actually are. And I love it.

Not sure if that was sarcasm but honestly this likely literally is what's happened. Something made more ridiculous when you realize the two copies are hitting static locations and are less likely to be misidentified while Joe solos the chaos of the waves.

I'm being completely serious. Just in awe of Joe's utter bullshit once again.
How about we don't.
how about we don't.

Puffin has a trans fantasy, is determined to ignore all evidence to the contrary, and is doing the '90% give the other 10% a bad name' thing that activists are prone to.

so @McPuffin Muffin is living in his/her own world then is what i am getting from your post my opinion on him/her is lowered

that explains the 40-year-old picture of Joe when he isn't that old or fat and his/her picture of Aisha being white and older than she really is when MULTIPLE concrete sources(WOG, Wiki, In story descriptions of both BCF and OG worm) say that she is currently 13 and black

that's what most activists do some of them are Karens but on the internet, while some have good points some are just idiots who don't do something called RESEARCH

i wouldn't be surprised if this post attracts a mod or he/she starts make a post full of insults

The fact Sufficient Velocity is a place when someone can feel comfortable enough to share their trans-headcanon is something we're proud of, and we want to keep it that way. It should go without saying, given that we're on a creative writing forum, that people are allowed to have divergent fantasies, regardless of how grounded in reality they might or might not be, and I'd argue the world would be a much more boring place if they weren't!

To that end, the way in which these users responded to @McPuffin Muffin is not something we're willing to tolerate - dismissive, hostile, and bordering on transphobic, whether intentional or not.


he should've just killed all of cauldron and hanged them by their entrails
it eases my conscience that cauldron was nuked but he still should've hanged them by their entrails

Advocating for a group of people, fictional or otherwise, to be strung out by their entrails has no place on Sufficient Velocity. Posting about wishing torture upon others on the internet does not make you look cool or clever, and if the future you find yourself doing so again, I'd recommend you just... don't.

@randomcringyjoke has been issued 50 points and a week-long threadban for a combined violation of Rule 2: Advocation of Violence and Rule 3: Be Civil, whilst @Albert has been issued 25 points and a week's threadban under Rule 3.

That'll be all, folks.
When your Aunt Jess dies I must have gone through everything
Hello Apeiron." March's voice came with less distortion than she had previously used. It allowed the tone of her speech to leak through. The sound was echoed from at least a half dozen other devices in the coffee shop as customers and staff crowded to watch the spectacle.

"Hello Bakuda." The man
with more derision from Apeiron.

"More hiding behind the helpless while deploying a force that is unskilled, untrained, and unwilling all in the hope of somehow carrying out your schemes." There was derision in her tone, but Vicky
I am." March yelled with perfectly understandable frustration She drew a breath through her gas mask and switched back to bragging. "Unlike you, I can control
Even the relief that greeded Browbeat when he confirmed
Channeled through his new demeanor the joking attitude now seemed threatening."
stay inside and of the streets,
In all honesty I kinda expect Piggot to burn the last of her bridges and retire just to get Amy put into the Birdcage at this point. Because yeah, Piggot the Bigot.

Or at least try.

The moment Apeiron hears of Amy getting just held and not helped after this, he is going to swoop in and rescue her. Because fuck the PRoT for their incompetence, corruption, and the fate they had for Brockton Bay.

Did you even read the Piggot interlude?
Lord has done a very good job of avoiding that overdone bit of fanon, and during that conversation with Miss Militia, Piggot shows she is fully aware that Apeiron being behind everything is highly unlikely. Piggot just finds the resulting implications worse.
She followed protocols with regards to Any, and then they took on a life of their own because of everything else that happened.
Which wouldn't have been as bad if it had occurred anywhere else, Amy's been in M/S confinement for less than a week.
But Brockton Bay saw a chance to light itself on fire and took it.
Also, lest we forget, a big part of why Amy is still in confinement is due to the researcher who got caught dosing off, and blamed it on the flower Apeiron gave Panacea. Coil then disappeared him...
so I guess it's all Coil's fault.
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Oh. My god. This update... holly hell. What a rush. This is my favorite part of every fight; the fallout. And what a fallout.

As always, the POV was simply delightful. So in character, showcasing the ways Apherion impacts everyone around him. Gods.

Edit: Also, people are saying nothing happened?? In this chapter??? Are we reading the same fic, because I believe the apparition of a Vicky that seems well into her character arc, the showing of the consequences on Mew wave and how they are doing, and the gradual change of the public opinion concerning Apherion is a little more than nothing.
As Gully looked at the dazzling display frozen in time she felt even more self-conscious than usual. What place did she have next to something like this? Apeiron obviously valued beauty.

Can't wait for the reaction to Dinopherion, and the subsequent case 53 theories. And oh, god. The soundtrack. I sweat, this story is so epic.

I can picture it already; Apherion fallen, his entrails tastefully arranged on the floor. Sorrowful music playing in the background, an execution about to be emitted (my god, the execution video. That reaction is going to be... wow.) People not noticing the music playing is anything unusual until second viewing. (Sir, we need to add another stranger power. 'What's it now? A 'pow' signal every time he hits someone?' No sir. It's apparently... thematically appropriate music. '... you know what? That may as well happen.')

Whatever the tinker's plans or intentions, he hadn't done anything to her family, not since his first appearance. All this, it was on them. She hated it, but that was the truth

YES! Thank GOD someone's jumped down from the 'blame Apherion' bandwagon!

he was a person. He was a person with concerns, standards, and an actual personality. He cared about people, maybe only through contracts, but more than any moustache twirling villain should.

That's it! Humanize him! (Maybe that way you won't Immediately Try to Kill him next time you see him) (I may still be a little salty)

Given the way Apeiron was referring to her, with a tone and intensity you rarely heard outside discussions of S-class threats, Victoria felt a good deal less certain about the local Protectorate's threat assessment than she previously had.

God, for one Apherion's style powers aren't biting him in the ass. I'm also waiting for SOME people to acknowledge that Maybe, just maybe, if the incredibly powerful tinker who does twelve impossible things before breakfast says he has information on a threat, he just may be right.

Also, how people will interpret Match taking about shardspace... well I'm certainly looking forward to that.

The aftermath of the bank came to mind once more. Kid Win, covered in bruises and scrapes, cradling the shredded pieces of his flight board.

Ouch. I mean, any tinker's ego would be bruised after hearing that... (looking at you, Armmaster) but certain Kid who got chewed out by Apherion and just can't seem to get a Win recently... (I'm horrible and I'm so proud)

Well, sufficient to say, I doubt Kid Win's gonna be having a good time after that.

(Also, picture Armaster being all salty after seeing the video, and a bunch of troopers being all consoling. "Of course the fact that Dragon was in a Kaijuu battle with Apherion doesn't mean anything! No matter how incredibly awesome the fight was, you're just as incredible as him! We're sure Dragon sees it too!") (will I ever let go of my Drapherion-Armsdragon ship war headcannon? Who knows?)

Apeiron just trailed off as he made a dismissive gesture. Vicky actually pulled back from her phone, mirroring Bakuda's reaction to the man's words. The back and forth that had defined the exchange died as the bomb tinker tried to wrap her mind around what was just said.

Yep. I can feel Kid Win's self esteem's swift and painful death from here.

Apparently the first time Apeiron had gone into battle he had broken Oni Lee's arm. A week later he leveled a storage yard. The time after that he was removing sections of the city and launching attacks that still weren't properly quantified. The problem of what Apeiron would be tomorrow, or next week wasn't important at the moment. The critical question was, what would he be bringing to this fight? And could the city endure it.

Oooh, boy. Well, I'm certainly curious about what people will come up with after THE Kaijuu battle!
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Well not really. In his interlude he comes across as incredibly amused because all of this happened withou him doing much of anything.

I should have put in an emoji, I was going for a little humor at the end, but yeah, most of what happened was handed to him on a platter, but he did mention having the researcher sent to Rochester, so to speak, and that sudden disappearance was a big part of why there were so many (sometimes conflicting) protocols against any interaction with Apeiron.
Do you think Apeiron will ever create a fast deploying door system so he doesn't have to look for doors whereever he goes?

Something like, he presses a little cube to the wall or tosses it on the ground and it makes a door for him.
I think Lord stated later on that Coil wasn't having a good time anymore, due to all of the Thinker interference. Which is really par for the course as far as Fanon goes, Coil consistently flips out or at least sets up elaborate revenge schemes whenever anything messes with his power, since if anything messes with it, given how it works in a "all or nothing" type way, outside of collecting information... if something messes it up, it gets REALLY messed up.

The problem that I can see here is, you've got a BUNCH of outside factors coming into Brockton Bay, compounded by March's anti-thinker-ness, combined with Apeiron making people scramble to find a silver bullet to take him out or get leverage over him with, combined with all the existing factions making their own moves which completely veer off the rails from what Coil had expected them to do.

All of that taken together, and does Coil really even have a target to paint on anyone's back that will "fix things"? He might actually enter into a bit of decision paralysis and continue taking things slow (he did wait a long time leading up to canon before starting to make his moves because he wanted enough information first, but with all the new stuff going on...)

On that note, if it gets out that Apeiron can just up and fix C53s, which is liable to happen when he manages to fix someone with as many physiological issues as Gully has, I'm pretty sure that the Travelers won't even bother with Coil, unless for whatever reason Coil convinces Krouse the only way to get Apeiron to help is to be as antagonistic as possible.
We know that the Shard knows about Worm, so it knows Leviathan is going to come to the Bay, and I think it, and Apeiron, both know that she could kill it, and how much it would reset progress for Apeiron if Leviathan destroyed the Bay.

Woah. Wait a second. It just occurred to me. If Apherion participates on an Endbringer fight...

He's gonna actually interact with other people. In his parahuman persona.

Holly hell. That's gonna be both SO epic... and and such a train wreck.

Do you think Apeiron will ever create a fast deploying door system so he doesn't have to look for doors whereever he goes?

Something like, he presses a little cube to the wall or tosses it on the ground and it makes a door for him.

WoG is that it has to be an actual door, linked to and actual structure, or it won't work.

Which means he'd need a shed. Or something of the sort. Maybe something more inconspicuous... like a blue telephone box.
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You mean, like his FMA Alchemy? :p
This is one stuff that I always thought that would happen in S rank emergency. He will drop the knives or use his circles made with nanobots and etc. or slap his hands (in the future). And make the mother of all doors/gates to allow a even bigger mecha out with all it gear and support 'personal'.

The kind of stuff that would allow that chest with 99 slots of 99 items.

Another funny thing that probably will happen is that someone will ask where he put most of his time. And for days it kind of have being the lab or the big mecha. If this continues for weeks the public reaction will be interesting.
'oh how much work the little mecha had in total'
'two days and 4 hours'.
'and the biggest one'
'4 weeks 5 days and 4 hours'.
edit: grammar and wording.
So, who else is looking forward to Joe explaining that each and every piece of gear he has can have three different modifiers on when he gets to the sea snails from Splatoon? I wonder if he will get a squid form?

Also a cool thing he can do for garment is to give her that bloody roar machine so she can make Case 53s clothes that they can actually live in.
Which means he'd need a shed. Or something of the sort. Maybe something more inconspicuous... like a blue telephone box.
Doors are usually about 2.5 feet wide, so a 1m by 2m wall, with an outward-facing door, and an interior area just big enough to step in, should work. Shouldn't be hard to set up in just a few seconds with Alchemy either.
Can't wait for the reaction to Dinopherion, and the subsequent case 53 theories. And oh, god. The soundtrack. I sweat, this story is so epic.

I can picture it already; Apherion fallen, his entrails tastefully arranged on the floor. Sorrowful music playing in the background, an execution about to be emitted (my god, the execution video. That reaction is going to be... wow.) People not noticing the music playing is anything unusual until second viewing. (Sir, we need to add another stranger power. 'What's it now? A 'pow' signal every time he hits someone?' No sir. It's apparently... thematically appropriate music. '... you know what? That may as well happen.')
The soundtrack perks are locked behind the Signature Genre free perk that comes from the Pagan Science (Symphogear) perk.

So far the only perk that plays music/sounds is:
Rockin' Music (Swat Kats) Free:
When you're going around or doing something awesome, you can choose to have a sick electric guitar riff or a few notes of heavy metal goodness playing as you work in all your glory! ...or villainy. Either way it's sure to sound amazing.

It seems something Joe has to actually choose to do which isn't likely to happen when he's in agony.

It's a bummer there won't be music during the scene but I feel like that's for the best cause it'd make the perseverence and rise all the more raw and awesome.
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The soundtrack perks are locked behind the Signature Genre free perk that comes from the Pagan Science (Symphogear) perk.

So far the only perk that plays music/sounds is:
Rockin' Music (Swat Kats) Free:
When you're going around or doing something awesome, you can choose to have a sick electric guitar riff or a few notes of heavy metal goodness playing as you work in all your glory! ...or villainy. Either way it's sure to sound amazing.

It seems something Joe has to actually choose to do which isn't likely to happen when he's in agony.

It's a bummer there won't be music during the scene but I feel like that's for the best cause it'd make the perseverence and rise all the more raw and awesome.
Doesn't he have to actively suppress it?
So! Aperion can make 'Anything' better?

Could he work on Musical Instruments?

I saw 'somewhere' he has Woodworking, would that include a wooden flute, guitar or a violin?

I just imagined him finding & rebuilding a Stradivarius or other instrument.

Can he make Tattoos?

Can he Tattoo Runes on a body? They last a long time, as in can he Enchant it to make a body heal and be youthful?

I mean, can he also do Dragon Pulse Feng Shui?

"The vibe of this area is all wrong! You need a flower pot jussst here!" *Bloop!*
This has become my most anticipated fanfic of all time. The anxiety and frustration of waiting for the next chapter, just like DBZ's to-be-continued fight scene.
I like how I came to see what the staff notice was about and absolutely no one cares. Just immediately, yep okay moving on.

Anyway, I was wondering if say making a plan is susceptible to Joes powers. At this point his could be a discount accord if writing up a plan of action counted as creation
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WoG is that it has to be an actual door, linked to and actual structure, or it won't work.

Which means he'd need a shed. Or something of the sort. Maybe something more inconspicuous... like a blue telephone box.

It doesn't have to just be structures, it just has to be large enough to have it own frame of Reference.

The WOG is located here: Show Comment | Archive of Our Own
[B][URL='']Lord Roustabout[/URL][/B] said:
It's not clearly defined and somewhat arbitrary so I've had to make my own rulings. The door has to be somewhat stable. A van door would work, but to use a collapsible door frame it would have to be anchored in place. Doors on vehicles are fine if they're big enough to have their own reference frame. Anything on a ship would work, and you could probably manage with as small as a mid-sized car. The actual entryway scales to whatever door is used, up to a full 5x5 meter square.

So a midsized car, with Fleet driving around would work for Joe and would be a rather effective way to ensure that no one finds where his warehouse is open to. Fleet is just driving the door in around the city well Joe is inside. I am sure that Joe could easily set up a fake driver in the car that would draw no one's attention to it.

At this point Joe only really using his apartment's closest because he doesn't want to abandon his civilian identity completely. Had Dragon found him, he likely would be doing just that. Have Fleet drive around a car constantly so the entrance is never in one place and just hide in the Workshop until he needed somewhere.
I like how I came to see what the staff notice was about and absolutely no one cares. Just immediately, yep okay moving on.

Anyway, I was wondering if say making a plan is susceptible to Joes powers. At this point his could be a discount accord if writing up a plan of action counted as creation
There's no point. The Mods have spoken. There is no dissent.

Anyway, the thing about Joe's powers is that they are limited to what joe believes he can do or can perceive. He's a little spoiled for choice. Remember it took him a while and prodding to figure out that his combat boots had a secondary function that could trigger effects.
It doesn't have to just be structures, it just has to be large enough to have it own frame of Reference.

The WOG is located here: Show Comment | Archive of Our Own

So a midsized car, with Fleet driving around would work for Joe and would be a rather effective way to ensure that no one finds where his warehouse is open to. Fleet is just driving the door in around the city well Joe is inside. I am sure that Joe could easily set up a fake driver in the car that would draw no one's attention to it.

At this point Joe only really using his apartment's closest because he doesn't want to abandon his civilian identity completely. Had Dragon found him, he likely would be doing just that. Have Fleet drive around a car constantly so the entrance is never in one place and just hide in the Workshop until he needed somewhere.

I mean, he could walk around with a collapsible sliding door in his pocket as long as the thing automatically anchored itself onto whatever surface it was deployed onto as part of its deployment, too. The actual midsized car is overkill comparatively speaking; you could fit something like that in a coat pocket as long as you didn't care how flimsy the door itself was. Just two telescoping rods with a plastic sheet of a doorway and self-screwing bolts would do the job by that description.