Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I'm gonna have to go with "Worse." Laughter is not the first thing I imagine people doing when they discover a young girl is hanging out with a strange and unstable older man.

Aside from perception though, I don't think friendship is the most appropriate way to class their relationship in the first place. They aren't exactly peers of any sort. Which isn't to say what they have isn't positive. I think I'd class it more as a mentorship or something similar, cause Joe feels responsible for Aisha and tries to protect and guide her. Or, really, has his AIs guide her away from dumb choices as they come up, but still.
I mean't 'laugh in disgust'. Not in humor. Or mocking him over how pathetic he is in regards to his fiendships. Maybe throw in some contempt or derision for good measure.
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That's dumb mostly because someone friends with someone younger than them is not really that rare there is no reason to find such relationships pathetic.
Well, past a certain age gap you kind of have to admit things get weird and inappropriate.

Actually, I'll amend that. If there's an age gap between an old person and an older person that's not really much of an issue. The real problem comes from adults interacting with the young and undeveloped; people who aren't yet physically/mentally mature, lack life experience, are inherently dependent on others to function in society, etc. Maybe there's some leeway with those approaching adulthood, but a middle schooler very much is not that, so Joe being friends with Aisha would still seem a bit yikes to me. Though as I said above, I think there are other positive relationship frameworks that work just fine for them.
So i am not sure if this has been brought up yet, but Joes animal form is a prehistoric canine of some sort. Rachels power affects different types of canines differently. It works more fluidly on wolves tgan of dogs but can sheuse her power on Joe and if so how strongly would it work. Woukd he be fenja or menja big or Leviathan big? Lol would his powers quirks make it look incredible plus it might still have the same insane durability that he has. Tge Fallen will think he is the fourth endbringer.

So workaholic, the boost of fae training has go anything hand crafted, the improvement of alchemical skills, and elven enchantment am I missing any? What affect will it hace on two formula, Sting and the durability reducing formula he used on Taylors swarm?
Lord confirmed that Titans Blood Form Change works with Joe's Beast Form, he also confirmed that it works with the Auto bot body that he gets for the Cybertromiun Forge, what happens if the uses Titans Blood, Transform bot body and Beastform.

Big Robo Dogo
Joe being friends with Aisha would still seem a bit yikes to me. Though as I said above, I think there are other positive relationship frameworks that work just fine for them

I see your viewpoint but I was just replying to the idea that they would laugh at him in disgust or how they would mock him for it.

They would be interacting a lot because of their cape life and the fact that they would probably work in Garment Gloves for their cover identity. There is also the fact that I am not sure if "friends" is their actual relationship and it is instead more of a Mentor/Authority figure who could keep Aisha from almost dying again when she tries to prove herself ala ABB.
I see your viewpoint but I was just replying to the idea that they would laugh at him in disgust or how they would mock him for it.

They would be interacting a lot because of their cape life and the fact that they would probably work in Garment Gloves for their cover identity. There is also the fact that I am not sure if "friends" is their actual relationship and it is instead more of a Mentor/Authority figure who could keep Aisha from almost dying again when she tries to prove herself ala ABB.

I can't see Joe as an Authority figure. Aisha has seen the real him. Nope. Mentor though? Yeap.

I can also see both avoiding family drama as well. Aisha doesn't treat him remotely like he is used to his sisters/family treating him. She is rather open/direct with how she does things. I can also see Aisha having a view that Joe is rather safe. She's interacted with the other guys at the gym most of her life. She can easily read that sort. Recall her first defense method was flirting to have the pack beat up on the newbie.

At this point, I can see Doug utterly stunned with Joe being comfortable around the girl at all. Oh, it's rather obvious Joe only is looking out for the girl in his own way. He hasn't invited her over or anything. She's the one that followed him home and broke into his home.

Thankfully, in the future, she will be working at Garment's shop. Even if that takes weeks to open, she could be around the place and have a safe known interaction with Joe there.

I can see Doug and others amused that the only thing that Aisha and Joe have to chat about are cartoons and how awesome various tinker stuff would be to run around in.

Aisha is more friends with Survey. Joe is more Survey's dad with Garment being like a bossy Aunt.
@LordRoustabout take your time amigo. Hell I'd be happy with a biannual schedule. A Dresden in SG story I've been reading has a slow update time, as in its been years. Endless Pantheon is the series name I believe.
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If anyone wants to be inspired to write an omake, you guys can look to some of the ridiculously powerful perks that Joe could've gotten if Lord decided to upgrade V2 of the Celestial Forge.

Some highlights include:

Collector (Fate/Legends - Oasis of Fantasy) - 800 CP
Gold as far as the eye can see. An endless sea of treasures, like a desert where every dune is a mound containing the legends of a hundred different tales. Before you is a great golden portal in the air, within which these endless treasures constantly shift and swirl before you. It is like a Gate, one that leads to the source of so much wonder. All that you can see is now yours and it is even more valuable than you might think at first.

The power you now possess is to be the Collector of all of Humanity's creations. Every invention, every making, every forging, every last creation that mankind has created, is creating or will create is found within this endless vault of space. However, this only applies to singular creations. Any mundane and magical weapon or vehicle or potion or book or armour or anything else in that vein can be found present in here. However, outright locations cannot be found. While one may find the individual buildings in a city or collective fortress, they would not find the city itself. Nor will the vault contain things that are merely slight alterations to non-human objects. A mountain that has a castle on it or a stone stuck to a stick. Mankind has created a great many things but for it to apply to our vault's contents, it must be wholly a creation of man. A metal blade might be made from natural materials but it has been shaped and altered thoroughly through human processes. A last note on the contents of the vault, is that anything retained within it will not be harmful, even if it normally should be, to the owner of the vault while within this space and that you are able to use anything within this space, regardless of the normal conditions some magical items may have for their users.

You can summon the vault's portals with a few moments concentration or through the turning of one of several golden keys from within this vault that you can obtain. These portals can be made anywhere within your sight range, even should you not be looking where you form them at the moment, and are very quick to open. While you do not know the exact nature or presence of everything within the dimensional space, you can instantly call anything from the vault to your person as you wish and search within it for anything that fits any kind of specifications you have in mind. With just a thought, you can even organise the space and it's contents however you might choose. Setting it up as a great golden museum instead of the endless desert of treasure, for example.

Once you have opened the portal to your vault once, you can freely continue to open them at an incredible pace within your range, even dozens at once or enormous portals through which an entire castle could pass. Through these portals, you can bring forth anything within your vault, no matter how large or how far in. You may also choose to fire out things from within the vault, with the maximum speed that you can do so rising with your magical power. Even at a base level however, you can fire the smaller objects within at the speed of sound. Anything that exits the vault can be instantly retrieved with just a thought, replacing it within the vault due to the effects of an artefact. Due to the same magical item within the vault, anything that is sourced from the vault originally will slowly repair or, if destroyed, reappear entirely within the vault over the course of a few days. Items made for single uses however will not repair or reappear. The final and perhaps most notable attribute of this quality of yours is that your vault has not ceased growing. While the space only draws from this current timeline and world, as you travel to new worlds or timelines, you will find that the space you have access to will fill itself with all the achievements of humanity from each new world and timeline at an instant.

FABRICARIA (The Culture Minds) - 400 CP
Do you like building things? If so, I have a bargain for you. A whole lot of small manufacturing stations in orbit around a gas giant, each a disc a couple of kilometers wide. Roughly 200 million of them, actually. The utility of this excessive number of automated constructors will vary by what blueprints are loaded into them. Each fabricator station burns out once the matter and energy it stores is used up; each of them could produce a warp-capable starship around a kilometer long in under a week, but these ships barely rate the term about CL 5 at best. Still, numbers might count when they're all firing their missiles. In future jumps, the Fabricaria will follow you to new worlds and be placed in orbit around the nearest gas giant, and the Fabricaria are reset at the start of each jump.

Surpassing The Creator (NieR Automata) - 200 CP
The aliens made you with a purpose. They defined you with rules. Behaviours. Limits. Your siblings bent those rules and exterminated their creators. You broke them entirely. The only limits and rules you follow are those you choose to. You're no longer bound by any sort of programmed rules or biological instincts or even supernatural restrictions on your behaviour or free will. You are aware of them and to those unaware of your freedom, you may even appear to still be restrained by them, but you can choose to act as you will entirely unrestricted by them. A god of the machine can't be bound by mortal rules.

Looking through the new Forge, powerscaling goes out of wack real quick.
>here's the Celestial Forge, a powerset all about building and integrating technologies from countless different franchises!
>anyways this perk lets you just summon anything you can build at will
>here's the Celestial Forge, a powerset all about building and integrating technologies from countless different franchises!
>anyways this perk lets you just summon anything you can build at will

800 CP perks are crazy.

To be fair, it only allows human creations and only up to buildings. Still ridiculously overpowered.

In Worm, it would basically include every piece tinker-tech we've been shown and more.
800 CP perks are crazy.

To be fair, it only allows human creations and only up to buildings. Still ridiculously overpowered.

In Worm, it would basically include every piece tinker-tech we've been shown and more.
Wouldn't tinker-tech be seen as alien creations and thus not apply for this perk, since even the tinkers who make it don't understand it's principles?
800 CP perks are crazy.

To be fair, it only allows human creations and only up to buildings. Still ridiculously overpowered.

In Worm, it would basically include every piece tinker-tech we've been shown and more.
Not buildings. The limit is that it be a single item. Individual buildings of a fortress complex you'd have to Spawn one by one and assemble yourself.The Deathstar's equivalent is a single unit as it is one ship. If a sci-fi version of humanity made a Dyson shell you'd get the shell without the attendant fleet or the star it feeds on
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Notes (The Shallow)
Dr. Campbell didn't know what to expect when Joe called him, but he picked it up anyways.
"Good Evening, Jozef."
"Hey, Dr. Campbell." Joe sounded tired, and right after saying that he yawned slightly. "My sleep is a little messed up, got lightly injured during the attack."
Dr. Campbell raised his eyebrow at Apeiron's lie... He had heard of Apeiron having some healing tech, but the fact he still wasn't fully recovered was terrifying to say the least. Should he just admit that he knew right now? No, it would be best to not shock the young man, and do it in person so Joe couldn't just end the conversation by hanging up and panic. He'd play along for now. "Oh dear, are you alright now?"
"Yeah, they barged into the barbershop and fired something, but then Apeiron swooped in and got them out. The doctors fixed me up well, should be fine for our session."
Dr. Campbell furrowed his eyebrows further, Joe was really just throwing out good lies like that at this level of tire? He'd have to bring that up. "Barbershop?"
"Oh yeah, decided to get a haircut, it was long overdue, and decided to dye some of my hair red. Was about to leave when the ABB walked in."
Campbell remembered that news footage of that red energy, and could only guess some of his hair had been affected during the partial healing his tech allowed for "Well I'm glad you're safe, is that all you wanted to discuss?"
Joe yawned again "No, I wanted to confirm I'll be there on Saturday, but also... Look, I'm having a weird" another yawn "a weird moment of clarity being so tired, I fucking suck at dealing with issues, but I'm tired so I'm gonna either forget this or say I was being delusional."
"You want me to discuss your coping mechanisms with you?"
Joe yawned once more "Yeah, pretty much."
"Well, I'm glad we'll have more time to discuss everything. You should likely go to sleep soon."
"Yeah, good night Dr. Campbell."
"Good night, Jozef."
There was a click as the call ended, and Micheal Campbell sighed, and opened up his notepad on Joe.
  • Apeiron
  • Murdering people
  • Severe injuries
  • The stress of having to save multiple peoples lives before they blow up
  • Stress of organizing a massive response to the ABB
  • Stress of getting blown up to shreds
  • Stress of your power mutating you
  • Murdering Lung
He scrawled on another three topics he'd have to bring up.
  • Sleep/Tinkering balance
  • Quick lying
  • Coping mechanisms
That was going to be... an interesting session.
Dr. Campbell didn't know what to expect when Joe called him, but he picked it up anyways.
"Good Evening, Jozef."
"Hey, Dr. Campbell." Joe sounded tired, and right after saying that he yawned slightly. "My sleep is a little messed up, got lightly injured during the attack."
Dr. Campbell raised his eyebrow at Apeiron's lie... He had heard of Apeiron having some healing tech, but the fact he still wasn't fully recovered was terrifying to say the least. Should he just admit that he knew right now? No, it would be best to not shock the young man, and do it in person so Joe couldn't just end the conversation by hanging up and panic. He'd play along for now. "Oh dear, are you alright now?"
"Yeah, they barged into the barbershop and fired something, but then Apeiron swooped in and got them out. The doctors fixed me up well, should be fine for our session."
Dr. Campbell furrowed his eyebrows further, Joe was really just throwing out good lies like that at this level of tire? He'd have to bring that up. "Barbershop?"
"Oh yeah, decided to get a haircut, it was long overdue, and decided to dye some of my hair red. Was about to leave when the ABB walked in."
Campbell remembered that news footage of that red energy, and could only guess some of his hair had been affected during the partial healing his tech allowed for "Well I'm glad you're safe, is that all you wanted to discuss?"
Joe yawned again "No, I wanted to confirm I'll be there on Saturday, but also... Look, I'm having a weird" another yawn "a weird moment of clarity being so tired, I fucking suck at dealing with issues, but I'm tired so I'm gonna either forget this or say I was being delusional."
"You want me to discuss your coping mechanisms with you?"
Joe yawned once more "Yeah, pretty much."
"Well, I'm glad we'll have more time to discuss everything. You should likely go to sleep soon."
"Yeah, good night Dr. Campbell."
"Good night, Jozef."
There was a click as the call ended, and Micheal Campbell sighed, and opened up his notepad on Joe.
  • Apeiron
  • Murdering people
  • Severe injuries
  • The stress of having to save multiple peoples lives before they blow up
  • Stress of organizing a massive response to the ABB
  • Stress of getting blown up to shreds
  • Stress of your power mutating you
  • Murdering Lung
He scrawled on another three topics he'd have to bring up.
  • Sleep/Tinkering balance
  • Quick lying
  • Coping mechanisms
That was going to be... an interesting session.
Not sure if he knows but it's likely that he suspects. But ya it will be an interesting session.

Plus it will likely become 2 or 3 times a week, or just weekly plus after any intense experience.

I would love to see what I would be like if his duplicates were also there or talked to the doctor to help him help Joe since they have a better grasp with what is wrong with him.

Oh, and survey will probably start studying psychology more deeply after the next therapy session.
I would love to see what I would be like if his duplicates were also there or talked to the doctor to help him help Joe since they have a better grasp with what is wrong with him.
Dr Campbell: Reveals he knows
Joe: Alright... Pulls a dupli pot out of his personal reality
Dupli1: Hey doc, hope you're qualified for group therapy.
Inventor (Futurama) 600 Points:
You are a brilliant (if eccentric) Inventor. You can (within reason) create nearly anything you can imagine if you put in the time. You have a cabinet full of doomsday devices and would be more than capable of slapping together Reverse Scuba Suits for fish or Death Clocks.
This whole bit was hilarious! Though I am mildly disappointed that it was a Futurama box and not a Calvin & Hobbes box. :V