Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Oops, I think Celestial Forge team lost their sense of time.
Some back of the napkin math (which I admittedly might have gotten wrong in carrying the ones on) shows that giving her a single day of respite equals over a century of prep time for the celestial forge. They are being super generous in giving her a century to prepare for her smear campaign... oh wait you meant mortal time, no yeah they lost that sometime around when Joe could build Rome in a day, and made 70 year whiskey in a single moment of time.
A concerning thought.
1. Bright Spear moved to Passenger Space.
2. Attribute applied to Passenger.
3. ?
4. Profit?

But seriously I bet Aisha's power is drooling over the possibility of the chance.
Except, that's the entire point of the story, showing power interactions and how they effect the setting.

Additionally, I think as an unpaid author LordR is entitled to demonstrate a small portion of the research he does. I was unfamiliar with the Lord of Light novel so I appreciated the brief summary.


I am a novice in regards to Jumpchain (from which the Celestial Forge was derived). It seems like Jumpchain players fall in four categories?

1) Those who are focused on the different Perks, relative advantages, combinations, interactions, benefits in various settings, etc. (LordR)
2) Those who use the framework of the Jumpchain as a foundation for writing fanfiction. Most I've seen who do this only visit 1-3 worlds before discontinuing.
3) OP fantasy fulfillment.
4) Harem Lord fantasy fulfillment.

Can anyone more familiar with Jumpchain explain other ways in which Jumpchain can be used? Recommend additional stories?
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Now I'm imagining Survey making a bunch of reports, then organizing them by relevancy.

"Useless, useless, useful but nobody will read it…"
I'm pretty sure she's accepted that lots of her reports are effectively only read by Survey, Survey and Survey but that in no way reduces her desire to perform analysis and likely has SEVERAL sorting methods for getting others to read her reports knowing her obsession multiple per person, updated for Joe each time he creates new duplicates or gets a new power. She's already commented that she tailors part of the reports so that Aisha reads the important pieces before she loses interest.
I'll be honest, I skimmed the powers section. With Zelazny I lack even the peripheral interest I had for the rest.
The other parts of the story were good, if less lengthy.
It amuses me that for the past while Parian has been whining in her head about how Garment is trying to upstage her. Well... congratulations, now you get to see what that ACTUALLY looks like, because you've genuinely pissed her off. Good going!
A bunch of thoughts:

I really liked most of this chapter. Sure, it basically amounted to a lore summary and analysis of "Lord of Light" and maybe if the source material was worse or something I was already familiar with I'd have enjoyed it less, but that's not the case so I loved it.
I liked the Parian section in the end a lot less, but at this point the Parian situation is unsalvageable. What was needed in my opinion isn't any change in how Joe handled the event, but in how Lord decided to make the event happen to begin with. We just have to hope that we won't hear of it again until the report on how Garment destroyed her or something, not that I think much will come of that.
Aisha turned to her. "Because it's big and important and meaningful to a lot of people in a lot of ways. That makes it hard to get down on yourself." She turned back to me. "Because it's not something you can downplay or ignore, right? Your Aspect means no bullshit, because that's how it has to work."
Wow, Aisha, this was violent. There was no need to murder Joe like that. I loved it though.
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A concerning thought.
1. Bright Spear moved to Passenger Space.
2. Attribute applied to Passenger.
3. ?
4. Profit?

But seriously I bet Aisha's power is drooling over the possibility of the chance.

No physical access to shardspace... yet

Call gem testing might create one. It was March striker power hitting the call bead powering Joe's power armor that spawned the first portal (that got closed by the Warrior).
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Wow. Lord of Light had such a deep lore behind it, huh. I didn't expect it.

Ouch. Looks like it will be known to those that looks that Parian is snubbed by Garment. She will release her work first after a few days. Maybe it will happen on the same day when Butcher & co will attack Noelle and Joe manages to completely deconstruct Bakuda's deadman signal. It will be quite the hectic day.

I'm eager to read about Aisha's power interaction with the callbeads. I imagine that PRT & Protecturate will panic quite a bit if they realize that Lethe's power changed or changed the pattern how it will go.

I'm looking forward to if Apeiron will give a Call bead to Gully for her to use. It would be cheap but still freaky enough that it looks to be dangerous and thus keeping the Enigmatic Artificer's reputation the same.

Thanks for the chapter Roust. I'm really grateful for your work and dedication. I love Joe's character progression.
I like the story and don't mind the pacing as really only a few weeks had gone by since Joe got his power. The only part I would like to see is getting past the Sabah/Parian bashing as really without the Shard pushing it would never have developed. If her Shard realized just what it was pushing her against it would crawl in a hole and never come out again. The best thing to happen would be for her to get some therapy and move to a different city.
ere's a thing a need to know about his Progress power
if he uses his aspect, can he change how something is done?
Also, is the Progress Power a active ability, passive ability or both?
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@LordRoustabout question could he use Progress on his own mental state to deal with his own mental issues while with his therapist?
Only once he manages to develop his Aspect enough to use it and his Attribute at the same time.
Another point of irony, considering LordR had said "Sabah is basically out of the story" and yet we still have this issue taking up a large chunk of the chapter. I was expecting Sabah/Parian to not be mentioned for the rest of the story until basically a line or two closing off loose ends in the epilogue 10 real life years from now for us readers. Guess this issue is not going to be walked away, or be put on a bus and sent off for good.
I'd argue that this was a necessary inclusion, simply because not everyone reads the author posts between chapters. This clarifies, in universe, why Joe made the decision he did and that he's not going to waste more time on it. Otherwise people who didn't catch the WoG explanation will be complaining fifty chapters from now that he let Sabah off scot free and then never brought it up again despite it being a major arc.
I'd argue that this was a necessary inclusion, simply because not everyone reads the author posts between chapters. This clarifies, in universe, why Joe made the decision he did and that he's not going to waste more time on it. Otherwise people who didn't catch the WoG explanation will be complaining fifty chapters from now that he let Sabah off scot free and then never brought it up again despite it being a major arc.
There still be people complaing about this topic one hundred chapters from now, just as there are still people complaining about the pacing from the very beggining of the story.
Well yes, but they'll be complaining because they disagree with the reasons rather than because they don't know the reasons.
Joe has such a sheer amount of fucking power that every chapter filled with him having internal monologues or having conversations with aisha about his powers and not using them to deal with problems that could be easily solved feel like the author just wanting to add more filler, he could easily fix the fucking city and end the gangs, instead he uses his powers to organize a fashion show.
With regards to the pace, it was fine at the beginning, but that was because the protagonist was weaker, he gets more and more powerful every chapter, but the pace is still the same, it doesnt make any sense.
Joe has such a sheer amount of fucking power that every chapter filled with him having internal monologues or having conversations with aisha about his powers and not using them to deal with problems that could be easily solved feel like the author just wanting to add more filler, he could easily fix the fucking city and end the gangs, instead he uses his powers to organize a fashion show.
With regards to the pace, it was fine at the beginning, but that was because the protagonist was weaker, he gets more and more powerful every chapter, but the pace is still the same, it doesnt make any sense.
It makes perfect sense.

First it was important to Garment.

Second, Joe doan't want to start swinging his big dick and slapping everybody down with it yet, because he doesn't have to.