Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Cause idiots actually buy garbage like that.
And if someone (male or female) knowingly buys/wears clothing without pockets they automatically give up the right to complain about the lack of pockets.
The problem is when it's gifted or something that you bought in a rush, only to attempt to put something in a pocket that turns out to be, in fact, not a pocket but rather a false seam that provides the illusion of one.
Dunno, my bets on that there are no more memories, simply becouse there are no perks related to Joe's life after becoming demigod. Similarly to how he doesn't remember his life as Transformer in Great War simply becouse his perk so far only related to knowledge before it. I'm sure that if there was some capstone that would make Joe a fully realized god, we would learn more about adventures of God of Progress, similarly to how we will learn more about Apeiron Prime whenever "Matrix of Leadership" comes around.

Honestly, maybe I just don't want to believe that "gods" managed to get on top of this self-made nemesis in any capacity, much less any sort of culling. They styled themselves as Hindu, they should've learned what Karma is.
They know what Karma is. It is the medical division that gives them new bodies when they break theirs.
Putting aside all the big Topics of this update...
Tetra perked up at the mention of the Prismatic Laboratory. So far, she hadn't been included in that particular flavor of reality bending. It was on the list, but I wanted to get a better handle on how to control and manage the effects of the light first.
I get why she's excited, but I also get why our protagonist is hesitant. Tetra's already practically radiating violant. Unbreakable connections? Blood shed in the heavens? She'd take to it like fire to sticks.
So I'm fully ready to be wrong since it's literally been 20 years since I read this book. But I could have sworn that they only really traded bodies, they didn't manufacture them. So in order for the gods to get young beautiful bodies, some naturally young beautiful person had to give the body up, either downgrading to something else or dying...
He's planing to jar S9's souls and decide on their second chances only after he helped their victims and dealt with most problems in the world. Effectively they will be helped, eventually, but not before helping the rest of the world.

See, this is a much more informative answer than what I've received thus far! I'm fine with this outcome - it'd probably be even better for Riley to be displaced in time a bit. Up until now, people were implying he'd just kill her. Ty.
On a related note, why nobody defending Crawler? The poor chap was basically cursed by his power into becoming a monster, with his mind probably altered no less than his body, but no one questions how much he was accountable for his actions. Is he not cute enough? His power really needs to recognize pretty privilege as the great defensive mechanism that it is. Learn from squirrels - they just fluffier rats, and most people love them.
It's been a hot minute since I reread Worm so this is mostly based on a little bit of wiki work and a quick skim of Bonesaws POV interlude, but Crawler shows up with the S9 to Brockton Bay and then just sort of dies unimportantly. Whereas Bonesaw continues to do things and just gets infinite more screen time than him for readers to attach to her. In addition to that, she even has her own POV interlude that has moments like
Worm Interlude 25 said:
No. She wouldn't say she felt guilty about the things she'd done, but she recognized that she was broken, now. She recognized that maybe she should.
A thought she's having right before doing invasive surgery on herself without doing anything to dull the pain of it. Which really primes the mental pump for imagining how she could have a real redemption arc.

Edit: Shower thought from directly after posting this, in many ways wouldn't Mannequin be the actual person to redeem from the S9? How culpable is he actually as a Simurgh victim?
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So I'm fully ready to be wrong since it's literally been 20 years since I read this book. But I could have sworn that they only really traded bodies, they didn't manufacture them. So in order for the gods to get young beautiful bodies, some naturally young beautiful person had to give the body up, either downgrading to something else or dying...
Nah, more than sure they are capable of artificially producing bodies - plus a little bit less sure, but still pretty sure that Nirriti's undead army was also fully composed of those artificially produced bodies.
LordR has been careful to keep Joe in Brockton so far. I predict that it will be an offscreen duplicate who will travel to Boston, Newfoundland, Canberra, etc.

It's meant to be Joe himself because of the sectional time giving people inside the workshop so much extra time as long as Joe is out of it the new perk was just a very big deal and meant he had to be in the workshop to optimally use the ability.

Calling something that can sense and manipulate water on a planetary scale, including moving that water out of any container (oceans, lakes, ponds, pipes, bottles, living organisms ... ) if it stops sandbagging weak is just wrong.

So firstly I said weakest not weak the weakest and easiest to counter endbringer is still a pretty big deal just as say the weakest Z fighter, Naruto kage or Bleach captain is. Levi is also definitely the weakest and easiest to counter because as covered it just has normal physical atks with it's body and it's water abilities so countering water such as via the control swords or something like a game accessory that makes you immune to or heal from water atks drastically reduces it's threat. Heck it's the only one Ziz deemed too weak and upgraded for the scion fight.

Compare that to the others. Behemoth controls energy which means it's common atks are earthquakes, lightning, fire, redirected kinetic energy and radiation on top of it's kill aura and just being bigger and stronger there's a reason it's brute 10 and levi is brute 9 after all. Ziz flies, has tk, it's precog, postcog, Ziz bombs, the scream that scans the area to build up info for better modelling and copies all the thinker and tinker powers of any capes near it. The one's unleashed after Behemoth's death all have energy fields similar to Vicky's between their layers so no atk can destroy more than 1 layer. Khonsu again flies, is able to create circular zones which only Legend in light form has been able to escape from where time is greatly sped up that can also be used to speed up it's own regeneration and is capable of worldwide teleportation. The twins have it so one of them is able to copy and use up to 3 parahuman powers at once including dead ones including doing things like Eidolon to get even more powers and the other is the giant tower that turns the area around it into a maze of death traps.

You've also hit on what I mean by fics making endbringers especially levi stronger it can't just pop people or enter power up modes or make water shells or echo clones all of that's fanon. Wildbow has wog that the endbringers sandbagging is not them hiding abilities and powers it's sub optimal use of what they have and giving obvious tells for them. In Levi's case it doesn't need to go physically fight at all and could just hang out underwater off the coast and send in the tidal waves.
So I'm fully ready to be wrong since it's literally been 20 years since I read this book. But I could have sworn that they only really traded bodies, they didn't manufacture them. So in order for the gods to get young beautiful bodies, some naturally young beautiful person had to give the body up, either downgrading to something else or dying...

That sounds more like Mutineer's Moon. Technology could keep the Brain going forever, but they couldn't prolong bodies more than a few centuries, so they took people in cryo, removed and threw away their brains, and body jacked them.

They pretended to be gods too, so that's the similarity
If an Attribute is the grasp of power, then the Aspect is a state of being. To wield reflections, and to become Reflection. To summon Strength and to become it. Greater and more subtle than any Attribute. Through genetic predisposition, hypnosis and chemical therapies, your passions come to correspond with those of the Universe.
Raising your Aspect is like removing a mask or standing straight, a mustering of yourself. It takes some energy to maintain, should you wish to be capable of being anything but an avatar, but it is the exertion of being rather than the struggle to become.

As of now it has become officially impossible for Joe not to understand that Dragon is an AI, and not someone hiding behind an AI. That have that level of power and understanding, even if it's only a fraction what would it could be would be so stupid there aren't any words for it. Of course Tetra would know the moment she physically sees Dragon, or the Dragon Slayers thanks to her own powers. But it's nice to know at least one problem now has a simple solution instead of being dragged out for months because of Joe's ignorance, and to a lesser extent his passivity.
I wonder, could he attribute the mental state he needs for the aspect, especially while aspected? Because that would make this a very broken power indeed.

Also, if the clones got an aspect, it could be productivity. As in, making progress and achieving results within a limited timeframe.
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On a related note, why nobody defending Crawler? The poor chap was basically cursed by his power into becoming a monster, with his mind probably altered no less than his body, but no one questions how much he was accountable for his actions. Is he not cute enough? His power really needs to recognize pretty privilege as the great defensive mechanism that it is. Learn from squirrels - they just fluffier rats, and most people love them.
Because he wants to die. He kills people because it makes others want to kill him which is his one desire. Some people have theorised that he triggered during a suicide attempt and has been trying to finish the job ever since.
Well I glad for the chapter, for the text that help understand how the perk hit him so hard that he had to re-center himself back in the lab even if cost the OP super computer ?eleven hours per second? (I forget if Joe being outside the lab is a 2x or more) so it had to be significant.

And it was, now Joe has a reality law lvl of certainly to something that will forever guide him forward. Every time he is with doubt with his family, with his actions, and so on. He can look within.


Also, man the shards are getting more and more screwed each chapter. Now even the nastier form of 'communication' + 'go away' can be tanked by the ships? yeah they will think this is some sort of research by one of them (while continue to get that data).

Self actualization of this scale will be such a curved ball to everyone else.
Yes, it looks like Joe's Aspect is finally a power that he could use to resolve his family situation without crossing his anti-Master lines. Not so much because of the direct applications of his Aspect, but because of the no-bullshit no-denial aura that any Aspect radiates. If he ever raises his Aspect in their presence, his sisters will never again be able to think of him as the hapless, incompetent brother.

Oh, and it wouldn't even out him as Apeiron, because it's distinctive and not present when he's Apeiron.
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I'm a bit surprised there has been no mention of dipping a bit of Progress techno-magically divine juices on Aisha's armor and/or hair-clip.
It's be said why it hasn't been on people (yet) but those are just items.
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Amazing update!

"Yeah, I think Garment's got enough to deal with tonight." Aisha said. "An entire new world of clothing, Fleet on his first date, the miracle of dresses with pockets, and the volunteer's after party. She's booked."

And millions of Women cried in relief.

"No." I said, shaking my head. "I didn't want to be caught up in this and I meant that. You can work this out between Garment, Survey, and Tetra." I considered a final point. "Just maybe don't release them tonight? A day or two would be more reasonable." And less petty.

Oops, I think Celestial Forge team lost their sense of time.
So next bit is a bit of a question. I'm not trying to bring up any of the past arguments. In this chapter I can almost hear Lord's voice when Joe talks about not wanting to deal with the Parian/Sabah situation. I agree, it's done, we are moving past it. So my question/request is why was it even in the story. The fashion event leads to several plot hooks, so that serves a few purposes. But having Joe run into Sabah, and the event afterwords, seems to have no purpose in the story.

In my opinion? Closure.

Remember that Joe is, ostensibly, the character from Sabah's interlude that partially contributed to her trigger. The fact that this story is about Joe meant that Sabah had to show up at some point so that this issue could be resolved/closed. I mean, yeah, Joe's getting help, but if there was no closing the issue, he'd be working on it forever. (Which is a considerably long(er) time now.)

Now he's made his apologies, and can bow out of it, moving on to more important things without the virtual Sword of Damocles continuing to hang over his head.
The whole Aspect power reminds me of how Frodo or Samwise could simply exude authority and regality by just holding the One Ring in the Rankin-Bass cartoon.

I absolutely can't wait for Joe to pull that out the next time he's out in the field being recorded.
If this exposition chapter was unique or rare then it would be an interesting chapter that develops the story, the world and the MC and his powers, but it isn't. This kinda of power explanation has been done in this fic like a thousand times and that makes it boring and repetitive.
I always enjoy these character bits. So we know what everyone is doing tonight, does anyone have an up to date schedule? The S9 engagement keeps being pushed back by curses/incompetency and Joe needs to visit Boston for bomb defusal and negotiation, plus he was going to visit Newfoundland in the near future to investigate Dragon, I just don't know when anything is happening.
The only scheduled evens are coffee with Laserdream, Gully meeting with Garment and I think therapy for the next day. Unscheduled events include Lost Garden going after ABB finance people, presumably more conflicts with the teeth, and ABB remnant trying dumb BS to try to boost their powers.
If this exposition chapter was unique or rare then it would be an interesting chapter that develops the story, the world and the MC and his powers, but it isn't. This kinda of power explanation has been done in this fic like a thousand times and that makes it boring and repetitive.
Except, that's the entire point of the story, showing power interactions and how they effect the setting.