Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

@Riversand is correct.

It is truly something powerful. Tiber Septim, now Talos, used it in his conquest of Tamriel and it was destroyed afterwards.

Every time the Numidium has been used, temporal distortions occur. It is a walking time paradox. Everything around it would be incomprehensible as time and space itself are broken, fixed and broken again. It is, well and truly, a God machine. A Deus Ex Machina, if you will.

The machine itself works on manipulating Tonal Architecture, using to warp reality and change history, making it so that things will have never existed in the first place.

Cyrodiil was once a jungle. One of the theories on how it became what it is today is because of the Numidium.
Don't forget that Michael Kirkbride (former writer of the Elder Scrolls) had the Numidium pretty much massacre all the pantheon's in the setting in C0DA, through the power of childlike denial; as in it literally killed the gods by spamming speech bubbles only containing the word 'No'.

Sure it's pretty much fanfiction at that point since Kirkbride had already left Bethesda by the time C0DA released but it's just way too zany to leave unmentioned.
Topic: Apeiron Tech Review (New Thread)
Nice, thanks.
I think there is a very low chance of any topic going on without mentioning persistent blackout in a part of a city, Apeiron's take on con-foam, 'grey glow' around Apeiron (at least I think grey glow should have been visible briefly => all kind of speculations) and his shield acting as a roller coaster.
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Don't forget that Michael Kirkbride (former writer of the Elder Scrolls) had the Numidium pretty much massacre all the pantheon's in the setting in C0DA, through the power of childlike denial; as in it literally killed the gods by spamming speech bubbles only containing the word 'No'.

Sure it's pretty much fanfiction at that point since Kirkbride had already left Bethesda by the time C0DA released but it's just way too zany to leave unmentioned.

I actually believe that there is still communication between Bethesda and Kirkbride. A lot of Kirkbride's concepts were shown in Skyrim and the senior designer of Skyrim confirmed that MK has a lot of important influence on the games.
Lucky Dime (FourmyleOfCeres)
Lucky Dime


Director Emily Piggot was tired. She was tired of living in a constant state of emergency, she was tired of the eternal escalation, but mostly, she was tired of her co-workers. She couldn't even call them subordinates because technically the Parahuman Response Team and Protectorate were two different organizations. While it was heavily encouraged, and normalized, for the Protectorate to listen to the orders of the local PRT Director, it wasn't required outside a state of emergency.

Sadly, said emergency had ended days ago. That didn't mean that the crisis was over, of course. Just that people weren't actively dying faster than usual. A mixed blessing, really. For one thing, it meant she didn't have unilateral authority to send Assault to The Tank for wasting her time, for one.

"I'm serious here! I've got a briefing that's related to the matter at hand!" Wailed the world's oldest Ward, Assault. At least, he'd be busted back to the Wards if she had the authority. Then again, that meant he'd be spending more time with Clockblocker, and that was the last thing anyone needed. Armsmaster had already sent in requisition forms for tinker-tech ulcer medication. Perhaps she needed some as well.

"If you're serious, why is the slide of a duck in a top hat?" Asked his far too forgiving partner, Battery.

"I'm getting to that. As I was saying, everyone is aware of the aggressive redecorating job done by Apeiron as a result of the ABB Incident a few days ago. What most people aren't aware of is that Brockton Bay has a new duck-pond."

"Get on with it," the director growled. She was fairly certain that this was an ill-timed attempt to reduce the tension of all involved. If this kept up, she was going to reduce the tension in the most aggressive way possible, by snapping his neck. Granted, breaking the bones of a kinetic energy manipulator with her bare hands was quite a challenge, but it was one she was going to relish attempting at least.

With a gulp, Assault clicked over to the next slide, one of a placid pond with a scale model of a red twin engine seaplane floating in it. "A duck-pond means ducks. And we have a parade of anomalous ducks. The good news is, this has given us insight into Apeiron's abilities. It seems that the beauty aspect of his powers is entirely involuntary. Any object effected by him is rendered more appealing. This seems to include money."

The next slide was of a silver 1875 Seated Liberty Dime in stunning condition, as though it was minted yesterday. It was also held with evident pride by a duck wearing a tophat and spats of considerable quality. As to who made a top hat for a duck, there were only two answers and neither of them made sense. Then again, neither did a duck in a top hat. "We believe that Apeiron had this dime in his possession when he... exploded. Said dime was then found by the pictured mallard. Code Name Scrooge, we believe him to be the world's first para-duck. A nearby building was commandeered by this dapper drake shortly after midnight last night, and has been filled with loose change and bills scavenged from the area."

"Scrooge has displayed tinker abilities, in that the building has been filled with strange duck-sized traps, including a series of boxing gloves on springs aimed at... sensitive bits of the anatomies of intruders. Attempts to retrieve the scavenged currency have been met with indignation and the aforementioned traps. Additionally, this building, dubbed The Money Bin by the agents who found it, have revealed another ability of Scrooge. He can swim through salad matter as though it were a liquid." Assault said, as though it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

Emily could feel her blood pressure rising. For the first time, she wished she were a parahuman. Eye lasers would be so handy right now. Decimate her enemies, chastise her friends, open canned goods without a can opener... "So, Apeiron is a trump who can empower ducks."

"Well, potentially. That or the dime is just so beautiful that it caused an anomalous trigger. In ducks. Scrooge seems to have adopted three ducklings, each of which wearing colored vests, and obtained the services of another paraduck, this one with the ability to drive any vehicle. Though not well. He tends to crash." Assault clicked the slide over to the picture of the aformentioned ducklings. They were strangely adorable in their little vests and hats.

Her chair creaked as she squeezed the armrests. "Five paraducks, a dime, pond, and booby-trapped building. Is that all?"

"Well... there is the plane. The other grown duck likes to fly it around." Assault said, meekly.

She could feel an eye-twitch developing. Yes, eye lasers would be swell right about now. "I will brace for a lawsuit from The Mouse. Does anyone have anything else?"

(Showing page 1 of 1)
Replied On Apr 24th 2011:​
I'd say this was the most insane thing to have come out of your fingers this week. But it isn't.​
Replied On Apr 24th 2011:​
This isn't fair. I'm the one laid up here, and you're wasting your time writing this. I swear, when I get out of the hospital, I'm putting you in it.​
Replied On Apr 24th 2011:​
Eh. C+ could be better. Also, salad matter?​
► Youre It
Replied On Apr 24th 2011:​
I find this disturbingly plausible, what with the report of the mastering hairclip. Are we sure Apeiron isn't a wet-tinker making Para-Ducks?​
►ZaniGBH (Original Poster)​
Replied On Apr 24th 2011:​
@ NCharge​
You know ytou love me.​
@ FrogLover85​
I'll have to try harder.​
@ XxVoid_CowboyxX​
Woops! Thanks!​
End of Page. 1

FrogLover85, better known as Director Emily Piggot, could feel the eye-twitch her fictional counter-part developed forming. Assault clearly had too much time on his hands. Well, there were ways to solve that.

I made a crack on the discord server, and people said it should be an Omake. Well, I filed it away and when the call for Omakes came out... I sat down and wrote it. Here it is. All of the responders are canon-characters, though the names aren't. It should be obvious who everyone is, though.
These are all intended to be their unofficial, 'private' accounts.
ZaniGBH= Assault. Zani from both Zany and Zanni, the commedia dell'arte character who was a servant, usually of the dispossessed migrant variety. It's a nod to his old identity as Madcap. GBH stands for Grevious Bodily Harm, a more official way to say Assault.
NCharge= Battery. Both the Charging aspect of her power and the fact that she's "wearing the pants" in the relationship.
FrogLover85=Piggot. A simple play on her name. Piggot, Piggo(Roughly the right pronunciation)... Piggy. I could see her with a Miss Piggy avatar entirely because no one would think she'd actually do it.
Youre It=Tagg. As if it wasn't obvious from the paranoid question. I think I took this from another Fic, but it's a good joke.
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An Analysis (The Shallow)
An Analysis
Numberman laughed as the footage of Lung being blasted to space played out. He clicked onto the older video, of him fighting Uber and Leet shortly. He shook his head. "Different Effects."
Rebecca frowned "You sure?"
"Yeah, they affect the world around them differently."
"Shockwaves and refraction?"
He nodded. "He got that Motoroid to the edge of the atmosphere to get rid of Lung, and it left a shockwave. It's some sort of Velocity Tech- isn't one of the theories that he can copy capes powers?"
Rebecca nodded "There are two speedsters in Brockton Bay. Velocity has a breaker state, Assault can manipulate kinetic energy."
Numberman blinked "That honestly syncs up perfectly."
"I mean many tinkers have incorporated other powers before. Remember Barebque and Asher?"
"Yeah that was an interesting case... But still, if we can correlate most of his bullshit to another cape, then it might be his specialty."
Rebecca shook her head "He started using Pyrokinesis after fighting lung for a bit. I think his cluster must have had a trump. Unrelated to his tinker power."
"It's not power copying through, it's more like... Inspiration? Emulation? The way he ran up the fire is nothing that Lung has ever done before."
"Powers have multiple ways they can go."
"...If it's a trump, we need to find the person with that actual shard as their main."
"We only know Garment and Apeiron... Piggot is suspecting that Fallon girl, but Apeiron showed off no Stranger abilities."
"We don't know Fallon's shtick, so no point in speculating..."
"Right. Go tell Dr. Mother about this shit, do more research into this. I have a meeting with Piggot in 2 minutes. Door to Office."
And with that Rebecca left.
Numberman sighed and got up from his chair. He had some work to do.
Material Matters (andreykl)
Material Matters

Ring... Ring...

"Director Costa-Brown" answered the video call Piggot "I take it you are calling to announce my retirement."

"Not quite." came from the direction of the screen "For better or for worse, you are staying where you are. You are officially reinstated. But you will obviously have a lot more oversight and a bit less capacity."

"Excuse me?" Director Piggot frowned "We both know that I'm neck deep in guano. The only reason I haven't drowned yet is because BB has larger worries. And it won't last. Once the situation stabilizes the public will look towards PRT, resulting shitstorm won't hit just our branch, but PRT as a whole. My retirement is the best choice for my own sake and for PRT."

"There is a number of reasons why we can't throw you to the wolves yet." director Costa-Brown sighted then did something with her screen "Here is a transcript from the last meeting. But as a short summary: there are 3 main reason we can't replace you. First we have no one to replace you with. Calvert declared that whoever gets assigned needs to provide a plan of actions. Apeiron is a national level threat and as such new director should be prepared beforehand to take the reins over. The only one to provide a workable solution was Director Tagg, and his was as likely to recruit Apeiron as it was likely to turn him into a villain, we simply can't risk that." Director Costa-Brown took a sip of water, then continued "Second issue is that changing leadership at the time of strife is very likely to cause even more issues. And final one..."

"Let me guess" interrupted Piggot "Apeiron. PR thinks that if I will be the one to do a handshake it will let us ride on some of Apeiron's reputation"

"Something like that." nodded Costa-Brown "And if he refuses, his reputation will suffer the most. But PR wants not just a handshake. They want a show of trust. A show that things can be mended and that PRT can learn. May be even show that Apeiron was wrong. They want for you to get healed by Apeiron, Emily."

"What!" Piggot's cheeks became red, she rose from her chair "That's... That's..."

"Director Piggot, calm down" sternly said Director Costa Brown "I knew you won't like it. Personally I don't understand your stubbornness, but we can't force you to do it. Just read the transcript and decide for yourself."

Piggot sat back still quite red.

"And final, unofficial reason: nobody wants to take your place right now. Sans may be Tagg." Costa-Brown sighted "Apeiron is going to shake chairs under any director simply by being himself."

"And I'm already drowning" commented Piggot "I'm expendable."

"Despite your shortcomings, your orders were reasonable." Continued Costa-Brown without acknowledging Piggot's remark "If we disclose some of the internal documents, bring Panacea's situation to the highlights from a right angle, do some PR work with heroes and troopers under your employ, we can stall. A lot."

"So I'm still getting thrown to the wolves" commented Piggot "Just on a delay and to bigger ones."

"Seems fair for a chance to clear you name and retire with honor."

"Director Costa-Brown, I'm without support here." stated Piggot "Half of my heroes are incapacitated one way or another, facilities destroyed, wards have more authority in public eyes than I do. All that against superpowered Nazis that reproduce by budding, overpowered and insane Tinker-Trump and whoever will decide to claim former ABB territories. I can not succeed in such situation!"

"You will get resources." replied Costa Brown "More than you expect actually. But before that... My science team is pinging me about parts of the Apeiron's robot disappearing. Nobody succeeded in maintaining the parts. Hmm... except munitions, I will have to review that later. It seems that BB's team and Clockblocker are the only ones not to report. Can you please verify? Probably just an issue with BB's infrastructure."

"Will do. But You called me right when the parts were supposed to disappear?" asked Piggot while her hands went to her phone "Why?"

"There was a development. Dragon believes that last attack…" started Costa Brown


Piggot's hand immediately pressed one of the buttons on the phone.

"Report!" she ordered to the device


"Ugh." Piggot blinked "Can you repeat that? I clearly heard you wrong. Is Apeiron attacking us with robots?"


"It's barely third of a robot, without legs and without hands. Innards all over the country." she almost growled at the phone "How the hell, can it patch itself up and escape the lab? No... Don't answer that. I'm on the way."

Piggot turned off the phone and looked to her screen.

"And that's precisely why nobody wants the position." said Costa-Brown "I will contact you later. Just know that if Apeiron's robot managed to repair any of its weapons and is not actively hostile, you are not authorized to pursue it."


"Just so that everybody will be on the same page, a brief summary of events." Took the stage Dragon's digital avatar, a separate stream was displaying wrecked high tech armor "During recovery of hero Triumph, one of the PRT teams managed to secure Apeiron's disabled power armor also known as Tripredacus Guardian. Due to concerns about the armor vanishing like previous samples, most of armament, independent devices and parts were stripped and shipped by me to Protectorate and Guild affiliated tinkers and scientific teams. Almost two days later parts vanished, apparently only to reappear where we took them from. Apeiron's power armor, now fully repaired, proceeded to escape, successfully. Yes, mister Chambers?"

"Can I get that video?" Chen Chambers pointed towards projected stream "The one with armor becoming whole. That doesn't look good, like it was edited, but it still might be of use. Public is up in arms, thinking that either Apeiron tried to approach us and got attacked or that we are running a silent manhunt for a weakened Apeiron. All because of a single robot, looking a tad bit too intact, escaping from a PRT facility."

"I will send full video to your email" nodded Dragon "but make sure to clear any release of this video through your director. Anything else?"

"No, thank you."

"Power armor was in our possession for a very short period" continued Dragon "but we still managed to learn a lot. Lets start from most immediately relevant part. The vanishing."

Stream shifted from displaying armor jumping into the bay to displaying a lot of obviously tinker tech devices.

"Everything that can be considered to be part of the armor vanished." commented Dragon, most devices immediately ceased to be, video now displaying empty stands "And when I say 'everything', I mean Absolutely Everything. One of the tinkers managed to melt down parts of the armor, another attempted some chemical reaction, third did some very destructive testing that should have destroyed armor on atomic level. Remains of all these experiments vanished only leaving behind slag and chemicals left from the experiments themselves. During escape armor was looking as good as new."

Video switched to show remains of power armor's arm with highlight of where samples were taken from and photo of fully intact armor's arm besides that.

"We do not know how this works. No device registered anything out of the ordinary. Everything we tried to contain or to delay the effect with failed. Stasis, dimensional displacement, deterioration, time freezing, exotic powers." continued Dragon "The only things not to vanish were munitions and remains of unidentified chemicals from armor's 'sipping' container. With notable exception of armor's guns, their ammo supply vanished with them. We are still experimenting with some of the remaining munitions, but implications are worrying. At best Apeiron's tech repairs itself once and then effect needs to be reapplied, he just needs to wait two days for his tech to repair itself. At worst, it does not need recharging, Apeiron can trigger the mechanism himself, which might have been the case after his first battle with Bakuda, the mechanics might cover ammunition as a whole, with detonated rockets ending up back in tubes two days later. Unfortunately analysis of munitions hints onto multi-use restoration. What appears to be a missile restored its components twice by now. If self-repair system needs any charging, it is likely cheap. Otherwise Apeiron wouldn't be as carefree about losing his armor and drones."

"Excuse me." interrupted Director Vespar "But, are you saying that if Apeiron's robot decides to 'kill all humans', we are going to be fighting a self-resurrecting robot indefinitely?"

"That's an accurate assessment" confirmed Dragon.

"Shouldn't it need maintenance?" questioned Vespar "It's tinkertech. Even Machine Army occasionally maintains itself."

"I will cover details a bit later" replied Dragon "but it's likely not to require maintenance. I also should note that armor was performing under reduced capacity during it's escape, but the cause is likely to be in empty fuel chamber. All armor's systems were working, they just were underpowered. But we haven't fully dismissed idea of it being caused by lack of external guidance, blackout particles or some imperfect restoration. Another potential cause might have been damaged software. Armor is run by a cluster of photonic supercomputers with holographic databanks. It looks like we heavily damaged contained data by accident. But before you ask: we shouldn't exploit that against Apeiron. If we start wiping data to prevent devices from functioning upon restoration, Apeiron will transition to hardware solutions and we will have no option to disable devices in the event of 'kill all humans' self-resurrecting robot."

The image on projected screen switched to a list of names under large title 'Tinkertech'

"Now, you all probably are aware that tinkers get inspired by tinkertech from other tinkers." started new topic Dragon "Apeioron's tech breaks this rule. Out of almost fifty tinkers that received parts of Apeiron's armor a dozen got inspired and it wasn't the expected kind of inspiration. It was more along the lines of an African tinker, which was used to working with scraps from ship's graveyard, but suddenly found a working modern microwave oven in his hands."

Image switched to show a number of devices. Working servos, firing gun, firing laser, some kind of projection system.

"Unfortunately most tinkers had very little input beyond initial scans and recordings, the most input" continued Dragon "came from affiliated scientists. They all gravitate towards one conclusion. While this definitely is tinkertech, it's not classical tinkertech. Tinkertech most often follows no standards, is handmade or made from adapted or repurposed parts. This here is a heavily standardized, industrial-like design with focus on modularity and ease of repairs. It looks like it came from an assembly line and not from hands of a tinker. No part is adopted from something else, everything is used exactly where it was meant to be and fits perfectly in more senses than one. Tinkertech meshes known principles and devices to achieve some, mostly-theoretical yet still possible, results. Apeiron's tech uses Unknown principles, devices and materials to achieve baffling results that we often have no science to describe. Let's take that gun as an example."

The video of a gun firing on a loop got enlarged, disassembled variant of the gun appeared nearby

"This is a coilgun. Coils themselves are extremely advanced, state of the art even, but effectively they aren't tinkertech. The tinkertech parts are tiny nodes of exotic material that releases dark matter and alters nearby mass when under current. We don't know how or why that works, just that as result the gun temporary increases bullet's mass, reduces speed to let coils convey more energy to the bullet while in the barrel, then releases the bullet from the field, mass goes down, speed goes up, but additional energy results in a very fast bullet, hundred times the speed of sound fast."

Display increased resolution to show gun's barrel.

"The scribbles on the barrel also have some function, but beyond spurious light radiation we can't figure out what kind of energy they channel or where the energy comes from, just that it works and that damaging scribbles reduces gun's performance. Gun itself is easy to modify and beyond flexible. To a degree where you can get a different gun by simply uploading different ammo printing program and adjusting acceleration and pre-acceleration cycles. Oh, and this gun has effectively infinite ammo, it sort of prints ammo on the go from a very tough material. And I do mean effectively infinite. Ammo got respawned along with the armor and the brick of material used for printing would last for over a million shots by itself. So we won't have to face just a self-resurrecting killer robot, we will have to face a self resurrecting robot with infinite armor-ignoring munitions."

Image changed again, this time saying "Materials" and showing samples

"And this is what we believe to be true Apeiron's strength" commented Dragon "Materials. A material that just refuses to break or deform. A material that alters mass. A material that magically vanishes heat. A material that stores and releases kinetical energy. A material used in dynamo-like device that just spins with no discernible power source and does who knows what otherwise. We counted over thirty different previously unknown materials. And this is also the reason why Apeiron's tech doesn't need maintenance. It's stupidly durable due to out of this world materials. A cape by the name of Breakdown has a shaker field that accelerates rate of degradation in materials and devices. Normally he can degrade normal tech in minutes and tinker tech in seconds. In case of Apeiron's tech he spent hours trying to degrade a servo. The servo started looking older, but refused to wear down or rust. The servo started coughing and ominously screeching but still continued to work at peak performance. That's the best that Breakdown got and we are not sure that Breakdown's power was the only cause for observed behavior. As far as we can tell, the servo in question was not meant to run from electricity, it was roughly compatible at best. On a side note: We are still figuring out what that energy is. We are not even sure if we identified fuel chamber correctly. And you probably want to know that mass altering material when energized has spectrum identical to the 'FTL ramming' attack."

"Are those materials reproducible?" asked Director Costa-Brown

"Somewhat" answered Dragon "we are fairly certain that mass altering one can be replicated and theoretically is naturally occurring, but we won't be able to make or find that any time soon. I personally managed to make a watered down version of one of the alloys used in holographic databank, it's just an expensive mix with certain structure. Another one requires abnormal pressure to form."

"Hah?""What?""How?" murmurs started all over the room

"Silence!" Ordered Costa-Brown "Please clarify about mass altering material and how you arrived to such conclusion."

"Four of the remaining missiles contain trace amounts of mass altering substance. Due to potential FTL applications I focused a lot of allotted budged and teams on studying it." explained Dragon. Dragon's tone somehow awkward and reluctant. "Couple teams came to independent conclusion that there is a chance for the material to be naturally occurring. My personal simulations show that they might be right. Brace yourself." warned Dragon "There is a chance that this material naturally forms around supernovas. In the very least it requires comparable environments to form."

"Well" commented Costa-Brown in otherwise completely silent room "Shit..."
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No better wake up call than learning that there is a tinker blowing up suns in your backyard)
He even has conveniently indestructible material and heat absorbers to avoid detection. On top of that 'the sun' can keep blowing up again ang again with a two days grace period.
Every one of the PRT's nightmare scenarios are just Aperion's step 2 of 5. Really Rebecca should have that in her head after listening to March's speech about accessing Shardspace and using it as a fuel source.
No better wake up call than learning that there is a tinker blowing up suns in your backyard)
He even has conveniently indestructible material and heat absorbers to avoid detection. On top of that 'the sun' can keep blowing up again ang again with a two days grace period.

That or given how Apeiron has FTL tech he has somehow found a way to avoid the Simurgh's gaze....or he is not native to the planet. Don't know which of the 3 possibilities is more terrifying.
There's also the possibility of him being of another dimension
With the Futurama Dimension Box, if he can make some really Big ones, joe can make some big portals
depending on how the Worm static earth multiverse combines with Futurama Infinite Earths i could be fun
If anyone ever manages to get ahold of Apeiron's DNA, he really does look like another Case 53, but one that's unfucked himself (somewhat).
Let's see, what genetic modifications has Joe undergone that I can recall off the top of my head...

1. Life Fiber Evolution has gradually been occurring as he trains with Tetra.

2. Joe's Demigod Heritage counts as weird extra DNA in this fic, though due to it not being considered such in PJ canon I still have to wonder if anyone looking at Joe's God DNA would class it as actual DNA. They should at least be able to see it in the first place without the mist interfering.

3. I'd say that Nanomachines count as a genetic modification, at least at the scale Joe is apparently heading for. Dude is filling himself up with all different kinds of robot cells, and at that small a size how different are they really from any other cell that counts as an intrinsic part of his body? Joe's kids are gonna be born half mechanical at this rate.

4. The Beast Change gene is the latest addition to the pile of course. Joe's got a whole new animal added on to his genetic code, plus whatever wackadoo bio-science-magic handles the shapeshifting part of the equation.

Yeah, whether they call him a Case 53 or not, he certainly isn't going to seem human to anyone who gets a look "inside."

I believe Lord mentioned before that Joe's DNA is something of a mess at the moment, and listing all this out I can definitely see what he's talking about...

I'm not missing anything am I?
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Apeiron's PRT threat assessment (Narsauce)
Decided to make my interpretation of Apeiron's PRT threat assessment. Lemme know if you think it's accurate @LordRoustabout!


Name: Aperion

Classification: Tinker 12+ (Sub: Shaker 9, Blaster 8, Striker 7, Brute/Breaker (Mover) 5-7, Mover 4, Trump 5), Thinker 5, Changer 4

Addendum: As of current, Apeiron's Tinker specialty is unknown and current countermeasures are to prepare for new technology to be displayed. Assume that all previous countermeasures from any previous engagements are null due to advancements.

Disposition: Mercenary, Ambiguous leanings. Has expressed a desire to communicate with PRT outside of Brockton Bay.

Location: Brockton Bay.

General information: Appears as a tall, well-built male. Wears grey bodysuit with various bandoliers for "Pouch Items" which have been shown to have several different effects. Wears a metal visor over his face as well as a grey cowl. More recent outings have shown him wearing brilliant white gloves and a similarly brilliant white cloak which "Billows menacingly".

Addendum: is also shown to wear several pieces of armour on his body, though he never wears a full set of armour.

Personality: Cordial, well-spoken and potentially friendly, depending on meeting scenarios. During his first outing, it is noted that Apeiron holds contracts in high regard. It is also known that he is protective of the Undersiders. Also has been shown to care for Case 53 parahumans, due to the possibility of him previously being a Case 53 himself.


  • Tinker 12+: Apeiron has been shown to have a vast array of Tinker abilities that have expressed themselves in many forms. Currently, he is shown to have pouch items, his motorcycle/power armour/robot, drones, the interface on his arm which has been shown to produce the drones, numerous types of munitions (See ABB attack for more info on variety), healing tech (Multiple varieties), his pistol/sword, his more recently revealed Lantern Shield "Trauma", Biotinker creation "Proto Amia", Elemental attacks and an Endbringer sized mech, dubbed the Tripredacus Destroyer by PHO. Much speculation is placed on his changer form as to it being a changer form or his Case 53 body kept under wraps by his healing.
    • Sub-class Shaker 9: Apeiron's tech has shown multiple different Shaker abilities. Firstly, the Tripredacus Guardian's batons (First displayed here, with secondary displays here), which caused similar effects to the Ward Vista's power. Similarly, during offence against the ABB, Apeiron displayed elemental control, (Examples being here, here and here) the most notable of which was the Ice Wall that shielded the Docks area from the wave that ended that particular fight.
    • Sub-class Blaster 8: The Tripredacus Guardian has also been shown to have multiple different types of munitions (List of observed munitions here). Similarly, the Guardian also has a chest-mounted energy weapon (Observed here and here) which is speculated to have a similar, if not a greater yield to Purity's own light attacks (Purity threat assessment here). The shoulder-mounted defence system has also been observed to be highly accurate, with enough power to destroy Bakuda's bombs/rockets/missiles.
    • Sub-class Striker 7: (See Final Slash assessment here, healing effect assessment here, and pouch item assessment here)
    • Sub-Class: Brute/Breaker (Mover) 5-7: Has been shown to be able to withstand a large amount of damage as a base, an example being his first appearance against Uber of Uber and Leet (Observed here). Similarly, Proto Amia has been shown to increase his physical strength and movement capabilities to abnormal levels (Observed during 2nd Uber and Leet confrontation here and ABB confrontation here). Mover abilities from Proto Amia are potentially linked to a Breaker state as a result of delayed reactions and flash-steps.
    • Sub-Class: Master 6: Has been shown to create and control multiple robotic allies. See Drones and other mechs as examples.
    • Sub-class Mover 4: Tripredacus Guardians have been shown capabilities of flight and higher levels of maneuverability in later confrontations. Top speed has not been recorded with accuracy. The Tripredacus Guardians motorcycle form's top speed has yet to be measured or calculated.
    • Sub-class Trump 5: Has been shown to be able to alter Case 53 physiology using his healing technology. The first example is Case 53 Ward Weld, who has been shown to have more tactile sensitivity, as well as the ability to taste.
  • Thinker 5: Has been shown to have limited precognition capabilities. Describes power as hunches and feelings about certain individuals or events (See Panacea and Weld reports for clarification). Predicted Bakuda's bombing spree using this power.
  • Changer 4: Potential Case 53 form was displayed during his confrontation against the ABB (Shown here). In this form, he has a Brute 8 classification with Proto Amia activated.

Notes: Normal tinker strategies are not applicable if Apeiron becomes hostile. Separating him from his equipment seems difficult, and he appears to have numerous on-person countermeasures should he become injured. Apeiron has also been shown to be impervious to most forms of offence, both conventional and Tinker. Only exotic effects have shown any ability to harm Apeiron in any meaningful capacity, such as spatial distortion.

Addendum: March's striker power also had a similar, if not greater, effect than Uber's spatial distortion attack. Further need for clarification on March's Striker power.

Recommended Strategies: Do not engage. If Apeiron ever becomes hostile, attempt evacuation and initiate S-Class protocols. As of current knowledge, annihilator effects are considered the only viable method of harming him, thus Annihilators are recommended to be deployed.
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Classification: Tinker 12+ (Sub: Shaker 9, Blaster 8, Striker 7, Brute/Breaker (Mover) 5-7, Mover 4, Trump 2), Thinker 5, Changer 4

According to Dragon interlude, the PRT is close to just throw the towel and give him an absurdly high Trump rating as his main rating (for the same reason as Ediolon: he have too many tools to be predicted).

General information: Appears as a tall, well-built male.

He wear a full costume, so "well built" isn't something the PRT (or anyone else) know.

Recommended Strategies: Do not engage. If Apeiron ever becomes hostile, attempt evacuation and initiate S-Class protocols.

You mean "call Ediolon, and ask him for an annihilator power".

The rest seems accurate.
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the bloody roar beast change gene is natural in the universe it came from.
I didn't mean to imply otherwise. It's just that shapeshifting is clearly a far stranger thing to code into flesh than simple hybridization, relatively speaking. It's not magic under Bloody Roar's laws of physics, but it might as well be from the outside perspective of the people of Worm.

(Minus what Entity shenanigans make technically possible by way of natural evolutionary forces, of course. Not that most anyone knows about that in-universe anyways.)
According to Dragon interlude, the PRT is close to just throw the towel and give him an absurdly high Trump rating as his main rating (for the same reason as Ediolon: he have too many tools to be predicted).

The quote was something like "Absurdly high number or Trump rating." I gave him both. Most of his powers are tinker related, which is primarily why I put the Tinker 12+

He wear a full costume, so "well built" isn't something the PRT (or anyone else) know.

The well-built part was mostly because, as far as I know, Joe isn't known to wear a costume with exaggerated proportions or Tinker Tech power armour. I'm pretty sure you can get a definition and a general outline of what he looks like from his costume.

You mean "call Ediolon, and ask him for an annihilator power".

You have a point on this one. The only issue I see with that is Ediolon might not be seen as enough in a fight. At this point, if Apeiron were to turn hostile, the Protectorate and the PRT would effectively be in a state of: "Throw everything until something sticks."
Now, how long until they notice the Diplomacy field and consider it proof that he's a Master after all?
Let's see he has the forced diplomacy field, sexual harassment field, memory adding/removing tech, healing tech capable of altering brain chemistry, Lethe water, soul manipulation perks, perfect style perks, and various enchantment effects on his equipment. I think the evidence for him being a master far outweighs his objections.