What exactly Piggot sees in Gully's new form? Is it nothing to her but a ticking time bomb, a trap posed as a miracle waiting to destroy the city to advance whatever goal the bio-tinker pursuing? Is she afraid of that? Is that why she's pushing for medical examination so hard? Or is it the opposite? Is she hoping for it to be a trap? For it to be a proof? That she was right. Right in not trusting Apeiron, right in standing against him, against his goals, against desires of other to get treatment from him. Proof that Gully is wrong, that all Cases 53 that getting in the city are wrong, that Uppercase was wrong. That seeking treatment from the cape is wrong, that she had a good reason. A good reason for her actions, a good reason for her decision, a good reason for subjecting herself to years of organ failure while a person who can fix it with just a touch was a call away. That she was right, and her suffering was need, not just a self-indulgence of unsound mind. That Apeiron was wrong, and she is not insane.
Whenever consider Pigot or Calvert motivation = Nilbog. They went through that S class.