Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

So… Joe is going to remove the bombs. Cool. Now, because Bakuda is a complete asshole, how many of them are going to have completely independent, redundant local triggers that don't interact with the control signal at all? Maybe oxygen sensors or something. So even if the signal has been compromised, removing them still causes them to go boom. Or foom, or zzzap-crackle-whump as appropriate.

Anyway, assuming such extra triggers exist, they should be detectable but can they be defeated in-place or is he going to have to remove them then "safely detonate" them elsewhere? Because I have this image of Tetra grabbing a time-stop and shifting it outside the fence before it goes off, getting "trapped" in it then just reappearing next to Joe like nothing happened because she was already always there and one part of her being a bit slower than usual is nothing compared to the parts that are faster already. Meanwhile everyone else is just 😱🫣🤯

Mostly though I want to see him accidentally use shikigami in front of a crowd of mostly Asians and somehow make them work. Because that definitely won't tip the balance on the "worship" scales at all, nosirree. 😇
So… Joe is going to remove the bombs. Cool. Now, because Bakuda is a complete asshole, how many of them are going to have completely independent, redundant local triggers that don't interact with the control signal at all?

Her control signal isn't just a "I want bomb X to go boom when I press this button." It's also a "I can completely control all the settings on this bomb, including backup triggers."

Joe's completely disabled and disarmed all the bombs already from cracking Bakuda's control signal, and spoofed them so Bakuda doesn't know they're offline. They just need to be physically removed from the victims in a discrete way that doesn't get Bakuda's attention that she's been had.
Anyway, assuming such extra triggers exist, they should be detectable but can they be defeated in-place or is he going to have to remove them then "safely detonate" them elsewhere? Because I have this image of Tetra grabbing a time-stop and shifting it outside the fence before it goes off, getting "trapped" in it then just reappearing next to Joe like nothing happened because she was already always there and one part of her being a bit slower than usual is nothing compared to the parts that are faster already. Meanwhile everyone else is just 😱🫣🤯

You have a good point about Tetra racking up a lot of experience over the last couple of days of interacting with multiple rates of time simultaneously. Plus, she has a S-rank Mover power.

The Matrix doesn't really get much screentime.

I predict that Matrix and Tetra make a dramatic tour of all of Grey Boy's victims in one afternoon, with Tetra casually 'yoinking' them from the bubble followed by The Matrix providing healing and a mental rewind. I'm guessing Matrix will also remove the Corona Pollentias/Gemmas from the victims that have triggered and second-triggered.

Those-in-the-know will probably initially assume that the Apeiron learned power nullification from Hatchetface and proceed to freak out believing that Apeiron has also learned how to emulate the rest of the S9.

Then the rest of the world will freak out when everyone realizes how easily the Matrix can permanently depower a Parahuman and mentally reprogram human beings.

Secondary Prediction:
The Matrix will then possess a collection of very thorough scans of dozens of Corona Pollentias/Gemmas which it could emulate to connect to the respective Shards if they desired.

Tertiary Prediction:
At some point The Matrix is going to destroy the Machine Army (either for giving nanites such a bad reputation or for being crude, inefficient, oversized, and poorly designed). The Matrix probably won't eliminate the Machine Army on the same day it frees all of Grey Boy's victims but easily could. Dragon will applaud her otouto for helping to improve the reputation of sentient machines.


What is happening with Dragon? Is she still tied up building her new base/factory in Brockton? It's been almost a week!
(Yeah, kind of drives home the difference between Celestial Forge rate of development and growth compared to more mundane beings)
Tertiary Prediction:
At some point The Matrix is going to destroy the Machine Army (either for giving nanites such a bad reputation or for being crude, inefficient, oversized, and poorly designed). The Matrix probably won't eliminate the Machine Army on the same day it frees all of Grey Boy's victims but easily could. Dragon will applaud her otouto for helping to improve the reputation of sentient machines.

He'll probably "destroy" it either by subsuming them, or by even reprogramming the AIs behind it into productive sentient beings.
So… Joe is going to remove the bombs. Cool. Now, because Bakuda is a complete asshole, how many of them are going to have completely independent, redundant local triggers that don't interact with the control signal at all? Maybe oxygen sensors or something. So even if the signal has been compromised, removing them still causes them to go boom. Or foom, or zzzap-crackle-whump as appropriate.

Anyway, assuming such extra triggers exist, they should be detectable but can they be defeated in-place or is he going to have to remove them then "safely detonate" them elsewhere? Because I have this image of Tetra grabbing a time-stop and shifting it outside the fence before it goes off, getting "trapped" in it then just reappearing next to Joe like nothing happened because she was already always there and one part of her being a bit slower than usual is nothing compared to the parts that are faster already. Meanwhile everyone else is just 😱🫣🤯

Mostly though I want to see him accidentally use shikigami in front of a crowd of mostly Asians and somehow make them work. Because that definitely won't tip the balance on the "worship" scales at all, nosirree. 😇
You know it occurs to me that Joe could probably use his Fiat-Backed nanotech restoration-device on Bakuda's bombs pretty easily; might be interesting. At least Survey would probably appreciate it.
I figure Matrix would reprogram them, as any nanomachines created would be made of unworthy materials.
Well it's not as though they're made of better material; they can be the low-grade nanomachines instead of him.
Wildbow is a good writer, but a shit world builder. At a certain point, the work transcends them, like it has for GRR Martin, JK Rowling, and the stewards of the Star Wars universe.

I equate it to the modding community. They should suspend their ego, don't clarify minute details unless it really goes against the themes of the work, and let the fanbase fill in the blanks. It gives their worlds more longevity.

I would call Wildbow a good writer and having the potential to be an equally good world builder.

The keyword is "potential."

Sometimes, Wildbow capitalizes really well on that potential.

Sometimes, Wildbow fires on all cylinders with that potential and delivers something truly spectacular.

Sometimes, Wildbow does absolutely nothing with that potential.

Sometimes, it feels like he doesn't really go far enough with that potential.

I don't think it's his fault entirely because one person can only come up with so many ideas.

But then sometimes Wildbow completely and utterly shits the potential all the way down to the ground and burns it to a crisp.

it feels really weird, to be honest, and I get the feeling he intentionally does that to piss people off.

At least he seems to be much better now if the Otherverse and Claw are anything to go by.
I agree with everything you've said here, except the fundamental assumption that this is a problem.

There are no golden rules for telling a story. All 'story telling rules' really are is a set if ingredients and recipes that have been found to work. Going beyond such 'rules' can be extremely compelling writing. Pacing is an emergent property resulting from a thousand smaller factors, and it's also not the end all be all of a story, though I do agree that it makes them better.

The way this story is structured and told is unlike anything I've ever seen or read elsewhere and I'm endlessly fascinated by it. I love everything about it and I'm fully prepared to wait as long as it takes for Lord to write this story as he wants to write it.

In fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. Does this story have problems (of course it does, no creative work doesn't), but this just isn't one of them. Writing this story in any 'normal' way, with 'proper pacing' and 'appropriate conflicts' would mean removing the most interesting parts of it. I'm not saying such a story can't be good, but it wouldn't be this story. It wouldn't be one of my favorite stories ever.

Edit: Also, I just love how this work keeps giving me new ideas and broadening my horizons. I'd never have considered using Queen Administrator as a component in a mega project meant to subvert the entire passenger network, but it makes so much sense I can't believe I never considered it before.

Hell yeah, you and me both buddy.

Like, I said something similar but different on AO3.
I think you put it in better words than I did, tho.

I really wish there were more fanfics like Brockton's Celestial Forge.
I know it's inherently unreasonable to expect extremely professional quality from fan works but I hope this story inspires other people to write more detail in their stories because when all those details pay off, it feels extremely satisfying as hell.

Thanks homie! o7.

oh BTW if anyone wants to see what I wrote.
Link to my AO3 comment.
What do you guys say, a chapter this week or another delay?
This week feels like a delay week for me.

It is possible especially since the bank is 500 so the next roll is with 700 but it's also from Armstrong's pov which simplifies it a bit since it'll probably jump back a bit to before the call so he can think about the situation without earning points and there won't be anything describing the new perks heck we might not even see the strategy trance(s) if it/they arrive during the call, Joe's journey there or if Armstrong otherwise isn't around or doesn't notice. Though I guess it's not confirmed it's a full interlude and just that it's starting with his pov so it could just be a preamble for his introspection and the call before shifting back to Joe.
It is possible especially since the bank is 500 so the next roll is with 700 but it's also from Armstrong's pov which simplifies it a bit since it'll probably jump back a bit to before the call so he can think about the situation without earning points and there won't be anything describing the new perks heck we might not even see the strategy trance(s) if it/they arrive during the call, Joe's journey there or if Armstrong otherwise isn't around or doesn't notice. Though I guess it's not confirmed it's a full interlude and just that it's starting with his pov so it could just be a preamble for his introspection and the call before shifting back to Joe.

I didn't realize it was an Armstrong interlude. LordR spends a lot of time and effort to discuss the full impact of big Perks so, given the amount of CP banked, I'd assumed this next post would be delayed at least a day if not a full week. An interlude, however, is something that I think LordR might power through and get out on schedule.

Who is going to be there with Armstrong? I'd love to see Weld get another healing treatment.

Edit: Spidey's crystal ball says, "When thirteen dine together, the first to rise will be the first to die."
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Delay Announcement
I hate to have to announce a delay, but the last two weeks haven't given me much time to write. I'm going to need another week to finish the chapter. My apologies for the delay, but things have been quite hectic recently. I am hoping that I'll be able to get back into a stable posting schedule once things settle back down.
I hate to have to announce a delay, but the last two weeks haven't given me much time to write. I'm going to need another week to finish the chapter. My apologies for the delay, but things have been quite hectic recently. I am hoping that I'll be able to get back into a stable posting schedule once things settle back down.


The successor of *HEADDESK*.

...seriously, though, that's life.

Haven't had a weeklong delay in a while, though...
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I hate to have to announce a delay, but the last two weeks haven't given me much time to write. I'm going to need another week to finish the chapter. My apologies for the delay, but things have been quite hectic recently. I am hoping that I'll be able to get back into a stable posting schedule once things settle back down.
Good luck with the stabilization of your schedule; your commitment to quality is appreciated.