Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Definitely ironic the chapter is titled progress, when the plot barely moved a centimeter.
Agh you beat me at it.

Still liked the chapter, and boy Garment is bout to ruin Pariah... Like real bad. Kinda sad now Pariah will be like 'I KNEW SHE WAS EVIL' or smt dumb like that.

No real progress to the story itself other than joe having his daily existencial crisis, which as stated is pretty ironic.

Tho next chapter we finally see what the hell happens when you use the magic bread thing... Unless we roll something crazy again.
"Progress is important, but it's also difficult, frightening, and at times destructive. The drive for progress is a direct affront to people who are satisfied with the current state of affairs. It threatens a comfortable existence with an unknown change. It challenges and demeans the accomplishments of those who worked to achieve the present equilibrium. The capacity for improvement exposes flaws and failings of what currently exists."

That's interesting right there, 'cause from where I'm sitting it reads as "Progress is proactive, it has to be proactive, and it has to endure pushback from the people benefiting from the status quo and so too will I be more like that from now on, because I have to be".

Which hey, I'm here for it.

Thanks for the chapter.
It was an environment that was easier to manage, but never one I accepted. There was always hope, always a desire to try to make things better. To find a way. Maybe not a perfect way, maybe not an easy way, but the hope never completely left.

That hope wasn't a light and airy thing that you got from poetic depictions. It was hard and jaded. Not something that lifted me up, but something I dragged with my all my life. And no matter how much easier it would have made things for me, I refused to put it down. Hope forged from spite, determination, and an obstinate refusal to accept things the way they were. Hope that had to be rebuilt as the softer parts crumbled away. Hope that nearly broke during a bad night with my family, but hope that endured, first in myself and then with everyone who had come to support me. Everyone with their own hopes, dreams, and personal drives. Their own quest for progress.

Hope drove progress. There was no movement towards something better without the belief that it was possible to get there. Progress didn't just happen, it was the result of effort, drive, and determination. To make progress means to give up things the way they were, but also to give up the infinite potential of what could be. In taking the step towards one future, countless possibilities were forever lost. You had to give up what 'was' and what 'could have been'. That was the only way to achieve what 'would be'.

It was the only way forward, the only way to achieve change and to make a difference. It was something everyone knew deep in their heart, even if they didn't devote themselves to it. I knew. I knew and I understood. Hope, determination, and progress were universal elements. Things that united everyone and everything. Because all things strive.

Loved this part about hope.

Thanks for the chapter
Joe: I am a God!

People: prove it!

Joe: With my divine nigh omnipotent might I have created functional pockets in women's fashion wear!

People: Oh my god, he's not bullshitting us!
Holy shot, Garment's revenge is nasty. Parian has already been feeling that Garment has been better in every way, and garment casually one upping every one of Parian previous work while showing how it should actually be put together. It's going to get to the point that it won't just be people involved in fashion that will point out how garment is better, but random people off the street who never even think about fashion will realize it at first glance.
This is going to utterly ruin Parian in a way she will never be able to stop.

Edit: Wanted to continue fleshing out this thought.
We've been shown that Parian doesn't quite have the knack for artistry and only an average or slightly above average grasp of technical skill for fashion. Her main gimmick is that she is a cape that makes clothes, and the clothes themselves aren't really something that can stand on its own. They look good on a stand, but there is rarely ever something that would snatch someone's attention or captivate them. And then when you take those clothes and put them on someone you start seeing the limitations of the clothes. The cuts and stitches that make the clothes hang well on a dummy don't allow the cloth to flow properly when in motion. This is shown in Tetra's interlude. She has to basically reform the dress to make it flowing look good and not awkward.

Consequences I can see. People are going to start noticing that Parian's work is not meant to be worn. Garment is going to start showing off her version of Parian's previous work, and people will start to compare the two and see that the flexibility and flow in Garment's work is not in Parians. The question that will then start to be asked is why Parian doesn't account for movement and motion. Especially since her power would actually allow her to model it. The model of Parian that people have is of the telekinetic fashion cape, and when videos come out of Garment putting together clothes look like they are being assemble on an invisible person moving through an are people are going to wonder why Parian doesn't do something like that herself. At that point one temper blowup from Parian will firmly cement the opinion that she is a mediocre designer that was handed a unique talent, and rather than using that talent to make herself better only used that talent to get attention without doing anything else to improve.

Really nasty possibility I can see. Some weeks down the line, Emma has been unofficially blacklisted by most fashion outlets due to the Winslow incident. Parian, looking desperately for talent and having cut herself out of the business gossip network picks her up for a show. The reviews for the show end up also drawing a link to Emma ruined character and drop a hint that Parian has some blemishes of her own. Nothing as blatant as she falsely accused X of Y, but something closer to several respectable personages no longer hold her in any respect.
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"The God of Progress."
If/when Apeiron's divinity gets out, he will be known as the 'God of Three Days Old Technology'.
Sometimes progress was about walking away.
Another point of irony, considering LordR had said "Sabah is basically out of the story" and yet we still have this issue taking up a large chunk of the chapter. I was expecting Sabah/Parian to not be mentioned for the rest of the story until basically a line or two closing off loose ends in the epilogue 10 real life years from now for us readers. Guess this issue is not going to be walked away, or be put on a bus and sent off for good.
I'm loving the parallels between Sabah and Joe's triggers. I like the fact that the two main differences between their triggers are that the instigator regrets one, and the fact that we see it mainly from Joe's perspective. I love how, fundamentally, they are misplaced affection that is clumsily applied to damaging effect.

I love the realistic portrayal of people 'doing stuff'. It feel real when Joe or Sabah or Tattletale or anyone acts on imperfect information and screws up.

I like how the story isn't about power but rather how power is used, how people see these actions, and how they, in turn, react.

It's a good end of a story arc and I'm pumped for the next arc.
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Lord of Light is award-winning philosophical science fantasy written by probably the best author to ever write in that particular microgenre. It's not really the sort of thing that can be fit into a power-up, because the entire setting is much more high-minded than concerned with power levels or even non-philosophical conflict. Reading this chapter I kept finding it incredibly fascinating to see the attempt being made, sort of like if you tried to turn Dhalgren into a videogame.

I appreciate the way you tied-off the Parian plot here and think you did a really good job of addressing the criticism of the prior chapter without backing down on the decisions made or the rationale used. If watching you try to modify Zelazny's work into progression fantasy content was interesting, this particular part was satisfying. Well done!
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I did not want to have to deal with this. I wanted to be able to move on from Sabah

THANK YOU. My god. I still maintain opinion that that should've been said in previous chapter to drastically alter the tone but better late than never, Imma take it.

I completely forgot Fleet and Rachel are gonna have - fucking sue me, I will still laugh - riding lessons so anyone is willing to bet that they are going to run into some troubles like Teeth stalking at night?

Regardless whole progress Aspect... Can Joe try using it on duplicate potion? Or would feat overwrite it somehow?
I looked at Aisha. "You wanted to do more."

"I wanted to do something." She said, "Just, anything but leaving things like that and pretending they didn't matter."


C'mon Joe, you're a Greek demigod. Being petty is a requirement for the job !

Also need an explanation for why MC dosnt understand other people perfectly given how many sensory powers he has that would make him perfectly understand their biological reactions + his psionic telepathy/empathy, Why can he control those powers enough to willingly blind himself like this but has no control over any of his crafting perks?

It's not because you have sensors that you can read mind. And Joe's only form of telepathy is with himself.

Definitely ironic the chapter is titled progress, when the plot barely moved a centimeter.

You beat me to it. I'm fine with some descriptions when Joe get a major perk, but c'mon, 17k words for a single perk is a bit... exaggerated.
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I feel bamboozled. I saw the name of the chapter and thought "Hey, the plot is gonna progress". Nope, just more power wanking and little to no actual plot progression... The bait is real smh.
It's not because you have more sensor that you can read mind. And Joe's only form of telepathy is with himself.
It's been stated several times that he can basically read a persons mind every time he's gotten a sensory power through gaining an Olympic blessing, between sensing life force, electricity, water, heat and minerals (I'm also probably missing a few) that's like 75% of reading a mind physically, a single one of those would allow him to perceive minds around him better than an MRI in real time which combined with his knowledge of medicine and psychology would boost his awareness of others to knowing what they're thinking or at the very least feeling

And even if he couldn't use those powers to read a mind directly he could read every single biological reaction based on what they're thinking allowing him to read their emotions, and that's just his extra sensory perceptions, his natural senses have been improved to the point he could've picked up a little of the outward physiological reactions to grant him Sherlock Holmes style deductions

Combine all that with his actual psychic powers and I just found it beyond ridiculous that he didn't recognise sabah/parian, he can't control any of his other powers yet he can somehow force himself not to recognise like 90% of his sensory inputs to recognise that her weight, height, body shape, blood vessels, muscle movement and neural activity were all the same

The author has made the guy too competent and powerful and just drifted over this to cause tension and drama, like it's fine and it happened and it's probably useful to give the rest of the celestial forge something to do but he hypes up a bunch of stuff and than ignores it later
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Definitely ironic the chapter is titled progress, when the plot barely moved a centimeter.
Even more ironic is that they are making progress in a beyond breakneck pace. As Aisha has indeed pointed out, it's only been a couple of weeks since she joined in here.

We're the ones not making progress, not them. We're the people observing at the pace of the spiritron computer as opposed to outside of the workshop.
As I have mentioned in my other responses, Sabah is basically out of the story, at least in the context of the major events. She will not be interacting with Garment and has no reason to encounter Joe again. Dealing with the aftermath of the event is going to take longer than it will take for Joe to take out the major threats and begin wider operation in his cape identity, which will get a lot more focus than whatever Parian would be doing. It has been a little frustrating that the chapter that was supposed to put this element of the story to rest seems to have done anything but.

Once again, emotional responses are not easily addressed with technicalities and details. Arguing with people won't change the reaction they had when they read the chapter or the impact that had on them. I hope I've been able to address some of the concerns that people have raised and give a bit of context to things. Really I just want to move past this fairly draining portion of the story and on to some of the events that people have been looking forward to seeing.
author, please, drop it. you are bringing it up again, after writing this. please stop . i only wanted to write when i have something positive to say and im sorry, but please,stop it. just let it go. move on.
I didn't enjoy this chapter very much. It's too repetitive, and spending basically a whole chapter on a power was alright in the beginning, when there were no, or very few plot threads. At this point in the story, I'd hope for at least a little progress on any of them in a chapter of over 10k words.

I hope Lord finds the confidence to progress again.
Ahem, so." Aisha began. "What are they going to be riding?" She asked.

"Probably some of Bitch's dogs. I'm pretty sure she's self-taught as far as that goes. Though he did ask if he could borrow some of the wolves from the Workshop."

Aishan blinked at that. "Are you okay with people knowing that we have wolves?" She asked.

Fleet is going to be bringing Wolves to Rachel. Lisa is going to love hearing about this and its totally not going to give her a headache.