Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

cant remember, what perk was it that lord said would inject joe with dangerous ammounts of studio trigger shonen?
cant remember, what perk was it that lord said would inject joe with dangerous ammounts of studio trigger shonen?

He is already infused with Trigger-like shonen power, due to Tetra. It come from 2 perks from Kill la Kill: Life Fiber Spool and Tailor.

(He have even more perks that make him an Anime shonen protagonist, like Aura from RWBY or his multiple giant robots, but KLK is the main culprit and the one from studio Trigger)

Also Joe-clone gave a 1 star Goku uniform (a piece of cloth infused with Life fibers... well, emulated life fibers) and Aura to Chen at the start of last chapter. Yes, Chen is now a shonen protagonist too.
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The WoG makes them seem like psychics. What kind of abilities do they have and how does that relate to being exposed to space?
Newtypes are tricky in their full ability set because the creator of their franchise expressly did not want to have any sort of hard limitations or definitions on what whey were and what they were capable of. That they were something mankind did not fully understand, yet fully indented to weaponize was kind of the point. Part of the very strong 'tragedy of war' vibe they have.

To be clear, newtypes are first and foremost people with expanded senses, better spatial awareness is the noticiable one, but the telepathy and empathy aspects are also primary receptive rather then expressive. They can also be involuntary. Which is a big part of why newtypes pushed into military service tend to well... either go into borderline vegetative comas of PTSD or go entirely nhilistic psychopath, because when you sense someone experiencing the horror and pain of a death multiple times, often that you caused that tends to cause well... issues.

I should also note that the psychic readings they pick up on are distinctly not limited to the living, and the dead often rise into their perspective to ether encourage or quite literally haunt them. It's often through the channeling of these links to the living and dead their newtype's most astounding feats are produced.

Again, this is sort of all to highlight the horrors of war, that we have this amazing, unknown power that should be something beautiful, something that allows otherwise impossible levels of emotional and spiritual closeness... and we use it as a targeting system.
from what i am getting is that new types have conflicting information and there are disagreements

to be fair, that also describes roughly every other fictional group of superhumans
Jozef has a boy's name, is referred to internally and externally as male, and has made no reference to having lifelong experience with dysphoria. Indeed, his training with Tetra is the first time he's looked at the mirror - or potion clones - and experienced 'is that really me'? So he's never taken hormones or gotten drastic surgery. There's no talk of breast binding. There's no mention of using potions to finally feel right in his skin through breast reduction, enabling penile function, or flat-out gender-swapping. There's no mention of having to be careful with drug interactions due to needing both hormones and mood meds.

Despite running from his issues all his life until finally finding a good shrink, there was no mention or hint of the complications that being trans would add to his family being bullying assholes to him.

There's nothing to suggest he's anything other than an XY male who feels comfortable with his sex of birth, and if he was trans there's plenty of places in the fic where that should have had presence.

But Muffin wants to project a trans fantasy, and leapt upon "Joe could be short for Josephine" to smug/educate randomecringey about how Joe could totally be trans because Joe thinks of himself as Joe and not Jozef and 'Joe' is such a feminine nickname.

The smugness and 'let me educate you' is what makes Muffin come across as insufferable. I mean, it's not like trans takes on characters are underrepresented in fanfiction: There's plenty of it out there for everyone to enjoy. Heck, Muffin could write an omake where Joe explains to the audience that he was trans all along, and LordRoustabout would be entirely capable of adding it to the apocrypha tab with the rest, for anyone reading this thread to find again when they wish to. But still much smug, very insufferable, give own side bad rep.
I mean for one thing, you don't need dysphoria to be trans. You just need to identify with a gender that isn't your Assigned Gender At Birth. The point I was getting at is that it's entirely plausible that Joe has never considered the idea of not being a guy, because he's never considered that he Could not be a guy. So if he were to consider the idea of not being a guy, he might find that idea cool and good. In that sense, the claim "Joe is trans and hasn't realized it yet" is unfalsifiable.

For the other thing: Muffin was clearly joking. You know that thing where people say something kinda dumb as a joke, and someone misses the joke and says "that's dumb", and they just double down on it? That's what happened here.

what does "wants to project a trans fantasy" even mean? Is it just code for "has a trans headcanon and dared to post about it"? Is it "reminded me that people can be trans"? Do you consider it "projecting a straight fantasy" when people ship Joe with Garment?
what does "wants to project a trans fantasy" even mean? Is it just code for "has a trans headcanon and dared to post about it"? Is it "reminded me that people can be trans"? Do you consider it "projecting a straight fantasy" when people ship Joe with Garment?

plebs don't even remember that Garment is a pair of non-binary gloves LARPing as a girl for fun and profit
plebs don't even remember that Garment is a pair of non-binary gloves LARPing as a girl for fun and profit

This. One of the reasons I like this story so much is the way Joe clearly goes out of his way to be respectful of who people are or choose to be. Lord has written a story where someone felt safe enough to air a trans headcanon, and that's extremely good. Of course, the usual suspects immediately crawled out of the woodwork to complain about some commentor bringing up the existence of trans people in public, but Lord himself seems like he'd be cool with it.
Gold and Silver (The Shallow)
Gold and Silver
The blond man next to me shivered as he looked at the massive large crystal mountain.

"Look, it'll be fine, Zi. I just need to introduce some Mana into her system and she will re-awaken."

"Must you tear us out of our perfect forms though? Make us Homosapiens?"

"Zi, we've talked about this, it's my peace offering with you two."

Doctor Mother scoffed "You are far too merciful, Jozef."

I scowled "Be glad I didn't nuke you for what you did to all the Case 53s."

The doctor rolled her eyes performatively, I could feel the existential dread running through her with The Dragon's Pulse. I looked to Fortuna and handed her a prepared focus. "Dig Eden out for us, this should let you do it."

Zi shook his head as the Cauldron Cape dug through the mountain, returning an hour later with a head-sized crystal, that was more silver than blue. I poured my mana into her, and her soul re-awakened. Panicking, as this shard only held her mind. I pulled the prepared body out of my personal reality, along with the apparatus.

The machine activated and the woman opened her eyes. "INFORMATION." She yelled. She repeated the mantra a couple of times, and I had to hold Zi back from running to his beloved. Once she calmed down and processed the information already uploaded to her brain, she got up and ran to Zi. They hugged for a minute, and I smiled. "Door to the Warm's apartment."

I dragged the couple through the rift into New York City in Aleph. "Alright, you're Zachary and Edna Warm," I handed the former Worms a bunch of ID documents respectively "you recently got married and you bought this apartment. I've given you enough money so you can stay jobless for a year, and left a couple of job recommendations for both of you, enjoy your life."

I stepped back, and Doorman made a door to my apartment. As the door began to collapse, I called the soul-bound focus back to me, and laughed "GOOD RIDDANCE!"

As the door disappeared, I heard the beginnings of the explosion. I let a joyful sigh escape my lips "...That was some contrived bullshit."

I then stepped into the workshop, where Garment, the kids, Aisha, Taylor, Lisa, Lily, Brian, and Rachel were all waiting for me. Survey smiled "Time to PARTY!!!!!!!"
I have seen so many authors offering advance chapters via Patreon. If it's actually illegal I'm very confused as to why not one of those people has been, if not brought to court, sent at least a warning letter by now.

Edit: though I think a lot of people reading would be happy to donate even without any reward.
Several things are 'technically illegal' but society or the moneyed interests don't prosecute them until they want to fuck a person or group in particular because it's so troublesome to do it widely - even if sometimes they should like for instance churches involving themselves in voting. This is often called 'injustice'. This has been your weekly PSA about the ills of society.
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For the other thing: Muffin was clearly joking. You know that thing where people say something kinda dumb as a joke, and someone misses the joke and says "that's dumb", and they just double down on it? That's what happened here.

Thank you, @MagicalAmbitions 🤗

Yes, it just meant as a light joke and in no way shape or form as a way to degrade anyone else.

So I was quite shocked when I got back here and had accusations of being an activist for this or that cause.

I do admit, me "doubling down" and using such words weren't nice and I'm really sorry if anyone else got hurt by how I behaved.

Just to put it out there, I honestly don't mind whichever headcanon anyone chooses to apply to Joe's, or anyone else's, gender in the story.

People so often over complicates these issues I think, it really isn't that difficult to just allow others to be who they want to. As long as someone isn't causing actual harm to others just try to be happy for someone else's happiness however they might find it.

Take care, everyone! 😘


Btw, I'm adding this:

Muffin wants to project a trans fantasy

To my signature. 😊
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I think it's the emojis, they make everything you write seem sarcastic?
So I found this section in a WoG:
Joe IS from Gundam now (thanks to having the perk), meaning he has the capacity to become a newtype if exposed to space conditions and Minovski particles for a long enough period. He hasn't personally reached space yet, but enough exposure could do it. Synchronicity Event could also boost his 'latent' potential to at least the level of a weak newtype.

What are newtypes? Can someone explain?
They're sort of like Jedi, but without the ability to fall to the darkside or any of the telekinetic powers, and rarely mindtrick. So nothing like Jedi tbh.

Better put, they're extreme psychic empaths. Their primary ability tends to be mentally sensing and connecting with people at a distance, as well as subconsciously reading their intentions/thoughts (which gives them a spider-sense, basically). They tend to trigger this ability (Newtype) due to literal and/or metaphorical distance between them and loved ones causing them to mentally reach out across space.

Secondary abilities include emotionally connecting with objects as well as people (used to control drones, basically), mindcrushing someone (very rare), immense charisma (implied), and if you get enough Newtype ghosts together (they leave ghosts) they've collectively got enough telekinetic power to block and break up a massive asteroid about to impact earth.

War, ironically, tends to fuck them up real bad because they're feeling what everyone does on the battlefield, it tends to be the worst when another Newtype dies near them, because they can feel them as they die and it creates a feedback loop of despair.
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Follow up:
Besides fighting, the ability is used primarily to shittalk your rival midbattle without having to use a shared signal, or to push psychic impressions onto people (could be you going LA LA LA on a loop for no goddamn reason, or could be doing that think in shounen where your killing intent or hype intent creates a sort of hallucination/figure).
still think its bad for the cycle at large considering newtypes generally can overcome their trauma. even amuro who was too depressed to exist during zeta and double zeta got off his ass in chars counterattack. the sheer possibility of people overcoming trauma is what kills the cycle.
still think its bad for the cycle at large considering newtypes generally can overcome their trauma. even amuro who was too depressed to exist during zeta and double zeta got off his ass in chars counterattack. the sheer possibility of people overcoming trauma is what kills the cycle.
Note the word "can." Normal people can get over trauma too, it takes time and effort though. Often lots of it at the best of times. Parahumans are partially selected on how shards think they will deal with trauma, so even if you have a newtype if one triggers they are likely to be a person who is liable to do stuff. Put on a mask and commit crimes, punch muggers in the face, etc.
Note the word "can." Normal people can get over trauma too, it takes time and effort though. Often lots of it at the best of times. Parahumans are partially selected on how shards think they will deal with trauma, so even if you have a newtype if one triggers they are likely to be a person who is liable to do stuff. Put on a mask and commit crimes, punch muggers in the face, etc.
this is worm. that doesn't ever happen here
Not as bad for the cycle as you might think. Shard-caused Newtypes would probably be Cyber Newtypes (artificial Newtypes) which invariably go insane because their psyche has been cracked open like an egg (letting the rest of the world pour into their mind) instead of naturally reaching out.

Every Cyber Newtype seen has dissociative identity, borderline personality, is easily influenced, is purely destructive bonkers, or some mixture of the above. A consequence of forcing hyper empathy on people not naturally suited to it.
Not as bad for the cycle as you might think. Shard-caused Newtypes would probably be Cyber Newtypes (artificial Newtypes) which invariably go insane because their psyche has been cracked open like an egg (letting the rest of the world pour into their mind) instead of naturally reaching out.

Every Cyber Newtype seen has dissociative identity, borderline personality, is easily influenced, is purely destructive bonkers, or some mixture of the above. A consequence of forcing hyper empathy on people not naturally suited to it.
technically speaking banahger was a cyber newtype and he somehow turned out fine. This was in the manga of unicorn that i still need to double check, but it still looks like a very hard time for the space parasites that need hopelessness when randomly some people are just going to now have a better chance of overcoming it.

edit; i checked and its a theory that has merit. banahger is wack on the whole newtype shenanigans compared to every other protagonist. they have a scene that kinda looks like experiments done on banahger as a kid in the second episode of the OVA, so it has a bit of merit along with some dialogue in the manga that never got adapted. Besides cybernewtypes can somewhat overcome the deficiencies based on marida and the rest of the ple's being somewhat good and capable of human existance without murder hobo rage.
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Both of those are in some way outliers. It's never made clear if Banahger's just a natural trained as a child or a cyber, and he's also the Anakin Skywalker of Newtypes (powerlevel off the charts) so no telling what's up with him. As for Mirada, she's a clone of a natural Newtype so theoretically predisposed towards being a Newtype. I'll grant that Ple Two was cracked in the head, so *wiggles hand uncertainly*.

Overall, I'm still thinking most Cyber Newtypes end up mentally unstable in some way or another.
most, not all. yeah, most are cray.
besides cyber newtype dissassociation or whatever you want to call it would be out of the scope of BCF. Mainly because everyone who would turn into a newtype would be a natural newtype as joe doesn't know how to make cybernewtypes yet. I get that shard influence might try to destabalize a newtype trigger, but it seems somewhat unlikely due to how newtypes generally appear to percieve weird shit like this.

edit: the way i see it, a newtype that triggers basically would be like someone who couldn't forget the trigger vision and would "see" the shard connections like glastig or something. i at least think a few normal triggers remember the vision, so i assume the hyper awareness of a newtype would translate to being aware of passengers constantly
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