Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

She is probably going to have a medical emergency from stress and neglect, he will heal her and the two will have a heart to heart.
Heart to heart? More like she'll try to rip out his heart.

Piggot has taken hold of the idiot ball with both hands in a death grip. Any chance of a reasonable response from her in regards to anyone from CF is in the negative digits.

And as far as accidently screwing over Apeiron? I don't think it was an accident. I also don't think it was anything calculated. I think it was more of a "I don't like what he represents, I'm gonna do something with the idiot ball now, and I don't care what happens as long as it's to him." sort of thing.
Hm, there's a potential leaf spring here, of the Dragonslayers leaking Gully's identity and forcing Apeiron to step in, giving a neat segway into Apeiron finding out about Dragon, how compromised she is and finally helping her like he promised a a hundred chapters ago. Then again the Dragonslayers don't really have a motive for that outside of making Dragon look incompetent, so maybe not
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I feel the answer to Piggot's unreasonable behaviour is somewhere in here:

Gully noticed something in the Director's expression as she looked over Gully's new form, something she couldn't place.

What exactly Piggot sees in Gully's new form? Is it nothing to her but a ticking time bomb, a trap posed as a miracle waiting to destroy the city to advance whatever goal the bio-tinker pursuing? Is she afraid of that? Is that why she's pushing for medical examination so hard? Or is it the opposite? Is she hoping for it to be a trap? For it to be a proof? That she was right. Right in not trusting Apeiron, right in standing against him, against his goals, against desires of other to get treatment from him. Proof that Gully is wrong, that all Cases 53 that getting in the city are wrong, that Uppercase was wrong. That seeking treatment from the cape is wrong, that she had a good reason. A good reason for her actions, a good reason for her decision, a good reason for subjecting herself to years of organ failure while a person who can fix it with just a touch was a call away. That she was right, and her suffering was need, not just a self-indulgence of unsound mind. That Apeiron was wrong, and she is not insane.

Anyway, I wanted to drop those two WoGs here:

Gully wouldn't want to crash Crystal's date, so she won't be tagging along. However, a rather short friend of Crystal's from out of town might show up to help Brook and Tyson with some of their prep work for the event and stick around for the concert. Totally coincidentally, of course.
With Gully's civilian form and Tecton having a secret identity there could definitely be a double date, though it's probably a bit early for something like that. At most Gully might drag Tecton to the concert on Saturday, depending on what's happening at the time and how things develop between them.

Joe might have to pretend to not recognize Gully in civilian form. Fucking hilarious. Wonder if he would be troll enough to tease her by complimenting Gully's recovery work while she's standing in her civilian form right there. Wonder if Crystal would join in compliments to tease Gully further.

Also, Gully will need a civilian name. Any bets on what it will be?
For each incident Piggot is in conflict with outside jurisdiction, the National Office effectively strips ENE's administrative powers piece by piece. I wouldn't even be surprised if Brockton Bay essentially becomes Apeiron's autonomous zone with federally created special rules of engagement and ENE is de-facto administrated from the national office.
Nice name, but too close to Gully. Feel like it would be reasonable for it to be something distinct from cape name, at the very least so that it will be easier to learn not to react to Gully while in civis.
She's probably going to want to hold off on that until Lethe comes through with the definitive word on whether her memories can be retrieved or not. So if anything an obvious placeholder like Jane Smith would work to start with.
Crystal responded more positively than I expected.
It's because most of the New Wave not named Carol actually understands that it's not Apeiron's fault on why their family is such a mess. He might have accidentally kicked up the drama, but all of the mess was already there. WoG is that even Amy understands this, to her own personal frustration because that means she has one less person to blame.
My brain started doing blackflips and drown in seratonin where I read it was another Gully interlude.

Also, FaceTime, my beloved ❤️

May seriously be my favorite minor character in this fic 😁

I think you mean Uppercrust. Uppercase is that one Stranger that changes lowercase letters into uppercase letters on documents and digital media to make formatting errors, the prick.

Also, Gully will need a civilian name. Any bets on what it will be?

Juliana Gullyver, no one would suspect something so on the nose!

For each incident Piggot is in conflict with outside jurisdiction, the National Office effectively strips ENE's administrative powers piece by piece.

I remember that being the point currently: keep her on post while things are still boiling over (since a change in leadership may cause more problems than solve them in a situation like this), but also making sure she can actually use said post's authority as little as possible so things doesn't explode any further. Both metaphorically and very literally.

And I think Prefab was really driving into Piggot's head that that was the current situation without explicitly saying it: she no longer takes decision, HQ does, whether she likes it or not.

Sure, I don't think they think what she wanted was really wrong, they do need to give Gully a full medical exam, and they, given the circumtances and how things usually are with Capes, should keep Gully under observation to make sure nothing will go wrong with her. The problem was that don't want her to stay in a place that leaks so much that no amount of Flex Tape could posibly stop it, even after they took extreme measures to counter it, not to mention that they know Piggot would try to take advantage of it in some way instead of only doing what she should. AND there is also the issue of the shovel made with enough Dust to make a new continent AND that Lether gave them a 'don't fuck this up' warning.


Emily sprinted through the halls of the PRT headquarters, fighting her aching body.

She slammed open the door to the foyer, grasping her knees as her lungs burned. She picked herself up, her eyes widening at the sight.

A dozen PRT troopers, shoved into poofy pink princess dresses, puppetted by a dozen pairs of white gloves holding silken strings, were forced to pretend to drink tea in some elaborate, macabre party parody.

At the center of it all stood it's host. A giant pair of stark white gloves.

"Please! Stand down, Garment! Gully will be here in a moment!"

The giant gloves angrily signed at her, and despite her not knowing ASL, she somehow understood. A single word, as Garment tended to employ.


"I can explain! I swear! Please, stand down!"

"There is nothing to explain." A deep voice suddenly pronounced, and Emily felt her heart stop as Apeiron appeared in the doorway, stepping in with a single smooth motion. "You have hurt my precious Garment, and for that you shall pay."

"DIRECTOR!" a staffer of hers shrieked from the distance. "DI-"


Emily gasped and sat back up in her seat, looking around, finding herself in her office.

She looked at the staffer who'd just woken her up "Gully! Where is Gully?!"

Laura blinked "She left an hour ago. Are... are you alright, Director?"

Emily sighed, throwing her head back and putting a hand over her thundering heart "...I'll live, Laura, I'll live."
Gully paused, then held up the phone and angled it slightly downward. She didn't have much experience with selfies, but Facetime considered them an artform and she had picked up some points through osmosis. She snapped a photo of herself with Apeiron's elaborate shovel resting over her shoulder, then sent it to Crystal. It didn't take long for a response to come through.

'Holy shit.'

'Yeah.' She sent back.

'I know it's Apeiron, but holy shit.' Crystal messaged again. Gully couldn't help but wince. Apparently Apeiron's concerns about association weren't far off the mark.

This is going to buy Joe a fair amount of credit when the eventual reveal to Crystal happens. Also problems, but mainly 'you helped my friend'.
"Hello, you have reached the church of Gully, how may we direct your call?" - PHO the picosecond a picture of Gully's new appearance landed.

You may jest, but I can see a bunch of people (jokingly) start calling her "our goddess" and make a "church of Gully" as a fan group (again, as a joke).

Joe: Aisha.

Aisha: Joe.

Joe: Stop writting ship fics about me.

Aisha: NEVER!

This is going to buy Joe a fair amount of credit when the eventual reveal to Crystal happens. Also problems, but mainly 'you helped my friend'.

Crystal: Thank you for giving my friend a lift up.

Joe: *blush*

Crystal: Not like that! I meant, you know, like plastic surgery- Dammit, not like that!
Does anyone recall the chapter were garment was typing really slow on pho, so she got banned for being a troll.
Nah, Becky could arbitrarily declare groups of people as criminal elements to facilitate her own agenda. Piggot lacks the status and power to do so. It's a statement of capacity.

I was confused on who Becky was at first, and thought you were talking about WordGirl.

Hell both Alexandria and Wordgirl are Hispanic, have perfect memories and the Flying Brick powers etc.





If you think about it, Alexandria really is just "Adult Wordgirl with no sense of humor."
I don't think Piggot has quite grasped yet, that this isn't exactly a policing action any more... This is full on national level shit. That is in fact being overseen by the national office. An office which is asking her to please stop antagonizing the faction we might not have force superiority to.

As I said earlier, you can't really threaten to bring the hammer down on someone who has a hammer bigger than yours, and at this point... The PRT is looking more and more uncertain that they actually do have the edge in that contest. Even if they do, they've at minimum long since crossed the point where they can deal with him without extreme cost.
It's not that she thinks she can still deal with Apeiron. She genuinely believes he is still a threat, another player trying to take over the city. He may not be a master, but he is subverting her authority with political pressure. Her strategy is delay, delay until the other shoe drops and Apeiron reveals his true ambition. Then all the other departments including HQ, and other friendly forces all over the world will back her up.

It's JJJ and Spiderman all over again, in a way.
Nice name, but too close to Gully. Feel like it would be reasonable for it to be something distinct from cape name, at the very least so that it will be easier to learn not to react to Gully while in civis.
It is actually better that Gully's civilian name is close to her cape name as that allows her to react to her cape name and then play it off because 'she thought she herd her name'.