Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

You have to understand, this is Brian post-exposure to a literal afterlife! Therefore, it is him post-Master effect! Thus, it can be understandable that he is suddenly so understanding, he needs Lisa to put him under M/S protocols, stat!

Brian Tier List:

S Tier

Brian After Heaven: Good mental stats, unlocked his Bond Skill with Aisha (Lethe) and Joe (Apeiron), him lossing BS with Mysterious Boss Coil is actually a bonus in disguise.

Brian The Nerve Wall: Compensate his abysmal stats by having a Second Trigger that unlock a neat Skill Steal ability.

C Tier:

Brian (Grue): Basic form, cool AoE debuff, though it will debuff your own units if you don't know what you are doing or not using Lisa (Tattletale) in the team. Not that great, not that bad, could use a better Leadership Skill.

Out of List:

Brian (Grue) (Timeskip Module): Ok, let's be honest for a second here. We all use him as a damage bait, right? Seriously, that's all he is good for, the developera must have had some kind of grudge against or something. Sure, haha funny module that gives him maximum taunt, but so much more could have been done for him! Out of the list because Alec (Regent) is a way better taunt unit.


I can see that people can make assumption if the Undersider were to come as a group that the girl are having the boy as 'the beard', because they are in a nazi infested city.

Or they may assume that the group is in a polycule.

And then both group would either place bet, or have shipping wars.

The Gym Broes are the Parahuman's fandom now, you can't change my mind.

Gym Bro: What? No, of course Taylor is in love with Lisa! Brian is her just being in denial!
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I wonder what happens next...
Is it the therapy session?
Campbell is one of my favorite characters in this fic. I would go as far as to say that I wouldn't mind a interlude chapter from him.
One thing about the assumed Brian and Alec relationship is it actually has a weird age difference. Isn't Brian almost 18? While to the best of my knowledge Alec is 14.
I wonder what happens next...
Is it the therapy session?
Campbell is one of my favorite characters in this fic. I would go as far as to say that I wouldn't mind a interlude chapter from him.
Campbell deserves to havevat least as much of an explanation as Brian just got. While I don't think he thinks Joe is unstable he is probably very confused. It would probably be useful to know Joe is experiencing extra time between sessions.
One thing about the assumed Brian and Alec relationship is it actually has a weird age difference. Isn't Brian almost 18? While to the best of my knowledge Alec is 14.
Yes, which is why the canon Alec/Aisha pairing isn't even creepier. But 14 is just old enough that confidence can create the appearance of a few extra years.

Brian's not considering a real relationship, partly because he does know about the age gap. He just doesn't know how to deal with the assumed one.
Yes, which is why the canon Alec/Aisha pairing isn't even creepier. But 14 is just old enough that confidence can create the appearance of a few extra years.

Brian's not considering a real relationship, partly because he does know about the age gap. He just doesn't know how to deal with the assumed one.
Depending on how much of an early bloomer he is he could probably get away with quite a bit older than he actually is. I stopped growing when I was 15 or so, and currently in my mid 20s I look basically the same as I did them. I have very slightly wider shoulders, and my jaw is a little stronger. Granted I do get mistaken for a highschooler constantly. So if he said he's 18, he could probably get away with it.
I wonder what happens next...
Is it the therapy session?
Campbell is one of my favorite characters in this fic. I would go as far as to say that I wouldn't mind a interlude chapter from him.
I've got mixed feelings on interludes. On one hand, the extra perspective is always nice, on the other, we only get about a chapter, and a half a month, and I really want to see what Joe has in store for the S9.
Dr. Campbell: Think, Roy, think! How do you deal with a patient that have his biweekly sessions with a year gap in between!?
Remember, it's daily sessions these days. Daily sessions with years gap in between!
One thing about the assumed Brian and Alec relationship is it actually has a weird age difference. Isn't Brian almost 18? While to the best of my knowledge Alec is 14.
That would only add to their assumptions, really. If Brian is dating someone who looks younger than him, then presumably he'd be trying to hide it - especially if it's a guy. But given this is Brockton Bay, I doubt that a few years' gap would cause more eyes to bat compared to the presumed gay relationship, especially if Alec doesn't act particularly childishly. Honestly, given how Brian is barely considered an adult himself, for a lot of people they would just think of Brian and Alec as both being kids.
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But given this is Brockton Bay, I doubt that a few years' gap would cause more eyes to bat compared to the presumed gay relationship, especially if Alec doesn't act particularly childishly.

Even worse (for safety in Brockton Bay), it's an interracial gay relationship with an age gap the makes the black partner look like a potential predator. The E88 would have a field day with that under normal circumstances. Thankfully they won't exists for much longer.
The gym broes having to awkwardly explain to Taylor "Description Fucking" Hebert that, no, she doesn't have a chance with Brian "Big Gay" Laborn and that she shouldn't let herself be lead on. And then have Lisa appear out of nowhere and have people make assumptions again.

Because aparently gym broes' brains work the same way that telenovel addicts' do.
They can't look at a single person without thinking that they want to fuck a Laborn; this shit is more then merely "apparent".
I can see that people can make assumption if the Undersider were to come as a group that the girl are having the boy as 'the beard', because they are in a nazi infested city.

Or they may assume that the group is in a polycule.

And then both group would either place bet, or have shipping wars.
Checks out; they'd probably take one look at Grue and their Laborn Instincts would kick in.
One thing about the assumed Brian and Alec relationship is it actually has a weird age difference. Isn't Brian almost 18? While to the best of my knowledge Alec is 14.
They probably don't even register it due to considering anyone below the age of thirty-something to be a baby.
You know, one of the things I genuinely love about this story is how it really humanizes Brian and his family... their mother excepted, but, well, there's only so much you can do with an apathetic, immoral junky that's clearly a danger to themselves and others. Brian... bless his heart, the boy tries, he's also very much a teenager without any great role models trying to take on the responsibilities of an adult, and it definitely shows at times. But yeah, Brian tends to get characterized as gruff, controlling, and overly serious, Aisha tends to get characterized as a spiteful hellion with a smart mouth and a negative sense for danger and/or consequences, while their father tends to get characterized as a brute with few (if any) redeeming qualities. In this story they actually feel like a family, a weird, tragically broken family, but you can see, for example, where Brian 'gets it from' so to speak. They genuinely seem to care about each other, and are at least trying to build bridges and find common ground, even if the process is awkward and difficult. It's only a small aspect of the story overall, but I find myself really enjoying the unexpected, but much appreciated character development.