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♦ Topic: Garment's Gala
In: Boards ► Fashion ► Events ► Garment's Gala
Brocktonite03 (Original Poster) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Apr 27th 2011:
Ok, so I know that most of you have already seen it, but for those of you who have been living under a rock, the Garment's Gala was one of the craziest events to come out of Brockton Bay recently, and that is saying something.
Starting with the charity portions of the event, the Gala was successful at raising over a hundred thousand dollars on singular items alone, and the speeches and videos were… wow. They really hit hard. Mayor Christner's speech was heartbreaking, to say the least. You could feel the emotion pouring out of every word as he talked about the city's struggles, especially with the recent disasters that have hit Brockton Bay. It wasn't just about the devastation itself, but how the city has had to rebuild again and again.
He didn't sugarcoat things either—Christner acknowledged the issues with funding, the corruption, and how hard it's been to keep morale up. It was one of those rare moments where a politician wasn't speaking in vague terms or dodging the truth. You could see it in his face: the city's in rough shape, and it felt like the Gala was his way of telling everyone, "Look, this is what we're up against, and we need your help." There were definitely some teary eyes in the crowd, not gonna lie.
Then there was Garment's video montage. Yeah, it was polished—no surprise there—but what really stood out was how personal it felt. It wasn't just some highlight reel of her projects or a glorified ad for her brand. Instead, it focused on the relief efforts she's been involved in, the people she's helped, and, honestly, some of the footage really got to me. Seeing entire families displaced, streets that used to be bustling now reduced to rubble... it really drove home why this event was so important.
Other speeches followed, but I have to give a shout-out to Uppercrust. His speech was more of a rallying call—he didn't waste any time laying out the numbers, the donations, the goals. Classic Uppercrust, of course, but what struck me was how proud he seemed. Not just of the money raised, but of the community effort. He pointed out that it wasn't just Garment or some wealthy patrons throwing their money around—it was everyone. Regular people contributing what they could, volunteers working behind the scenes, even small businesses donating services.
By the end of it, the room was buzzing. It was clear that the event wasn't just about fashion or a flashy show; it was about the city's survival and rebuilding in a way that gave people hope. And in a city like Brockton Bay, that's priceless.
Wow. Garment's final display was something else! For those who weren't there, imagine standing in a massive hall where the entire décor—ribbons, banners, and drapes—suddenly came alive. It wasn't just a random cape showing off. Garment demonstrated range, precision, and control that few Shakers can match. She controlled every inch of fabric, turning the space into a swirling tapestry of color and movement.
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Blah Blah Blah everyone died.
Now can we get to the real crime?
She combined plaid with polka-dots!
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Yes, but it worked!
I mean, that can only be a parahuman power to coordinate things.
Putting together an outfit.
Putting together an event.
Putting together plaids and polka-dots.
It's all the same power!
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I'm not sure I would call it "combined"
One angle made the pattern look plaid, one angle made polka dots.
It was a neat effect, but not really a combined look.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
No matter what it was, it haunts my nightmares.
I'm seeing clowns mashing together whenever I close my eyes.
I'm just hoping Lethe makes everyone forget the show.
►Blueshift (Verified Cape) (Verified Rogue) (Verified Delivery Boy) (Verified 'Thirty Minutes or it's Free!') (Verified Verified) (Verified Too Many Tags)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Man, that show was something else. I mean the sheer effort and coordination needed to get it set up in only a few days is insane and they pulled it off like that. Just, wow. The video has nothing on what it was like to see it in person. Food was great too. Can we talk about the food? I don't know who they got to cater for it but they knocked it out of the park. I took as many leftovers as I could carry and I plan to eat them for the rest of the week! I wish I brought my costume so I could carry more on my harness, the one time I show up in my civies...
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Am I the only one who noticed the thing between Ms. Militia & Shuffle going on?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Gully has been wonderful help and it was great to see her at the Gala.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Fatman, as much as I enjoy watching them go 10 rounds in a Ring, I see it more as political stuff.
Anyway, who is Uppercrust's newest bodyguard? I recognise Yellowjack.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Anyone seen New Wave? I thought they would be all over this.
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
The music was awesome.
Brocktonite03, if anything, was underselling those speeches... Those speeches went hard.
I don't really fashion but I gave a Hamilton.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Geez, I wouldn't be surprised if this one event brought in more money than the Bay's entire yearly GDP. I haven't seen an event that size since New York got flattened.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Who cares about the clothes, anyone got the number of that catering company!?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Guys I only meant to watch the first ten minutes of the livestream but I ended up watching the entire thing! How? I don't even like fashion or big fancy galas!
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I'm with @GodOfChicken, that was some of the best food I've ever had and it was buffet sandwiches! Whoever made them is the real star of that show!
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Personally, what surprised me both was that this whole event somehow didn't end up as a total snobfest. Which, given how our so-called betters have been acting since this whole shitshow started is a miracle and a half.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I never knew a ham and cheese sandwich could taste that good. I wouldn't be surprised if they roasted their own pig and made their own damn cheese.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
So anyone know what they are going to do with the massive banner? Because that thing should be in a museum somewhere. Never mind how amazing it looks (because it does look amazing) but just the sheer amount of skill and effort that would have gone into making it is beyond unreal!
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Well, the place it'd usually be put into is kind of a whole bunch of rubble. Which, thinking about it, is a good thing, because placing it among literal trash would be simply disgraceful.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Hell no! It would be a travesty if it was placed in the Snores-berg!
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Maybe they can put it up in the lobby down at Town Hall? It would take up an entire wall, but it would look better than the patchy paint job it has now.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Wouldn't it be better to have the PRT or Protectate hold onto it? They've done that before for valuable art pieces and that tapestry could be worth Millions!
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@Mind_Goblin Unfortunately, since Garment is an independent you get into weird legal gray areas around 'Cape Materials' and stuff, I don't know the specifics (occasionally there are no specifics, given the haste and vagueness of a lot of it) but NEPA-5 kind of destroyed a lot of faith in the PRT and their associate's willingness to financially support or enable capes in business. Rouges get a sort of soft pass if they're not actively causing problems (because there's usually something more worrying then a Tinker or Thinker trying to sell minor PowerTech on the side), but it's very, very rare to have any kind of active help or support for non-PRT affiliates. That they showed up at all is more a sign that they desperately need the local-PR, but... Well, Garment kinda stole any chance at an impression beyond 'they're trying but it sure isn't good enough'. I could see them taking it, but holding it in good faith? Well, *gestures to their current mess* I think their current state of affairs says enough.
Still, if that wasn't gonna sell for millions, I'd probably put in a bid already, but... Again, her previous items speak for themselves. Have you seen how much unopened Letter-Clothes sell for? Or even opened ones? Turns out volunteering for free gets you an absurd paycheck if you simply work for Garment. I suspect her next volunteer recruitment will require a screening process of pretty high intensity. 'Cause even if you don't want a massive payout, the people who kept their outfits constantly brag how comfy they are. Still no idea how none of them have gotten mugged.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@DentalDenier It's probably best for the tapestry if it's placed in the Town Hall lobby. I wouldn't trust the Brockton Bay PRT with anything so valuable. Also, isn't the tapestry's subject Brockton Bay? Can you think of a more appropriate picture for the Brockton Bay Town Hall?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Huh, this is usually the point where I'd expect some PR-T mouthpiece shilling like their life (and more importantly, their 6-digit paycheck) depends on it about how they are the obvious choice for dealing with parahuman anything and how obviously all right-thinking Patriotic citizens should trust them to protect their rights and freedoms, or something to that effect.
►ManInBlack (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
While there has been some talk of the PRT taking possession of the tapestry, the fact is there really isn't anywhere in Headquarters that it would fit. We would have to ship it to New York for it to be properly displayed, but since it was made at an event for Brockton Bay, and is about Brockton Bay, that option isn't gaining a lot of steam. If it goes up in Town Hall or not would be a matter for the Director, Mayor Christner, and the owners of the Regency Center to decide.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
So de we have any hard numbers on just how much money the event brought in? There were a lot of big names that showed up for the live event, never mind the names that purchased items by call in. Considering the quality of the items for sale, I'm guessing it would have cleared ten million easy.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@BlackHawkUp you also have to consider the impact that the non monetary donations had. Turning money into goods and services is pretty hard in a wartorn area, and Brockton Bay is certainly on it's way there - if it isn't already. While no doubt straight cash will be appreciated, raw manpower and goods are almost certainly more immediately useful.
And given how quickly things seem to be changing... The money might not even have a chance to be used before it's rendered irrelevant. Just a depressing, but unfortunately plausible thought.
► TextileTextureTester
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Ten bucks to nothing that tapastry would make a killer blanket. I'd love to fall asleep next to... *Checks pictures again*...
The original fight and flight of The Teeth? A bit on the nose and morbid but if it's half as comfortable as her other stuff...
►DemetriusDonavan (Veteran Brocktanite)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@ManInBlack I'm glad the PRT isn't going to take it, I'm not exactly pleased it was even considered as an option... What would have/is the logic behind taking it? Isn't it just some fabric? Garment makes clothes, which are hardly a hazardous substance.
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@DemetriusDonavan I believe the reasoning was that the PRT are responsible for any Parahuman crimes and oddball fallout from them.
You know, Stabbing with Intent to Knit, Grand Tapestry, Fly By Stitching, Crimes Against Fashion
All those very important things they spend their time doing which makes them too busy to fight Villains.
►ManInBlack (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@DemetriusDonovan While I cannot confirm the exact reasoning, as I am no where near high enough up the food chain to know for sure, I'm guessing it is just because it was Parahuman produced. Anything a parahuman makes, especially using their powers, is considered TinkerTech and should be treated as such until confirmed otherwise.
If Squealer built a classic car and donated it to charity, we would for sure confiscate it for testing until we were certain that it would not pose a danger to the populace. Garment has made and donated enough things however, that this banner is being looked at as just another Garment Gift.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@Undervale6482 That is true, and wasn't something I considered. I really hope the money goes to helping the city, even if most of the clean up is done by the time they can do anything with it. Brockton needs all the help it can get! Does anyone have numbers on the amount of manpower, and what that would cost normally, that went into the event? I am incredibly curious just how much effort went into it, especially on such short notice.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Damn... Hot Lawyer has it going on.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Her little sister is adorable.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
She was only a model because the original one couldn't make it.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Never you mind about the tapestry, what about THE DRESS?!?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Ayo, the fashion houses are all agog. They never considered locations and their histories as a style. Garment's a real trend-setter that way.
...and, yes, they're all obsessed with THE DRESS.
►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
For anyone who is wondering how much the gala raised, in both monetary and non-monetary goods, you just have to look at Garment's website. Delphine Mertens, AKA Hot Lawyer, has apparently made it her own personal goal to document everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about the gala so nobody can say that Garment is committing charity fraud.
Not that mind you, given how much funds she's apparently capable of raising on short notice, anyone ever doubts that she has everything she already needs as it is. Despite having been only asking for several weeks and being mute, Garment already has a full support team.
On that note about Hot Lawyer though... Word on the vine is that you should NEVER call Ms. Mertens that in person, not that anybody has dared to my knowledge. She may be pretty to the eyes, but she already has a fierce reputation to be reckoned with if you actually interact with her.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Hot Lawyer is still hot but not Survey hot.
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Ugg... Ignoring the objectification, how does go about getting to see the Tapestry?
►Hyborean Mage
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
You must undertake a perilous quest. I warn you now, no easy feat for you must behold beauty and not let it consume you.
►Mr. Spider
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Volunteers of the Gala, what stuff didn't make it into the live-stream?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Why does it need tomove anywhere? Feels perfect where it is, andi doubt the regent center would want to close there doors to the pirce?
But ifit has to go anywhere town hall fits. I just wory it will loose impact when moved
Garment is amazing and I hope any lucky guy or girl gets to experience hugs from her in person not just in cosy sweaters lol
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Bruh nobody is survey hot. That is unfair to the hottest lawyer.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
►Judge (Moderator)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
All right, @UnsleepingAgenT, calm down. One more bout of unfounded paranoid ranting and you're banned from the thread for a week.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
What the hell UnsleepingAgenT, what are you trying to do, summon the Cowboy of the empty abyss!!?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@PRiceIsNice, parsing through your post was rather difficult, and while I still don't know what a good third said, I think I have the gist. Basically, keeping it in the Regency Center is rather impractical. They host events there all the time, from rock concerts to business expos, and I doubt all of them would want that tapestry up in the background. It would be pretty hard to Rage Against the Machine with a tapestry in the background that makes you feel hopeful and inspired if you look at it.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
While I do admire Garment's work and fashion exploits (or rather, my wife understands and admires it and I do so vicariously through her), does not one find it strange she's not gotten attacked or recruited at all? Maybe it's just that the gangs and PRT (Keep your 'one and the same' comments to the appropriate rant-threads) have bigger things to worry about, but I'd have expected at least a token effort. Does that speak to how utterly swamped they are, or have some quieter conflicts happened that didn't make national news?
Because, heads up, your clothes are made out of the same stuff she just proved she could weave at bullet speeds. Or simply constrict your clothing with you unfortunately inside... And probably plenty more violent ways to die that I'm not creative enough to figure out. And while I wouldn't count on the gangs as having the cumulative mental power to change a lightbulb, they certainly know their violence.
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I can already see the planning session.
"So we need to approach Garment in a way that minimizes her weapons."
"Her weapons are clothing."
"So we need to approach her naked?"
"And we don't want to confront her in her workshop, so we'd have to approach while she's out, but she only seems to go out for public events..."
"Somehow I just don't think we can properly represent ourselves while swinging in the breeze you know?"
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I mean, have you seen the damage Garment's dress went through on her first night out? There were tears, cuts, and more bullet holes than what would've killed an ordinary cape, and Garment didn't even seem affected by it. How would you even hurt or capture someone like Garment, and is that kind of effort worth what is effectively just better styled clothing for your group?
Of course we can see now that it's obvious that her "party planning" can get pretty ridiculous if she tries. But before this gala, it was fairly small scale, and even then I doubt that she would be just as happy to plan for an Empire rally as she was for charity. I'm sure the local PRT would be more than happy to have her too, but she's definitely established herself as an independent rogue cape since the beginning.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Speaking of rogue fashion capes, has Garment and Parian announced an upcoming cooperative fashion line yet? I know people say a lot of things about Parian's competence compared to Garment, but there's just something fantastic about that idea to me, you know?
Fashion, both old and new in Brockton Bay. Working together. I think it's something that could give hope after all that happened recently in this city...
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I think the gangs have enough to worry about right now. Between the Ungodly Hour messing up the city, the Teeth returning the city, and the Celestial Forge hanging around like the proverbial elephant in the room, Garment is most likely rather low on their list of priorities.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Recruitment attempts can either end like her previous outings or she's in the clothes.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Aleph Meme, really? HE, your better than this....
I just wanted to know the name of who did the food? My other half brought home some and it was delicious.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I think there are a few reasons for why that might be the case.
Firstly, we must take into account the context. Now, sorry if I'm stepping on any toes here - I'm not from BB - but recent weeks have been defined by crisis after crisis, which have pushed every group in the city to the brink, including their capes. Sending non-powered members would be out of the question, but the capes would have better things to do, like fighting the other gangs, or recovering from said fights.
Secondly, it cannot be understated just how new Garment is. That would already limit opportunities to approach her, but even that time is cut short even more by her not having had a base of operation until recently, having no known patrol pattern or area, and very few public appearances.
Thirdly, there are the risks involved. See, Garment is surprisingly powerful as you've pointed out. Even assuming that for whatever reason she can't fire threads at supersonic speeds (powers are weird and often have arbitrary limits) or do something similarly ridiculous, she has already proven herself to be a capable combattant that is incredibly difficult to put down. But she's also what's commonly referred to as a "Joke Cape". Her powers are seen as relatively harmless, after all, it's just cloth, what's the worst that could happen? And then you get beaten up by a dress and left tied up in a neat bow, and everybody is laughing at you. That kind of thing can ruin careers. And with tensions running high, nobody would risk losing face like that.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I think you've hit the nail on the head, @limmyjimmy . Garment is powerful, but she's new, unpredictable, and doesn't fit the usual mold for capes that gangs would go after. The thing is, it's not just about raw power—it's about the perception of power. Gangs and the PRT aren't stupid (well, not always). They're not going to risk a full-scale conflict unless they know it's worth it. Garment's a wild card. For all they know, she could turn their own uniforms against them or string them up for the media to see, like you said, in a humiliating defeat.
Plus, Brockton Bay is barely holding itself together right now. Between the ongoing gang wars and the chaos caused by the more dangerous factions, recruiting or attacking a rogue cape who's mostly minding her own business doesn't seem like a top priority. Not to mention, Garment's staying under the radar and sticking to her niche in fashion. It's clever, really—she's making herself useful to the city while not stepping on anyone's toes. It's probably part of why she's avoided being pulled into bigger conflicts.
But here's the thing: as her influence grows, as she pulls off more events like the Gala, she might not be able to fly under the radar for long. If the PRT or gangs think she's becoming a threat or, worse, a strategic asset for their enemies, you can bet they'll come knocking. For now, though, it looks like everyone's too busy or too cautious to make the first move.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Yeah about that, methinks that's not going to be a problem. If you have any videos of March's livestream or Monkeysteel's fight in the trainyard, pay attention to his hands. Carefully.
*Laughs in schadenfreude*
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Oh don't go getting the thread locked for that conspiracy again. Aperion has had white gloves as part of his various aesthetics from the beginning, but there's no sign of him sharing space with the invisible woman that is Garden Gloves (sorry for the disrespect on this one but I have a gimmick to maintain)... And not to mention her gloves are a completely different design to his - she's been ballroom style elbow gloves in every appearance, the only difference being how far she rolls them up.
Actually thinking of said name joke do you think there's any kind of business that our newest madame of fashion would have difficulty designing for?
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
She favors the cloth and flamboyancy but that doesn't mean she can't do the practical utility of PPE Uniform. Although I would be interested in seeing what she came up with if she did.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Huh, something super unfashionable. Does this mean the weaponized version of her power is fad generation?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I can't really think of anything that would be too hard for her.
Was it Hot Lawyer or Garment that kept the Administration side of things purring along so smoothly?
►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
According to some of the volunteers that I interviewed online, apparently it's a bit of both? I mean, Garment obviously couldn't have had directed things by herself with her communication issues, but Ms Mertens was clearly taking cues on her behalf. Plus, half of the time, Ms. Mertens was on call with her own support team outside of the event.
It muddles things a bit, I know, on who has been coordinating things but there was this universal response from the volunteers where the entire thing certainly had been a group effort where everyone pitched in.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Even if Garment does have some sort planning and coordination power, she still wouldn't have been able to pull that event together in that little of time without some major help. Hot Lawyer must also be Super Lawyer to be able to cut through that much red tape!
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
If by Super, you mean super terrifying, then yes, Ms. Mertens is certainly just that. I work in a law firm over at New York, and the kind of behavior Mertens exhibited was certainly... one of a kind.
You know how in professional circles, there are just these traditions and manners that have to be shared, even if it does add a bit of "red tape" as you had put it? Yes, well Mertens certainly had none of that. I know it sounds ironic coming from an attorney, but Mertens certainly had "following the word of the rules, not the spirit" down pat.
She would only do the bare minimum of niceties and then proceed to the next step with no breaks. She will give the paperwork as perfectly done as you could imagine, but she would ask nothing less but perfection in return. She has no qualms in calling out anyone slacking off or being anything less than punctual, even if it would be impolite. Frankly, if it were anyone else who wasn't as terrifyingly competent and as easy on the eyes as Ms. Mertens, there would've been a lot of burnt bridges.
But as it is, she instead has built something of a following among us. Especially after the resounding success that was that gala. There's just something that inspires both admiration and envy about her you know, and I know that rest of the women in my office both love and rue her name. I certainly do.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I think everyone is so fixated on the idea of a "super planning power" that they're missing the obvious.
Hot Person walks into the room, and everyone is suddenly super helpful and nice but fighting for attention.
Hot Lawyer walks into the room, and everyone is suddenly super helpful, nice, and a little intimidated so they fall in line and get things done!
It's not a parahuman power at all, it's just the power of hotness taken to the logical extreme!
We can only hope Hot Lawyer uses her powers for good... despite being a lawyer.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Don't forget the help of a very helpful translator - the young lady working as her assistant must have an inner eye for fashion to be able to help make miss Garment understood.
►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
That is actually something I was approached about by one of my interviewees. Apparently the young lady is Garment's direct aide, not under Mertens, and it has been requested that we would respect her privacy as she's an underage volunteer. Something of a personal project on Garment's part, from what I heard, but aside from that please do keep the talk about her to a minimum.
She's not a cape given that her identity is actually public if you know where to look, but please do respect the privacy of a minor and don't try looking and wait until Garment decides to make her a public model of hers or something. Act like she's a Ward if that makes it easier. I have forwarded the same request to the resident mod so nobody think about doxxing the young lady.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
> CatNoLongerInTheBag says:
> "Somehow I just don't think we can properly represent ourselves while swinging in the breeze you know?"
While that is a funny image, things are not that simple. Kaiser has his power generated armor. Hookwolf becomes his own armor. But Cricket probably won't mind going in the nude as long as she keeps her cage... Or on another side: Mush is well... Mush, Squealer will be inside her tank either way.
And no matter how powerful Garnment might be, there should be limits. Be that inability to affect things like chainmails or unprocessed plant cloth (I don't mean leafs, I mean Blasto) or she might be incapable of affecting leather.
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
> Even if Garment does have some sort planning and coordination power, she still wouldn't have been able to pull that event together in that little of time without some major help.
There is a bunch of powers that just make things line up, why can't it be a shaker power that just do things because it can? It can also be a thinker power that lets you select the most effective person for the job, tinkertech offers a lot of possibilities or it can be something more insidious.
My bet is on an ability to find the right person for the job. Garmet's lawyer probably had more 'bed' offers than actual job offers before Garmet found her, it is a low key miracle Miss Mertens is a lawyer and not on a podium regardless of her diploma. In that business you need reputation first and having model's envy of a body is a handicap, not a boon.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@DandyWingman I'd back that up about Mertens, because while I'm certainly not as much of a beauty as she is, I've faced harassment like that from both clients and competitors. It's why we are all so admiring yet so envious really - Mertens is like the dream of us women in this male dominated business that is the paralegal sector.
►ChildofDirtAndEarth (Unverified Cape) (Verified Geologist)
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
The Gala, if you pardon the pun, rocks.
I share Bagrat's opinion on doxxing the apparently young lady professional.
My question is did Garment use the power generated rocks in her clothing?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
@DandyWingman, powers tend to follow a theme though. I could see coordinating a fashion show to somehow fall into her theme, but I can't see an ability to choose the right people fitting into it. More likely she chose her lawyer based on which one looks best in a dress, and just got lucky with it.
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
Both Boundless Music and the Food was great. The Merten sisters were in the zone. Fashion isn't my thing but the historical stuff was A+ edutainment.
Power generated Rocks? Maybe? I don't know.
How broad can a power's theme get? Is 'Fashion' the theme?
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:
I'd say themes are more what people think and do rather than inherent to the power.
What does Flying, Super Strength and Invulnerability have in common?
Dozens of capes doing it.
Maybe all para-humans have a lot of weirdo sideways applications and they just don't show it off because they are presenting a theme?
Maybe the powers are commonly disparate and parahumans limit themselves to a theme to make sense of it all?
And then there are grab bags.
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[Written with the help of CorEagle's "PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge"(
PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge) and the users who frequent the thread.]