Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Random nitpick I just now recalled I had:

The last chapter mentioned the Dockworker's Union, but isn't it actually the Dockworker's Association? Which is different for legal reasons I haven't bothered to look up.

I'm fairly certain at least one of these titles is fanon.
Wait a tic.....barbarian chic outfit....built like a muscle god....(future) felyne companion.....giant magical sword that fires pew pew beams....a
zombie antagonist
. I have uncovered Joe's true identity. He is....HE-MAN! MASTER OF THE MULTI-VERSE! *insert He-man theme here*

Also...a tiny omake.
Follow up:
Besides fighting, the ability is used primarily to shittalk your rival midbattle without having to use a shared signal, or to push psychic impressions onto people (could be you going LA LA LA on a loop for no goddamn reason, or could be doing that think in shounen where your killing intent or hype intent creates a sort of hallucination/figure).

Jack: Sooo Aperion was it? I heard a whole loooot about you! But I am sure we can be great frie-
Aperion: Newtype-Mode activated
Jack: Freezes
Jack: ....Ya know what. I really like what your doing, so I'm just gonna go. Scuba diving. In the ruins of Kyushu. For a couple years. Yeah. That sounds good. See ya!
Random nitpick I just now recalled I had:

The last chapter mentioned the Dockworker's Union, but isn't it actually the Dockworker's Association? Which is different for legal reasons I haven't bothered to look up.

I'm fairly certain at least one of these titles is fanon.
The official name is the Dockworker's Association, but in canon there are multiple times it's called a union. So those not involved would probably call it the Dockworker's Union as it is easier to remember that way. As Worm is from Taylor's point of view a lot of events and dialogue is shaded by her viewpoint. Her father being the spokesman has probably drilled the official name into all her interactions with it, while anyone without that background would refer to it with it's general name instead. A real world example is my cousin is in a union that has an official name, but I couldn't be bothered to remember it as I am not involved with his work.
Random nitpick I just now recalled I had:

The last chapter mentioned the Dockworker's Union, but isn't it actually the Dockworker's Association? Which is different for legal reasons I haven't bothered to look up.

I'm fairly certain at least one of these titles is fanon.

This has always felt like, is it Brocktonions or Brocktonites? Opinions are mixed.

I'm going to go with what MPPI wrote in "Distance Learning for Fun and Profit", chapter 3 as someone in the PHO thread asks this very question.

It used to be called the Dock Worker's Association in the 60s, but the older name was the Dock Worker's Union, and they seem to have gone back to that sometime in the last twenty years. Of course it was originally the Brockton Bay Longshoremen and Stevedore's Union, but that was a long time ago.
Will you add my fanart to the thread marks?
Thank you, added.
@LordRoustabout, I hope you don't mind the presumption. Hope this cheers you up a bit.
Thanks for the omake.
Thanks for the omake.
♦ Topic: Apeiron Tech Review (New Thread)
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Discussion
Thanks for the omake.
I promised an Omake today, so here it is.


To Be Better
Thanks for the omake.
Non-Canon Omake

An Ambassadors Worry
Thanks for the omake.
Thanks for the omake.
Thanks for the omake.
Thanks for the omake.
Apeiron's PRT threat assessment
Thanks for putting this together. Threadmarked with the omakes.
Jozef Duris, Worldwalker
Thanks for the omake.
Dadpeiron (But What If It Was A PHO Interlude Instead?)
Thanks for the omake.
By The Power of The Moon Stone
Thanks for the omake.
Thanks for the omake.
Thanks for the omake.
Thanks for the omake.

First, I wanted to thank everyone for their support and good wishes regarding the delay. To provide an update to the next chapter, unfortunately my level of work hasn't let up so my writing time has been limited. Also, I was hit by a bug over the weekend that knocked me out and meant I wasn't able to get any writing done. As such the planned interlude in only half the length I had intended.

However, what I have been able to put together is fairly well contained with a decent stopping point. So, instead of another delay, I'm splitting the interlude in two, with the first half published this week, and the second half next week. It does mean that the interlude will stop right before we get into addressing the issues from the last chapter, but I'd rather do a two-part interlude than take a 3 week absence. So, shorter chapter this week, probably a bit over 10,000 words, with the rest to follow next week. It's the first time I've done a two-part interlude. Depending on how much writing time I have in the next week I might be able to add some of the other perspectives as addendums or preambles, but I can't make any guarantees.

On a more positive note:

@LordRoustabout : I don't normally like paging someone directly, but I just noticed that the Lord of Light perks were not from some obscure video game, but from a book that is much beloved by me. Rather than subject yourself to some painful Anime or play a time consuming game...why not read a relaxing Sci Fi/Fantasy shouldn't take too long, and unlike some of his more famous works, doesn't have a ton of sequels to worry about... And, a quick google will find you a pdf of it you can download for free..

I found an audio book version that has been quite enjoyable listening while buried in spreadsheet analysis for the past couple of weeks. As such, the perks from Lord of Light will be included in the roll tables once the interludes are completed. The Divine Machines (200cp Edit: Actually 300cp, my mistake.) comes with a 200 point item and Chosen of Death (600cp) comes with Demigod status and the associated free perks (Divine Physique and the demigod version of Attribute Induction and Aspect Cultivation).
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As long as we get something that is relatively well done we will be happy. Heck as long we can get scraps we will be happy.
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Chosen of Death (600cp) comes with Demigod status and the associated free perks (Divine Physique and the demigod version of Attribute Induction and Aspect Cultivation).
Just looked at the jumpchain.

and there is an interesting quote at the end that implies that the cultivation of his demigod aspect would fit well with Aura.

"Godhood is more than a name. It is a condition of being. One does not achieve it merely by being immortal, for even the lowliest laborer in the fields may achieve continuity of existence. Is it then the conditioning of an Aspect? No. Any competent hypnotist can play games with the self-image. Is it the raising up of an Attribute? Of course not. I can design machines more powerful and more accurate than any faculty a man may cultivate. Being a god is the quality of being able to be yourself to such an extent that your passions correspond with the forces of the universe, so that those who look upon you know this without hearing your name spoken. Some ancient poet said that the world is full of echoes and correspondences. Another wrote a long poem of an inferno, wherein each man suffered a torture which coincided in nature with those forces which had ruled his life. Being a god is being able to recognize within one's self these things that are important, and then to strike the single note that brings them into alignment with everything else that exists. Then, beyond morals or logic or esthetics, one is wind or fire, the sea, the mountains, rain, the sun or the stars, the flight of an arrow, the end of a day, the clasp of love. One rules through one's ruling passions. Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
- Yama, God of Death

I mean, 10,000 words is just like a spoonful, right guys?

Excuse me while I pick up my battered ego and his brother shattered prided.
Right there with you man. Lord and his muse must get along like a house on fire, as opposed to me, who typically has to threaten it at gunpoint to get anything done.
Honestly the Devil's in Fallen London are rather "nice" sure they want your soul but for the most part aren't going to forcibly take it from people (except when London tried and failed to invade hell even then they were more holding the soldiers souls hostage in exchange for freely given soul's) so yeah for the most part Aperion doesn't need to worry about forcibly taken souls
For those wondering about the new Lord of Light perks added to the Forge:
300 (Discount for Drop-Ins): The Divine Machines - Many and varied are the wonders of the Gods. From the Vasty Hall of Death, Yama brings forth Thunder Chariot and Bright Spear, Trident of Destruction and Wand of Universal Fire. In Heaven, there is an elegant statue with eight arms that plays the lute when addressed, and endless machines that keep all in perfect stasis. The elementary forms of these great sciences and artefacts are laid bare to you, and you may service and understand the technology of this world. While great innovations and the wonders forged by Yama might escape you, you have a solid basis that escapes the vast majority of men and gods in the world - sufficient to greatly impress those who understand the value of such things. With this you also gain one artefact costing 200CP or less for free.
600 (Discount for Drop-Ins): Chosen of Death - Great Yama, Death-god, has seen you clearly and bade you enter the Vasty Hall of Death, to serve as his partner in creation. Not merely revealing his secrets of science - you are his equal in the arts. Your creativity is that which may forge ten unique treasures each day, or mass produce legends. Design of all forms of weapons, armours, vehicles, and utilities comes to you with blinding light and strength of inspiration. With this position comes the virtual guarantee of rebirth in your next life, as a Demigod of the forge. You also gain a Discount on all artefacts and equipment.
100 (Free for Demigods and Gods): Divine Physique - The body selected for your enjoyment has been carefully shaped beyond the apex of humanity. Strong, vital and beauteous - it is a form that one could live within for hundreds of years, though at any time you may approach the Masters of Karma for a replacement, should the flames of your divine lifestyle burn it out. Care has been made that it expresses the initial mutations and brain structures to develop Aspect and Attribute - though once they have been induced, they will carry with your soul through whatever form you take.
300 (Free for Gods and Demigods): Attribute Induction – The Attribute is the capacity to effect the world with your will in a single, highly iconic way. It is a mutant strength, carefully developed with millennia of experience by the scientists of Heaven. With your attribute you might encourage silicates to grow into splendid – and razor sharp – trees of crystal, or have the wind sour and sicken your foes. Food cooked by your hands might keep a thousand men fed with one loaf, or you may will the birds to sing sweet praises in your favour and fly against your foes.

Many Attributes are known best for their utility in war, but the days when mankind's position on their world need be defended by flaming fists and opalescent eyes has passed, and Heaven cares as greatly for Attributes of craft and fragrance as those of iron and blood.

Demigods and Mortals have just begun to harness their virtues, they are like flickering embers – offering feeble warmth, but needing careful stoking. Their attributes are unstable and untested, often needing some tool to focus their energies. The former may rely on the assistance of their superiors in the Divine, the latter have only their own wills to push further.
600 (Free for Gods and Demigods): Aspect Cultivation – If an Attribute is the grasp of power, then the Aspect is a state of being. To wield reflections, and to become Reflection. To summon Strength and to become it. Greater and more subtle than any Attribute. Through genetic predisposition, hypnosis and chemical therapies, your passions come to correspond with those of the Universe.

Raising your Aspect is like removing a mask or standing straight, a mustering of yourself. It takes some energy to maintain, should you wish to be capable of being anything but an avatar, but it is the exertion of being rather than the struggle to become.

This is a power that requires your kindness. What is the nature of the gods who become Fire, undaunted and ferocious? Who become Death, unknowable, all-ending? Who become Divine Drunkenness, invincible in vitality and charisma? Those who look upon you in raised Aspect know, instantly and surely that you are divine, that you embody a facet of creation.

Any powers raised in harmony with your raised Aspect are magnified and exalted – they are more than just spells or mutation, they are in service of the very order of the universe. An arrow loosed by the Goddess of the Bow might strike a man's heart from ten miles away, or pin his courage to the wall.

Should the God of Flowers walk in Aspect through a forest, will it blossom and lend him strength? Or does a single rose cut and displayed by his hand speak of days of sun and offer a simple strength to all who behold it?
If you have an idea for an artefact of your own, price it by how it fits in with the examples.

50: Wealth – Not merely comfortable in your station, you are quite well arrayed with the finer things. Whether this is from your merchant holdings, your mostly symbolic but well rewarded stewardship of one of the important structures of Heaven, or just the bag of gold at your hip – you have enough capital to smooth over some eccentric purchases and a somewhat flamboyant lifestyle.

50: Opulent Warehouse – Do the bare walls and drab concrete styling of your cosmic warehouse offend thine eyes? Did you wish for a shaded bower, gilded conservatory or tawdry bordello? While the total size and features will not be changed, the cosmetic structure and layout is yours to realign – as long as it is opulent. Change your bare metal shelving into a dozen cozy rooms, filled with leather-bound books and the smell of rich mahogany. Make your Portal appear edged with basalt and gold, and Forcefield into an invincible iron gate that parts only for you. Once set, you may change the appearance once per Jump.

100: Worthy Weapon – It does not cast lightning or sing sweetly, it has no great powers of its own. But it is sharp and balanced, near-indestructible and perfectly fitted to your hands. It is a weapon that suits a legendary warrior, who is not defined by the arms that he wields but by the skill with which he wields them. If you possess an Attribute, you may channel it through this weapon – making it truly an extension of yourself.

200: Bright Spear - One and one-half span of silver is this spear, attuned to your brainwaves and taking flight at your will. It strikes faster than any arrow, and vibrates through any shield -shaking clean of gore before its return to your hand. It may also move to intercept arrows and blows, as well as carry you aloft at speeds to outpace the finest horse.

200: The Electrosword – Woe betide whoever cross swords with you and become the path for the lightning contained within this tarnished silver blade, which can extend from a hand-width shortsword into a finger-wide four metre scythe. Should you so desire, the fluid metal of the blade may flicker out as a long lash – harmless by itself, but carrying a deadly current.

200: Fountain Shield – A buckler, made of overlapping orichalcum wings that may expand to a two meter span. Proof against most hand-held kinetic weapons and energy discharges, it has a sophisticated target-acquisition system that sends frozen darts and boiling clouds of cyanide and dimethyl sulfoxide at those who dare raise arms against you – with a gallon of storage at the small of the back.
All artefacts below are perfect copies of the originals, and unless you are a God or Demigod yourself it will be considered extremely strange that you wield them.

You receive a Discount on one artefact that resonates with your nature – even if you are not a God or Demigod, though Animals may have some trouble wielding it, or it may be in the care of an ally.

When your chosen armament resonates with your own Attribute, its powers are noticeably stronger – and when opposed, it may resist your use entirely. As such free to change the cosmetic features of any artefact – the Wand of Fire might throw rays of "cold" that negate molecular binding energies with much the same effect.
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What is with the great authors in this week making great chapters of 6k-10k size and being sad about this.

I blame the dwarfs of warhammer definition of 'acceptable' for this^^. Like the other readers said we are getting a lot of good writing from free. You Certainly will not hear complains from me :D
edit: grammar.
wait wait wait wait wait a fuckmothering second here, is it pronounced A-pie-ron or A-pier-eon? Cause one sounds significantly better to my ears