Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Woo! Chapter! Time to read.

Once again Talk no Jutsu proves to be the most OP skill imaginable.

I love that the gym crew think Joe is a tinker who's trying to keep quiet and help however he can, rather than the Bismuth Orangutan scaring the shit out of every governmental force on the planet.
To be fair to the gym crew, the curse is preventing them from making the connection/trying to make the connection, and nobody would expect Apeiron to be hanging out at an old boxing gym. It's like seeing a movie star at a grocery store. That just doesn't occur to you as a possibility.
I love Brians dad here just kind of going "I'm not a friggin ingrate," and leaving it at that. It's a behaviour you rarely see from Worm characters and in Worm fanfiction - infact, the nature of how the setting is perceived by most of us makes it so the OPPOSITE is usually true.


So its nice to see a sane normal adult make the reasonable and smart decision that if a person is being nice to you, maybe its NOT because they want to eat your brain or something similarly awful

And that's why Mr. Laborn never triggered.
He's emotionally mature despite constant adversity.

As for Aisha and Brian's mom, I guess she had a good life before becoming a full-time junkie.
I think Dr. Campbell should be the next member of the Celestial Forge.

I've been wondering what LordR could do in the next session which would be exciting and advance the plot. Joe himself seems kind of meta- stable right now. He'd probably still benefit from therapy but it wouldn't be a fun read. But then I considered how many others in Worm would benefit from a good therapist.

Made me think of the doctor hologram from USS Voyager. Joe is about to do an Apeiron-speed tour of the USA to fix all of the S9's former victims. Most of them are going to need counseling. As Dr. Campbell is an excellent therapist and someone that Joe already knows and trusts, why not ask him to participate in creating some kind of therapy program? Throw him into the spiritron computer, upload a half dozen additional PhDs into his brain, then let him collaborate with the Matrix, Survey, and the clones to produce a counselor program.

Could even give Campbell a cape name, Doctor De-escalation. He'd be the most feared Cape on Earth-Bet

"Watch out for his self-awareness beam! You'll be a sobbing wreck for hours if it touches you!"

"I know. I saw what he did to the Butcher! You'll never see me wearing a beautiful tiara riding around on a unicorn like a magical princess trying to save the world and being loved by everyone!"

" actually want to get hit, don't you?"

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I think Dr. Campbell should be the next member of the Celestial Forge.
Unfortunately for us, Dr. Campbell's professionalism and duty as a therapist requires a level of distance and that's just not possible with being a member of the Celestial Forge. WoG is that the things Joe gifts him for his safety are the most he'll ever get, or even ask for for that matter. So no matter how fun it sounds - and I really do think so - it'll be incredibly unlikely for him to be made the offer, or to ask for it.

Chen would be likelier, but even then he already has his own things to attend to. Sadly unless something changes at some point, with no more companions in the available Perks there won't be anymore new recruits anytime soon aside from the daily mechs and if Joe ever decides to make a Big after all.
For Dr. Campbell, I've been saying, he should be allowed to have the use of the Serial Phantasm for therapy sessions with the Undersiders, especially Taylor. Imagine if they went from edgy teens to rational adults overnight? The most OP upgrade of all!
He looked at the paintings again. If Joe had really built a nature reserve in his workshop, would that change anything? Was it at all worth getting into right now, with everything else he had to deal with, and was only barely dealing with?

It went against his nature, but he slowly nodded to Aisha. "Right." He said in a strained voice. "I'll take a rain check on that part."

Aisha nodded to him. "We can see about getting you a full tour in a couple of days, once things settle." She paused. "Well, not a full-full tour. Maybe just the highlights. Believe me, that will be enough."
You know, I bet that a luxury Railway Journey through the Workshop would be a lovely little vacation for the siblings. They could do it overnight; with the temporal acceleration going on I believe that that comes out to a long weekend per eight hours.
You know, I bet that a luxury Railway Journey through the Workshop would be a lovely little vacation for the siblings. They could do it overnight; with the temporal acceleration going on I believe that that comes out to a long weekend per eight hours.
My mind went to a strange place where the entire trip is conducted on rails laid ahead of the train just in time by the Matrix, like this (skip to 1:32):

Just imagine a golden Gun-EZ in place of the dog.

With maybe some train drifting, like this (the Workshop's gotta be big enough for glaciers by now, right?):

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My mind went to a strange place where the entire trip is conducted on rails laid ahead of the train just in time by the Matrix, like this (skip to 1:32):

Just imagine a golden Gun-EZ in place of the dog.

With maybe some train drifting, like this (the Workshop's gotta be big enough for glaciers by now, right?):


That seems more Fleet's energy, but Matrix could probably manage the carriages without stepping on any toes.
This was a great chapter, covered enough material for things to happen, no characters were flanderized, and it flowed very well. There was no obnoxious chewing of the scenery, or talking about philosophy for multiple pages. Nice clean to the point chapter. I love it!