Thing is in this world guns can't be fired instantly. A social thinker can only be so dangerous so fast. Let's say for some unknown reason all guns have to be reassembled to actually fire. Why isn't the gun already assembled? Maybe all guns are flintlock pistols that are accurate for some reason. I don't know, the analogy is breaking down. Anyway, the odds of Lisa being able to actually instantly win via just a social thinker power is about about as likely of Contessa showing up. Social powers are awful for fights, even with how good her power her power actually is she's still at a massive disadvantage at this point in basically every way that matters.My point from previous post still stands. The gun might not be loaded at all; might not be a real gun in the first place. And it still would be stupid. Metaphorically, the alley is dark as shit and Lisa is holding something in her hand. She claims it to be a gun. People around these parts with guns are not common but also far from being unheard of. So, there is a very good chance that it is indeed a gun. Actual gun. Loaded gun. Pointed at you. Making assumptions is very bad idea in such situation.
Lisa is one of the best thinkers in the entire world, her power is ranked higher on the threat scale than almost the entire local Protectorate. Even if Vicky knows Lisa has a social thinker power as far as she should be concerned Lisa was dumb for getting in this fight in the first place. Attempting to use super social skills to fight a brute who casually goes through brick walls is dumb. Lisa is one of the most broadly applicable thinkers in the entire series, that plus her gun, plus Taylor being right there, plus Lisa figuring out Vicky's one weakness right then is the only reason Vicky didn't successfully arrest all of them.