Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

This was a rather nicely done chapter. We see her going through emotional reactions. I could see that it took her a while to adjust to the changes. Emotionally adjust and for all those little things.

I thought she was going to Garment's shop first. I was rather mixed on the PRT HQ visit. I'm sort of surprised that Amy didn't end up making an appearance or that Crystal's dad was also there. He was other local who had the most interaction with her.

The Dragon Slayers really shouldn't care about Gully. They care about Dragon and want to chat with Apeiron. Gully should have mentioned that he just popped up behind her and his "workshop" was through a portal that had no sensation of teleportation effects though was obviously somewhere rather different.

Gully couldn't be used to track Apeiron down. Can't wait for the Dragon Slayers to have the bright idea to visit Garment. I'd love for them to try chatting with her and for her to stare/glare at them in response.

I can't wait to see the folks on PHO make the connection that new tall girl is Gully. That might be awhile. Hmm, I wonder if other case 53s run across her.

It's funny that the entire case 69 thing didn't get mentioned. You'd have figured that'd have come up during the HQ or Dragon lab visit.
I do feel sorry for Piggot. She is nominally responsible for the city and is trying to keep the Chaos under control.

She has passed the point of irrationality and obsession, but we know where her damage is coming from.

From her perspective, everyone is coming under Apeirons influence and control, a man she more or less accidentally screwed over.

She is probably going to have a medical emergency from stress and neglect, he will heal her and the two will have a heart to heart.
Gotta love how she brought out the Lethe threat and it was enough to shut Piggot down completely.

Yep, I wouldn't want to piss off the person that could probably erase every memory of my existence from not only my friends and family but also from my own mind. Plus from their perspective she could very well just erase the entire Protectorate and PRT from everyone's memory and essentially delete an entire branch of the government or potentially delete the entire government if she got annoyed enough which I'm not even sure if that isn't a possible thing she could do.
While this chapter really brought much needed context for the rest of the word outside the forge, it felt as if 14k words just flew by. I can't decide if that is mark of great writting or if I should 'critizie' it. One way or another I need more
I love how everyone is side-eyeing the shovel.

Given that Apeiron's tinker ability keeps rapidly improving ("three-day old tech"), the fallout from destroying old Forge tech, Kat, Fleet and Survey's recent public actions, and the recent upgrade to Dauntless' lance, everyone must be wondering what kind of WMD the 8 ft tall teenage girl is carrying around in the form of a friendship bracelet.


Regarding Dragon being present for the debrief- sus? I couldn't figure out if she was being compelled to learn more about Apeiron's current location and capabilities.

Did the Dragonslayers learn anything they could take advantage of? I guess the Dragonslayers or Coil might attack Gully to spark conflict between PRT and the Forge.


Ms. Grey - Who was she really? Contessa? Yangbang infiltration? Mama Mather's puppet? Gesellschaft?

The opportunity to have an agent present for Gully's debrief and examination was too important for me to believe that no 3rd parties were covertly present. (Obviously, Survey was monitoring remotely.)


Crystal responded more positively than I expected.

Perhaps Vista has also become less negative toward Mammon?


I was really expecting a scene in which Amy touched Gully then uttered a breathy "You're perfect!" followed by a long painful moment of mutual teenage embarassment.
Loved the chapter; but to be honest i am starting to get annoyed by how contrarian Piggot is being portrayed as. She is? sure, but not this much, Gully's case is going to get kicked up in national, and a few days in confinement would not change anything as the news is already spreading. It just feels like currently Piggot is just a useful monodimensional plot device to not allow further interference with the story, i hope her character will be fleshed out at last a bit in the future in addition to Capes!Bad
Piggot: I'm going to have to ask you to step into confinement for a momen-
The rest of the PRT: Please don't pick a fight with the Celestial Forge. Please don't drag us into a fight with the Celestial Forge.
Loved the chapter; but to be honest i am starting to get annoyed by how contrarian Piggot is being portrayed as. She is? sure, but not this much, Gully's case is going to get kicked up in national, and a few days in confinement would not change anything as the news is already spreading. It just feels like currently Piggot is just a useful monodimensional plot device to not allow further interference with the story, i hope her character will be fleshed out at last a bit in the future in addition to Capes!Bad
I don't see it that way; I see it as a bureaucrat wanting to hold on to power, and the worst thing someone can do in that situation is to let other do things unchallenged. Because, if they do that, they prove that they are redundant, and there can be removed.

Piggot needs to hold on to power, as if she gets kicked out she'll never be able to get anywhere else, and that's basically a death sentence to her. So she'll fight tool and nail on every point she can, trying to hold on to the small bits of power she has, because if not she'll end up thrown under the bus.

Sure, she believes that the city will go to hell instantly if she does that, and part of it is her issue with capes, but in the end she's just trying to hold on long enough for the storm to pass, or to find something that can let her hold her spot. I (and probably most of the readerbase) know it will never happen, but that's game theory for you...

You only lose if you stop putting quarters down the machine.
Sorry for not knowing formatting tricks, I just love this story and want to help issues as much as I can.

While you are under no obligation to shard such details,

... obligation to share...

Apeiron represents a nearly insurmountable challenge, once that constantly proves more daunting with every revelation."

... one that constantly...

More happy Gully is a good thing. At the end, please tell me that she's just going to be looking for advice on how she should behave since her thing with Tecton could now be a thing.

Taking a devil's advocate here but I don't feel that Piggot's suggestion for a full medical debrief is unreasonable. Yes, she has an obvious ulterior motive but that doesn't mean that the excuse she gives is any less valid. Also, wouldn't the National office also want to try and avoid having C53's all trying to go to BB? The infrastructure isn't in good shape there but every C53 that is capable is still going to want to go there in hopes that they too can be helped.

That is going to place a very large burden on an area that is already being overwhelmed.
I don't see it that way; I see it as a bureaucrat wanting to hold on to power, and the worst thing someone can do in that situation is to let other do things unchallenged. Because, if they do that, they prove that they are redundant, and there can be removed.

Piggot needs to hold on to power, as if she gets kicked out she'll never be able to get anywhere else, and that's basically a death sentence to her. So she'll fight tool and nail on every point she can, trying to hold on to the small bits of power she has, because if not she'll end up thrown under the bus.

Sure, she believes that the city will go to hell instantly if she does that, and part of it is her issue with capes, but in the end she's just trying to hold on long enough for the storm to pass, or to find something that can let her hold her spot. I (and probably most of the readerbase) know it will never happen, but that's game theory for you...

You only lose if you stop putting quarters down the machine.
There is a difference between questioning decisions and being mulish for the sake of it; and while Piggot risks getting kicked out getting more black marks for absolutely no gains is being contrarian for absolutely no reason. Had Piggot asked Gully to be sent to some specialized facility out of state to remove a complication, with the others opposing her, that would be her trying to exercise her power to try to divide or alleviate the situation
She has already enough problems, trying to hold Gully there too is absolutely senseless
I can see us getting Lethe vs the dragonslayers next chapter if things go the way I expect.
Cauldron interrupt is also on the table with the case 53 issue heating up.
There is a difference between questioning decisions and being mulish for the sake of it; and while Piggot risks getting kicked out getting more black marks for absolutely no gains is being contrarian for absolutely no reason. Had Piggot asked Gully to be sent to some specialized facility out of state to remove a complication, with the others opposing her, that would be her trying to exercise her power to try to divide or alleviate the situation
She has already enough problems, trying to hold Gully there too is absolutely senseless
It isn't, unfortunately. It does the same thing as it did with Panacea; it keeps a lid on things for the moment. And keeping a lid on the situation is all Piggot can do; she's hoping that if she keeps things stable for long enough, the status quo will remain as it currently is.

(it'll never happen; Stable Situation + Celestial Forge = Matter-Antimatter Reaction)

Getting more black marks isn't an issue to her, replacing her without the city falling into chaos is. The National PRT doesn't have anyone ready to take her place, and especially not in a situation like Brockton Bay. There's so many problem in BB that it's going to take weeks if not months to get someone ready to take her post, and the story hasn't even hit Leviathan yet. There simply hasn't been the time for that kind of change to be done, especially in the current situation.

In fact, if Leviathan attacks the bay, it's quite possible the PRT will push to abandon the place just to get Piggot and all her cronies out of there by simply removing the problem at the root.