Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Nope, try again.

I very much enjoy these interlude chapters that deal with Joe directly. It, hopefully, keeps the points flowing Joe's way, but also gives a nice "straight man" approach of someone dealing with his antics while also trying to maintain their professional attitude, which can be really quite funny. And now that we're in Boston, aside from getting those poor people some much needed help, am I the only one hoping for a surprise Accord/Ambassadors appearance to get the ball rolling on Accord finally meeting his Apeiron Sempai 🤣
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I loved this chapter, and I'm always glad to get the PRT's perspective.

However things really must have been rough for Lord. A short chapter for him is 10k instead of 15-20, instead we got 6. I hope he is doing alright.
I really enjoyed Armstrong's perspective. He's a reasonable person who seems to just be doing his best. Nice to see some competency from the PRT, presumably it exists or the organization wouldn't exist.
It is so nice to have a story where Piggot is not the hardworking underdog.

Especially since she keeps compounding her mistakes.
The biggest one IMO is Panacea. Having her in confinement when she is so needed is criminal.

Armstrong feeling this way is going to hurt her even more. Once the hostages are all healed under his
direction and negotiation, he will come out smelling like roses. His opinion should hold even more weight
whenever any discussion about Piggot come up.
Man, I know is far below the things to worry about. But when the former 'devil ferret' that drinks blood to boost herself and could not (truly) speak in a way most people could even know how to understand. Now (probably) speaks all the languages that you need at the moment and is using her body language to soft sell the process being done with dealing with these two more 'serious members' of the team? all while 'selling' (just being herself) a cute girl/cape act?

Yeah this will be funny^^.

And of course the tinker that likes Gundam took 'Master Asia' as aspirations and learned ALL the languages in the East. but I imagine Matrix talks in the most textbook perfect version possible.

The worrying part? perhaps? will be how fast (to everyone else) Apeiron seems to learn how to talk all these languages, at the same time, using less and less of the software and start to use accent and gesture of a native of a give land. but all of those at same time. By some unholy combination of 'proto culture' + OP tech + clones linked to him still being capable of sharing experience + other bullshit (like star trek traits).


But to be fair. He probably dedicated a part of his time in the simulation to easy these victims. And Apeiron with 'Prep time' is a titanic shark in a place only tiny fish (normally) exist :D
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You know I wasn't kidding when I said I would try and get a poll going in your Discord about you taking a break. Hell, at this point I'd insist you take a minimum two Months off if I didn't think you'd somehow guilt trip yourself into writing again.

To everyone else who reads this, please support bomb him into taking time off for himself. Every delay seems to make him feel more and more guilty when he really shouldn't.

I'm willing to wait. Anyone else agree with me on this or not?
Seriously @LordRoustabout, take a break. I love this story, and always look forward to it, but you really seem like you are working yourself to death. Give yourself a moment to just breathe.

Alternatively, just take a month or two and stop posting. By all means keep writing, but take a break from posting it online. You will feel less pressured and have time for yourself. You don't have any obligations to us.

I've loved this story since the beginning and always look forward to reading it, but I'm honestly scared that you are going to push yourself too far and burn out.
And suddenly the girl was right in front of him, shaking his hand.
later when the prt/cauldron figures out that PT can see your every move after that type of connection..." we need a new director who knows what secret info they got by doing this???! the horror.

As survey rolls her eyes from her scrying chamber watching the panic live while also being 3 dimensions to the left and 5 inches deep in any security systems and logs they have
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Seriously, they could have avoided all this tress and worry if they had just allowed Joe literally five seconds to heal everyone.

Speaking of which, I really really hope his healing will also rejuvenate people, since aging is technically just damage, just to see everyone flip the fuck out again 😆

Jokes aside, Armstrong seems like a good dude. I'd honestly be happier about him getting some nanomachines than Taylor.

Hhwaaat? Our Queen of Escalation? But think of the entertainment value!
He'd had to deal with Blasto's offensive. And Blasto's failed offensive, which was significantly more destructive than if the tinker had been able to recover what he had deployed before being defeated.
Does this mean there were two different blasto offensives? Or only one that failed, this fic is long enough that when something is brought up it's near impossible to go back for specific details
Does this mean there were two different blasto offensives? Or only one that failed, this fic is long enough that when something is brought up it's near impossible to go back for specific details
He's talking about the same incident. The offensive caused damage and disruption but, even worse, Blasto was sent packing without his minion creatures, which promptly went on an undirected rampage which is much harder to manage than retreating in good order as they normally would with Blasto's direction.
Edit: I'm pretty sure this was alluded to in Blasto's interlude.
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So I give very low odds that this particular PRT Director is going to ask for anything from the MC. For whatever reason people simply don't seem to ask for him to do things as much as you would expect given Big A's power levels and capabilities.
So I give very low odds that this particular PRT Director is going to ask for anything from the MC. For whatever reason people simply don't seem to ask for him to do things as much as you would expect given Big A's power levels and capabilities.
The PRT specifically don't ask because the higher ups shit the bed and made him enemy number 1 right before the people he was warning them about blew everything up. The people that have the chance aren't willing to risk the wrath of HIM. And the people that haven't had the chance have actually been heard and have been scheduled into the queue during the big societal uplift.
That agent Cohen is one of the two agents who figured out Taylor's identity, and apparently the only trusted agent in PRT ENE with some linguistic expertise, in a city with denizens using over a dozen different languages. It seems that PRT ENE has only two competent agents, and they are very eager to rectify the mistake of having any at all.

Edit: Oh shit, I just noticed, they had hostages in their care for a week now, and one of the few agents with some linguistic expertise was apparently free enough to go around conducting independent investigation. What the fuck, were they not even trying to set up communications with hostages??? It seems Piggot put more effort in organizing one upping The Elite in amount of capes on Garment's event than managing the hostages. No, seriously, what the fuck?
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