Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Honestly, I suspected this would happen when I saw that LR hadn't left any replies to comments on the AO3 version by yesterday. Typically I see them starting to be made about a week after the chapter releases, and when they are heavily delayed or non existent it frequently means LR is unusually busy. Don't worry about the delay, life always takes precedence.
Sincerally, I had forgotten this week was chap week.
It changes so much that even if Lord gave no warning I wouldnt notice the lack of chapter.
I admit I am just awaiting the Girl Genius snip.

The possibility of a Romance hint with her. Agatha can fix his Bad Habits. Her own bad habits outshine his!
I hate to have to announce a delay, but the last two weeks haven't given me much time to write. I'm going to need another week to finish the chapter. My apologies for the delay, but things have been quite hectic recently. I am hoping that I'll be able to get back into a stable posting schedule once things settle back down.
I don't want to be an asshole but is there any point in keeping the pretense of a schedule that is not being upheld 80% of the time?
If you think you need that level of structure in your life, you do you I guess. But you should really examine if simply writing chapters and releasing them when ready would cause you less stress
I don't want to be an asshole but is there any point in keeping the pretense of a schedule that is not being upheld 80% of the time?
If you think you need that level of structure in your life, you do you I guess. But you should really examine if simply writing chapters and releasing them when ready would cause you less stress
It's important to make and have a plan even if one's plans always fall apart and need to be replaced.
I don't want to be an asshole but is there any point in keeping the pretense of a schedule that is not being upheld 80% of the time?
If you think you need that level of structure in your life, you do you I guess. But you should really examine if simply writing chapters and releasing them when ready would cause you less stress
why ask this question and then immediately provide the answer?

on a more serious note, 'simply writing chapters and releasing them when ready' as a production schedule is like a recipe for never finishing or releasing anything*. I mean, I've been doing that for years, and I've released one chapter of anything ever, and I hated it in retrospect.

*for some people
Anyone knows if there is any word of god from LR about just what exactly is the issue with Brandish? I tried the Tv Tropes page, but either I missed it, or there isn't one.
Anyone knows if there is any word of god from LR about just what exactly is the issue with Brandish? I tried the Tv Tropes page, but either I missed it, or there isn't one.
Don't know about any wog but I can give a good guess on what happened with her. She was already an unpleasant, paranoid, somewhat unstable person, just good at hiding it. Then her marriage fell apart, but she decided it couldn't be her fault. Thus it must be Aperion's fault, she then proceeded to link him in her mind to Marquis and by extension her original kidnappers. Then things happen with Victoria making her even more stressed, exasperating her issues even more than they were before.
Yeah, Apeiron being a powerful villain (to her) who keeps to a strict guideline would definitely make her link him to Marquis. Add in the fact that he (unwittingly) started the domino chain that ended in her family relations going up in flames makes it worse.
Yeah, Apeiron being a powerful villain (to her) who keeps to a strict guideline would definitely make her link him to Marquis. Add in the fact that he (unwittingly) started the domino chain that ended in her family relations going up in flames makes it worse.
Except he didn't; she (and Manpower) did by having the affair in the first place, back when lil'Joe was, what, five? Six? Just because it took eighteen years for the second domino to fall doesn't mean she was right to build her house out of them. But admitting that is even more anathema to her than admitting her kidnapping and subsequent killing of her kidnappers left her "a bit messed up."
Except he didn't; she (and Manpower) did by having the affair in the first place, back when lil'Joe was, what, five? Six? Just because it took eighteen years for the second domino to fall doesn't mean she was right to build her house out of them. But admitting that is even more anathema to her than admitting her kidnapping and subsequent killing of her kidnappers left her "a bit messed up."
I said started the domino chain. The pieces were put in place years ago.
I'm really enjoying BCF, it's clear you put your heart into the story. Thank you for your hard work and dedication Lord Roustabout. Here's a possible aftermath of Garment joining in on publicly stomping the Nine.

Omake: Apparel

Ben walked into the morning briefing followed by a much more subdued Sideswipe. He didn't like scaring the kid, but he could only downplay the horror of White Rock so far without lying. The critical situation roster had been having shorter briefing sessions each morning since being put on standby. Given what had happened to the Slaughterhouse 9 yesterday -what the Celestial Forge was still doing across the country today- he doubted that this one would be short.

Alexandria strode in. "Good morning, we have a lot to cover. To begin with is the revelation of another member of the Celestial Forge. This is Apparel. The slide changed to show a womanly figure clad in a layered open fronted robe with voluminous flared sleeves that hid her hands. The costume was breathtaking -obviously- but the important part was her mask. She was wearing a black and gold domino mask, the sort that made only a token effort at anonymity.

Given that there was no woman visible inside the clothes, as well as her demonstrated thread powers during her beautifully choreographed takedown of Shatterbird, her identity wasn't really in question. Hell, 'Apparel' had even leaned into the camera with a finger over where her lips would be. The question was: how would the PRT respond.

"Officially Apparel is a shaker able to generate and control nearly indestructible threads and imbue them with various properties. Her Stranger power is self evident in her invisibility." Ben leaned back in his seat. They were really doing it, the PRT was playing along. This was huge. He examined the others' reactions, mostly grudging acceptance or grim understanding. Sideswipe's incredulity was apparent, though, and he opened his mouth to object.
Alexandria barrelled through Sideswipe's question and continued speaking, "During the Nine's extermination Survey demonstrated scanning capabilities bordering on local omniscience. Yesterday's developments hint that she is also capable of targeted clairvoyance with a global range. Apeiron's skills with software and hacking are self-evident by now.
"It is clear that they could unmask the entire Protectorate if they so wished. Given Lethe's recent demonstration with regards to the Borgles meme, unmasking the Celestial Forge isn't possible. Luckily, the group respects the unwritten rules." She gave Sideswipe a pointed look until he sheepishly nodded.

And that was the end of it. The meeting moved on to the implications and scope of the Celestial Forge's stated goal of erasing Jack Slash's legacy while Ben contemplated the ripple effects of the PRT's stance on 'Apparel'. The Celestial Forge was making a blatant statement on their commitment to the unwritten rules while openly daring the world to break them.

He pitied any fool who tried.
Folloing on:
Meanwhile, in pubs and bars across the land…
"Look it could be someone else…"
"Yeah, right, and I'm the king of England!"
"I'm just saying we had one fabric cape and no-one thought that was going to change, then we had another and now it maybe three."
"Right, another one that's not just making fabric but is also completely invisible. Since when do powers manifest identically in two different people?"
"I knew you were going to ask that so I checked: twins! You get a pair of twins triggered by the same thing and you get two people with identical powers. There's even a pair like that in Brockton Bay."
"You sure that's not just whatever they put in the water over there? The Bay do be like that, and all…"
"Yea, sure, but she's from the Bay, just like the rest of them, so even then. I wonder what they really look like?"
"Garment and Apparel, dummy. I mean without the invisibility. They certainly fill out their costumes and the rest of the team is unbelievably hot so…"
"Heh. Maybe the real reason they stay invisible is that Survey is only the second most beautiful woman alive and if they actually showed their faces it would count as a Master effect…"
"I will bow to your majesty's wisdom in this matter."
Yeah, Apeiron being a powerful villain (to her) who keeps to a strict guideline would definitely make her link him to Marquis. Add in the fact that he (unwittingly) started the domino chain that ended in her family relations going up in flames makes it worse.

Except he didn't; she (and Manpower) did by having the affair in the first place, back when lil'Joe was, what, five? Six? Just because it took eighteen years for the second domino to fall doesn't mean she was right to build her house out of them. But admitting that is even more anathema to her than admitting her kidnapping and subsequent killing of her kidnappers left her "a bit messed up."

I said started the domino chain. The pieces were put in place years ago.
Thinking about it more, I think calling what happened with the Dallon and Pelham starting the domino chain is giving the mess those families were too much credit. They were less toppled dominos and more a house of cards. Any sufficiently strong stress, such as someone walking by to fast, and the entire thing crumples. Oh, sure, parts of the family survived what happened but you are never going to get the family back in a form that resembles the original.
Thinking about it more, I think calling what happened with the Dallon and Pelham starting the domino chain is giving the mess those families were too much credit. They were less toppled dominos and more a house of cards. Any sufficiently strong stress, such as someone walking by to fast, and the entire thing crumples. Oh, sure, parts of the family survived what happened but you are never going to get the family back in a form that resembles the original.
It's like a Jenga tower… except Clockblocker froze the last brick on the second row, then removed the final brick from the bottom row.

It's going to fall. In fact, it technically already has, it just doesn't realise it yet. But the coyote is going to look down eventually, and notice he ran out of cliff half a mile back…

It's been running on inertia and willful ignorance, and neither of those last forever.