Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I sit here waiting for someone to recognize the Gun EZ as a Gun EZ. Victory came out in the early nineties, so it totally exists on aleph if it doesn't on bet. This fight was high profile enough to have the pho nerds find the Gun EZ on the internet. The mech had few alterations when it was launched, so I can see people figuring it out rather quickly.
So! Omake claim Aperion can Hairdress by headpats?

I can just imagine him doing a comedic skit of giving others "Bowl Cuts" with scissors, comb & a shaving razor.


Can you imagine if Halbeard/ Armsmaster faced him and got an Efficient, Clean Shave with Baby Soft Skin? No Stubble?

Armsmaster: "How did you groom my hair? it is under my helmet!'

Can you imagine Aperion making a Mech nicknamed "Mr. Clean" that met & cleaned up Skidmark by washing his mouth of filth with soap that had a stranger effect? His curses now sound like Captain Haddock from Tintin?

Can you imagine Aperion the Wedding Planner?
Hey Roust, despite how it may feel at times, you don't owe anybody up here anything. Take a break and take care of yourself. Best of luck with your work.
Does anyone else think it's weird that some people were complaining that Joe thought he could take Lung at a Brute 4, but couldn't keep up with Lung ramped up to 'can wrassle Leviathan' Brute 9 without what he'd already decided were unacceptable levels of collateral damage?

I mean, I was seriously wondering if he was going to have to pull out the 40k warp grenade, after luring Lung far enough out to sea that the vortex wouldn't destroy Brockton Bay, either directly or by tidal wave.

Might do a PHO reaction omake, maybe. I'm not good at those. But given that Joe turned into a glowing red tentacle monster, then a giant dino-dog thing, everyone is going to assume that he started as a Case 53.

I'd also expect Ziz to get annoyed, since FTL is a no-no during these experiments.

You are doing great. You don't owe anyone anything. Keep writing the story YOU want to write. I (and many many others) will be here cheering you on. Take as many breaks as you need. Ignore feedback when it feels like too much and read it when you want to hear more. You can make the story go wherever you want and alter the cannon of anything you need to.

Have fun and take your time.
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So far, for things that have either been significantly upgraded or shown for the first time, I have:

-Personal Mechs
-Manufactured Drones
-Sniper Rifle/Plasma Blade
-Scanning Tech
-Phantom Guitar
-Giant Mech
-Edgy RWBY Gear

This PHO segment is going to be larger than I expected.
I've had time to re-read the last chapter, and I'll just emphasize again how much I loved it, and how I at least thought Joe's reasoning was perfectly understandable considering he was in incredible pain much of the time, and furious with rage at other times. Have any of you been in those situations? Trust me, your thought processes skip several steps.

One thing I haven't seen discussed so much yet--Joe faced his admitted great weakness, an obliteration effect. He was of the belief that such could and would kill him. He was hit with multiple instances of it and severely wounded.

Basically, he was Achilles getting hit in the heel with a poisoned arrow. His enemies had ambushed him with his specific weakness, enough to kill him.

Except--he did not die. The one thing he himself feared and believed could kill him... didn't. That, I think, should be the great take-away from the chapter, not who he killed or how thoroughly he did or didn't defeat his enemies. He survived something both he and his enemies were sure would be fatal. So in that case, the whole thing was an undisputed win.
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I could see him turn a skeletal snake head towards the blue glow of Fleet's charging mass field as the motoroid shifted from robot to motorcycle form. I could see the corridor of mass effect projection form, bending the laws of physics on their head. And I could feel Fleet's satisfaction, conveyed through a final transfer of data for all his other copies before he engaged his engine and launched the motoroid at relativistic speeds.
This part reminds me of Iron Giant
Yo, read this all over a few days. Pretty good, albeit the last arc and March wanking has dragged on a lot. Still, I'm curious to how he'll react to actually completing the Celestial Forge since it seems like he's most of the way there.
Apeiron Tech Review (Lightwavers)

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♦ Topic: Apeiron Tech Review (New Thread)
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Discussion
(Original Poster)
Posted On Apr 21st 2011:
A significant portion of the city is perpetually frozen, freezing, floating, and exhibiting various exotic effects due to a last-ditch piece of tech from the Bay's newest mercenary. As such, I believe it's time to collate what we've seen today in a new thread. I'll be continuously updating this post as new information comes to light, separating it into three main categories. I'd also include one for the kind of bog-standard tinkertech that sort of works correctly but is clearly not one of a tinker's later works, but Apeiron doesn't seem to have any of that for some reason. This will be a longer post, since the ABB decided to broadcast their surprising yet inevitable defeat. The full video can be found literally all over the internet, so if you're here just to talk about how cool it is, this thread isn't for you.

The first category I'll be tentatively calling Artifacts, for examples that go above and beyond what any normal tinker should have unless they dedicate years of time and resources toward it, or coordinate with many other tinkers.
This includes stuff like Sphere's moonbase, Vermine's distributed lichen-based consciousness (yes, I'm including squishy meat stuff in this category if it fits the criteria), Original Sin's soul sink, Killagine's time machine, 4Site's (aka Foresight, aka Golden Sun, aka Sol Invictus) psychohistory software, Phoeminx's regenerative control pheremones, the Three Blasphemies, the Shifting Cruiser, the Arcane Sanctum, and the Everstorm.

Next, there're the Consumables. Tinkers who specialize in these devices tend to trade away reusability for low cost and sheer power. Apeiron has made frequent use of these in his earliest appearances, where he combines or throws some device which dissolves while some effect takes place. We've seen giant sky fists, targeted time stops, healing, murder hornets, and more. @VeneratedSavage has spent the time to document these effects with a spreadsheet; check out their profile to view it.
Examples of Consumables from other tinkers have been shown by the notorious Bakuda with her explosives specialty, Lab Rat's monster drugs, Leet with everything he builds, everything made by Keshir's warp pylons, Moviferous's hunger capsules, Terramancer's earth wands, Antispirit's wraith bombs, all the things Schemato manufactures with his machines, the mysterious interlatches that appeared in Sacramento last year, those mass-produced EMP devices Akron's police force located in a dumpster, and those power vials you always hear about that grant a random power for a few hours before they either stop working or kill you.

For anything that doesn't fit in either categories, it goes in the third and final category: Cryptics. Anything that straddles the line between an Artifact or Consumable or is just too weird belongs here.
Examples of the former include items that degrade heavily with use, even more than normal tinkertech, but can still be used multiple times or salvaged without being completely rebuilt. Hydrocarbon's creations are stressed incredibly easily, and almost inevitably catch fire or melt if she pushes them. However, she has managed to keep several pieces of tech from degrading with near-constant attention, even in the field. Her jetpack always seems to be a hair away from exploding whenever she's on camera, but it's been with her from the beginning. Likewise, Jack (not that one) could build pretty much anything, but could only maintain one significant piece of tech for any real length of time. He was reportedly working on techniques that would bring that number up to two before Jack (yes, that one) killed him. For some tinkers who've built the weird kind of Cryptics, Amnesium's tech retroactively wipes itself from existence once it's destroyed, leaving only digital databases unaffected, which is apparently why he went up against Plummet completely naked that one time. Strallow can only make things that break metaphorical bonds of some sort, and which completely fail to function if not used for that purpose. There are also those things made by. The ones that. If you know what I'm referring to, I'm sorry.

New Artifacts:
-Tripredacus Guardians
Apparently he considers these sufficiently different from the ones he had three days ago that the old ones are basically trash to him. Could be a bluff, but I'm taking him at his word and considering the results, this is quite accurate. They now sport twin miniguns which shoot blue lasers that can be favorably compared to Purity's when taking into account the sheer volume of fire they're capable of as well as an unreal complement of missiles. And based on the looks, something inside of the Guardians reacts to or causes reactions in parahumans if damaged. They can also now go faster than light, according to the guys in the physics thread. [guardian.mp4]

-Tripredacus Scouts
Same reasoning applies. These things have definitely been upgraded from the last time we saw them. I'm pretty sure they're actually glowing. They're definitely faster. The way they link together to boost the Guardians is also new. [scouts.mp4]

-Sniper Rifle/Fiery Blade/Warp Sword of Doom
Both forms melt everything in their paths. The bullets from this thing go through metal like it's not even there, and its standard blade form looks very nasty. Then there's warp sword mode. It annihilates everything. There's a thread dedicated to figuring out how long it extends before the effect fizzles out, but what we do know is that the range is ... excessive. [rifle_blade.mp4]

-Healing Tech
This may be more than it seems, or at least constructed for another purpose. We were all questioning what kind of tinker had something prepared to heal flesh splayed out and noodled through a spatial warp, and I believe we finally have an answer. Apeiron's reversion to his Case 53 form looks to be the result of his healing tech being stressed too much to both heal and suppress his usual form.

-Pro Aima
Formerly known as Red Nightmare Mode, this piece of biotech has gotten an upgrade. Apeiron can now activate it for brief periods without immediately requiring what might be the best healing on the planet. Personally, I'm of the opinion that this was his first try at dealing with being a Case 53, but instead of fixing the problem it makes his blood into sharp slicing tendrils when he loses concentration. It does seem to heal him pretty well on its own, but I believe it's also constantly mutating him, which he fixes through the blue healing tech. This appears to be extremely painful. [pro_aima.mp4]

-Avatar Emulator
Earthbending, waterbending, airbending, firebending are apparently boring and lame without being able to freeze said water and suspend objects and people in midair. After the bomb delivery, the emulator switched to a different mode with smaller-scale but more intense and continuous effects. This mode switching may require a large-scale explosion of every emulator effect, but it may have just been an attempt to vaporize Oni Lee. I've spliced clips of each effect into a single file. [avatar_apeiron.mp4]

-Hardcore Scanning/Decryption Software
Apeiron's website shows the location of every single one of Bakuda's bombs, and is continuously updating in real time. This is pretty big by itself, so if you want to have a more in-depth discussion about it I'll point you over to Apeiron's thread. If you want to see the map itself, the url is

Apeiron seems to have a habit of storing tech inside of himself. Trauma starts out as a gray blur that quickly forms into a lantern shield and grapnel launcher. Both pieces of equipment look sharp enough to cut just by looking at them. The name is definitely appropriate. They seem designed to be integrated with Pro Aima. [trauma.mp4]

-Tripredacus Destroyer
A giant mech that appears to adapt to conflict, likely based off Lung and saved for this exact occasion. Appeared through teleportation, but doesn't seem to be able to use that capability in combat. Over the course of the fight, it became more streamlined, sharp edges shifting to a more organic look. It has a disintegration blade that sheared through Lung at his most powerful, an insane level of heat resistance, carries a flaming shield, and is capable of rapidly self-repairing. [destroyer.mp4]

New Consumables:
-Various Missiles
Taking inspiration from Bakuda, the Tripredacus Guardians contain hundreds of miniature missiles, some with exotic payloads. Nothing like the time stop or black hole bombs, but I spotted something that looked like acid, and another one that grew a clump of some crystalline lattice before something else vaporized it. Honestly, I think putting these into separate entries is a lost cause. The things blew up too close to each other, and the video just isn't good enough to discern the individual effects in almost every case. [missile_barrage.mp4]

-Waterwalking Item
For a limited amount of time, Apeiron was able to run on top of water faster than a speeding car. [jesus_apeiron.mp4]

-Enhanced Blood Tendril
A form of that temporary warp sword effect was applied to a blood tendril, resulting in a sword that chopped through Lung's limbs with no apparent resistance and then zapped him into a charred hunk of meat. [enhanced_tendril.mp4]

New Cryptics:
-Stylish Guitar Riffs
Definitively confirming the Gladiator Theory, Apeiron has apparently decided his time is well spent crafting some sort of device that plays thematically appropriate music wherever he goes. Interestingly, this device is either integrated with himself on the same level as Pro Aima, or the sound is projected. I'd normally rule out the latter as a possibility, but we're talking about Apeiron, so it's not out of the question that he'd put together some sort of dimensional tunnel to deliver a guitar accompaniment. I've isolated a section of the video where that repeated progression is pretty clear and scrubbed out most of the other audio here: [apeirons_theme.mp3]

-Antimemetic Field
Shortly after Lung was blasted into the stratosphere, everyone forgot Apeiron existed. I remember thinking that I must've been watching a leadership split in the ABB, but in retrospect that reasoning was really flimsy.

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Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Did he seriously play dramatically sad music when he was literally dying, or was he faking the whole time?​
►The Loom Listens
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
The warp sword mode is also a consumable effect. You could see him adding something to it, and I think it's the same general thing he did against Bakuda the first time.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
How does Apeiron have an Avatar State? Why does he have an Avatar State? Weren't the transformers enough? I thought he was going for a theme, but no, it looks like he's just picking franchises he likes and mashing them together.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Of course, it's so obvious. Apeiron is actually Leet. Hear me out, Leet's stuff always breaks, yeah? But he doesn't seem to have any sort of restrictions on what he can make. So he makes himself, but better, so this alternate version of him can build stuff for him. But the alternate him refuses because he wants Leet to succeed on his own merits. He gives Leet some advice on how to make the most of his power and starts doing his own thing. It all makes sense.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
I think the idea that Pro Aima is mutating him sounds right, and the theory of what his healing tech is actually for fits. I don't think he was originally a monster cape though. He probably just got too enthusiastic with his biotinkering and didn't test it, and then spent all his time until now fixing his mistake.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Why the weird classification system? There are only four items that don't fit into the first section.​
►ever_need_a_hand (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
@LikelyStory People on the tinker boards love making weird new classification systems. It's really easy to grab hold of a hypothesis and find examples for it. It's also really easy to find examples that go against whatever theory you have, which is why these things always have a miscellaneous category. I used to rail against this sort of thing all the time, but by this point I'm numb to it. Use the boards to promote your oddball theories, I don't care anymore.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Please, this is supposed to be about the tech. Go to the other boards for speculation. Personally, I appreciate the bomb map the most. I've already seen about a million people crying in relief now that they're sure there aren't any bombs hidden around their apartments.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Is anyone else majorly freaked out from that forgetfulness thing? If he can do that to sneak away, who's to say he can't go wherever he wants with it? He steals memories, that's really damn scary.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
You all called me paranoid when I said he was a master, and now we know he can just yoink things out of your head. I don't care how dedicated he is to that "honorable mercenary" schtick, all it takes is someone contracting him for an assassination and there's nothing stopping him from murdering pretty much anyone in their sleep.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
He seems to stay away from killing, if it's possible. The casualties from his mechs spraying lasers everywhere are very low.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
And what a relief that is. Instead of murdering me, he'll just wipe out all knowledge of who I am from my mind until I'm basically a toddler. He's shown no compunctions about erasing memories from everyone who knew about him, who's to say he won't or hasn't already used it for other purposes?​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
He put them back at least, so he's shown some compunctions.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Of course he won't permanently wipe everyone's knowledge of him now. He thrives off attention. Aside from the anti-Squealer theory, the second most prevalent opinion is that he feeds off that attention to fuel his tinkering. There's no telling how many "first outings" he's had, didn't like, and erased from everyone's minds. Don't you think it's suspicious how perfectly everything has lined up for him? We've got a cape love story on top of an honorable mercenary archetype who's shied away from killing. There's a reason Alexandria's more popular than Eidolon, paragons don't have the same effect as antiheroes.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
He went through Lung like tissue paper. I wonder how well those blades will work against an Endbringer.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
We've had so many promising heroes and rogues die to Endbringers. No matter how powerful an annihilation effect seems, no Endbringer has ever ended up dead. Instead of getting himself pointlessly killed, he should focus on infrastructure. One of Core's fusion generators has been powering Los Angelos since the 90s, and it only takes him one day a year to keep it running. The cape battles are a distraction, we need tinkers who are willing to set aside the spectacle and focus on what matters.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
If the FTL thing is real, that's big. Humanity has been constrained to the Earth ever since the Simurgh made Sphere fall. We can't keep all our eggs in a basket that's sinking more and more with every Endbringer attack. The world's governments need to pool their resources and do whatever it takes for Apeiron to make FTL colony ships. The future of our entire species depends on it.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
The Endbringers aren't actually going to send us into extinction. Dauntless's power comes with infinite growth, we just need to wait for him to kill them. And if he doesn't make it, there are four other capes who have more erratic but similarly unlimited potential in India.​
►Captain Ocean
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Huh, yeah. Four more and they're all based in India. I wonder why that is. For anyone wondering, one of them's a tinker, which is sort of slightly on topic, so I'll elaborate on him. Arghul's tech all carries what he calls a "song" which grows more powerful if he finds a situation where, as he puts it, "the song resonates with the soul and becomes something new." Or at least that's the best translation I found online.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
We cannot rely on superpowered individuals to maybe perhaps save us someday. People are dying right now.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Isn't that what you're saying to do? Rely on a single superpowered tinker to save us all by sending away colony ships? The rest of us will still be stuck here.​
►Gilded Light
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
This isn't a definitive confirmation of gladiator theory though. I find the anti-Squealer one more likely. He just likes the spotlight. Most powerful tinkers have some sort of quirk like that, you're reading into it way too much.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Remind me what gladiator theory is?​
►Gilded Light
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
It's the one that says he gets stronger or builds faster or gets ideas based on how much people like him or look at him, stuff like that.​
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Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
I know it's not, there are way too many eyewitnesses, but everything about this video feels so fake. It's like something out of a cheaply-animated cartoon. Motion while in Red Nightmare Mode is so unrealistic it's not even trying to make sense, and the part where he goes all "First blood!" and gets back up is such a performance. He even looked like he was posing right after he got blown up! And when you add the random guitar sounds, it's so over the top that I actually started laughing when I got to that part of the video.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
When I got to that part, I started bawling. I don't know how you could laugh, that was tragic. I was so happy when he got back up again, but then I remembered he's a mercenary. I hope he joins the heroes. My son's still in intensive care, and they won't let Panacea out to help.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Someone else pointed out how he seems to mimic things from different franchises. Could he be making fictional stuff?​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Tinkers of fiction are a dime a dozen. They usually can't make anything more powerful than what any other tinker can, or if they can it takes months or years. And then everyone recognizes whatever it is instantly. Apeiron's elemental manipulation diverges significantly from Avatar, you can see he doesn't need to make any of the flowing gestures that the characters on the show do. He might take inspiration from fiction, but he's not constrained by it like some tinkers are.​
Replied On Apr 21st 2011:​
Did you guys know that Gully just transferred to the Bay? Rumor has it she called it a vacation, but I'm pretty sure she was out fighting ABB mooks. I think the PRT know more about Apeiron's Case 53 thing than they let on.​
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-Antimemetic Field
Shortly after Lung was blasted into the stratosphere, everyone forgot Apeiron existed. I remember thinking that I must've been watching a leadership split in the ABB, but in retrospect that reasoning was really flimsy.
I don't remember this being a thing in the latest chapter? Where'd this come from?
To Be Better (Mojave Courier)
I promised an Omake today, so here it is.


To Be Better

Joe's battle with the ABB had shown him just how badly he underestimated the consequences of his actions. He was, for all intents and purposes, a walking, talking Sechen Range. How many lives could've been saved if he hadn't wasted his time? How many lives could've been saved if he had just gone straight for the kill instead of talking? Deep in his mind, he knew that he could not have saved everyone. But, in the end, he still could've saved more.

He needed to do better. He needed to be better.

There were so many technologies rooting around his head, so many forms of power that he could and would utilize in the future. It was time for him to let go of his worries, to loosen his restrictions. He was no A.I.

There were no physical or digital shackles chaining him up or keeping him from utilizing his full potential.

There was only himself and his mind.

He knew there were reasons for people to fear parahumans, to fear Tinkers.



Grand examples of why people feared Tinkers and Joe knew that he outclassed them by orders of magnitudes. Whatever they could do, Joe could do better in every way.

The creatures Joe could make would be able to tear a bloody swathe through the entire world and the number of beings who would be able to stop it could be counted on two hands.

If he had been in Bakuda's place, if he were the villain, Brockton Bay and a sizable of the North American continent would be nothing more than a crater in the ground and dust in the wind.

Even the more heroic Tinkers, like Armsmaster and Dragon, were naught but candles compared to him, the sun in the sky.

And yet, he still wasn't even finished growing. He was still getting stronger and stronger by the day, new powers and paths being opened to him by the Celestial Forge, the power in his mind, in his soul, in his very being.

It was time for him to stop holding back. How could he save the world, save humanity if he wasn't willing to accept himself, with all the good and bad that came with it?

He saw the stars in his mind and at the top of it all, he saw a Spark, something grander than anything he had ever seen in his life.

With a smile on his face and a renewed spark in his soul, he took up a hammer and began to build, ideas flowing into his mind.

The world wasn't going to save itself. It was time to build.
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An Ambassadors Worry (akatoshslayer)
Non-Canon Omake

An Ambassadors Worry

Jeanne did not consider herself a jealous person. She views such things as something a person of low status defines themselves with. The fact that those beliefs have come into conflict recently has done much to dissuade that notion though. She is not so entrenched in her ways as to ignore new data in favor of stubborn pride.

Apeiron, Real Name Unknown
Classification: Tinker 8 (sub: trump 6, thinker 5, brute 5, blaster 4, changer 3, master 3, striker 2); specialty unknown.
Disposition: Mercenary (D)
Last Known Location: Brocktown Bay (Docks area, north).

First confirmed sighting on the date of April 16, 2011. Suspected links to Undersiders. No past history as a subordinate. Initial assessments indicate status as potential villainous rogue. Actions include selling tinker weapons to villains, assault with parahuman powers, breaking and entering, violations of city airspace, public endangerment, jaywalking, and interfering with an official investigation. Produces memetic objects of high aesthetic and functional purposes. Suspected specialty: artistic, variable use, tech integration, kayfabe presentation, threat/response thinker/tinker. Adversarial relationship with Lung (#12634), Dragon (#11011), PRT ENE.

Note: All ratings pending further investigation. Master status unconfirmed. File may be compromised by personal feelings of PRT ENE staff, deemed official until an unbiased review can be afforded.

A: More information/History
B: More information/Powers
C: More information/Contact & Network
D: Back

Her recent assignment and target of her rising ire. Accord has demanded an increasing percentage of the Ambassadors resources go into observing Apeiron and collecting artifacts he leaves behind.

Everything made sense at first. Getting the data of any new cape near Boston is essential to the continued operations of the Ambassadors. The first foray of Apeiron was impressive, but ultimately something to be easily dismissed. A tinker of indeterminate specialization creating tech which focused on the refinement of metal structures on the atomic level. Such work only drew any special interest due to the aesthetically pleasing nature of the crafted objects.

Then the video in which Apeiron engaged with the ABB was released. Her mentor and friend went from a interested individual to an obsessive fanboy. Having Accord be obsessive over something that pleases him is nothing new. The issue Jeanne has is over the fact his fascination is going past Apeiron's technology and into the man himself.

Accord requires all his files and data to be manually backed up and stored in multiple secure locations in the event of his death or if his mental facilities are comprised. He does this so his plans can be carried out by the remaining members of the Ambassadors regardless of his personal wellbeing. Her problem with this is his plans now rely less on saving humanity and more on altering the PHO message boards so that the Khepeiron ships "stop polluting the internet." Accord also has a fixation of Garment x Apeiron shipping going well passed an amusing quirk into an unhealthy fascination.

Jeanne considers her feeling for her boss an open secret. She has no doubt the man is aware of her interest in him, but his nature prevents physical intimacy as he views such things as loathsomeness and disgusting. His new found sensuality in how he views the personal relationship of the two capes has fundamentally altered her view of the man. Perhaps Othello is right, he is indeed not worth her feelings being invested in.

Her personal intercom released a melodious note followed by "Citrine, I have need of you in my private office."

"Understood, I shall be there shortly." Being called was nothing new, being asked to arrive in person was almost unheard of. Accord liked to keep schedules at all costs. Any meeting outside of directed times were only given under extreme circumstances.

She curtly locked her computer to prevent any potential data theft. Not that there have been any attempts, but one can never be too secure. As she headed over to Accord's office she belatedly realized he moved it to be closer to the Bay Exhibit. Turning around she went down the hallway in the opposite direction.

After arriving she found Accord fascinated with his monitor. She waited at the entryway to be let in. Even with him calling her earlier he still demands attention to even the most minor detail. Entering his office without confirmation was not just a minor detail, it was the number one cause of death among the ranks of the Ambassadors.

As she waited she realized he was too invested in what ever was happening to let her in. She knew to hold her ground though as she was the primary point of contact for those who broke that rule. After a couple minutes she started watching his face. Even with his mask she saw him express himself in ways she didn't think were possible. The smile that lit up his face made her heart flutter and her previous conviction vanish into the recesses of her memory.

"Ah yes, Citrine do come in."

"I am here as directed, what do have for me?"

"I do apologize for the interruption in your work, but I had needed the services of the Ambassadors immediately." Accord let out with a pleasant tone. "Initially I had wanted a team to head out to Brocktown Bay to assist an ongoing issue, but the situation appears to have pleasantly resolved itself."

Accord paused for a brief period as if to go over what he needed done.

"Still I am going to have to require an additional operation carried out." Accord eventually let out. "There needs to be a 'Get Well Soon' card sent to Garment's place of business delivered anonymously. It should be addressed to her and her loved ones."

"I will have the card delivered immediately."

"Excellent, oh and please organize a celebratory banquet tonight. I have shifted all my appointments for tomorrow and would like everyone to take the night to enjoy themselves." Accord replied almost as an afterthought.

Jeanne was too stunned to reply. This just didn't happen. There has never been an internal celebration over anything. Sure Accord has gone to PRT events or hosted ones for other capes, but he views such things only useful to create connections and not for relaxation.

"Citrine dear, are you alright? You look positively exhausted. Why don't you take the rest of the night off and I will assign some others to get the banquet set up."

Jeanne felt fear creeping into her as that sounded like a death warrant.

"No sir, I will ensure it gets done."

"Relax, I really should let others do it." He pressed his intercom and repeated his orders out to one of his secretaries.

"Honestly I feel bad for directing this to you personally, I have others who are equally suited to mundane tasks. You know, how about you relax in the Bay Exhibit while you wait for the party. It does wonders for letting out your frustrations."

With that she finally relaxed. Accord would never sully his sacred spot with her death. So cautiously she went into the display and found out why he paid so much to have it shipped. The Bay Exhibit really does give one peace of mind.
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Nice but where does the golden golem come from

@Riversand is correct.

It is truly something powerful. Tiber Septim, now Talos, used it in his conquest of Tamriel and it was destroyed afterwards.

Every time the Numidium has been used, temporal distortions occur. It is a walking time paradox. Everything around it would be incomprehensible as time and space itself are broken, fixed and broken again. It is, well and truly, a God machine. A Deus Ex Machina, if you will.

The machine itself works on manipulating Tonal Architecture, using to warp reality and change history, making it so that things will have never existed in the first place.

Cyrodiil was once a jungle. One of the theories on how it became what it is today is because of the Numidium.
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Replied On Apr 21st 2011:
How does Apeiron have an Avatar State? Why does he have an Avatar State? Weren't the transformers enough? I thought he was going for a theme, but no, it looks like he's just picking franchises he likes and mashing them together.

Basically how Jumpchain works.

Joe is embodying the spirit of a Jumper more and more with each passing chapter.