Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I think it's been mentioned that they are effected by both Glory to Me and the psychic enhancement perk I can't remember the name of. They are not quite divine powers and not quite psychic powers. So they get affected by both but to a weaker extent.
Huh, the god of progress, that means he is officially THE GOD OF THE GRIND.
Aint no way LordR made Apieron Grindset canon

I'm a bit surprised there has been no mention of dipping a bit of Progress techno-magically divine juices on Aisha's armor and/or hair-clip.
It's be said why it hasn't been on people (yet) but those are just items.
Kind of useless because those upgrades wont stick anyway and Aisha just flat out refuses any upgrades to her armor because she is emotionally attached to it. Like IIRC Joe literally said it would be easier to just build her a completely new one from the scratch.
Kind of useless because those upgrades wont stick anyway and Aisha just flat out refuses any upgrades to her armor because she is emotionally attached to it. Like IIRC Joe literally said it would be easier to just build her a completely new one from the scratch.
For him, yes but I do believe that Aisha's armor has Hermetical Adaptation I believe its call. You know, that Symphogear Power that allows things to self-improve when dramatic and/or are needed if you follow the anime.

So more likely her armor will evolve to a new level when she is in danger by Zion or a fully unleashed Endbringer to let her kick its ass.
For him, yes but I do believe that Aisha's armor has Hermetical Adaptation I believe its call. You know, that Symphogear Power that allows things to self-improve when dramatic and/or are needed if you follow the anime.

So more likely her armor will evolve to a new level when she is in danger by Zion or a fully unleashed Endbringer to let her kick its ass.
Yeah that I think one of her justifications. Still though, at least she should've asked for some modular upgrades. Come to think of it, could Joe theoretically boost Heretical Adaptation's speed?
The armor has been upgraded, she just won't let Joe melt it down for its enchantments and build a new one from scratch. So it can't gain the advantages of abilities that only come from item construction or replacing what it's made of with new materials.
The armor has been upgraded, she just won't let Joe melt it down for its enchantments and build a new one from scratch. So it can't gain the advantages of abilities that only come from item construction or replacing what it's made of with new materials.
I think that he could use trigram alchemy and the enchantment extraction cauldron to take traits from a new piece of gear. Then take those traits and add them to Aisha's gear.
That hope wasn't a light and airy thing that you got from poetic depictions. It was hard and jaded. Not something that lifted me up, but something I dragged with me all my life. And no matter how much easier it would have made things for me, I refused to put it down. Hope forged from spite, determination, and an obstinate refusal to accept things the way they were. Hope that had to be rebuilt as the softer parts crumbled away. Hope that nearly broke during a bad night with my family, but hope that endured, first in myself and then with everyone who had come to support me. Everyone with their own hopes, dreams, and personal drives. Their own quest for progress.

Ok, this paragraph has some real gravitas. I reread this 3 times because it hit me so hard with truth. THIS is a great little snip.

something that made the fountains of Los Vegas casinos

I think that you meant Las Vegas here.

"Yes!" Aisha exclaimed. She looked at me with what I could only describe as passionate gratitude. "I knew if you stacked enough power bullshit together, you'd eventually be able to do something really important!"

And I laughed at this. Every time my wife finds something that she likes, she gets extra giddy and says, "it's got pockets." I swear, it's so frustrating that they don't add pockets to more articles of clothing or pockets that have a greater depth than 2 inches so that they can also sell handbags.
So Joe can use his skill to progress people into having learning/improved/progressed.

Can that be applied to the spiritron computer as its working on tracking the deadman signal? so it gains the knowledge even if only temporary its all joe and his team needs.
Bit random but would Tybalt consider Hokuto Shinken from Fist of the North Star to be a valid martial art for his martial superiority? Does someone need to show him the cartoon?

Not because I want to hear him purr "omae wa mou shindeirou" in that adorable kitty accent, possibly just before exploding Crawler, not at all… 😇
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Second to last chapter: I like that Aisha brings up his doormat tendencies but this is some actual bullshit.

What the actual fuck?? I thought earlier that Joe wasn't aware of this shitshow and so Parian got lucky. But the guy has all the powers in the world to know how fucking serious this shit is. Parian just accused him of being a pedophile in front of a news producer, Uppercrust and other notable people in the city and he's seriously going to let this go????

She didn't do it out of concern for Sabah, she did it to be a petty bitch. His powers should be informing him of this. If not, then the people around him should let him know. This is the sort of thing that ruins lives. And that's without taking into account the people Parian was surrounded with when she made these accusations.

Hey can someone add "common sense" and "a spine" to the list of powers in the Forge? I thought he'd finally gotten the latter but clearly I was mistaken.

I understand making sure someone doesn't second trigger. I really do. But once she has calmed down, there's no reason to forgive this sort of shit. Even if he doesn't want to be involved, he can still let the others do it on his behalf.

The author acknowledges it in the chapter yet Joe does nothing about it??? There's a limit to being a doormat you know??
Read the latest chapter -
"As the foundation for a collaborative collection it could serve as the basis for taking some of Parian's most creative ideas and expanding them into entirely new styles. Without that, it was basically just highlighting how amateurish and sloppy her early projects had been by definitively demonstrating what they would have looked like if they had been made by someone who knew what they were doing. It wasn't just a dig at Parian, it made it clear that the woman did not have anywhere close to the experience she had claimed when she started as a designer."

Good, the best way to retaliate here is to hit it where it hurts. Parian's ego getting hurt by Garment literally out performing her into irrelevance would be the best revenge. Hell. Yea.

Glad that there's at least some resolution to this. Instead of going after her socially, destroying her credibility as a designer is more apt considering what she tried to do. Parian's a grown ass woman. She might have panicked, but being unable to realize what she just tried to do just shows a lack of common sense.

Par for the course when it comes to parahumans I guess lol. Garment continues to be the best girl of this fic lmao.

EDIT: Also can someone please use the phone line to any reality to contact my boi Boromir and warn him about Moria?

The phone line to any reality is a gift. A gift to the foes of [patiently waiting for the next chapter]. Why not use this phone line [to write omakes about Aisha and the duplicates trolling fictional characters across the multiverse]?

EDIT 2: Forgot to mention - the pacing of the last two chapters was really great! I liked the wrap up of the event and now we can focus on Joe and other events taking place.
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Apeiron's Transformation
I believe that Therapsids lacked fur. also-
Cool, bu I'm thinking the shield needs more spikes. Like, infinitely recursive fractal spikes, to the point you can barely tell it started out as a shield.
-lantern-shields tended to have like at least a single long spike below the hand like the hand was a gun and it was a bayonet.
AIsha's Passenger
@LordRoustabout I have been re-reading the entire work again. Still amazing as always, love your work.
Fun fact; only that darker area off to the left is the actual Shard. The rest of that is just a distraction.
I was talking about tracking the location of Bakuka location through the signal.
I wouldn't count on that being done soon because there are things such as sectional time which you'd think would speed it up due to the spiritron computer having more way more time to boot up, process data and the duplicates having way more to understand shardspace. However lord has said the shardspace exploration acts as a bottleneck so it won't get brought forward which there has been some chatter about it being so March, the butcher and Leet all get to launch their schemes.
Good, the best way to retaliate here is to hit it where it hurts. Parian's ego getting hurt by Garment literally out performing her into irrelevance would be the best revenge. Hell. Yea.
You missed jail. The second component of retaliation missing is legal consequences for the wilfully malicious accusation of sexual abuse against Joe. It should be a Federal level crime with equal sentences to what the accused would have been sentenced to had she succeeded in her vile accusations. People have suffered horribly and, or committed suicide from such false accusations.
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You missed jail. The second component of retaliation missing is legal consequences for the wilfully malicious accusation of sexual abuse against Joe. It should be a Federal level crime with equal sentences to what the accused would have been sentenced to had she succeeded in her vile accusations.
"A federal level crime"

That's not how US federalism works at all.